La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, May 11, 1910, Image 1

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Pir'Mi!T'!i'!s'"' H si S
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RooseTelt Today Made Special Envoy
For United States and the Funeral
. of 'the Late Itlng Edward Has Ac
: cepted the Appointment New King
Sleeps But Four Honrs in the 24
Denials Cause Fer Alarm. '
of sage brush land under water and
eell it under the Cary act plan.
oitonuj vi ue prupoBluon" Mr.
Darley had the strongest endorse
ment to offer for the project. He
says' there ia everything in its fa
vor and he can see no reason why
it should not be one of Idaho's good
ones. "' '.
Mr. Hill is the man who owned the
reservoir she which was purchased
by a local company for the Grande!
Ronde Irrigation project. .Immediate
ly after disposing of this valuable
piece of property he went to Idaho
and began developing the project
above mentioned. . .
State Rests. Case.' -Kansas
City, May 11. The state in
rebuttal rested at 2:05 this afternoon
The Jury was remanded back to the
custody of the marshal while Judge
Latshaw prepared the Instructions.
Th nmmln nit fcmth M
probably occupy two days. The case
may go to the Jury Friday. Hyde is
looking worried. v
Failure to Establish Crime Motive May
Let Him go Free Suspicion
; is Very Sirong
, Maternal guidance seems to Have , is but little chance ; of convicting
been paralyzed and an abiding faith Sanders of any serious crime, the most
in a passing acquaintance apparent- j serious of which would be a short
ly misplaced, and there apparently;; Jail sentence.
will en dthe unusual case which came !
London, May 11. Dowager Queen
Alexandria has Issued a message to
the people of England thanking them
for the sympathy they beBtowed fol
lowing the death of her husband, Ed
ward, and asking them to support her
son, George, and assist him to follow
in the footsteps of tils father. " ' -
The" eagernes of the court ' physi
cians to deny the reports that Queen
Alexandria Indicates that the Queen
Mother's condition Is serious." V It is
feared that King George has overtax
ed his strength, lie has averaged
hut four hours sleep each night since
Edward's death. ; 1 v V; '
The King's first message was read
to the parliament today. It announ-l Coning of Government Road Expert
ced the death of King Edward and
said his death was a bereavement to
the whole nation. ' ' ".', !.
Washington, May 11. President
Taft' today -appointed ' Col, Roosevelt
as the Unltod States special repre
sentative to attend King ; Edward's
funeral Roosevelt has accepted. .
Promoting Irrigation Scheme. ' -
"We will have the plans and maps
for the Clyde, Idaho, Irrigation pro
- Ject ready within a few dayjand then
seggregation of the land will be ask
! ed for,"' said Engineer C. T. Barley
to the Observer last evening..
Y Mr. and Mm. Darley have Just 're
turned from Idaho - where he has
been attending V to the engineering
work for H. T. Hill, a La Grande man,
-who is preparing to put 20,000 acres
Should Interest Farmers.
As a result of the, interest In good
roads work - for which so muchjs
being accomplished In the, state by
the State Threshermen's association,
the office of Public Roads U. S. De
partment of Agriculture recently ten-
dered Secretary Bates, through. Sen
ator Bourne', a series of illustrated
lectures . an . dthe county, has ',' been
favored with one of the dates, May
19th. ; v- ' lXf
yThIs lecture will be given at La
Grande and Is free and every farmer)
stockman and businessman Is Invited
to be present. The illustrated' lec
ture will be In charge of Maurice O.
Eldridge, chief assistant of road man
agement, office ; of . public , roads, ' at
Washington, D. C. ' '. , ' - V; '
Mother. TeUs Her Story.
to the notice of the police here last At the Ronde Valley House today
night, when Officers McLaughlin and the mother who by the way is ail
Faulk ai'restted, Sanford D. Sanders. JnS with heart disease; and has every
In his home near the north sld? eT,aencB ot bemf a protracted mva-
L t i t. v-' lid confessed to ber Inhuman care
school house for unlawful cohablta , . , . . . . . . A. ,
- lessness but maintained stoutly that
tion with a nine year old clrl. Event her moUv, fQX ailowlng ner child to
before the mau who is now la th city sleep 1 nthe same house with the
Jail is given trlaloa a m;nor charge, vbach"' was not one of crime. Mrs.
it is apparent that the more serious; Nunnamaker's husband, a step father
crime or statuory charge will not Ik of the child, too, admitted that they
lodged against him. As far as can had allowed the child too much free-
be learned the entire matter ia a case dom in the matter,
oi neatnemsn neglect on tne part of "I have been away much of the
a momer, wno piacea aDiamg taitn time." said Nunnamaker. "butes-
in a friend; permitting her nine year terday It rained and I came home to
old daughter to overstep all bounds spend a time with my family. The
of decency and be brought iuto dis
tasteful publicity through erring mo
therhood. 1 . ' ' . ' . " ', '
Mabel Millesn, daughter of Mrs.
J. W. Nunnamaker, former residents
of Island City and more recently liv
ing near the north side schooj house
versatlon. , She Is unusually small for
one of her age.
Sander's Story Coincides
On the whole Mr.. Sanders tells
very similar Btory. In his city Jail
cell today he said; "Last Sunday the!
family which has been staying with
me. Earnest Houston, , moved away,
and I was left alone. During the
past few weeks I have made the ac
quaintance of the little girl, and when
I complained of fep.rlng to stay alone
at night on account of serious attacks
of illness, Mrs. Nunnamaker told me
that Mabel could stay with me and be
glad to. Mrs. Nunnamaker brought
the little girl's night clothes over last
evening before we retired. I left the
lights on and there Is not a .curtain
In the house and when the officers
called I told them to come in through
the back door as I did not feel like
arising to give them entrance through
the front door. A am innocent, have
I done nothing .wrong, and cannot, see
why I am here. " The "mother knew
where her child was. I am 59 years
of age, have reared a good and do-
cent family and during my long res-
Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan
Are Prey to Forest Fires That Rage
Over Great Areas Neither n Michi
gan Towns in Path ef Flames and
May be Destroyed Unless Fire Is
Controlled Quickly.
little girl was allowed to stay at the
Sanders house last night as has been
done occasionally for the past week
I have heard the man talk during our
short acqualnance and he has the
appearance of an angel come to'earth,
V io not believe be would do any
) Des Moines, Ia;r May ll.Iowa re
publicans today are of the opinion
that the broadsides hurled by Dolli
ver and Cummlngs last night In the
mass meeting at the Colllseum mark
the actual opening' of the predicted
campaign of progressives. There were
12,000 people present when the sen
ators denounced the regular leaders
as the cause for the present congres
sional situation. Taft was referred to
as the "titular", leader, of the' repub
lican party and It was charged that
men have crowded to the front of
the Taft administration who have not
Mountain Towns In Costa Rica Are Al
. ready Deserted by People.
San Jose, Costa Rica, May 11- A
succession ot slight , quakes today,
with Increasing eruptions of Poas and
Iran has spread - terror throughout
this district., Volcanic dust Is set
tling over the country for mlled. The
mountain towns are already deserted.
the welfare of the. party at heart.
Dolllver and Cummlngs are en route
to Washington to be present when
the final vote on the railroad regula
tion bill IS taken. They will take an
active part in the action regarding
the bill and other measures fr which
they have .fought -
' " Cant Postpone Jnry Probing. L;
' Springfield, m.r l&y 11. Judge
Shirley today refused to grant the
demands of Attorney General . Stead
that the Sagamon county grand Jury
postpone the Investigations into the
alleged bribery of legislators in Con
nection with the election of U. S. Sen
ator Lorlmer. ":"T-.
Is Not Going to Die Yet . 1
Pasadena, Calif., May. 11. When
Halley's comet approaches, , Steven
Harto a gardner, says he will be the
only one to survive. He has dug a
cave in his back yard, stocked It with
canned goods and provisions and pro
vided the cave with ventilators that
are operated by strings into the in
ner chamber" He believes that dead
ly gasses will snuff out human life
and he does not Intend to be snuffed.
Gaynor Will Visit Playhouses.
New Tork, May 11. Owing to nu
merous complaints that the Broad
way theatres have staged Indecent
plays. Mayor Gaynor has announced
that he will visit the performances.
is the victim of the fracas whfcJorl1iara.'tHe has taken a strong liking
a tmre-gaye indications of being car-. to the llttl girl, and was desirous of
rled to the higher courts and perhaps !
subsequent penitentiary sentence to
the man In the deal, If he was found '
guilty. It has comedo the notice of
legal light today, however that there
having her with him much of tho-
time. . I know now that we have done
wrong, but we all make mistakes
The little girl, bright, witty and in
telligent. was a listener to the con
(Continued on Page Eigne i
lou ;oear It t-verywhere
. ' ' A day or, so ago the Observer was represented .
.on an U. ic. & N. train. In the coach were a number
ot strangers and the conversation was centered on
T Eastern Oregon. Naturally it drifted to the differ-
: -Pendleton was, mentioned and many nice things
.were saidjabout the; civic Ipride there, the splendid
xuxiii, vj. uiuiiiusa nuiicfauie amonir tne Dusmesa Teo-
Y.. Die. for the business men nf that.
one could see what Baker had to make her the splen
did town she is. But finally La Grande came in for
her share of the talk: . . , '
' "There is a town that should be the best in Ore-
( gon, outside of, Portland," said, a traveling man. J
"There is positively more to back La Grande's fvi,-.
tx.te growth than .any other city in either Oregon or
Idaho possesses outside of the metropolitan cen
ters. :V; -1 :yy . . , iiAiK-.;l-.
' v With that he enumerated a ; number of La
0 1 te ?s staple money producers'; and he did not
mention half-of them at ,that. The other members
of the party were interested. They heard the truth
but riot nearly all of it. And as the temptation was
:too great he played tho part of the proverbial "but
inskyn and took up the line of talk where the sales
man had left off, continuing to mention the good
things in Union and Wallowa counties. When we
had finished one of the strangers said, "What is land
selling for: in the Grande Ronde valley?"
J For tli? first time we realized that was a danger
ous quest 't n and after quoting the low prices we has-
teiied 10 tell him how much more land is really worth
than is being asked for it.' ; j n; i
"There's something wrong," he said, "you may
le honest in what you have said, but I tell you there's
v, 'something wrong or your lands would not be selling
ut such ridiculous prices." ' - " -
This brought a thought this county is not ask
ing enough for; hi lands. And it is true. People
Uiiw n : no c , fidtnee in a cheap country that they
do in a high-priced country. ; ,
si cnld lands be cheap here? r ;
They inodiue the crops and pay the interest on
higU ' .ation ,
T'. m wliy ret isk more money per acre? V
Trust Duster Kellos on Hand to Con
v fpr WHh RoonevcU Today
' Berlin. May. 11. Disregarding his
physicians advice to stay indoors, Col
Roosevelt accompanied the Kaiser to
witness the military maneuvers
Doeberitz. Roosevelt shouted himself
hoarse and perhaps will not be able
to deliver his lecture before the Unl
verslty of Berlin tomorrow. This af
ternoon Roosevelt motored about the
city and tonight Chancellor Von Be
thman gives a dinner intended
take the place of the one the Kaiser
had planned to give before King Ed
ward. died. V ' n
Trust Buster Frank Kellogg arriv
ed today and will confer with Roose
velt. , The conference is the most sig
nificant meeting Roosevelt has held
with political' friends to Europe,'
St. Paul, . Minn, May 11 Destruc
tive forest firest are sweeping north
western Minnesota and great areas ,
of Wisconsin. Several villages are
threatenel The loss is heavy and
the lire is still uncontrolled. Over
600 square miles of territory is either
fire swept or threatened.
Upper Michigan on Fire.
Houghton, Mich, May 11. Half a
lOzen Michigan towns are threatened
by fires sweepln gthe upper peninsula
Residents of Allstone have been fight
ing the fire for 24 hours and bwL"!,
winds have been carrying the uncon
trolled fire toward the town. Anse,
Pilgrim River, Allouesse, Ilamek and
AlBtone" are in the path of the fire
and it la feared that Anse is destroy
ed by the flames. : ',' "T" '
Houghton, May 11. the town of
AUstone has been saved from the
lire. Reports Bay that the lire situa
tion has Improved except in the Fll
grlm river district,
( . Stampede Is On
Seattle, May li; The first of the
Iditarod stampers from Seattle di
rect leaves Sunday on the ' steamer
Agllndsay destined for Bethel. It is
expected that the new diggings will
prove a second Fairbanks.
Foley Gets Equipment. , j
A .'carload of furniture, Including
lobby settees, has arrived r for the
Foiey hotel,"
miQ rnno
tlUliU UUUl
If Union county c&tt escape heavy
frost for another week, the most, stu
pendous crop of of fruit ever turned
out In the 'valley will be the result
next fall and scores of orchardlsts
will be mads rich in a . year. This
statement is" no Idle boast, , for not
alone are the orcharlsts aware that
their trees are more heavily laden
than for any year. In a decade, but
the acreage of orchards has grown
marvelously In the past year. About
five or six years ago the orchard
planting fever propagated so rapidly
that hundreds of acres were set out
and this year hundreds of acres of
orchards will-bear their first com
mercial crop,
Frost Later Unharmful
The blossoms have matured so rap
Idly that if frosts do not visit the
valley within the next few days, the
apple will be well formed and 'when
such conditions are reached it re
quires an extremely ; heavy frost to
do any damage to the bloom. The
unprecedented load of immature ap
ples now carried on the trees, has
set the orchardlats Into high spirits.
Jonathans Keep Well
While it has generally been con
ceded (that Jonathan apples keep
from two to three months longer in
the Grande Ronde valley .than. In
Hood River, a case of long keeping
j than apples in his cellar that had win-1
tered remarkably well. The frlut
was as luscious as ever and scarcely
a mark of age was on the skin. In
other countries the Jonathan would
no more have wintered over until
May than would butter ia a hot oven.
Mr. Gllman Is elated oyer; the dis
covery and no one can tell him with
out meeting dispute that the Jona
than is not a good keeper. 118 has
eight acres of bearing Jonathans. , .
Accnscd :' of Taking, ' Fifty Dollars
From Local Hotrl
Pete Hastings, the man arrested
last night by Officer Porter on the
charge of having stolen $50 from the
Ronde Valley House waa arraigned
before Justice of the Peace A C. Wil
liams and pleade not guilty. His case
was discovered this morning by City ( was set for 3 o'clock this afternoon
Water Superintendent H. C Gllman, and Attorney Charles E. Cochran will
vcho by accident found some Jona- handle the case for the state.
! t