La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, May 05, 1910, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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-tonieht's mm-
Tale of a Tenement
Frozen North Selig.
Sporty Dad Pathe.
His Own Child. ' ,
- , . ' i
Song "I Wonder Who Shii
is Kissing Now"
c o o o
o o
. - LOCAL iTEJIS. ; ,0
y-.- ; o
L. J. Davis over from Union.'-
,N. A. Parker Is a' visitor from El
gin, today, t ' " ; 1 : -
, Mrs. E. J.. Moore of Elgin la In the
city today. v ; ; ; '
Fred Cavin came in from Baker
, E. McCulJy lc down from Baker for
a brief visit . , ; .::. ',; '''
S. L. Brooks of Imbler, is a guest
at the Savoy today.
R. T. McRae came . in from Sum
mervllle last evening. f l ; '
Lott Elmer of Summerville is reg
istered at the Sommer today.
J. E. Yowell of, Union is in the city,
lie is a guest a the Sommer house.
, Peter Grant left today for Idaho,
:' where f he is heavily ; Interested in
mines.. ; ' . , :
David Brischoux," proprietor of the
Savoy hotel, ' returned from Starkey
yesterday. ':'. -; -' ; ;. v'; ;
W. A. Rlordan, one of North Pow-
der's prominent citizens, Is in La
Graned on business. ' '
Jk E- .Smith 'went' to Hot' Lake
today to red'upejraie for; a few days.
' ' ' . -.. .
Frank Brown made a" trip to Ba
ker. City today to look at the country.
Mrs. T. N. Murnhv ienartrt for
Portland today where' she will visit
; friends for some time. " .
j E. E. Harris passed through La
; Grande last night one his way home
' from Elgin to Portland. -!,
j 1 ' -
Mrs. John Allen, wife of the en
j gineer at Palmer's mills,' is visiting
her parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hen
l sen.- , '
I J. A. Handrahan, the man who sella
j Seattle-Tacoma real estate, came ov
er from Union last evening for a
i short visit. ' ;
E. J. Zerry and family have arrived
in the city from Caldwell, Idaho.- and
will locate at the J, J. Nunn ranch
near Mt. Emily. " ' .
Mrs,.' A. P. Foley, wife of tne den
tist at Enterprise, passed through La
Grande on her way to Portland tf
spend a few days. . ,' .
W. C, Rockwell and wife of Bandon
are among the long distance visit
ors in La Grande who have business
before the land office. - . r
the firm's
day 8 ago.
real estate office a few OOO v OOOOOOOOOOO 000000000000000" 00
". " ' O " . . : '
; '.V.t
'Mra. : Miles Woodard and "children,
who have been ' visiting'! for 'several
F. A. Harmon, manager' of the
Eastern Oregon IJght and Power Co.,
is here from Baker City today.
A. W. Nelson left last night fcr
Walla Walla, where as coach tnZ i
trainer of the La Grande high school O
he will strive to effect victory by the O
local athletes entered In the big meet
commencing there today. , 1
their home in Summerville. 1
Leroy Lomax, an old Union county
boy who is now one of the prominent
attorneys of Portland, arrived in the
city last night , and is registered at
the Foley; .C'
Tom Profflt one of the large land
and, stock owners of Baker City, Is
spending the day. in La Grande. He
is familiar with all of ' this country
since It was first settled and has ma
ny kind' words for .the Observer's
present appearance. , v ; ' '
Al Roberts, one of the hustling
real estate men of La Grande, packed
his grip last evening and journeyed
to the county seat of Umatilla county
Al did not state his mission and he
would neither affirm or deny that he
was going in search of the . 'possum
that caused so much excitement at
Have opened the Large f
and Finest Piano Store in
Eastern' Oregon -"'; '
; , i We have the iigcst stock of high grade pianos
ever displayed in .La Grande and have agencies for
several of the finest of pianos made.
Our prices are lower than ever before known for
.... ."We iuy our pianos direct from the factory in
Car lJoad Lots and Pay Cash for every instrument,
thereby , getting , them at Rock Bottom Prices and
we are able to save you from $75.00 to $125.00 on
you piano : a . piano that you would pay elsewhere
$375.00 to$425.00 we sell for $275.00, and a piano
you would pay $450.00 to $525.00 elsewhere we sell
.;foii375.00-.vs. 't''?'i;-;'':.-::'-;'-:', ;vy-.-.;-,.-- '.: lt'':;--:
'..'.'.,. .(".'.' ':! t.1 ';.v; ' , :
i r A BETTER PIANO P0R $325.00 :
rr Than the()neon a cretificate for $465.60 V
We are going to give the people of Eastern Or
egon more for their money than any piaiw firm in
the country. To prove this we want wou to come in
to our store on Depot Street between Jefferson and .
Adams avenues'and look over the finest line of pia
nos you hav ever seen; v ' v
A Home Without a Piano
is Not Complete
la Grande, Oregon. Depot Street, East at Adams Ave,
" Phone Main 39 : ,
That term applies to so many things in Our Stor
g that ve make a speciality of. In fact its hard to think f
Martin King came in from Pleas-.A fT n SinorlA thinOT m l JlHlP -'nr i .himiWl R thnt VJG
do not carry made up.
Wash Suits from 2 Years oid to the Largest
in Ladies.
ant valley yesterday and Is quartered
at the Foley house. lie was formerly
in the railroad service but lately has
been engaged In mining and accord
ing to those who know he has'' some
very flattering prospects. -
Grays and blues, with some browns
will be the leading colors in men's
clothes this spring. The Hart Schaff
ner & Marx line at the Peoples Store
shows a fine assortment. .
Ceasns' Enumerator . Has Visited the
! ; Sanatorium at Last
$2.65 to $4.25 one piece dress, linen finished material,
. tailored, and neatly trimmed with lace to match. These
dresses come in staple colors and the making would
cost you more than we ask for the garment ready to wear
$17.50 Spring Suits in all the staple fabrics and weaves,
practical dress for all sound purposes that a Lady can 'wear.
A suit is
Hot Lake,, Ore., May. 5. Mac Wood
who went home for a few days . to
look after the 1 first cf the month
business, returned to the Lake Wed
nesday, ;. i.,;- ; ,
Mr. Sage, of Spokane, who has been
at the Sanatorium the past couple
of weeks, spent ' Wednesday in La
Grande transacting business. i
Geo. Ferguson, U. S. census enu
merator for the Union district spent
Wednesday questioning the 110 San
atorlum- employees and as many of
the guests as had not been ocunted
in other places. . Mr. Ferguson Bays
it was about as busy a day as he
had put In since be begun making
the government count - Like most
people, who visit the -Sanatorium .for
the first time, he was greatly sur
prised at the magnitude of the In
stitution. ; , '
Friends of Mrs. L. O. Walllngton,
who left for a three month's visit at
Pittsburg last . Saturday, received
cards his morning stating that "all
was well" and that she, was merrily
"on her way." The cards were mail
ed at Cheyenne, Wyoming. '
E. C. McCook of Pendleton arrived
at the Sanatroium Wednesday . and
will remain for several weeks, taking
the baths. Mr. McCook la of the firm
of Kupert & McCook, Implement deal
ers. He , says the' Umatilla wheat
crop promises to be exceptionally
good this harvest and especially does
the light land district give extraordi
nary promise. -' Mr. McCook has been
a resident of Pendleton for the past
seven' years and is In a position to
appreciate the condition and draw
valuable conclusions. In his opin
ion the 1910 harvest will equal that
of 1907, which was the champion one
'for 'many years.,.;"',' ;Y-V'
v 1 Large assortment of Jackets, long and medium, length coats of Pongee, Wools
or Wash fabrics : We shall be pleased to .show our READY TO WEAR LIKE.
.Quj Same-rPrices
the most
1 This store is now in the position to better
supply your every want than , ever. Wash
fabrics are one thing that is foremost in nearly every lady's mind. A pretty gingham
dress for the children ora silk waist pattern or linen to make up into a suit.
. Our wash gocds line is very complete, and' comprises almost anything, you may
desire. ' ', ; - '
18 20 35 and 75c Li"en sultjngs alwav.make up so neat an1 laun"
10 1 special Grash Toweling. This is a large shipment just received from the O
- il, factory, and any on needing quantity for use now or later will make a
saving of from 10 to 20 per cent by buying fiow. 1 r ; -
l?1 n J Bleached Turkish Towels, 50 dozen on sale the balance , of the
1 ;2V .yyC week. " The beatTalues you will agree, that, you have ever had
.offered you. ' " . , :,7 c .- J:.yv -. 'i-'.''- ;r '':''-;:):
FOR RENT- Six room , house. No.
2003 Fir street $20.00 per month.
. .-: .,. i 1 . , v..v ...
.WANTEID-rFurnlBhed house or house
keeping rooms. Inquire of S. in care
of this office. , ' .:
FOR SALE Household goods Includ
ing range with hot water attach
ments' Call at 2010 First street
MODERN ROOMS for housekeeping.
Enquire of Mrs. ZubeK
WANTED To rent One acre or
more of land and small house; sui
table for chicken raising. W. C.
Rockwell, 1504 Adams avenue. '
.You don't take any chances when
you buy Hart Schaffner & Marx
clothes of the Peoples Store. Satis
faction guaranteed.' .
All arrangements are made by the
local lodge of Rebekahs for the con
vention to eb held at Cove, Saturday,
May 7. The carryalls will be at the
Odd Fellows hall at 6 a. m. Those
who desire to go should be prompt
Arrangements have, been made to re
turn early from the Cove.
40sQ ooooooooooooo $$$G$0000$$M&
Notice of Final Settlement V
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned Administratrix of the es
tate of 8. M. Bloom, deceased,: has
this day filed with the Clerk of the
County Court of Union County. State
Administratrix of said estate; and
that said court has fixed the 21st day
of May, A. D. 1910, at the hour of
two o'clock In the afternoon, of said
day, at the Court House, in La
Grande, la said County and State,
of Oregon, her final account, as such
as the time and place when . and
where he will hear and pass upon
toy and all objections, made to said
account, oa cr before said day. ' f
Dated at La Grande, Oregon, April
18th, 1910. ;'..:' ;.VV
Attny. for Estate.
Administratrix of the Estate of a
1L Bloom, Deceased.
If you have property to sell list
with me. If you ore interested in
buying, see my list of Farm Moun
tain Ranches and City property.
The Real Estate Man.
Market! Quotations. '
Portland Markets
BUTTER Extra creamery, 27c;
fancy 25c; store 20 23; California
extra creamery, 25c.
BUTTER FAT Delllver f. o. b. at
Portland Sweet cream 26c; sour 24.
EGGS Local, candled, select 23
23 l-2c. ; -' vi
POULTRY Mixed , chickens 20 1-2
24; fancy hens, 21c; turkeys, alive
20 & 21c; dressed, 27 28 c; pigeons
squabs, $2.50 & $3.00 doz; dressed
chickens, 1 to 2c higher than alive.
BARLEY Producers price, 1909
Feed, $25; rolled $26.60; brewing $25
' WHEAT Nominal track, club,
82; blue8tem,'. 85c , 86c; Willam
ette valley, 84c. '
MILLSTUFFS Selling ' price Bran
$21; middlings, $29; shorts, $23
$23.60; sbap, $19 '$28.
FLOUR New crop, patents, $5.55;
SUGAR Cash price Sugar,1 $6.75;
beet sugar $6.25. ' ; !
VEGETABLES Dry onions, 2c;
parsnips, 2 l-2c; cplnach, 3 lb for 25c
fresh peas, 16c; asparagus, 3 lb for
25c; rubarb, 6c; celery, 10c a bunch;
hot house lettuce, 2 bunches for 15c;
head lettuce, 10c; radishes, 3 bunches
for 10c; green onions, 5c a-bunch;
fresh Florida tomatoes, 10c.
FRUIT Oranges, 40c doi; lemons,
35c; bananas, 40c; strawberries, 20c.
. MEATS Hogs, live weight, well
finished, $10 cwt; cows, 3 1-2 to 4c;
veal 4 to 4 l-2c; mutton, 6 1-2; chick
ens 13c.
La Grande
Install a
1 Porchlight
How bright, cheery and progres
sive this city will seem when there
is a porch light burning each ev
ening in front of every residence.
Installed at a fiat rate of 50 cents
per . month. Call us n pand find
out all about It
,k.i'.,.. $
- J. A. 0LITE3L O
' Gasoline wood saw. 0
S Phone orders to Black 185L 0
Fully nine out of every ten cases of rneu
sialism is simply rheumatism of the mas
cles due iocold or damp, or chronic rbeuma
tism, neither of which require any interna
treatment All that is seeded to afford re
lief is the free application of Chamtxirla-nV
Liniment. Give it atrial. You ire certain
to be pleased with the quick relief which it
affords. ,