PAGE SIX. LA GttANDE EVENING 0E3ERVEE SATURDAY. MAY 7. 1910. mm , Kt 9 s Me iS ft 1 1 2 ' - A 4 We have a large stock of second hand ranges 8 that we have thoroughly overhauled and repaired, m i i i it . ' li rd ana are in conaiuon 10 answer me purpose as wen p : -J.. j i. l ,i f tTinm am suta fn ln tlipm nnf. t nnpp fining iirlv I 5 and save money. " 4 4 ; Extra large six hole Universal Range, large C a a . I a oven,, hot water reservoir, nigh warming oven, just p t. the range suitable for a large family, boarding f. J house or logging camp. r 1 on Capital N o t act les IFanj law bas( $30.00 snap in a six hole Universal Range with res ervoir and wrarming oven. In. splendid condition. Almost as good as new. $35.00 - Second hand stoves in all sizes. You are sure to find something that will suit you. Prices range from $3.50 to $12.00. Oil stoves in perfect order, with or .without ovens, from $2.50 to $5.00. . . . ... . ..... . . ' Tf vnil want a nnw rnr(ra vera na-n fill Vin Kill in , . The Elite 8-16, an up-to-date range, built on a scien ' . ; tific plan. ; Biz hole, l?.rge wprminrj avati; a. heautv at 3 .iWhlh xta Tmiat. .Masa nut fn moirn wr 2 vitr A large assortment of second - hand goods r new Jl stock.. ;';-.:v !;FoDoH 8 I I Furniture on Easy Payments 4Sa Francisco Motor Club's Annual Dill CUmb, March 30, one mile I,' standing' start, 37 cars, ranging in price from $850 to $4000 and 0W.b8.tIme i-i time of : Mitchell Model R. ,1.15 1-5, winning class event," also debating all ' but sli highest priced sars In free . for-alL ; , DITTEBRANT AUTOMOBILE GO. i SUMMER VILLE $1100 Cyf.; 30-35 ft. p. toadsfer, 2 o4 Pas sengers $1350 CYL30-35 hp. Tourings Passengers 2009 6 CylSO h. p., Touring, 5 or 7 Passengers PRICES F. 0. B. FACTORY any one thinks that our national makers take no Interest In baseball or are so busy working for Uncle .Sam that they cannot find time to attend a game, then- they have another guess coming. From the president down most of them are "fans". , ' ;.V , , Vx-- "Recently Vice President Sherman, whose Tolce can be- heard half a mile RoTifg 1 M.L EMPLOY! El TMIJ OFFlt Aa ' rKlDKMTe ATTIMfr . .i OH, fflNT MAT THE lIMITi" when the home team wins a victory, had set his heart on witnessing a big Intercollegiate baseball game in Wash ington, bat there were Important du ties to prevent. 'Sunny Jim" told his troubles at noon to some senate leaa ers, and, being fans themselves, they sympathized, with him. Why not adjourn the session In time to let him off? There was nothing very pressing on just then anyway. . No sooner suggested than " agreed to, and at the agreed moment the senate took an executive session , and then adjourned Just In time : for the vice president to be whisked away In his auto to the ball park. ". In the past baseball has made It al most Impossible to . keep government clerks at their desks, especially when the home team was In the city. . This year a new plan to regulate leaves of absence has thrown a bomb Into their midst, and there Is much wailing and gnashing of teeth. . , They are telling a good story in Washington Just now which discloses the red tape that frequently binds our officers. ' ' Several years ago Lieutenant Sturte vant, who. Is still in the service, was stationed at Mobile when one day. he received a telegram ordering him to proceed to Sitka, Alaska, : forthwith, The officer was willing to obey the' order; but, being on a, modest salary and the social duties of his station having eaten an enormous bole In his supply of ready cash, he wired the chief of the revenue service as fol lows: ' ' ' -k : "Telegram ordering, I me to Sitka, Alaska, received. Please advance month's pay In order that I may com ply therewith." The next day Sturtevant received a telegram reading as follows: "Your telegram received. , Proceed forthwith to Sitka. Alaska." Sturtevant' was puzzled over his lim ited finances and the apparent impa- $ 4 "OOUI TO BXTK4. tOBTHWirH." , tlence of his superior officer, but final ly had a brilliant J thought He sent coins :'':K1NG F CUR THE WONDER WORKER FOR GOLDS ,' '' ' " ' . ' , JT '. -M.i '(!'.":;', ' y,4-.-ft- ( I , : . ' throat I fflK. KOKlCS'Sl uiracs ... infri ioiiifpfiii,ii'RPi7 uJVw ' iJ J mm. ii rJ m i X ' ' J V. I 1 .-I4 . 1.. V . ( , v . ' . i w -hit ,, mm ., I FOR COUGHS AND; COLDS J PREVEI1TS: PIIEUnOHIA I bad the most debilitating cough a mortal was ever afflicted .with, and' my friends expected that r, whea X left my bed it would surely be for my crave. Our doctor pronounced my case Incurable, : but thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. King's Ner, Discovery cured me so completely that I am V all sound and well. MRS. EVA UNCAPHER, Grovertown, Ind. Price" SOc aiad SLOP : ABSOLUTeLv-- GU AR AMTEEP I . Trial Bottle tee 1 , OLD AND GUARANTEED BY C Silvrthrrt's Dry W An Expert Tailor from W. D. Schmidt & Co., Clu cago, will be with C. W. Baker, the Tailor, Saturday and Sunday, May 7th and 8th. SUNDAY SPECIAL ' DAY : For Mill Employes and those who are engaged and cannot find time to be 1 f V present Saturday. A first class fit and satisfaction guaranteed. , A $33 SUIT FOR $28.50 ; DOUl FORGET THE DAY, DATE AND PLACE f5J 1118 Adams Ave, Phone Main 735 Saturday and Sunday, May 7th and 8th "In compliance witn oruer to ylv ceed forthwith to Sitka, Alaska, am leaving tonight on foot for San Fran cisco. Upon reaching San Francisco will proceed to Bwlm to Sitka." . Sturtevant waited for results and got them.' Early that evening as he sat at his hotel, with no thought of hiking it cross country, a messenger handed him the following message: "Suhtreaaurer at Mobile has been Instructed to advance you sixty days' pay. Proceed to Sitka, Alaska." Sturtevant did so, and in comfort ' ' An insurgent leader in the house, who comes by his fighting qualities naturally, is Representative Norrls of Nebraska, known among bis asso ciates as "Judge." Some pne recently asked him if he didn't find it bard work to carry op the insurgent fight "There is nothing bard about insur gency." replied the Judge. "It la. the easiest proposition I have been up against since I was a boy. I've had to work hard ever since I can remem ber ; : f'.'- '; . ::.;' ; "My father died when I was a little bit of n shaver, and ruy only brother "THIS IS HEBE CHILD H PIUT." , ' .1 v was killed in the civil war. I worked on farms in summer, and in winter I attended district school. Later on I became a schoolteacher and stuck to that Job until I had money enough to start me in college. After being grad uated I had to take up teaching again to get enough money to put me through the law school. When I got through , fighting for an education I began fighting for a place in the po litical world, and I've been fighting ever since. .;; .-.: .. "Why, being an insurgent Is eawy." i ' - - . ... . . . 'i In the Future. He called her up. and they quarreled. Of court, he murtit have known. That they'd have a few words over noth ing When they talked on the wlMleaa phone. ' . -Puck, Sure Enough. J "Are those your ancestorsT' asked. the visitor being shown through the bouse. . .... "Yes." replied the pompous jone. "How long have they been dead?" "Ob,, they've always been dead, so far as I knowr lonkers Statesman. WE WANT 1 J if you buy or not. considered. Your shoe trade as we make S a specialty of it and are there- 4 fore better able to suit and fit g you. We try to have all the J good things that are new. Sat- isfaction guaranteed in every . respect. Courteous treatment Prices lowest to be had, quality SMITH & GREENE, 206 Depot Street. ) w i Jewelry ' . ; :.: ::.:.vv .: I am daily receiving the , latest designs in ' , Spring and Summer Jewelry, which when added to my already ; large stock will give my atrons the : . best selection of any store in Eastern Oregon,' You can have your watch repaired in first-class shape for a less price, that you can have it spoiled for elsewhere. ' , ' .r"v'. I have fitted eyes for twenty years and have w been located! here permanently ior that time. You, " can ask any of my customers and they will' tell you - my glasses give perfect . satisfaction. Everything : that, leaves this store is guaranteed to give you sat :'; isfaction.. : :--; 'V.v'- -: . I U PnaiVa La Qrande's Leading Jeweler,' ; ? J M CdIy t.; , Opposite Land Office LOOK- XV-.':.- v A Llflht Offense. . ' It plainly ahowe on the face of It That what fthey say to true j . That it's candle-leu for a pair to sit In darkened room and woo. -Nixon Waterman in Associated Sunday , Macasine. i' ,,:,,( , ,( :!-,.. v ... 8tore Teeth. "Her teeth are like stara," gushed the love smitten youth i . - . In an outburst of Joyous delight. And whan they were married he found 'twas the truth t ; .-. ; , ' Uke the stars, they , came out every . night - : , - . . ' : ; ; . -Life. , i Undying Love. touth-Own op! You don't hate me, do yon? . ' ,.' : . . , . ... Beauty-To tell the truth, I hate you like sin! v i , ; ,.,r , T . Touth Oh. 'darling. Bow happy you make mel-Smart Set - ' If you Have iwrbperly to sell list yf ith , ffic ' If u ure interested in buyuiij, ee my liitfcif F;,loiuU'.r,. tain Ranches and Ciiy propeirtyv The Real Estate Man. r v: 4 "4 f Vaudevillatnous. . ''Mother. I must go out to work; We cannot pay our board bill." "Then bang your clothes on a hickory limb, , , -,...,......- , And you'll got a . good Job In vaude- . f .ville,"; . ; ,- . Columbia Jester. The 6ilver Lining.' Wall Street Broker (durlna rain- storm) Wretched weather, isn't It? . BtocK Manipulator (cheerfully)-Very. But. thank goodness, that's one thing we can't be blamed for. Illustrated DRINK Natural Mineral Water Bottled as It Flows From the Spring ' It's Good for what Ajs Vou MC Send the Observer to Your FiMd I1 -: !r i ' te. tar. 5 at: ; cat i ., B I'd V 13 2 0 Sunday Magazine. ; ' :-' T-'