j2X xziizsn Evnjnrg orxmvEit .Thursday may 5, 1910. page wo TiiEPESTPROBLEfj . - " " i i " - ' Scientific and Practical Sorp tion of thjB Question. OF WTEREST TO FARMERS A Sensible Treatise on the Practical, I Effective and Safe Use of a Pol " on, the Result of Care- , v ful Reiearch. It ia difficult for one who !s not close ly In touch with the agricultural co .4 f X f . unions m our western states to re alize tbe tremendous amount of dam ' age which Is done by Buch little - ani mals as field mice, prairie dogs, ground - squirrels, pocket gophers,- and other rodent pests. Yet it has been one of ' the most serious and most difficult problems that farmers have had to olve, and the Department of Agricul ture; with its. hundreds of experts, has been trying to devise some plan by which tbe rodents could be killed oft. Private Individuals, wlththought of the -wealth which would be theirs if they could work out some scheme which would exterminate rodents, have put their wits to work, and attempted to solve the problem. ' Farmers' organlsa- tlorrn hnv Maif mm Un miwma4 I them, but have found them impractical or unsatisfactory. The little animals have been protected by old Mother Na fture, who has endowed them with ex traordinary keen instinct, and so far It has been the fanners who have lost In the battle for supremacy. ' Entire Crops Have Been Ruined. The pest problem is s growing prob lem. They are continually growing, multiplying. Where there were mil lions of the rodents a few years ago, mere are Hundreds or millions now, The rich productive fields of our fer tile western states offer them an Ideal home. Plenty of food, with a great va riety, is always at hand, and they are thriving on the "fat of the land." Some times as much as three-fourths of a crop has been destroyed by gophers, while in a few Instances, the entire crop baa been ruined in a very short time by swarms of the rodents. The Entire West Is Infected. Different sections are infested with different pests. In the Southwestern part of the United States prairie dogs work untold damage to the growing crops. By instinct the prairie dog is a social animal, always llvine in col onies which vary in extent from a few acres to hundreds ot square miles. New Mexico, part of Kansas, Colo rado, Oklahoma, Arizona, Utah and Texas are literally alive with prairie aogs. xnirty-two of these little ani mals will eat as much grass as one sheep, so it can easily be figured how much damage they will do in one sea son.' Estimates' show that the grass consumed in Texas alone would sup port over 1,563,000 head of cattle, while from one-half to three-quarters of the crops are destroyed by these rodents. Is it any wonder Mr. Farmer has been trying to find some method of ridding his lands of these pests? Losses by Gophers Are Enormous. Pocket gophers work farther north J than prairie dogs, but like them, they I are last workers, and great eaters. Like the busy little bee, they are sel aom quiet, and have a keen instinct which warns them Instantly of danger, mailing tneir extermination extremely nimcuit wot only are they ravenous eaters, out. ny burrowing under the ground, they destrojy even more thai they eat ffeaflows. pastures. aal corn-fields are thrown cp by their bur rowing, and much of the fanner's hard work is lost Great damage is done to farm machinery by the stones and peb bles round in the mounds, and orchards are often destroyed. ' Bubonic Plague Danger. . In California, Washington and Ore gon, ground squirrels are especially troublesome, and Inflict a loss of mil lions of dollars. '-. Squirrels are very hard to poison, for their appetite is changeable, and bait must be carefully prepared to allay their suspicions. It must also be pleasing to their palate, or they will pus It by. in their search for food. For this reason, the nolson- lng of ground squirrels needs careful study, and must be scientifically treat , eL It has recently been found that1 the squirrels in California are the means of carrying plague infection, and hence their immediate extermination. Is demanded for sanitary reasons. ' Farmers Have Tried Everything. and wise expenditure of tin and: money, using only the right methods, so inat nui vaiue wiu ce receivea tor eicry cent expended. ' The originator of this new process has published a very interesting book entitled "Pests 'and Profits," wnloh deals with all phases of the pest prob lem. - ;. Co-Operation Will Bring Results. The Bureau of Biological Survey of the United States Government recom mends that 12 Mi cents to 15 cents per acre should be spent for poison grain on any field that is badly Infested with gophers or ground squirrels. This should be spent at the beginning of the season Just when the pests appear, when . they are hungry and will eat anything. Non-resident land-owners ought to be compelled to do their share towards exterminating gophers, ' prairie 'dogs, etc., for as long as unoccupied lands are allowed to remain as breeding places they will continue to multiply. Thete little animals multiply so rapld : n ,1 : :-Sk lOllRi; ? t to ii. it n ii ii ii ii ii ii BVw - ii Tr , . . m . . iuet uiu auiuiam uiuuiuiy bo rapid- How have the farmers been flKhtln . i .v. i- - w vucuwi . octt, iue nave uiea every plan recommended, for you know tne drowning man will always grasp at a straw. Trapping has been tried, hut owing to the great amount of work necessary to attend to the trans it has not been successful. Farmers have of fered bounties for the bodies of dead rodents. Children have made pastime profitable by shooting the pests, and stiii tney nave Increased so raDidlv mat rarmers have become discouraged. Poisoning is acknowledged by all to be the most effective means of killing them off, but even this plan has not worked out as well as might be ex pected. i - W llalnff PnUnn U Fn Of all the poisons used, strychnine nas been tested and found to possess more advantages than any other. It is a most deadly poison, acting surely ana quickly, while it has a very bit ter taste, yet rodents reject bait cop taming It less often than. they do bai t t . During 1910 froth all points on the gon AND lire Nayig ation Railroad I Company! a. V Rates $72.50.; $G0.00.. 60.00 ' G0.00' G0.00 To . : Chicago . : ; . . :. . v: .......... . . . , Council Bluffs . . . . . . .......... . . . . v v Omaha ; v'.',.; Kansas Citv t . ' 'St. Joseph . St. Paul ................... St. Paul via Council Bluffs . . . . . . . .' Minneapolis direct . . . '. . . . . , Minneapolis via Council Bluffs..., Duluth direct .................. ; . Duluth via Council Bluffs. . . . . . . i; . -St. Louis Tickets will be on sale Mav 2d and 9th; Tunc 2d, 17th and 24th; Julv 5th and 22d; August 3d; September 8th. . , .- . ; ' .Teh days provide for the going trip. 1 Stop-overs iwthin limits in either direc tion. Final return limit three' months , ,MK from date of sale, Uut not later than Oct obcr 31st. One way through California : - $15.00 additional. . - '' Inquire of any O. R. & N. Agent for more com plete information. . G0.00' ' 63.90 ; ,60.00' 63.90; 66.90'' 67.50i 67.50" i m;; McMurray, (lencral Passenger Agent containing other pofscr.s. But this poi son has not been used to the best pos sible advantage by farmers. Many will not use It at all, owing to their fear that Eome member of tbe family might come In contact with tbe poison. When It Is used it has been necessary to prepare it In a hlt-or-mtss manner, mixing directions often being so faulty that most of the poison Is ! wasted. In fact, the Year Book of the department or Agriculture, lws, states that fully one-half the strychnine used in the United States is wasted. This la a very conservative estimate, prob ably three-fourths being nearer the right amount. Not only has there been a waste In mixing the poison, but after the grain iifsprepared, and put out, it very soon loses its poisoning qualities, particular, ly if the ground is damp or the weath er rainy, for the poison Is easily dis solved and is washed out of the grain. The New Discovery. It has remained for a Chicago chem ist, Mr. F. A. Bolduan, of Chicago, 111., to come to the rescue of the farmers In solving this Pest Problem. A proc ess has been perfected which over comes all the disadvantages of the use of strychnine. This process is patented In the United States and Canada. , One wonders why some one did not think of it long ago. But that is the case with all great inventions. The greater they are, the simpler they are. And in the simplicity of this process lies one of its great advantages. It does the work far better than old-time meth ods, and yet does not cost so much. Its universal adoption will bring about the complete extermination of rodents in a comparatively , short time. Realizing the danger connected with mixing the poison, this process is being introduced in drug stores where a Mixing Machine does , the mixing so thoroughly that every kernel of grain contains a cer tain known amount of poison. These machines are a simplified form of the machines which' are used In every pharmaceutical laboratory for making pills or tablets. Tbe farmer brings his grain Into the station and has It poi soned 100 per cent right. The poison is "set" In the grain. Just as dye is set In a fabric, so It will not be washed out by rain, or lce its value when put out on damp ground. i V'; - . Losses Art Cut Out. All the lo88. nil the guess work, all the danger of the old plan of each farm er mixing his own bait with a wooden stick or paddle is done away with. This work ia all done at the station, far more thoroughly than It has ever been done before. No danger of some of the kernels being well poisoned,-while other con tain only a trace of the poison. An is mixed alike, and the strychntne is set so that it will hold Its value for weeks. even In' rainy weather. This has not been the case in the past Farmers have lost thousands of dollars by the poison being washed out of the grain shortly after being put out. Strychnine, sweetened and scented, so the rodents will be actually lured to the bait Is used in this new process. This overcomes another disadvantage of the old-time method, for sometimes rodents have rejected bait containing strychnine on account of its bitter taste, but the New Pcoceas Strychnine Is scented with oils which rodents are very fond of. The Pest Problem Is a Serious One. ' Haphasard methods have been tried and found wanting and the' time has now come when the extermination of will remove the .danger and it Is time and money wasted to a certain extent, to neglect to put bait out on vacant fields. ; The agricultural interests every where are appreciating this new poi son system. ' The farmer can take his wheat, oats- or alfalfa, or any other edible product to the mixing station and have U mixed up according to this patented process. It relieves him of all the worry and care. Hereafter he will have no poison utenBlls around. He Is forever relieved of the dangerous task of handling the poison and above all Is sure to receive bis wheat, alfalfa or oats thoroughly poisoned at a cost -v .V v V... V. fore.. 1 ., The policy is to cater to the likes and dislikes. of these little animals. Give them what they want to eat and results are sure to follow. ; It will pay every farmer to investi gate this latest development of the pest problem, for it is a subject which touches the pocketbook of every West ern landowner. He should arouse his neighbors to the importance of all act ing together in the great warfare, whose battle cry is 'The rodents must to," , In Toyland. The paper doll loved the china doll. "Will you be my wife?" said he. "Not In a hundred years." the replied. "You were not cut out for me. "- Chicago News. ' Farmyard Frivolity. The Hen Chicken-Doesu't this' new hat bide my frozen comb nicely ? Chanticleer-How did it get frozen? The Hen Chlcken-I . was born that way hatched irom a Cold storage egg. -Pittsburg Press.' ' ' '' '. v " . . . .,. -It Would Seem So. , The short man ought to do more work Than tha tallest man can do it Tor the economic reason that He's so much hearer to It. '.-; Browning's Magazine. . 0 Takes His Medicine. Tommy s Mother-Why aren't you a good boy like Willie BJones? V Tommy Hub! It s easy enough for him to be good; he's sick most of the time. Philadelphia Record. l mm : . : r i;; 1 .! ,i;, . i h n; III AK;. J. Mil: J;'. 1 1 '.. RE they rambling your mind through Well wager they are! - Let us suggest that you spend a few moments look ing at our new spring styles . You can! gain a better idea from the garments themselves than you can from any style book. " Our suits are the produc tion nt makers hn turn y " VUL authoritative fashions' and we are Bhowing a choice and splendid selection of ex4! elusive fabrics. We are experts at fluting and we'll 'spare no pains in having every garment fit your figure perfecteiy. Please remember. that luck or chance will never enter into a clothing purchase you make here. 1 v ASH BROTHERS, : Glothiers, Hatters and, Haberdashers ; Chopsl. ' ' If every Mary of today A little lamb had, say, what An asset would be here for pay . With beef so costly! Hey. what? ' ; ' Boston Herald. v Tho Real Way. "I shall tell my daughter that if she persists in marrying Jones I'll not leave her a cent." 'It'll do more good to tell that to Jones,"-Cleveland Leader. .1 Modern Methods. The eayins "take my pen in band", j Was once the thins, you see. - But now each man of business takes '. His typist on his nee. t . r Princeton Tiger. ' ' Long, Sharp Spikes Not Needed. ' 1 Billy Hamfftcn. one of the greatest stealers that ever wore a spiked shoe, claims that long, sharp spikes .are a needless menace: Hamilton; ' never wore anything but short, dull ones, and he was the most dreaded base runner of bis "time. ' - 'I : BASEBALL TIPS Miller Hnggins, formerly 'of thi Reds, is snowing his 1007 form about second base for the St Louis ;Natton STEWARD'S One Night Only. 9. s 4 Frederic Belasco ' PRESENTS MM 113 iWl The Dramatic Sensation of the Season, from Augusta . Evans' Book of the same name. ; 'A OPERA HOUSE f MA Prices: $1.50 $1.00, 75c, 50 cts. Sale of Seats Opens for, Subse ribers on Friday, ; May 6th, at '. Tan Baren's Xews Stand. Regular Seat Sale next day NOTE A foil house for ST. E IMb Secures all the Belasce Attrac i f tlons for la Grande in the fatnre. " - als. Of Larry Lajole of the Cleveland Amer icans is proving to be, an excellent fine baseman. . The position is new to the clever and hard bitting player. . ' ' The ' Chicago club's new . catcher, Leslie Nunamaker, did great work for Lincoln last year and was one of the leading catchers of the Western league. Manager Jennings of Detroit , has about- decided to carry ten pitchers. They are Mullln, Donovan, Summers, Willett, Lellvelt, Works, Kllllan, Per noli, Browning and Stroud. The effect of a two years course In the Clarke school of baseball Is shown in the case of Owen Wilson, tbe Pi rates right fielder, who has developed from a raw "bush leaguer" Into a fin ished artist . It Is rumored that Fred Tennev. th 1 ... i. . . - -' Prn.fi A f 1 1 now com wnen tne extermination oi . wrs. auonais- nrst baseman, 1 OUiaUCl, UrcgOU the rodents Is an absolutely live issue W soon retire from the game to be- WWf vt4ttAAAft J condition that must be changed.' This event Merkle will be the regular inl- Feed Is Cheaper r It always is if you buy of '. , t,;f- - V' ' ? ' ' ' Grande Rcmde ""- J J) CashCo. Both Phones, Main 6 v I am prepared to furnish Dry Chain Wood, air so partly seasoned wood, to all comers. Kind-" ly phone your order to ! - . j PHONE RED mi Send the Observer to Your Fi i end, mm w wuv vui; vjf vivov vrvyviaivu 9a. avft V. . J ' .