MM V'iiJiiHii imi i! inn I i 7 i h i! Hi ' 1 VOL. XI '-t y COOLIDGEGETS ODD FELLOWS ELECT OFFICERS AT EUGENE FOS ENSUING TEAR BOWERS GRAND MASTER. WUUDSIUI UCLCUAICO LLLtlLU Coolldge, Retiring Grand Master, Is Honored With Selection of Sorer. Ign Grand Representative to At lanta, Gm this Fall Delegates at Engene Visit the University Sharon Reelected Wheeler Deputy Grand. Eugene, May lQ.-'The grand lodge of Oddfellows today elected its offic ers for the ensuing year. ' Thomas Ryan of Oregon City, is grand master, A. W. Bowers, of Albany, is deputy grand master, W. A. Wheeler of Port land, Is grand warden, E. E. Sharon of Portland, secretary, Dr. 0. D. t-.. r rrk To11aa la prnnri trPRR- tw"uo Ul iU - ; uici, u;h. v...0-. I Grande, past grand master, is sover- elgn grand representative. and H. E. Coolldge. , or la This afternoon the delegates visited the university of Oregon and were addressed by President Campbell.'The i sessions close this evening. - The sovereign grand lodge meets in Atlanta, Georgia, this, fall, and :E Coolidge's friends here this afternoon are well pleased at the honors falling to him. He has been a staunch mem ber of the order, and the highest honor that can be conferred on a man who is a member of the grand lodge. v-v'vV-; '7.;.'';;': . Woodmen Elect Offivers. , Baker, City, May 19. George Car michael of Pendleton, W, J. Wright of Union and : George Smith of Elgin, were elected delegates last night to the state encampment of Woodmen of the World scheduled to . meet In Portland in July. ! Students on Wr Path, r Pullman, Wn., May 19. To show their resentment of $25 fines Imposed on leaders of last week's opera house riot and subsequent events, several hundred Washington State college students last night paraded the streets and hung effigies to the three men who preferred the complaints. : The boys were fined for breaking up a show aald by the Btudents to be Indecent. , I said by the BtudentB to be indecent. , ce w-B--i j. . ' THESE ARE THE HAPPY DAYS. I ;' :' -BrigB Chicago Tribun. ""Lr ' ,,. , Would Sacrifice Daughter. Aline, Okla., May; 19. Because Henry Helnman, leader of a band of fanatics, wanted to sacrifice Janej Warleld, his stepdaughter, to save the world from the comet, mob violence is feared here today. Helman is a leader of forty people who declared that the coming comet was the Lord's' vengeance and only human sacrifice would prevent the destruction of 'the world. He had prepared to take the girl's life when the officers arrived and Interfered. The people of Aline threaten to lynch him. Stand in Line All Sight. London, May 19. A line two miles long, was waiting when the doors of Westminster hall were thrown oen today. This was the last chance for the public to pass before the coffin of Edward. Many remained In line all night. x MM.1 t CRUISER OFF DUTY. Cruiser Albany Will Go Into Dry Dock at Bremerton Xary Yards. Bremerton, , Wn., May . 19. The cruiser Albany arrived in the Puget Sound navy yard'from Nicaragua to day where it has been stationed since the outbreak of the Nlcaraeuan trouble . . .. . ..... . last winter dockj . The vessel will be dry- PICKED RURALES SENT TO PRO TECT INNOCENTS. Explosion Killing Many May Be Cm clal Moment to Begin Troubled Havana, May 19. A strong force of picked Rurales have reached Pinar Del Reo today. Officials fear a revolu tionist uprising following the dyna mite explosion wheh killed 100 and wounded 500 In the wreck of the garri son of massive stone." Many, of the injured are 'expected to die. It ia believed the explosion was ac cldental but It Is feared the revolution' lsts might take advantage of the op portunty to uprise. The affair is be ing investigated but the men trans- '"""t WO M.TO -C.V ... ......... Little Is known and the truth may) . . . v never be known. - , UPR 1 LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MACT910. TRANS1THF EVENT 0CCI1 (lUlltUHU ALL AUTHORITIES AGREE THAT CURVE 1 TAIL PERMITTED EARTH TO MISS THE APPENDIX OF IIEAVEXLY WASDERER WILL KNOW DEFINITELY WHEN DARKNESS COMES. ONt GROUP OF ASTRONOMERS I STUDY , CONDITIONS FROM BALLOON Concensus of Opinion is thut Earth Did Not Go Into Tall of Comet Until this 1 Morning,' If at nil, and thnt no Po ssihle Change Exists for a View of the . ' Comet During Day Time Negrlcs Idle Today In Great Numbers as Re. suit of Few Meteors Seen Lawt NI ght. Williams Buy,-Wash, May 19. Ual ley's comet may lose part of Its tail and perhaps all of It, according to RL rector Frost of the Ycrkes obsen atory today. He ; said thnt the tall still showed In the easten ekles, after the comet passed the sun disk. He de clares that its presence there when It was., supposed to' have passed to the wesf means , one of three things t thnt the curvature of the tall, having grown so great, may be due to the earth's attraction; that while the head has passed and' the tall hast not, the comet may be lost, Its tall making the. ca pacity left Ix'hlnd; or that the calcu lation may lie wrong and that It has not passed., v", , ' Lick .Observatory, Calif May 19. Up to daylight this mornings earth had not passed or entered into the tall of .Halley's comet unless It passed through this forenoon, Director Camp bell affirms, the tail will hot sweep the earth at all. He said he would not know definitely until tonight whether or not the earth passed through the comit This evening, def inite observations can be made. Campbell said there Is no possible way to observe the comet in the day time. The director stated further that Professor Lueschner's figures were correct as Issued yesterday afternoon through the United Press, as far as the transit of the sun was concerned, but owing to a curve in the tall, earth . . . .. f pu, 0totamant I was uittue iuio iuuiuiiik. Other Scientists Corroborate. ' Princeton, N. J., May 19. The earth did not begin its passage through the comet's tall until 8 this morning,, ac-' cording to General Norrls Russel, professor of astronomy at Princeton. He said the tall was curved and that he could aee it at three this morning but that he could not see when' the FREE STEREOPTICAN GOOD ROAD LECTUitE TONIGHT Government Good Road Expert EI d ridge and Judge Leonei Webster of Portland, will tonight entertain the public of La Grande at a Good Roads meeting to be held in the Isls the atre. Good roads pictures,, of the best in the country, processes of mak ing them and the results of the mak ing will be shown on the Bcreen in the most effective manner. Both good ) V ; . ' l; 'V- ' ) . ; . .. 1 ft x x v r l -. z i t i . -a - i i t i t J V J till t 1 V -ll' , , V 8 .. IBM IIIIM QREE WORLD'S PDQ TfflUV TILUU lUUill earth passed through the tall on ae on account of the day light. Spent Night In a Balloon. -,; Berlin, May 19. Fifty-two scien tlsts today alighted from a balloon in which they had spent the night in ordfj to observe the .earth's passage through the comet.'- They observed no perceptible change, in the atmos phere as a result of the alleged con tact of the earth with the comet tail. V No Change at Portland. . Portland, Ore., May 19. "As far as we could ascertain the passage of Hal ley's' comet last night didn't affect the meteororgical 'conditions In the least" said Edgar Beals of the weather bur eau here today, ,;'...,:...'.'"."'',', . . ; . -', . , "We had men on during the time the tall enwrapped the earth but nothing out of the ordinary was noted. It is cloudy today over a large part of Ore gon, Washington and Idaho, and slightly cooler, but this Is ascribed to usual changes In atmospheric con ditions and not to the comet." Toklo Machine Gets Picture. " Toklo, Japan, May 19. Both" tele scopes of the Toklo astronomical ob servatory were enabled to give scien tists a photograph of the transit of the comet across the sun last evening.' No affect on the atmosphere was noted. ' N'cgrocs Scared Idle. " ;- New Orleans, May 19. Twenty-five thousand negroes or tna south are idle today.' They are scared at the sight of .meteors last night. ; : "V Schooner ; In Grief. - Newport. Ore ;' May 19. Engineer Hastrof and two members of the crew of the steam schooner J. Marhoffer, arrived today . bringing the news of the destruction of the vessel from fire Wednesday afternoon and death of some of the members of the crew from cynosure following the abandon ment of the vessel twenty miles north of here. ':'rf :i ' Relief has been sent for Captain road promoters have been having the veryt best succesB everywhere in the state. Automobile people especially are showing interest and no doubt many will attend this evening. The La Grande band will herald the commencement of the meeting this evening and every business man and citizen who has the Interest of good roads at heart, is urged to attend as the lecture is absolutely free. . Peterson and his wife and nineteen members of the' crew, encamped on the beach. , ; ' ' : ROESCH GIYEX HOXORS. Jfephew of Local Man Glen Cnusual . Mark of Distinction. . Annapolis, May ; 19. Midshipman Herbert Roesch of Pendleton, will get the honor of having his name en graved upon the cup offered by the National secretary of SonB of Rev Olutlon for excellence In DracUcal ord inance." Roesch won the Individual championship at the national matches held last year. Roesch Is a nephew of Julius Roesch, of this city, and has numerous friends here who will be elated at the news of the unusual honor conferred on the young marksman. WICKERSHAM AGAIN CANDIDATE. Will Fight Guggenheim Interests and Hopes to Be Reelected. Juneau, Alaska, May 19.- -James WlckerBham, delegate from Alaska and anti-Guggenheim, announces his candidacy for reelection in a message from Washington. He Bald he would run because of his unalterable opposi tion to the Guggenheim domination In Alaska. . . . . ;'. (LARK WIRELESS WILL BE HERE SOON. Stations at Baker City, Pendleton and ' Boise Also. The Continental Wireless Telegraph and Telephone company, which is In reality the Clark people, will soon erect a wireless station In La Grande, according to District Manager T. Dur ham, who 'Is in the city today. Mr. Durham says the apparatus for sue- cessfully sending messages overland has been perfected under Clark pat - ents and now the company enters the field on a. commercial basis guaran teeing service in connection with the wire companies. . . There is to be no delay in ihls sta- tlon for within thirty days it is in tended to have it In operaton. Not only will La Grande have a station but there will be one at Pendleton, Baker and Boise thus giving service to all of this Interior country. "It has been the dream of every wireless concern to successfully com municate without wires v overland," said Mr, Durham. "For some time it has been possible to accurately tele graph over water without the use of wire, but the land problem was' not so easily solved. , , " l "Until communication . overland could be assured the wireless business was not a success. Under the Clark patents this Is accomplished. ' Not one day of a week when atmospheric con dltlons are Just right,' but every day and at all hours of the day and night Storms do not affect this service and with the Instruments we have there is yet to be the first failure recorded. There la a great field for wireless, but ft must reach a sound business basis Just as the old wire companies have reached and the Continental company is standing on that ground right now. Mere claims would count for: little. but . we purpose erecting a station right here In La Grande so that peo ple will see the advantage of the great Improvements In telegraphy." STATIOPn GUILT mm NORTH POWDER DRUGGIST AR RESTED ON CHARGES OF SELLING WHISKEY. Man Alleged to Have Purchased the Whiskey Is Not Here to Tcst!fy Bat Wife and Brother Claim He Got ' It at Drug Store and that It Was "Good" Whiskey Defease Denies Allegations Saying Mm Was R?. fused.';-.:". ; Charges of selling liquor in North Powder were preferred against L. B. Russel, a druggist of "North Powder, this morning when Mrs. Curtiss Dal ton of North Powder, swore out a complaint against the druggist, and Curtlsa Dalton, husband of the com plainant, is named as the man who bought the fiery liquid. Russell was arrested ( early this morning and brought to La Grande where this afternoon at 1:30 o'clock he was ar raigned before Justice' of -the Peace Williams on bootlegging charges. Husband' is Missing. ' Curtlss Dalton was supposed to be present today to act as a witness for the state, but though nerved with a subpoena,' has not made his appear ance, In fact is said to have gona east on this morning's train. , v State Has One Witness. , The state, represented by Attorney C. E. Cochran, has one witness, a brother of Curtlss JJalton. . Grant Dalton Is his name. He says he saw his brother buy the liquor at the Russell drug store, and after the pur chase he tasted of the contents . of the bottle and pronounced the con tents first class whiskey. ; It was on the statement of Grant Dalton that the case of the state was made up. ' ; , ; VVith the defendant, Clyde Scheurer and others, the defense set out to Prove, at the conclusion of the state's ' case' that Dalton had come In to the 'drug store on the afternoon of Frl- day the 13th to ask for liquor but had been refused and ordered out of thJ bouse. The case will likely be con cluded late this evening. HALL WILL USED B0LL0NS ! GIYE PERMISSION USE OLD " STRUCTURE. TO Club Successful In Securing Use of Old . Exhibit Hall Again. The Union county exhibit hail will stand practically where 'It. Is. This decision was reached today at a con ference between Superintendent Wil liam Bollons and a committee of com mercial club people. The structure will be moved back a few feet, from where It now stands, but otherwise will be used for the Same purpose and In the same way ash eretofore. ! ; The decision ends a long piece of dlBpute between the company and tha club, In which the club kept asking for more time, and finally gained the permission Bought. '. mm BE