iCAllDn GVniTDTQ 0B3HIiVEIl TUESDAY, HAY 10. 19J0. PAGE SIX. His" Conversion J Li o h A i 'u. g AND REPAIRING I t 5 Second Hand Sewing : Machines 5 K Br EDGAR FALLS MOODY Copyright, lSlfl. by Am erica o Praaa ; - . Association. . Attachments for Almost Every machine on the Market :- Needles, Shuttles end Boblns for" use in All Makes of Sowing Machines. 2 hlllWnds ; and Makes $5 up Sole agent for THE FREE SEWINO MAGHINES in Union County," "Boye V Needle jreadeij 2 A' rn. n m.' dm. i SlmDla. durable, autnmatta. It (breads any DNitoUaelf areola U dark. noil vainaote 01 ait aiuoameota. Ko twiaUog, biting or ouuiog lb read. If O. . Tf TT; O v. i - f.iy v '? r.. - if ; 1 . s Serine rears ago I visited the far west, passing through a region that bad been Infested by the , worst ele ment of society. . I put up one night at the boose of John Murphy, a ebeep raiser. Ells ranch bouse was not large, but com fortable, and Its decorations showed evidence of refinement His wife was a woman Mcho impressed me as one baring considerable equipoise and character. After supper I went out on the porch to have a smoke with Murphy and listened with Interest to his account of the building up of his region. During our conversation I stated the opinion that men were what women made them. Then he told me bis story. "You're dead right, stranger," he aid. "and I'm one of the men that has been made by a woman. When I came to, this country It was from an eastern city; and my education was derived .from the dime novel. I was a waif, with no father or mother to Instill Into me the fact that however brave the road, agents and others of whom I read they were acting on a wrong principle. As it was. I ad mired them, and almost before I be came a man I scraped up enough mon ey to bring me out here to Uve the - a Ainsm n Aval l soon got to be a head man among them and for eight years lived a life that I would give anything I have to forget I have to be thankful for only one thing. During that frightful ne- ud I neverjooi s life, j Lgida't ac- and jG If M emmg.anor. C. BAKER. Prop. Department tailor L SPANGLER, Mgr. A New I'e have for the benefit of the com mercial and busines man, opened a 'night shop. We will call fdrclothes, clean and press and deliver them while you sleep. Last call for clothes 9M: P. M., delivery not later than i A. AT. ... w. Tl 1118 Adams Ave. Phone Main 735 i- ' ' i""! , p Furniture on Easy Payments ' iMIT.ettEL Wins Class Event " San Francisco Motor Club's A nnual lliil Citing March 30, one mile standing start,. 37 cars, rangln g in price from $S50 , tQ (1000 ' and aver; best time, 1.07; time of Mitchell Model R. 1.15 1-5, winning $ 'class event, also defeating all but six 1 highest priced-Bars in free-" ' for-alU " " ' ,- i t , ' $U00 H Cyf.,'30.35 h. p. fioaer, 2 ioM Pas- , sengers ' " $1350 Q Cy. 30-35 h. p. Touring, 5 Passengers 2000 6 Cyl.50 . p., Touring, 5 or 7 Passengers t PRICES F. 0, B. FACTORY DITTEBRANT AUWWE '1 '. ' ' ' . . .' I 1 : 1 , Newest Dishes -Tastiest Flavors, f : Best Seived ; . Ice Cream at Selder's i Confectionery Store . mm KIM. F, eyR ' THE WOrJDER WORKER FOR GOLDS FOR. THROAT AND LUNCS Mm FOR, COUGHS AD COLDS j PREVENTS PnEUUOHIA I had ths rtiOst debilitating cough a mortal was erer afflicted with, and my friends expected that when I left my bed it would surely be for my grave. Our doctor pronounced my case incurable, but thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured me so completely that I am all sound and well. MRS. EVA UNCAPHER, Grovertown, Ind. Ales 50c and $1,00 ABSg ?LY GUARANTEED 1 Trial Bottla Fre. tvt" 7-;-- tJOLj AMD GUARANTCZD DY r cumulate any money, and If I had a should later on nave got rid of It -"One evening I stopped at a bouse' and knocked at tne aoor. i luieuueu to ask for some supper, expecting once Inside to get my bearings for valua bles and take them away with me. I had started in with the Intention of confining my ' operations to stage coaches, army paymasters and the like, but a man Is always going either uphill or downhill, and as 1 was necessarily going down I wasn't above taking anything I could get my bands on, even from a woman. MA woman came to the door. She was young and fairly good looking. To my request for some supper she gave a smiling assent asking me to come In and make myself comfortable. She went Into the kitchen, and 1-looked about me. " There was a chimney in the room where I was with no Ore. I knew a chimney was a favorite place to hide money, and. going to tbe fire place. I stooped and looked up. On a projecting brick I saw a small box, which 1 appropriated and, lifting the cover, saw a lot. of bills and loose change. 1 slipped it all in my pocket and put tbe box back In the chimney. "By and by the young woman came in and set a good supper on the table. I ate my fill and when I bad finished took out one of the coins 1 bad taken from tbe box and handed it to her. ;'No.' she said. , there's nothing to pay. You're quite welcome to your supper., 1 hope it bas done you good. You looked tired and hungry when you came in, and 1 felt sorry for you. So 1 have given you tbe . best in tbe house ! .; . ., . ' ' . . "That was the first lesson in kindli ness 1 ever received. At any rate, it was the first that ever took hold of me. When t thought of tbe contents of tbe box in my pocket and my offer ing one of her own coins in payment for her kindness, not tbe least part of which was the way she offered it my despicable meanness seemed to shrivel me all up. 1 couldn't look her to tbe to :''." '"You don't need to go on, she said. 'We have a spare bed upstairs.' . "I was thinking how I would get the money back in tne box in the chim ney, and it occurred to me that if 1 tayed there all night I could slip down in the. night and do tbe Job. So t said: Thank you, miss. If you don't mind I reckon i will. It'll be a great actomniodaiioa to me.' "No more than to me. iJUy brother and his wife have gone away for a few days and left me alone with tbe children. , Tbef say , that Murphy's gang, la operating ,to the neighbor hood, and I wouldn't mind having a man In I tbe house.! ; -Vlfl that case,1. said. 'I think V sleep on that , lounge, and 111 guaran tee that no man sets upstairs unless he' goes over my dead body.'l ; 'I f ' f MI know hen flf m mon nnM hit along there that night and I reckoned they'd take In anything by tbe way. The '.flrs,t thing I did ; before turning In was to put the money back in the box. When I'd done that I felt the first of a kind of comfort I'd never experienced1 before.V. I didn't go to sleep, wanting to be awake If any one called. . In the middle of tbe night my two men. Fete Barnlckel and Colora do Bill, did call. I showered bullets everywhere about them except Just where they were, and they concluded there must be a whole vigilance com mittee Inside. - When they bad gone 1 heard a . soft voice call down the stairs: " , " Thank you 'Just you go to sleep. I'm in com mand here.' ; "And I've been In command here ever since, I married the" girl. ,t didn't confess till shortly before the wedding and have been living here ever since. My wife owned the prop erty, and after I came in her brother's family went off to a ranch they ought farther west" V . ; Your shoe trade as' we make a specialty of it and are there fore better able to suit and fit you. We try to have all the good things that are new. Sat isfaction guaranteed in every respect. Courteous treatment if you buy or s:.;; " Prices lowest to be had, quality considered. siviith teplyiKli . 206 Depot Street; Y .j' - r.M. New Jewelry I am dailv receivimr the latest 'desisos' in Spring and Summer Jewelry, which when acded; to my already large stock ; will give my patrons the ui:m acici liuu jl unv aiuic 111 jo.ojjlix jijju.. ;. . You can have your watch repaired in first-class shape for a. less price that you can have it spoiled . for elsewhere. ' ;:f'::vv,: -;y"-.:-.-J have fitted eyes for twenty years and have been located nere permanently lor tnat time. Xoti can ask any of my customers and they will tell you my glasses give perfect satisfaction. Everything that leaves this store is guaranteed to give you sat isfaction. ' ' r 4 ' J U Dm- La Grande's Leading Jeweler, . : n. reare, ; ;--yy-: opposite u Land Office LOOK- 'Wym$&e properr :t6 sell list witly nie. If you are interested in buying, see my list of Farm Moun tain Ranches jind Cify property. C J. BLACK, The Real Estate Man. DRINK " t i ' . - I ....;--' . -J' ? Natural Mineral Water r Bottled as. It Flows From the Spring j It's Good for what Ms You Send the Gbserverio Your Friend