La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, May 06, 1910, Image 1

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yw ! 1 ' '! Is M I'M f r-
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. . P i nMHHi'xr i' ' i' rriT-i inrni r
Physicians have Little Hojie for His Re
; covery-Tanbak Covers Ap-
prcaches to Palace 'B'-'S
New York Stock Market Affected by
Illness of King; Great Anxiety
Felt in the Kingdom
London, May 6.-rThe people are
afraid that King Edward will have
pneumonia. The bulletins issued by
the physicians say they ','have grave
fears." His illness is causing wide
spread alarm over the nation., it if
generally feared he may die..: Stockh
have declined. 4 The illness of ,tUe
King may prevent the meeting with
. Roosevelt., V . , ' .'.
The "King's doctors, Powell, La
kin, Reld and Reld issued the fol-
: . lowng bulletin today: 4,'The King had
a quiet night, but the symptoms are
-unimproved Conditions give, rise to
grave 'anxiety."' This is nown that
the doctors fear pneumonia may de
velop. Owing to the King's age, 69,
hemay die. The general feeling is
that the King's chances for recovery.
are slight The churches are offer
lng prayers for his recovery. '
Tan bark moss covers approaches
. to Buckingham Palace,, so that the j
King may enjoy quietness. . Queen i
Alexandria, who is almost worn out
, -will not take Bleep. . S .'
of market securities were under pres
sure today when the stock market
opened today as a result of King
Edward's sickness. . The standard
stocks are off from a half to two
points. :
The wide spread alarm over the
King's illness has weakened the stock
market today. Cash for accounts de
clined rapidly and American stocks
are under; high pressure. Railroad
stocks particularly suffered and there
is no indication of immediate re
cove'ry, v. .; '':y.- "il: T4,
Ottawa, May 6 The King became
nuconscious this evening according
to a report received by the Canadian
News.; The agency quotes the cabl
net minister as expressing the be
lief that the King will not survive
the night. ,V:4:; ;;;
New York May 6. The entire list
The King s symptoms . are worse
this evening and his condition is crit
ical. Spasmodic contractions , of the
neck muscles endanger the blood ves
selS. . . "; : V i:
Blskop Fftddeck Kay Deliver His Cel.
ebrated "TammaBj" Lecture Ad.
mt88loB Price for Children Settled
Play the fntlre Engagement Joly
SUi Big Day. '' ' , " !.
to :the Park was opened for discus
sion and referred to a proper com
mittee who will take it up with the
electric company: It will be . neces
sary to build half a mile of pole line
in order to accomplish, the results
desired. . ''"'' v ."4,.r. r;
Music for the assembly was also a
matter for consideration and a com
axiiUt was named to confer with the
liu4 and. make a proper contract
The? number of pieces was not men
tioned but it is likely that a request
will be made for a band of at least
twenty pieces.
. Installing telephones at, the park
will be taken up with the different
companies at once so that both lo
cal and long distance business may
be transacted , while ; people t t In
Colleges Iavlted to Participate
pitman College, Pendleton Ackd
emy. 0. Al C. and U.Vo; wilKeach
With nracticallv a full attendance I redeiva invitations to l5Den headnuar-.
at the committee meeting for the ' ters 'at; the Chautauqu grounds and
Chautauqua assembly last night, dif-1 Institute camps bearing the names of
ferent subjects were discussed ; and the different ' ichools. Embodied in
matters of importance began to take ' the Invitation Is. a statement felling
shape. ' ' , -l- .' Jo(. the $75,000 high secbool building
The subject of getting electricity ' that La Grande will build and aBking
Uutside reople f igunng on
an Addition to La Grande
I a RDi w nc n nvc fill i a i icv 1 1 t
Chances are Good for Home Boys! to
bring mi the Relay Cup, accord-; f
Walla Walla, May 6(8pecIal)i
Peare' this afternoon was repeatedly
"boxed" in the Jhait ('miie and then
came to third; time two minutes and
four seconds Millering Is vaulting
nicely. Weather is '; fine.' ; , . ;
. By . running a dead heat with Spo
kane, La Grande's . athletes , showed
ries here and it is not unllkeV that
they will carry home, the relay cup.
v AJl the La Grande boys were lucky
except Heidenrtch who Jell a vic
tim to the low circle for the hammer
throw.",.. . ; ' -'. . :
The weather turned off fine late
las evening and the meet is turning
oat to be one of the greatest ever
their real calibre' Vn ' the prelimina-1 held to the northwest
iff 1 1 rn ri 1 1 i rnniii i nur mr r
1 I HI I II IHImulA NHHfihrl
k ' ' ' A' v C '?',"' ' SSlfcSSMSJiilBW -J ' '', ' fl.
Lakeport, (CaJlf, May ft An armed
posse is scouring Scott's Valley for
' the Indian who shot and killed Sher
iff Geogre Kemp, who was trying to
arrest the Indian : for alleged theft
The Indian is accompanied by halt
a dozen Indian friends who are armed
- and are out In saddle. The Indians
not accused of stealing witnessed the
" shooting. ' A battle is anticipated.
Kemp was 5$ years old and is sur
vived by a wife and several child
ren. V ; '-t-.H
, Family Boras to Death.
', Coulterville, 111., May 6 A .family
of five was burned to death today in
a fire which destroyed the resldnce
of George Douglas... The fire start
ed from an , Incubator In the base
ment. The dead are DouglaBS, his
wife and three children
:; With the many, developments .that are sure; to
come to.La Grande within th(i. nest two years; with the
euttinupf large tra5tSo laird into ocqharcLs; the. many
investors that "aroncasually glancing this way only to. be
attracted firmly by the wonderful resources of this val
ley and the city of La Grande with her pay .rolls, her lum
bering mills, her flouring mills, her sugar, factory and nu
merous other institutions that employ labor and sell fin
ished products on .the markets of the yorld,"it 'is not to
be wpndered at' that several men: with foresight and keen
business - judgment, are' at this time figuring bn laying
out ah addition to this city.... J.,.. , v 'r:"
. The wonder, is that .. it has not been done long ago.
There arc not enough homes in La Grange for the people
who come, The editor of this paper has had some exper
ience " in huntinff a house and he knows whereof he
fsi)eaks. Twentv-five modern cottages, if .erected at once,
WOUla De OCCUpiea ueiore Uie pisiei- uncu vu iuufwaua.
It is' the -greatest chance for idle money; that the north
west offers today and when another addition' is pu on the
market," everyone wUl be surprised 'how quickly:. the lots
will sell. Everyone is earning inoney.: The pay rolls are
the key to the town's existence, and .wherever you have
a number of men employed homes are in demand. i
M ' There is a tract of over two nunorea acres lying al
most on the Triain street of this city. Ever since time was
time it has been a place for grazing and since this city
was built : the town cow turns the grass trom this yaiua-
bue tract of land into lacteal fluid, and that is the extent
of its 'use. . j;: ;::. -i v-; 'v ,:i-.t'.i Vv.) . v s-
j '. Why. sbmepne has not grabbed, hat tract an cut it
im into ihore than th"e average, person can undcr-
Utand.. The nricc is not listed, but it would be hard to
I . ii " i 'it i :
pav too mucn ior mis iana consiaermg, vyimi u uruug
if only a very reasonaoie price were cnargea ior 101s. v
r It is understood that this land , is trader ..considera
tion now by outside people and the only, wish Xa Grande
neonle exnress in the matter is, if , it sells thai 'it' will get
into the hands of a good live firm who will push, this city
to tne rront wim aavenisiiig s?ue ut-sci vra auu jiuvwua
ing she can prove every day In the week. ; ; 4 !vv
When .--a million and a half dollars is paid out an
nually for labor; when the Hill railroad is sure to bo built
from Walla Walla to La uranae ana men on into ex
treme 'Eastern Oregon; when the BUyesbys are running
surveys for an electric line through this city and already
a murmur has gone out that a franchise will soon be ask
ed for; when an irrigation project that will water several
(lnnnitn1 m skj-i t IntnA ttirrYi- h4-":T.o CtftinAaa nnn f A nAV
is well under way; when fruit lands are already jump
ing near the thousand dollar an acre mark, what more
ves, what more- could be asked as a" solid' foundation for
a citv a foundation that any man with his head on half
wav right will jump at and be willing to plant his stake
here and share in the future growth of La Grande which
. g t. .ifir w '
in a very iew yeare.wm. oo a city oj. ,uw puupiu. . .
that the schools lend their moral sup
port to this assembly and to a city
that furnishes many students for
state Bchools. , "
To improve, the camping facilities
the committee has secured the'Proeb
stal grove nearby which adds all
ground needed for a very large gath
ering. ' : -,
July Sth a Big Day.;
On the Fifth day of July there will
be an oratorio and concert at the
(Chhutauqua grounds. , 8pecial fea
tures are in course of preparation,
among them being the combined Mor
mon choir from La Grande and Baker
City. It is understood that the Mor
jjion people have expressed a willing-
Bess 10 assist, tnereby showing a
loyally to community work that is a
faith. This feature "elone will draw'
heavily. Prof. Edwards will by that
time have his choir in first class con
dition, .'a.
. Admission Is Settled.
It was decided that children under
7 years of age will be admitted to
the grounds free and children from
7 to ' 15 years will - be, admitted , for
half fare. However, any pupil who
buys a ticket before school has 'clos
ed will be entitled to half rate re
gardless of age. V 7
renrontte and Borah Invited. .
To boost the American Eagle on
July 4th, invitations have been sent
to Dr.' Penrose of. Whitman College
and 'Senator Borah' of Idaho.; The
time has not been sufficient for re
plies as yet. 1 ,
May Invite Bishop Paddock.
Along with other prominent men
it is probable the committee will in
vito BJphop Paddock, of tb? Eastern
Oregon Episcopal diocese,-to -deliver
his famous lecture on 'Tammany."
Those who have heard (his lecture
say it Is very fine. '"; ' ' '''';'.
Enthuse. Adjoining Towns :
. While all admit jt is first' ''neces
sary! to enthuse the home people with
the Chautauqua idea and that it has
hardly started. It- is also admitted
that, in order to get the best results
persona" representatives ' must be
sent to adjoining townslin dwork up
interest in the La Grande event This
will be 'done, according to .the work
of last evening. i
I'ortland, - May Iieparatlona
were made today to circulate an ini
tiative petition before the voters of
the state for the passage of a law
giving the state the right to give
bonds for the construction of good
roads, following 'the meeting of the
Oregon Good Roads Association last
night at the commercial club. An .
amendment to the tate constitution
Is necessary. . A call has been Issued
Roads convention at Portland during
the Rose Festival. It is expected that
representatives from the entire state
will be prseent.
j KUngvnlterg on Stand. '
' Montesano, Wash.i May 6 Kling
enberg, the confessed murderer of
Hadeberg, whom Kllngenberg de
clares he shot at Gohl'a command,
took the stand this afternoon. This
forenoon the Jury was excused while
the attorneys argued whether the pro
secution be allowed to mention the
murder of Hoffman, whom it is al
leged Gobi also killed. Many wit
nesses identified the tattoo marks as
those of Kllngenberg.
; , ; '.-Scarlet Fever Epidemic
Portland, May 6 There is a scar
let fever epidemic here. The board
of health has ordered a strict six
weeks quarantine wherever the dis
ease Bbos.., The schools aro closed
today and It' is expected to -prevent
the spread of the disease among the
school children. . V- 1
Appropriations Less This Yfar
Washington, v May ; 6 The sundry
civil' appropriation bill was reported
by the, house s today. The total ap
propriation carried is $1 11,8 43,2 1 1.
This is nearly eighteen million less
than the estimate . . by the .depart
ment in calling for funds. The ap
propriations are estimated at twenty
millions less than last year.
Citizens aire ' Terror Stricken and Fear
- a Repetition of lliFcrful San
Francisco Duster 11
Handford, Calif, May 6, A sharp , Kern City;-Calif, May 6.A series
earthquake shock was felt here this of light quakes were felt here, be- 1
morning at 8:42 which lasted three .ginning at 8:42 . this morning. No
seconds. . , The ylbratlons were from damage. ; . ': f ,
the ' northwest ' ' No damage other v J Sacramento Mayr'6.--There ; was a
than the dlslodgement of a few chlm- flight ; euake y here, today. Reports
neys was done-. ' : . from ihe interior states. Indicate that
. . I. i . ;' . they were of a wide area. It Is be-.
Fresno, Calif, May 6. -There, was a lleved to nave been caused primarl-
slight quake here today' but no dam- ly from the Central American; tremb-
age, was dope - "f . V ? i"? u ler. ti ';,-? - v'V-:'-'"'"
Managua, May 6. Refugees strag
gling into San Jose today 'declare
that fully 500 people were killed
and aa many injured In an earth
quake which wrecked . Cartego, , the
capital of CoBta Rica. They declare
the city to be in a state of chaos.
The first heavy shork was followed
by lighter ones.' The best resident
and business sections were demolish
ed by the lrst quake. Soldiers are
patrolling the city and bodies are
being hastily burled to prevent a
pestilence., Survivors are ' rescuelng
those caught under the wreckage.
Washington, May 6 A dispatch re
ceived this afternoon say all Amer
icans In Cartago are safe.