PAGE TWO LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER MONDAY, MAY 30, 1910 Poultry Supplies We have anything needed in this line. Quality the best, and at reasonab e prices. 6W. BOXt, SHELl, CHICK FEED, TONIC, $ LICE KILLER, ETC. Hay, Feed arid Flour delivered anywhere at "way , down" prices. - . Waters-Stanchfield Produce Co. HUFJTINGTQFI TRIMS GOVE INIOX WINS FKOLtf BAKER CITY OX THE SAME DAY. With Two Flayers Gone and Kail Leaving (oHe Is Going T. ism K DEPOT SIR tEl MAHAFFEY BLDG THE ELITE DYf WORKS Steam and Fi ench dye cleaning of Ladies and Gent's clothing, Ladies' silk waists and evening gowns cares fully cleaned and pressed. Felt and Panama hats cleaned and blocked. All work guaranteed. ' We call or and deliver work. - H. B. Waggoner, Manager. Tel Main 6t OX DECORATION DAT you will want your horse to loo's as proud and slick as you can' make him by good feeding and good grooming. If we furnish the feed his coat will he glossy and his step will be full of fire and vigor. We furnish you with the choicest hay, grain and feed at fair prices. Grande Ronde Cash Co Main 6 '. E. 0. L. Standings. Club- . W. L. P.C. Cove . 3 2 k'.C0O Huntington . 4 1 .800 Union . 3 2 .600 Baker . ................ 0 5 .000 Cove was given a drubbing at Hunt ington yesterday . when the gateway city team defeated the cherry pickers by a three to two score. The game was intensely interesting and Cove's chances were weakened by the ab sence of Carter and Walters of the' Cove team. They are ' now playing with Joseph in the Inter-county league. Kail, the big first baseman, . is also going to Joseph soon. While Huntington was defeating Cove in an intensely close game Baker City and Union fought, it out in a 11 to 12 Bcore with Union on the lone end. Baker Oltv's link are lt ing and though they come close fre quently, they hare not won a game as yet. ' v- -N 'If N ' m I- If vft A 1 m . :..- :... y ' btV 4ftSl HNk:t. S ahXU fejtytH&rgiWw aiV.Li ww umuia i c always moEf luflcenfiil. . Ph.mkoi-I.;..'. r..i. iS i ... ...u..iUlu VL"gU IKUltU T acts on this plan. It loosens The cough, re' liees the lungn, open the mwreiioni and aids A Wido Wait Miss Thynn-I saw Jack pat his arm at rand yon. Miss Plumlelgh - You didn't, either. MissThynn-Well. then, as far around as he could get It. Bos ton Transcript. PAULHAN'S GREAT FEAT. N. K. WEST, President T. J. SCROGQIN. Cashier WM. MILLER, Vice President . H. E. COQLIDGE, Ass't Cashier io. 8S14 United States National Bank of La . Grande CAPITAL STOCK $100,000.00 -M Directors N. K. WEST J.L. CAVINESS WM. MILLER. A. T. HILL. J. C. HENRY . H.TC. COOLIDGE T. J. SCROGGIN C. T. BACON FRANK CONLEY We will sell you the Earth and loan you the money f o buy it, I C. J. BLACK, The Real Estate Man. 1 French Aviator' Flies From London to . Manchettor, Defeating White. The most talked of aviator In the world today is Louis Paulhan. who re cently defeated Ornham Whit in a $50,000 flying contest from Loudon to Manchester. This is the greatest feat so far performed by an aviator and was rewarded by the greatest sum ever offered as an aviation prize. The records show nothing to parallel this contest for the blue, ribbon of the air. Despite strong winds the Frenchman began the journey and was more than halfway to the goal before the English man, who literally had been "caught napping," had covered a third of the distance. White bad waited all the ; PAULHAK IN HI3 MACHINE. morning and most of the afternoon for favorable weather and finally decided not to start. He had dismissed most of his mechanics and vras sleeping, so as to be fresh and ready for the great effort the next morning, when the star tling news renched him that his rival was in the air, White rushed for his aeroplane, leaped Into the seat arid dashed off into the dusk, but his com petitor had obtained an hour's start. Paulhan. accompanied in bis prog ress by a special train, flew at great speed, at times doing a mile a minute. He made the journey of ISO miles In 4 hours 11 minutes. Paulhan flew according to bis pro gram., Before beginning the flight he had worked for eleven consecutive hours in assembling bis machine, which only arrived from France the day be fore. Without a trial flight of any kind he soared into the air and flew, to Hampstead to enter the five" mile rad!us for the start. Passing inside the circle, he then headed north for Manchester and picked up the London and Northwestern railway. 2 S 5. Thrills followed thrills as speeding automobiles Bhot around the course of the Ingle3ii3 Race Course, on April 24th, in the second and final day events of the successful meet promoted by the members of Islam Temple of the MyBtlc Shrine. - . , . Thehonos of the day were divided between Barney Oldfleld, with his 200 horsepower Benz machine, and C. O. King, with his Maxwell 30 horsepower stock car. Oldfleld lowered his previous record of one mile to 51 5-6, which is a new coast record for the circular track. With the exception of this performance, Oldfleld had to take second place In the list of racing honors, aa- the world's champion met defeat In both the five and fifteen mile handicap events, and in both races - King and his Maxwell were the victors. In fact, King proved the surprise of the meet, driving all of his races with much judgment and taking the turns with his car as close to the fence as did Oldfleld. In the five mile handicap, Oldfleld drove his Knox, racer to the utmost, , but the handicap was too strong and he could not get the lead away from King. Not only In the handicap events did King and his Max well prove stars of the first order, but in one of the first events of the day, the five mile face for cars costing from $1200 to $1600, which was one of the bestmatches of the meet. . The time for the five mile handicap was as follows: Maxwell King, 4.40.30; Oakland, Nelson, 4.48.25; Chalmers, West, 4.49.30; Auto Car , finished fourth, and the Knox car, Barney Oldfleld driving, fifth. In the event number eight, ten miles free-for-all handicap, King and his Maxwell again were the winners, the Maxwell's time belnjs . 8.19.30. , -. .;,,'. ' . ; . ' ; : J. B. Whiter 108. Elm Street. HENDRICKS & HALL Painters, paper hang ers, ' decorators. Esti mates furnished free. Oeddes Grocery Building Phone Ind. 1431 . . . - I ..j. ... DRY CHMNWOOD 1 am prepared to furnish Dry Chain Wood, al- ; so partly seasoned wood, to all corner.-Kind-:--ly phone your order to . V. . BEAN PHONE RED 37li1 MlAy pay Rent? We loan you " money fot build, and you pay us as you would, rent. J. R. OLIVER, Gomplete equipment for resetting and repairing rubber buggy tires." ? ! LA GRANDE IRON WORKS ..... D. F 2GERALD, Proprietor : Cpmplete Machine Shops and Foundry ""j nn mi rfo. If. DRINK Natural Mineral Water Bottled as It Flows From the Spring It's Good for what Mis You Billions of barrels of oil still remain to be produced in Cailf ornia oilfields. This is a bold statement to make, but the facts are easily substantiated. The greatest ex perts on oil of the world have publicly stated t hat the oil fields of Cabf orma surpass m vol ume those of any other state in the Union. T he quality as shown by the gravity is su premely productive and of high gravity. , ' . No greater evidence of this value may be cite d than the fact that the Standard Oil Compa ny have invested millions upon millions of dol lars in lands, refineries : and betterments in California based upon their well-known inves ligations and capacity so to do before mak ing these investments. A ' . . . ,, . ' . . , No matter how much crude oil the developme nt of the fields m which the mineral is found comes to the market, the demand and necessi ties of the commercial and industrial world Use it up. There is no surplus oil on the earth today. AH goes into immediate use, and the price steadily but surely advances. r Can't 'you see that an investment made with u s is bound to bring large returns. Invest now in a Company that means large d ividends the California-National Crude Oil Company. . Stock now selling at 50 cents. California national Crude Oil Co. I. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles, Gal. Gentlemen: ' ; Kindly issue me . , .' , shares of the Treasury Stock above corporation Enclosed find .payment same CIL mL CRUDE OIL CO, l. W.HELLMAN BUILDING, Los Angeles California National Crude Oil Co. I. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles, Gal. Gentlemen:' Kindly issue me ... . . . . . . . . shares of the Treasury Stock above corporation Enclosed find payment same I: 1 I! I U 1 3- -1 Name .. ..... .. Address .Name Address OBSERVER m PAY