PAGE FOUR LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER SATURDAY. MAY 7, 1910. Published Dally Except Sundaj BKCCE DE3LMS I Editor and Owner iered, while under democratic rule' below as It should have appeared last' United Prtss Telegraph Service SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Daily, single copy.. Daily, per week.. Dally, per month.. Entered at the postofllce at La Grande 'as second-class matter , This paper will not publish an ar tide appearing over a nom de plume. Signed articles will be revised sub ject to the discretion of the editor. Please sign your articles and save disappointment . i the country has met with reverses. These might have-been co-incidents; and they might not. But the fact, re mains that republican successes In the nation has Invariably been fol lowed with a revival of business. Corruption has existed In the re publican party .and lots of t Eut who would dare say that a church I. bad because it has a number of light WILL' ENGLAND BE A REPUBLIC! The daath of . King Edward which occurred last . evening has thrown England Into an unsettled condition politically and may cause a move on ; the part of thoBe opposed to royalty to try and force the United Kingdom There is one thing against such a move death. Hardly ever does a nation, make a great . change when the death angel hovers over the seat of government. At that time men lose their desire, . temporarily, to avenge what seems to them a wrong and they submit to the higher power . with bowed heads and hearts full of tenderest sympathy. This may be the case with Eng land. Without doubt , the sentiment in that country Is for a change. This has been demonstrated by the con tinuous mutterlngs from the populace of late, and also from the spectacu lar work of the suffragettes. While the latter element will not succeed in any of their demands, they may add to the agitation when the time arrives and 'aid In supplanting the monarchy with a republican form of government, i- .' The political situation. In the mo ther country is such that strictest attention will ; be directed that wjiy to? some time to come. " ' &c of a political party. Because a man 15c used political prestige for graft Is Cue not the fault of the party as a whole Neither Is the party to be blamed be cause some crooked Ignited States Be a ator worked a crooked game, We know not what condition the republican party of Union county is in, but we favor a republican revival a camp meeting if necessary. The time will not return 'soon when flam beau clubs and long political proces sions will mark political campaigns but there will come' a time when peo ple will study to political situation more seriously than they are doing at the present time. The danger In "voting for the man" occurs when men are nominated of wliom you know nothing. In couny matters is It "possible to know your I i&nuiaaies ; personally. oi bo hi ttiite affairs. , What does the man In I from Klamath Falls who wants to be ptete treasurer, If that man runs on an independent ticket? . -Cive us a political party every time but make that party as clean and free from graft as human beings can do. If by some fluke a noted rascal .re ceives a nomination; do not vote for htm, but first see that no rascals are nominated. When the American peo ple firmly decide that the place ; to lay the foundation of government at the primary rather than at the elec tion, then the problem is solved and not until then. ' ' ; Governor Frank Benson has fallen for the "mother's day' proposal. It Is but natural for him to do so, for where is there a man who could turn down anything with the sacred name of mother attached? ' The reason for May 8 being select ed might properly be explained. It scalawag members? The same is true Ms because a senator from Nebraska, UNION VOTES TODAY OX PROPOSED BOND ISSUE FOR SCHOOL PURPOSES. . ' 1YHY BE A REPUBLICAN! ' A prominent citizen said to the edi tor of this paper yesterday, "why be a republican? I have quit party lines entirely and, I vote for the man." We admit that this is the poular thing to do at this time.- We admit that the country has gone rampant over party obliteration. But we wish to say that in our Judgment the country will not remain in that condition politically for long. There is only one success ful way to run a government like that of the United States. It Is through political parties. That irrepressible Roosevelt Is largely responsible for party lines being broken. He is the greatest politician the country has ever seen, yet he will not admit it. By breaking down parties he has made himself very strong. But when he passed aB a republican leader then the party suffers. , - J V . There are many good reasons "for being a republican, not but what we have the raoBt, respect for a demo- crat's views, a soclallsts's views or an old time populist's views. But the republican party is right In more way than It is wrong. Under its ad ministration the country has prcs- I00K OUT FOR LA GRANDE" .'Another man has come forth with a slogan fdr this city. George Lamo reau, whose experience In the middle and western states is large and he has seen many towns rise and flourish, suggests.;'; ;- "Look Out for La Grande."- . The suggestion is not a bad one by any means. It carries with it that caUhy suggestion of "look out" which will always be a phrase to make one Bit up and take notice. At least it will be bo long as railroads use, "look out for the cars" on railroad cross ings. Besides that it gives La Grande the prominence of the last word of the phrase and is not a hard phrase to articulate. , - Are there not others who will use their brain a little for the sake of the city that is good to them? Let the women of La Grande get In on this. It is a mistaken idea, if any such ever prevailed that a woman has no good suggestions about booming a town. Some of the best efforts ever record ed came from the feminine side of the house and in this contest, as we have aald before, it Is an open one. V AN APOLOGY. Last evening the make-up man on the Observer made a grevlous error In the editorial captioned, "Mother's Day, and regretful as we' were that an editorial on that subject should, above everything else suffer distortion It was unavoidable after the paper was on the press. We give the editorial 0 GEORGE PALMER, Pres W. L. BRENHOLTS, AssH Cash. P. J. HOLMES, Ylce-Pres EARL ZUNDEL 2d AbsH Cash. , ' F. L. ME YERS, Cashier. ,, LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK OF LA GRANDE, OREGON United States Depository apital DIRECTORS GEORGE PALMER F. J. HOLMES IT. 3. CHURCH F. L. MEIERS C C PENIN6T0N G. L. CLEAYER F. M. BYEKIT W. L. BRENHOLTS W.M. PIERCE With our ample resources and faculties we can render yo effieieat service and handle yoor business to your entire stalsfactlon ... not knowing, what else to do, intro duced a resolution in the senateask Ing everyone to wear a white carna tion on that day.' , . We believe that every day should be mother's day and that no one day should be set apart for the worship of the dearest friend a man ever has And if that mother is living let 'the boy. or girl do something each day to Bhow the respect and love for her. She will never overlook any" kind ness no mother ever does from her children. And if she has passed to the great beyond let not a man close his eyes in sleep , without thinking of the dearest face he ever saw;, of the tender care she gave him; of the sacrifices she made'for him. We will all follow Governor Ben son's order to observe May 8th as mother's , day, but. a proclamation from the state house at Salem urging day a "mother's ' day" would not be out of .order. j Several are Opposing the Issue of $50,000 For the Schools. Treasurer's Call for City Warrant Notice is hereby given mat iherv are now funds on hand it a!) outstanding warrants Issued on Gen eral Fund of La Grande City, tip to and including No. 8066, endorsed Dec. 17. 19)8. : ' Interest on all rarrants on Gznez ral Fund from No. 7939 to No 8066. inclusive, ceases from this date. ; La Grande, Oregon, May 4th, 1910. RAY W. LOGAN, : City Treasurer. Union, May 7 (Special) The bond election is on this afternoon and by 7 o'clock, this evening the people .will know whether this school dis trict will Jiave -$50,000 with which to build a new schoolhouse and improve the present building, or whether the measure is defeated. Harmony does not prevail entirely, There are some who oppose the bond issue bitterly but the general senti ment this, afternoon Is that It will carry by a good majority. ; ' Last evening a rally was held here. The band was out and children car ried banners urging everyone to sup port the bond issue. One of the b.m- ners read. "Must we go to La Grande to 'school?" while another ; In . answer said, "We guess not.' Btill another banner spoke of La Urande s recent bond Issue for. school purposes and urged Union to get In line.' ' . According to reports those who op pose the measure are chiefly large property owners who have no child ren to educate. I mprove "Your-i At Small Expense "loiiie. Nothing will give your home that homelike ap pearance or improve its appearance at a small cost like a few pretty draperies and curtains. No mat ter how elaborate the building, it seems barren with out a few draperies. ; ' p No matter how small the home it can be made more pleasant by a few draperies. -. SPRING HOUSE CLEANING DAYS Are here and we have prepared for them with a splendid array of Curtain Swisses, Drapery Mater ials and Lace Curtains. ; Li Notice to Water Users. Every water user must pay his water rent by the tenth of the month or the water will be positively shut off. WATER DEPARTMENT.. - 1 IS. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tu'i.'oii invariably bring relief to women Buileri:!). from chronic constipation, headache, bilious ness, diziiness, enllownew of tl;e tkia ami dyejiepiia. , i i 1 ,, , v.. 4. K A Si V "IV Why take your ! Eggs and Butter to other Stores while we pay 25c for Eggs, 55c for Buffer. . & -i :: -v. . V -1 Royal Groc ery NOW About Teeth AND Bakery and see the AFTER Specials this Eve .;':;;, ning. Open linta 9 P.M. PATTISON BROS Save your time and what cash you can. ; ':,'(:.::T" Call and see me at your earliest con venience. Dr. STEVENSON. Soo-Spokane Route Excursion Rates Fact "RST CLASS tdai z MONTHS' UMIT $60.00 DVLVTH MHNEAP0US WINNIPEG ST. PAUL $63.90 Omaha ' $65.70 Kansas City $67.50 St. Louis t Selling Dates May 2, 9 June 2. 17. 24 Juiy 5t 22 Aug. 3 Sept 8 Through tickets to Principal East era Points. Ask for them. Tickets from local agents O. R. ft N. 9' to r 3 If .is the word vvhlcK cribcir the pleasing appearance of a room, if in the making of yvio dow hanng?, comer seat cuslnons, bed and pillow cov. ' erings, draperies, etc., s . are used. In the many fabrics "? --each ' h a wide range of designs and color combina , tions there are numbers of- suggestions for economical home furrushings of which many have not previous! thought. By the yard. You wOl be surprised to find so many beautiful patterns at such attractive prices. v COME IN TODAY 17, 7 WES PT7"3 The Quality Store Ddht Overl 66k Us ,n When you are looking for. aplace to buy feed. We have a large stock which must' be sold out, and we have the right prices on it. Ask any dealer about the guarantee, on our flour, too. . - M Particulars from CM. Jackson J. S. Carter TraT. Pass. Agt. Gen. Agt. '14 Wall St, Spokane. DEPOr SJRJ MAHAffEY BLDO THE ELITE DYE WORKS Steam and F.ench dye cleaning of Ladies and Gent's clothing. Ladies' silk waists and evening gowns cares fully cleaned and pressed. Felt and Panama hats cleaned and blocked. All work guaranteed, We call for and deliver work. H. B. Waggoner, Manager.' Tel. Main 64 : 1 - '.;k i v. 'I Jv.; : -v