La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, May 07, 1910, Image 1

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Mi i ' ! -H M Wl)
1 : ' ! i
f i
i 1 . A.
' .
England is Shocked by Death of King
. Edward which Happened
, ' " ; . . Last Evening . ...' ;.v
111 I ft BUilU
Kaiser Wilhelm and Other Rulers will
Attend FuneralJapan keenly ,
Feels Loss of Friend
London,, May 7. The formal cere-
monv of nroclaiming Georgo .V. king
6 .
from the quadrangle at the Palace of
&L James,
It was reported that Prince George
woa ofrnlrt tn assume the kinCSUID t
and so admitted the fact while stand- j
Ing at the bedside of the dead ruler.
The queen is prostrated with grief
' and all funeral arrangements are be
tas held In abeyance until the cabi
net and parliament meet, '
All England is in 'mourning today.
r The- love for King Edward was in
Jt... tensevand. it $s plainly shown' by, the
'"tfopulace, now that he lies a corpse.
r :He filed, at 11; 45 but . the public was
"not notified .until 1:13 time la- Eng-
' land when the cathedral bells gave
1 notice to the country that a ruler
had died.-. The .cause . of .. the death
' was bronchitis! i4i!.ievrei fojrm
which affected -his: heart? - v .-f ?
vitsof Will fAttn4; X i'
' . Berlin, ;May 7. It U bftJdally ' an
nounced " that Kaiser "v7ahetm. the
late liing Edward's nephew will at
tend.; the funeral. It Is also stated
' iiora that the kinr'S'-de&th -will ma-
" terially ctange Koosevelt's plans! fot
If the Kaiser, attends the funeral as
announced, Roosevelt will cancel his
'. visit here. The ex-president waB ex
, 'pec-ted to arrive on May 9th and re-
i E:aln nutU May 13. " '
Stock Exebaase Closed. ;
Londrfh." May, -7.--.The stork .ex
change closed, today on V.tccunt of
the king's deathv '
.-v Japan Ffels jR!f ay.: ';''. t:
Toklotay 7. There is -gloom ia
the Japanese empire today.'and a gen
eral ftelins pfeysila.. "that Jipan hs3
lost a itrcni friend Jn King Edward.
A hope Is expressed that the British
alliance may never be' loatf - Prince
Fnshiml was dispatched tocay to rep-1
resent Jepan ."at ..the fufi'eril of Ian,?
Ed -vard "and the coronation . of King
.Tae'Grfatesl Xantitn, , '
Paris, May 7. Ne-svsrapers in I'aru
i VirU
tod-jy ,ralled King Edward, Tpl .. 'Ti-xhvt . j-rlia-s". sr? ' rarl-'clw
'greatest' rhsTch-" France conid'jrs I-'jatand'.to Jo',!-." them." fee aald.
his death as greatly ;a!ncst as tJiz'i 1 exneota to; remain in' Ort-errf.
ft'. Frsach --ruler,, had died-.l- SevarRtId5ho -;and ..Washington- for several
' nevVwiiora'say' atn' cadaa?(!TSf dayrrtnapwting -various fore.st8yacd
peace" Eurtno knds 1:U!". of Getrce ; then go 'to JHssouIa.-Mon'ana. ; .
- Pli
. Chicago, May'.. 7. Deputies are to
day given copies of warrants for the
arrest of Lee O'Neil .Brown, demo
cratic leader in the Illinois house,
for bribery, and Robert Wilson and
Michael Link, who were Indicted for
perjury In connection with the elec -
. m . Ttff1ttMM. T lma,
. . f,i t i
tion ol senator wmiaiu "'
v. : , v' . i,m.
4 lie uirij wni we "
And dollars bond each. Brown
U1UU1B1 V :l Wim a
V. - He Is regarded as morose and
unimpressive and unfit to act as me-
"ator In grave political questions
which England is facing,
- , ;. r
New York. May 7. The cotton ex-
change was closed owmg to the death
of King Edward-
Gorernment Offices Closed
: Vancouver, May 7. All civic gov
ernment offices" are closed today ow
Ing to the death of King Edward
There is general mourning among
the people .and the chruches will hold
memorial services tomorrow. Mayor
Taylor Is-arranging for public me
mortal services to be held on the day
if the funeral.-; " . '
.:e- -f ; --.
London- May -7w When George V
took tha double oath of teality ta
afternoon the system of monarchi:
form of "government In England went
on trial for its like. Statesmen see
gloom In, the outline of historical cri
sis. Published reports admit the king
l' not strong enough to settle the
political crisis promptly, so the pas
sing of the monarchy is within, th
range of possltCUty.. - .
' - - EooTeU May Co. '
Washington, May 7. The president
is considering making Roosevelt a
I special envoy to ' attend the funeral
of King tuwara. r
; ParllaEicnt Heets. : ;
London, 3Iay 7. Parliament nr.1
this afternoon and the task" of swear
ia In menibers under the rejime of.
George .y, was begun.
f '; rnncral ,31a y Ite Tawdsy.
Ijondon;. May ".-The funeral w-ii
propibly be' held Tuesday, May 17,
though it has not bfen definitely ar
ranged.. It may be held at Windsor
and the bo!y interred int Westminster
. -
w Forrster Ifrc . .
, Pertiand.iMay . 7.' Henry Graves
: suctesoi- to Giffori" P!ntjhot 33 chief
forester,, cfaived .tru Po
Portland today
on . 0'J o.Heiil iti.veetini
j on aa eiTKai m.vectinn tour. r
S SLj 2 A ,.- W L . .ft & . . -
tIN ! PULl 1 1LIAK5
charged with having bribed a man: than 35 years. 1 He held many high
by the name of White to vote fori positions in the order. '
THmor r.A . naid him $S50. Unkl From the time of his -marriage
u . nPrfnrr charee in connec
tion with bia testimony before the
a mn .rrirnPit he said
" . ..
! in
U1U UUl UWW lUIUiiug
jtut . ..ttiitis rpiinvA
i in j:.t.,i,tinii , if h -fark rt"
- " -
- ' which White said was paid out
t .
Is bribery purposes. '
lib RULED If
All of His Life the Kla? was Cham
.plon of Ootdocr Sports rBecply In
terested In Domestic rad . Foreign
Between Nations and Made HI
Position Felt
Edward VIP ascended the . throne
upon the death of his mother, Queed
Victoria, January 22, 1901. He was
bora iu Buckingham Palace Nov. 9,
1841 and christened Albert Edward
Prince of Wales, receiving the name
of 'Abert after his father, and . Ed
ward after his grand father, puke ol
Kent He received aeveral titles at
birth. .' .:, -' :;'
The early education of Edward was
entrusted to Lady Lyttleton and Rev,
Henry Mildredn Birch. In later years
Frederick W. Gibbs taught the prince
He studied one session at Edinburgh
then entered Christ church, Oxford
where he attended "the public lee
turea for a year, following up his
course with three sessions at Cam
brfdge. On hla 18th birthday he was
made a colonel in the army. "
As , Prince; of Wales his majesty
traveled extensively,. making his first
trip to Ireland at. the age of seven.
When 14 he walked through the west
of England Incog and later went-to
Germany and many parts of the con
tinentt; traveling usually under the
name of Baron Renfew. In 19VJb
prince visited the United States and
Canada and spent ' several days at
the .White -House with President Bu
chanaa... -' :rx
While- traveling in Europe theffol
lowing year, the prince met tha Prin
cess Alexandria of Denmark and their
betrothal-was announced September
9, 1861. The wedding took, place at
Windsor March 10, 1SG3. ''J
Albert Victor, Dnke of Clarence
wa3 the first child, born In 1864, dy-f
Ing to 1902. The other children !r.
order were PrlHce George of Wales.?
born in Princess -Louise" Duch
ess of Fife, born In 1S67; Princess
Victoria, born JSCS, Princess Maud.
Queen of JCorwiiy, born 1569; and
Prince Alexander, torn . in ' 1ST J tad
died the,same year, - ;
, From; 1SGS to . 1S75 the king '. ; "
queen traveled through Europe, i.y
dia and Russia. y : . .
.-;. Upon 'the death of ...Queen Vict'.i'h
in IPOf.tfceiPrfpce of Wales assure'..
the title cf King Edward VI r f.vJ
with Qieen Alexandria hie was crow?
ed with great ceremony la Westirct
Sier Abbey, August 9, 1902. .'. . ... '
All (hh -life? Its majesty, , was ' . a of 'oatdoor' sport and cat'b
vear hU--- stab!? '.'carried away a list
cf the rnot coffly pr;7.e?. -...His In
fluence did much to make thfl'.Eng
Ifjsh turf from fraud than a ay
other- racing couatry n the wrojl;
Tha king --was'. always' deeply ' it
t?.rested In (ion-estlc and foreign ril-
i Ities tut rarely expressed his opin
ion He had no hesitancy however,
i..,i,K.t.'i.iJ M-.,i,i,t f. i,.
h'nited StAtss : :-'-
j King E!ward was tha most prom
inent living tree ?Iason and. was
with tha order for more
- Uas the leading figure In English
society, possessing a superior social
Dower. To him belongs credit
. i j
mi! socia.1 reioruia iu cneiami. tucu
as the discontinuance of heavy drink
. .
for ing ana tne constant use ot vnigar
His home life was Tery
happy. It Is believed bis estate is .
small. ,
Military operations during Ed
ward's reign were confined to expe
ditions against Thibet and fighting
against natives in South Africa and
on the Indian frontier.
Edward's influence in world poli
tics waa on the side of peace. He
checked the storm. of public sentiment
following the action of the Uussiau
fleet In firing on fishermen In the
English channel. ; .
Through his diplomacy friendly re-
lations were established with France
and maintained with the other lead
ing nations of 'the world. The visit
of President Fallleres of France to
England during Edward's reign waa I
one of the jnost notable diplomatic
events. Edward frequently visited
other monarcbs and these ylslis help-
ped to knit the bond of friendship
between Great Britain and other pow
ers, . '.-.'.'..:.!' " .'
Evidently Clear Case of Premedita
7 - . ; Uoo oa Part af CohL
Montesano, Wash. May; 1. Paddy
Mcllugh, a former saloonman, was
on the stand today in the Willam
Gohl trial f or the murder of Had -berg.
He said, Gohl premeditated the
iBiuruer and-" told him that Jie was
going down on the bay and kill Hoff
man and Hadberg. Later they Cret
again and Gohl ( said "Well, Paddy,
we landed them."" Hoffman waa pret
ty- tough. Wa - planted them with
anchors for pillows and, I guess. they
won't telll any tales" I got- wet to
the waist when I threw Hadberg ov
erboard." , 4 f : j ;
Other witnesses testified to hear
ing Bhots during the nighty ''
- Xtirmandy Goe-s Do n,
Boston, May 7. The British steaa
ship Normandy for ' Toronto fror.5
London, struck a rock and sank ia
25 fathoms of water In Bulla Bay,
. . . ., IT:.... ....... -
j aewivanau'ji ymj, y in is-.vx
'"' isers, 21 of whom were women, Lui l
ed Fflfely at St, .Marys ; in tse
: li?:
First Oregon .Stran berries. ,
Ial merchants! have, received tb
word- 'that Ilenn;3!on 15 marker.
the" Oregon grown stra'wberrJC?
this season. ' ;Tb first" era te, acccrd
iaz to" ad vice '&cied here,, was sV-t
t(Kih8 Portland : Commercial clnbV
TK ' 7 W TT1
t' J J vi
. .rortUrd.' Kay '.7.J... .W.' :'gcrlbe.r
formerty "caaWer'-of the Farmers and
Traders National Bank of La Grand?,
Oregon,'' will plead' inentat .'lrreBp.
silflily tcrdering on Insanity when
ni8 is LrouPQt to irm ia iwitsrai
S court
There are fire Indictments agamst
Scriber charging hha with 'wreckin?
the Lank. Also for forgery of 170,000
worth of worthless' certificates. ' ,
Eertber .asserts mai worry nurm
he. the panic of 1307 caused him to be-
. come mentally, deranged In a mea-
'sure, which made him Irresponsible
for tor ms aci3.
. k . II mrm tio fa Tinar TWnnlI ana Is
I r LI. . fk. 1.T 1 1
- - i .
- ; preparmg u w wzu..
. . tn
. Cnlted Kates court
n i rripnii
Home lioj s Are Satisfied Though it
ISeeined that General Conditions
Militated AgninM 'j nem i rarn- n
ot Regulation Shape and There h
a Question as to OhHenaucftof Afli.
letlc Rules During meet '
While Lk Grande'a athletes did nc(
achieve the success they hoped ai
the Walla Walla meet, there arf "
Bore spots. ' All athletes in atUn
ance admitted the irregularities o
track and riileB, which worked as e
handicap on the boys from here for
their training has been alnog strict
llnea and perfect observanJe of rules
governing amateur sports. , '"
The record of the meet follows: 'i
100 yd. dasb-rCook, Ellensburg, 1st
Watson Tekoa, 2d; Kinder, Walta-
burg Sd. Time 10 2-5 seconds. '
Pole vault MUlerlng, La Grande,
1st; Keiaer, W'aitsburg,: 2d; Cohn,
Siokane 3d. Height 10 feet, 1 Inch.
Half MUeMcConnell,- Boise,: 1st;
Trumbull, North Takima, 2d; Peare,
La Qrande, 3d." Time' 2 'niiu 8
f Northwest reord, ' ?f ', 7.:
22(ryd, dash Cook, Ellensburg,' it
Kinder, Waitsburg 2d; Shaw, LewiH
ton, 3d. Time 22 2-5 sec, V'VS,.:
, Discus Beers, Baker, 1st, Helden
rlch, 2d. ""..,; .:K.:.:
High jnmp Coe,, Spokane;' feet,
10 Inches. ' (''v.; ;'; ; .";
220 yd. hurdler-Shaw. IewistOB 1st
Kimball, 2d. . Carpy. Buffered a ill
which barred him from second place.
Shot put-Jones, Baker 1st, Beers,
Baker, 2d; Watson. Tekoa, !5d.
Mile run P'yel;n' ,rentlcton, 1st;
time 4:45
120 yd Bttrdle-MctnnVliolae.' 1
Peare, 3d. Pea re was the only mer. . ysatorday. Jd?5 Crawrora is gran
who. Jumped, alt hurdles,' thus vie W"for,the aucond W'vs. and Is very
lading rules. ;, -' 'f'Z'i ;V , well pleased toIay. Utile ,JacS . Is
Relayni-nabMrlst,- U Gnk-li I jww ast t, wojreara ,t fff. - - t
second.;', '1l;' . ': 1 ' '. " "f1""' .'
EJIlenKbur.gvithe meet with' 2'MImprofW hi? i!-Me. ' ..
itttlnU;' 'EAftifcW with IS;' Km-(-. " Robert '; Vatifid is miking some
kahe third with . H and Ui Grand. .. aiteraf l&r.a .tcr Ms . r sdrne ' and J
fourth -with "10-
Mr. D. C. , Stevens la
from her recent1 Wneas, greatly to
the pleasure ot her relatives and ma-
ny.".frienda.,:;.-- '' " ' V ': "." .- ; .
KuvA at ttt!c'a Was Well V&trmUe
": Last'xkht'.-
t'nfon, .Or.' May. 7 -fSiwclv!; .V;
the band ' concert here lst c-v.-afr g.
one of the largest audiences that ev
er assembled In Union turned out and
the boys made r0 to be added' to the
uniform fund. The concert was con
sidered extra good end throughout the
evening local talent famished read-
lnga, isongs an dother numbers. The
YX f U ' ? tfV-t-A. 1
entertainment closed with a burlesque
entitled "King of the Philippine la
landa," which was enjoyed by every
one. ' :
Natural Ckiielasiou Wfcen Ruler
so Strong a Satlon Pasxt-s Away 1
9mm imimw. ...
Temporarily Affected at Leat, is
the Opinion tif Janu J. II HI, the
Kallroatl Slagnate. .
" Spokane, May 7. J. Hill who ar
rived last Eight from Portland, in
speaking of the death of King Ed
ward said, "To the business world
at large England means a mighty
big force. Thus it Is the most natural
thing In the world that commercial
afTairs be affected by Edward's death.
I would not make gloomy predictions
but I feel that his deata will not bo
for good. -
Men and Teams are Rosy at the Pal
Bier Lumber JIHI
Twenty-five men and sixteen teams
are working hard today on dam No.
t at4hJMlmer plant and the work
btisg oone m taKing a oeciuim -
vancementv The acti vity . at the Pal
mer mills" continues to increase and
H is raw of the busiest po'.nts In Or
f gbn.'iltbout a question.
fi P .
Bahy Boy Is Bora ti Sr. and 3Irs.
C, II. Crawford.
y Today Judge Thomas Crawford re
ceived a message from Ism Angeles
stating that "Jack's brewer Is doing
finely." Thla mear.-i Mr. and Mrs.
C. IT. -Crawford." of Los Angeles are
'-tfic. happy paVent8 of a baby boy bora
ftpff It c
vv'9w. - i ithro.i 1 in
r St 1 lard" to wilk a
ssfr r"T lumbT and
i La Grar.i;;
" b!o ?c. w!f;
' building, material to be u.-d oi many
, of La Grande's homes thts spring.
- warm J "ov
n J
":t.flri-;iBftfahf I't!ioa. "
Salem,-' May 7-Th" fr:t. hi'Jatl.e
patitfotj was SUA ulih th-i aj'roiary;
of state foday. It provide for re
etafi!iiihing the normal schojli( at
Monmouth, ' '.' -.- A- . - ,'- - .
' Will be T.l; S.n'1)!.'
Salem, May 7. Beidrniog Juno 1
the state witl buy all electricity over
a meter instead of at ,a flat rata. It , y
is sa'J this will be a saving of ?3000
a year. f ,
j .
f . Captain A. M. Paul and wife have rs
turned from a six weeks visit at Los
Angeles. They enjoyed the Southern
California climate but are glad to
get back to the Cm - ' rsliey.