PAGE TWO LA GliAXDE EVKN'ING OBSERVE!! SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1910. Tjo 0 ale JImIos 700 MI1 Pi : 1 ! 700 Patterns to select from. and styles. M All the new weaves ade to Measure by Y CO, OK? TO) On display all the time. New Patterns will ar rive PARTICULAR GOODS by Exp ress Daily FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE i . - 1 DEPOT SIR LEI MAHAFFEY BLDG THE ELITE DYf WORKS Steam and Fiench dye cleaninfe of Ladies and Gent's clothing, Ladies' silk waists and evening gowns cares fully cleaned and pressed. Felt and Panama hats nSlHv bl0cked AH wok guaranteed. We call or and deliver work. U R T J7 n r BSner, ivmnager. " W f Daddy s Bedtime Story How the Monkey Saved the Baby STEWARD'S gggg Th Monkey Had th Baby In Hi Arms . I!! "0s The Rinehart-Liitle Piano Company Have opened the Largest and Finest Piano Store in Eastern Oregon ,"r business tas been phenominal since we started. We are selling as fast as we can get them , inere is a reason for that. First, we have but High grade pianos. We do not carry special pia nos but direct from the best factories in America, and backed by the oldest piano manufacturers in the country. Second, we pay cash for every instrument, thereby getting them at rock bottom prices, sav ing you from $75 to $125 on your piano. Third, we get them in car load lots and sr on Ireight. Every piano we sell we give a wi ten guarantee from the manufacturer to last for many years-a life time with proper care. ben you buy a piano from the RINEHART-LITTLE PIANO COMPANY You will get the best piano money can buy at the owest price for high grade pianos ever sold for in La urande. ' Have you seen the latest in player pianos f JV e have the latest player piano made al latest attachments. , With a Uttle praC e you can FKa1 as the huma" hand. Call and, see the player with the human touch a few of your W We have a large stock of player music on hand THE RINEHART-LITTLE PIANO COMPANY la Grande, Oregon. Depot Street, East af Adams I hone Main 39 kXCE upon a Ume.M said Daddy as Evelyn and Jack took thr t hear a story, "there was a family which had for a pet a large inonkev The monkey was given to the family by an untie, who had brought him from far across th ua ah th. rxni in .k. . . . " tujic u iuc jaujnv were iona ,, u6.?0 ey' W.hlch an,U9ed them Ter mnch wlt tricks. Ue would iUB uoor auu u upon tne top. making faces, and would not come down unlefw some one gave him a piece of fruit or aome sugar. It was very funny Vlt . I11 0D ,he top of a door and P"1 baDan wl eat It. only it was a bother to have to pick up the banana peel. , i'H tb,! t?e U?e with tnI fflmJ,y monieX wi the great Sifti f the by bg,n to wa,k "d ta,k not 80 o"1 attention was f 5LVn0Bke Thflt made 11,6 m0Dkey iea,ous- and h "eemed to know loXtV01 4M kept tW'y the b"by Dd askeTEvSjn'111117 " mC,, " thejr Ayr' .' 5?i cbUd-" Mld dtdd'' "l)Ut wer 'od f the moniy, and as S'.k" ? n0t t0 tann baby Wm- Well, one aununer day aU the family was out except the baby and its nurse. The baby was aslee rKk P Work and m not noUce that tnere waa anything wrong with the house. After awhile ho.r .t.. .mii .w ,Tf, . .... . , . auu juvKea up 10 soe that the whole lower part of tbe house, was on fire. She tried to get in and run upstairs to save the baby, bit she could not get teeugh the, amok STtni? Si moVhe MP helP' C"me Uek ,D a -h0rt ttae V'tb . "Did they save the baby, daddyr asked Jack .hoJ'f01 th9 m,nkey dld' Wbn baby'" Prent Rot back to the house they looked up and saw the monkey at a window with the baby in his arms Se !.a,W w ,flT' r BmelIed tbe "moke from P8talrs-he was allowed to run a round the bouse and he had eone into thA IkQ hf'a twxm anil 4a!.... a a. i Sl'TtV The,n h! t0 the WlDd0W- chel ou7 wth"o7e Tan S?h f i PiPC that ran ,rom the roof 10 tne tronnd. He. held on with ESfaSlW a,"y- d limbing, and i iw (tVUUU. g SATURDAY Evening, MAY 14 The Noted Prima-Donna COMEDIENNE 4 Company of 30. Bevy of Show, Girls. Lavish Pro J duction. Gorgeous Gowns. i Prices: $1.50, $1.00. 75c, 50 cte. J Seats on Sale Thursday Morning Dorothy Morton Jn J. J. McN ALLY'S MUSICAL COMEDY 'Widow Jones." MARK TWAIN'S DEATHBED. Pathttie Mannsr In Which Humorist Triad to 8oth His Daughter. A pathetic scene at the deathbed of Samuel L. Clemens (Mark Twain) waa recounted the other day by an old friend. The venerable master of tbe art of humor knew well that death was near and seemed to have no dread of It, but when he noticed the growing fears of his daughter Clara, who was constant ly attending him, he called her to the bedside. "; ' , "Little girl? be saldjooUiingly -I wouldn't take this so bard If I wereyou. In tbe first place, dear, you must re member that I am getting to be a very old man. "And you know," he went on, with a twinkle of the old boyish smile, "I used to smoke twenty-five cigars ev ery day, but they cut me down to four, and at last they wouldn't let me smoke at all. .- - - "I can't travel. I can't even write. But what makes it easiest to go, my little girl, is that I am so old, and there Isn't any one for me to play with any more." - : Pont Overlook Us We have a large stock which must be sold out.-and we have the riirht nrices on it. A at about the guarantee on our flour, too. LR GRMDE MILLING CO CJomplete equipment for resetting and repairing rubber buggy tires. . . . LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. F !l GERALD. Proprietor Complete Machine Shops and Foundry N. K. WEST. President WM. MILLER. Vice President , T. J. SCROGGIN, Cashier H. E. COOL1DGE, Aaa't Cashlsr No. 1514 United States National Bank of La Grande CAPITAL STOCK 9100,000.00 '' '. Directors N. K. WEST J. I CAVINESS WM. MILLER. A. T. HILL. J. a HENRY . H.E. COOLIDGE T. J. SCROGGIN ' C. T. BACON FRANK CONLET Wfeilington Piano 609.UU You will not find another piano bargain iiKe this m town. See them. STEINWA Y, KURTZMAHHE, LUDWIG and orher makes ...r; r 'I' t .3 ' I- n t 11 f 4