LA GRANDE JtfEJTCNG OBSERVER WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1910 PATE FIV3 SULPHUR THE ISIS m mm IVSE TALKS BfThc OFFICE BOY ECONOMY I have been studying up on the different kinds of "Economy." . Economy means different things to different folks, A man will drop a nickel In the slot machine, , expecting to win a handful of cig ars and economize on his cigar bill he generally drops In 50 iTit nr miiM anil mavha ha vata r - - a couple of cigars and maybe he doesn't. . : - ' .; The lady of the house sends away for some "special bargain" to some catalog house. After she . . recleves It, she often discovers the same article in town at the same price less the ' freight or . " express chargeB. That's hardly economy; is it? If you want to ', practice real economy,' step into the People's Store, pick, out a pair of $3.50 or $4.00 "shoes and you can readily figuro where you've saved real money and practiced real econo my, because a pair of our $3.50 shoes will wear as long as most .' .. shoes selling 'at five and six dol . . lars. - WILLIE, with 1 - The People's Store w THE HOME OF HART, SCHAFFJfER ' & MARK CLOTHES. No Humbyg . No Hot Air No Graft DR. M. P. MENDLESOHN PERMANENTLY LOCATED AT 1105 ADAMS AVEM'E, OPPOSITE THE rOSTOFFICE. v . You take great risks when you trust your eyesight to those without ex perience, -without proper equipment, and of whose competency you have no; guarantee. Tou do not take any chances when Dr. Mendelsohn fits your glasses. He Is strictly reliable. Am far as experience, equipment, and guarantees can protect you, you are protected when you get your glasses here. Every known facility for the testing of eyes is available. Tou will not be bothered with head aches, dull eyesight, aore lldi and other ailment rf tho m if' glasses are correct The, remedy lies m we wearlnr of rightly fitted lens lens properly ground to meet all tha deficiencies of the eyesight The en tire problem lies In these three words . rightly fitted lenses. ftktt Reasonable Servlcei ProfegjknaL Batlsfatcloi Guarantee! TOd CASE WIIL NOT PUZZLE DR. MENDELSOHN Office hours from 8:30 to 12; and from l to 6. By special appointments Jn the evening -TONIGHT'S PROGBIM Maskniakers. Johnny's Pictures Pathe. Hugo the Hunchback Selig. Michael Stroggoff Edison. Song "Daisies Won't Tell." ' LOCAL .TEMS. . $ 6 A Fred Brown of Baker City Is a guest at the Savoy today. Deputy Sheriff George Lindgren is a Union visitor today, . Dixon and Brooks Carroll of Spo kane are Savoy guests today. V ! George T. Cochran went to Union this morning on legal business. ' " H. J. Piedpont, who halls from Ida ho, is transacting business matters In the city. ' ' Rev. Fujil, pastor of the Japanese Methodist church of Portland, is Bpend ing the day In the city. Mrs. Turner Oliver will entftrtnln the afternoon Kaffee Klatch next Fri day afternoon at her home on Fourth Street. ' ; . . . . . . Mr. Patterson, representing the G. W. McPherson concern of Portland, is here in connection wl th the pro posed high school building. George E. Good and Mrs. Good, re turned this morning from . Portland where ; Mr. Good was held as a wit ness in the Scriber trial for severa! days. ' ; . '. V Assistant Auditor Putnam of the O R. & N. general office, has Just closed up a careful auditing of the median ical department of the local O. R. & N. offices. ; ; Engineer Jack Thatcher is suffering from diseased eyes and cannot work He was fishing recently and believes he poisoned his eyes in some manner with pollen from poisonous weeds. N. o. Nelson & Company, of St Louis, plumbers, are represented in La Grande this week by E. C. Cully, who is seeking the contract for the plumbing of the new high school building. , ' A PAIR OF 000TS. ' They Figured lr n Amusing Caio of Mistaken Identity. It may be doubted if there ever oe curred a more amusing Instance of mlstakeu Identity thnn that nffordwl by Theodore nook, the Ensrlish humor- 1st of his time, and it all came about through a pair of boots. Hook was traveling alone the south const of v.nfr. land and arrived in the course of bis journey at Dover. , Alighting at the Shin hotel ho thnn ed his boots, ordered a slight' dinner ana went out for a stroll through the town. Returning at the urmnlnrwl time, he was surprised to find the whole establishment In confusion. A crowd bad collected outaldn tfu wr The master of the house was standing m. iue wi oi me stairs with two can dles In his hands, and on Theodnr' entrance he walked backward before mm ana conducted him Intn th nrin. cipal saloon, where all the waiters were standing and a magnificent re past bad been provided. The wit was mncn amused at the dlraltv tn hh he had been promoted, but, being an easy going fellow, made no scruples and, sitting down, did full Justice to what was set before him. Next day he signified hla intention of departing and ordered a coach, when, to hia as tonishment, a carriage and four drove op to convey Mm to bis destination. Be Inquired with some apprehension what be waa to Day for all thla rrm. aeur ana was no less astonished than gratified on receiving the answer. "Nomina: whatever, vour roval hln-h. ness." He waa never more thoroughly ' mystified, but the next night, on tak ing off his boots, which he bad bought ready made Just before be went to' irover. ne round bh. s. h. the Princa of Orange" written inside them. They had been originally made for the prince, who was then In England suing xor tne nana or Princess Charlotte, and notice had been given that all his expenses while In the country should be set down to the charge of the cor- ernment Minneapolis News. -ADMISSION Iflc I. r.R(nr Kimurnrn with an. PHl'B EARLY TODAY. Cause Is Generally Laid to Passing: of Halley's Comet Through Space Phenomena these days are always blamed on Halley's comet, and it is very likely that the heavy shower of sulphur this morning at La Grande is a conseqpence of the passing of Halley's comet Astronomers iff Frauce a few days ago blamed the phenomena of a sulphur shower in that country to the comet, and the same has been generally conceded to be the cause of the unusual incident here this morning. During the drizzling rain, no ill effects were noticable in the atmos phere but Immediately the sun com menced to dry the sidewalks and the gutters long and clear streaks cf the sulphur are noticable. Cracks in ce ment walks were yellow with sulphur mwA nn-vAn nn nnM Ha H drying grains of sulphur probabl gathered up by the falling rain from the atmosphere and precipitated will) It Similar instances are not com mon in Oregon. Today's gentle rainstorm, spread ing over a large part of the county la a boon to everyone. Ripening alfal fa, grain fields, gardens and all are realising a thoroush and needed soak ing. ' RUSSIAN AUDACITY. The Coup That Made Persia a Finan cial Vassal of. the Bear. In 1S92 the Imperial Bank of Persia, a British Institution, lent the Persian government $2,500,000 on the securitv of the customs receipts of the gulf ports. In 1S93 Persia, finding herself again hard up, desired to borrow SC.- 000,000 more from the same source and on the same ample security. But before the British bankers would grant the additional loan they 'must needs quibble and procrastinate and Insist on still further conditions. Finally, how ever, $0,250,000 of Persian bonds were underwritten In London. Russia, bear; ing of the affair at the eleventh hour and fifty-ninth minute, promptly offer, ed Persia a much larger loan on much better terms, and she did no haggling either. Persia, finding herself in the embarrassing position of having. two parties suing for her financial hand at the sametiine and not daring to of fend either of them, thought to es cape froi ilif predicament by not bor rowing at ull. But so persistently and skillfully did Russia uiw iw suit that In 1000 Per sia timidly fielded to the ardent woo ing and ockuuwledged her submission by accept !n from Russia a Moan of $11,875,000 for seventy-five years, at the same time agreeing that all pre vious Iotyis xhould be paid off at once and no more Incurred until this one was discharged without the nermission of the .Russian Bunrpje Denprets de ferse. Within less than a month, therefore,, 5,000.000 rubles ($2,500,000) were remitted lo London to pay off the British loan of IS92. therehv fr. Ing Persia from any British flnnneinl CPnlrol- , There has.heen no ro 1 0tLLA The best Cream Cheese manufactured.: An Ore gon protect; Swiss Cheese, Limberger Cheese ml 1 1 .dT.T.. ' VATi KY PA1R CUABANTE duclous auTiucfuraroielira became a financial vassal of the bear. -Everybody's Magazine. ," : ; RACE THROUGH THE RAPIDS. Unlqu Event on Niagara to Be Hold V - , , Sept 17. " j ' Saturday, Sept. 17, has been fixed as the time for the power boat race through Whirlpool rapids, Niagara river, for the John A. Pcnton $500 gold cup and Power " Boating's cash prize of $1,000. Already some twenty con testants have signified their Intention of enleringt jini a half dozen boats have bceuuamed. " - 1 The committee in charge at a recent meeting In Buffalo decided that open boats shall not be allowed to compete. The committee thinks the element of danger too great for an open cratt, and as this Is a test of reliability and not of daring as many elements of danger as possible have been eliminat ed. -v - V- . .-. No rest rit-t ion will be placed upon the number of crew. Contestants shall be starled away at Intervals of not than ten minutes. The boat finishing power in the shortest tim win tm Aa. ctarea me winner. The course shnll be from thn MaiA of the Mist landinnr Oil th CnnnHIon side or some point above the bridges. as may do decided later, down to nd around a turn about one-half mile be low QueeOSton dock, thenra tn XHtm'm dock at Lewlaton.,; ' . i The Golden Rule The Gcln Rvb You alvays vear them vIien you wish to look well WARNERS Corseis have the style and fit that is most desii'ed " , : . ; JJ1 ALine made with as much care as the bet p 1 ,UU ter grades, HOSE SUPPORTERS at tached to every style, made of fine twilb. as well as the heavier drills. tf 1 Grade, all styles, short, medium and long, ; y 1 a garment that will fit the fleshy lady, or those of more slender figure. Remember that every pair of WAR NER CORSETS are guaranteed C f f BRASSIERE, most popular in corseting; V"' this may be worn as a tight fitting coraet ; cover, or as an easy Corset. (Ask to see . them when in, they will interest you.) line of Ladi es Knit Summer Underwear just in. This is a "quality-the-same,, and "prices-less" line that will interest The Golden Rule The Golden Rule HO c If I. ' J ;! : ASH BROTHERS, : The Clothiers. y OBSERVER w IT OOOOOOOOOO IT CERTAINLY LOOKS GOOD to the . children when they see the delicious bread made from . the North Powder Best of the Best Patent Hour. It Is a meal for the little ones, with butter, Jam or Jelly, that la wholesome and muscle building. It looks good also to the housewife when she sees the golden brown crisp and the white bread inside when it comes from the oven. It rlso smells appetizing when made from Best of Best Flour, FOB SALE BY ALL GROCERS o t "Say" He Said! .... .'.-j, 'I've been an easy mark for the Tailors for years." "I've been paying from f 30 up for my suits and I find that you are selling practically the same Suits for about half the price."';- :,::.! Thla Man la right and If you will take a look' at our new , Spring Suits, we'll convince you of the fact. ft . New patterns of fabrics In grays, olives and blues. .Correct cut by high salaried Cutters; expert .tailoring by Craftsmen that know how. The right lapel, the length of - the coat, the cut of the vest and ft ft ; ft ft . ft ft ft the shape of the . trousers, all are absolutely correct Two or three button stlyes. This 1b only an advertisement to be sure, but you can believe it every word of It! ft ft . ADS V ' ';-::''