La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, May 04, 1910, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    la. G?.AiTD.nvr:mro OBSERVER vted:te2Bay. HAY. 4,
,tHH4 h5 ,
h 'mmat X X
Jelly Roll
Cinnamon Rolls
Drop Cake
; Angel Cake
Golden Rod
yal Grocery
l4 i
European Plan Only "
First class Throughout
La Grande, Oregon
Notice of Street Improvement
To whom It may concern Notice
Is hereby given that in pursuance of a
resolution adopted by the Common
Council of the City of La Grande,
Oregon, on the 2d day of May, 1910,
creating Improvement District No.
14 and designating Fir Street as such
district, and In pursuance of a reso
lution adopted by said Common Coun
cil on the 27th day of April, 1910,
f rate: r N
La Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F. &
A. M. holds regular meeting first and
third Saturdays at 7; 30 p. m. '
A. C WILLIAMS, Secretary.
- Weaen of rToedcraft ,r i
Grande Rondo Circle K 47.! MeeU
Tery artt ii4 third tTIiursday OTen
lng tn the month, at the I. O. O. F.
HalL All visiting members welcoem.
L 0, 9. FnWsiBsto"';''
La Grande -Lodgei No. 16, meets In,
' their bill every 'Saturday night Vis-
itlng brothers cordially invited to at
tend. Cemetery plat may be teen At
. the Model restaurant .
';:-:Z.; r ; L B:6N00Ki,Rec : Becv
L O. O. F-EaesjDBsaenU "
Star ; Encampment No SI. L O. O
F meets every second and fourth
Wednesday) in. the month In Odd Fel
lows halL Tlsltlng patriarchs always
wslotJma.;:, : '- v
; W. A. WOR3TELL, Bcrlbtt.
La Grande camp No. 7703 meets
very Monday each- month at.lA'O. O.
F. HalL All visiting neighbors are
cordially invited'fo attend. (
. ; : ; . : . FRED B. CURRBY. C
bsreby .aid Councn determined and
m ......
declared lta lateitlon to improve all
that portion of Fir Street, la said
Improvemeat district as hereinafter
described by laying thereoa Bltu-1
ilthic pavement, the Council will, ten
days after the service of tail notice
upon the owner of property affect
ed and benefited bjr such improve
meat, order that a bore described lm
prorement be made; that the boun
daries of said district to be so im
prored are as follows:
' All that portion of Fir street, from
i the North curb line of Washington
Avenue to the . south curb line of
Monroe Avenue. : Notice ts hereby
further given that the Council will
levy a special assessment on all the
property affected and benefited by
such Improvement for. the purpose
of paying for such Improvement That
the estimated cost of such Improve
ment is the sum of 849,115.00. That
Hie Council will on the 11th day of
May, 1910, meet at the council cham
ber at the hour of 8 o'clock p. in.,
to consider said estimated . cost, and
the levy of said ascsesment, when a
hearing will be granted to any peo-
tron feeling aggrieved by such as
secernent , .-r .. '
La Grande, Oregon, April 27, 1910.
City Council of La Grande, Oregon,
i f By D. E. COX,
Netice of Street Improvement
To whom It may concern Notice
is, hereby given that in pursuance of
a resolution adopted by the Common
Council , of the City of La Grande,
Oregon,' on the 15th day of December,
1909, creating Improvement District
No. 12, and designating Pennsylvania
Avenue, aa each district, and in, pur
suance of a resolution adopted by
Bald Common Council on the 13th day
of April, 1910, whereby said counpil
determined and declared .' Its inten
ion to improve all that portion of
Pennsylvania Ave. in said Improve
ment District as hereinafter describ
ed, by laying thereon cement side
walk, the Council will, ten days at
ter the service of this notice upon
the property owners affected and ben
efllted by such Improvement, order
that the above described improve
ment be made; and that the boun
daries.of said district to be so Im
proved are as follows: v : "
' South side of Pennsylvania ' Ave
nue, from ' the ' east I curb , line of
Fourth Street' to the east line of Lot
4, Block 63 on said Avenue. Notice
is hereby further given that the Coun
cil will' levy a special assessment
on all the property affected and; ben
efitted by such Improvement for the
purpose of paying for such improve
ment. That the estimated cost of
such improvement is the sum of
$967.80. That the council will on the
THE - - J ;-
A 'Lii O pD ERS
n t n v
La Grande . Lodge No. 433 meets
each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock
In Eli's club,, corner Depot St, and
Washington,. Ave. Visiting-; brothers
are tordially invited to attends
H. .CO0LIDGE,.Exalte4 Ruler. -
HUGH . McCALL, Reo Sec.
7 Forester, of saerieft,.. .
"Court Maid Marion Vol-22 meets
each Wednesday night In the K. of P.
1. ' Brother! are. Invite, dto attend.
.i ;FRANK BAT; C. R.
hHERRING;,Ct8;s- ....J.;.-..
; , C 3f VANDERPOEU F. s. -
(r- Bebekshs
CrysaU Lodge No. 50 meets every
Tuesday evening In the I. O. O. F.
Hall. All visiting members are In
vited.,t9 ( attend; . e
Knights of Pythias.
Red iross Lodge No. 27, meets ev
ery Monday-night In Castle Hall,
(old, Elks ha'l) A . Pythian welcome
to all visiting Knights: -
r;'-"-:-;. ed wright. c. c
R. I LINCOLN, K. of R. ft S. r
O. E. 5.
Hone . Chapter No. 13, O. E. S,
hold stated communications the sec
ond and fourth Wednesdays of
each month. Visiting members cor
dially invited. Vv';:
Pauline Lederlee, W. IL ,
Mary E. Warnlck, Secretary.
11th day of Hi,, 1919. at tie
.. . . . .. . - -
Council ctiuLiUr at tie tour of 8
o'clock p. to consider said esti
mated cost, and the levy of sail as
sessment, when a hearts will be
granted to . any . person feellug ag
grieved by such assessment
La Grande. Oregon, April 27, 1)10.
City Council of La Grande. Oregon.
By D. B COX,
Recorder' of the City of La Grand,
' Oregon. 4-29-t-10.
Bets cleaning Unte Is here. Fer
get the eU way ef wsJpplsg year
carpeu. Savi half the cost and all
of the work by getting the Vacume
House Cleaner. Cleans everything
from floor to celling. Carpets, Bugs,
unholstered Furniture, Bedding, Cur
tains eta, thoroughly cleaned. Up
holstering, mattress making and fur
niture repalreing nicely and neatly
done. For estimates call at 108 Fir
Street or Phone Red 8941.
5-T-tf. ;. J. M." BOWLSBY, Prop
Baying a Lawsuit
Did you know that placing your re
liance cp a warranty deed Is simply
blddlr- f a lawsuit?,
I' c4dUornta this fact Is so wall
understood that a warranty deed to
looked apon with suspicion. .-.
It is for this reason:
If the title Js good It passes with
the deed, and that It all tiers Is tc
ttr-no need of a warranty. If bad.
the adding; of a warranty; does no
make It good.:;
A warranty ts only a sort .of bet
a wager that yon will hare no treu
ble; but If you do, and flnallyi Iom
out IH pay yonr , money, .back. .
a better plan la to require an ev
stract Consult
. J. t OIJVRR.
; ITeedmen of the ' World. : ,
La Grande lodge No. 169, W. O.
W., meets every second and fourth
Tuesday evening in, K. of P. Hall In
the Corpe building All visiting mem
bers welcome.
J. H. ' KEENET, Clerk.
6tetson's Advice as to Where They
Might Possibly Be Pound. V
John Stetson need to have a vaude
ville house in Philadelphia, and he In
augurated there the custom which pre
vails now in some of the cheaper the
aters of taking a performer off in the
middle of the tarn If he did not please
the patrons in front ' Every Monday
night opened his house with fifteen
acts, and fas each one went on he
stood in the wings and allowed those
In front to decide whether It should
be retained on the bill. ; j ;
Sometimes the people in front would
cry, "Take him . off, John; he's no
good," and Stetson would march out
on the stage and drag the performer
off, give him $19 for bis performance
and tell him he need not return. One,
evening there were two men who
seemed especially , obnoxious to the
audience, who greeted them with cat
calls and howling derision. , They man
aj,i,' however, to get through with
their came off the stage nerv
Hy ' preparing to return for the re
mainder of . their act.- ....
"Here, you," shouted John Stetson,
''what was the name of thai ngT
' i "What that to you 7". asked one of
the singers. . -v. ...- :, -'
"It may, be something to ou," an
swered Stetson, with a' few:' of the
curse words for which he was noted.
"I'm John' Stetson, and I , want ( to
know the name of that song."
, "Beg pardon, Mr. Stetson.' said the
crestfallen variety man. t- ''It Is. called
Where Are: the , Friends . of Our
Youth,'."- , f' - "
"Well, you didn't seem to find them
out in front ? Take' this JI0nd .go, and
faont them on the outside.", , t '
i :a ' . . . . ...... ':'" " ' , T
it ) "?l Creamof Tartar -
" 'fim x- ' Absolutely '':y' -:'
Vilst J. J. HIM V.ill 1 5 Fer 0 rosea.
James J. HlllwlU build aa lade
pendent depot in Portland for the ac
commodation of trains and traffic of
the Hill lines. '
Confirm ownership of the Oregon
Electric and the United Railway lines.
Will begin the most extensive and
comprehensive campaign ever attemp
ted anywhere to acquaint the people
of the eastern and middle states with
. the advantages and wonderful re
sources in the state of Oregon.
Will build and extend railroads to
accommodate the immense influx of
settlers that will follow the publicity
No section of the state will be fa
vored. The publicity campaign will
apply to the state in general, and the
moral ' support of the state govern
ment will be sought so as to more
fully to bring out the . fact that the
campaign Is for the purpose of de
veloping the largest and most prom
ising domain in the United States yet
in Its Infancy. ,
Thousands of dollars will be ex
pended in carrying on this campaign,
both by means of an exhibit car to
tour the east and by literature. ; '
Increased train service will be put
on between Portland and St Paul and
Portland and Vancouver, B. C. .,
A Writer In the Wrona Pew. .
When. James Payn was editor of the
Cornhill Magazine , his, private, office
was invaded one day by an unan
nounced visitor, who had managed to
evade the porter downstairs. The call
er's hair was long, and his clothes were
shabby and untidy. . He bad a roll of
paper In his hand. Payn, surmising
a poet and an epic several thousand
lines long, looked up.
JiWeU, sirr
"I'm hrnucht vml nnmnthtngr ahnut
sarcoma and carcinoma,"
"We are overcrowded with poetry
couldn't accept another line, not If it
were by Milton." . . '
"Poetryl'V the caller, flashed, k "Do
yon know anything about sarcoma and
carcinoma?" . : - v . rf
"Italian loVers, aren't they 7" said
Payn imperturbably. ;
The caller retreated with a wlfther
lng glance at s the editor. ! Under , the
same roof as the Cornhill was the
office of a medical and surgical Jour
nal, ftnd it was this that the caller
sought for 'the disposal of a treatise
on those cancerous growths with the
euphonious names which, with a lay
man's ignorance, Payn ascribed . to
poetry. McClure's. ,
Heidelberg Castle. :
The castle of Heidelberg is the lar
gest In Germany. ' It stands 330 feet
above the Neckar river and was oc
cupied as a castle as early as A. D.
1204.: In a cellar in one corner. Is the
famous "tun." or monster cask, capa
ble of holding 49,000 gallons. ' This
was for the storage of wine used by
the nobility who dwelt in this castle. '
Exorcism In England, n'"
1 broke; a cup on the child's head
when it was dying," a mother told the
coroner, at an inquest in England re
cently. "That was to drive away the
evil spirits." '- - ' v--
Maxim's. Early Ambition. :
Sir Hiram : Maxim confessed that
when he was a youth xhe thought seri
ously of becoming a prizefighter. ' In
stead, however, be gave up his life to
making real fighting extremely danger
pus. He got the Idea for his rapid fire
gun from the kick of a shotgun he
used In hunting as s boy.'c'' " : . v-;
!."; ' 8lamete CatSv" - v y;.;
Siamese tats oth In , appearance
and. character, closely resemble, ' pug
dogs. Even their tails have the cu
rious curl so familiar In these stolid
1 E ' CLA
tl 1
papers at the Ob-
server office.
W ANTED Chambermaid at the Sa
voy Hotel.. - '. ... 4-25-tL
Y liRNISHED ROOM For genUemen
cniy. Nice location. Close In. Call
ui. Red 952. 1 : tf.
FOR SALE Alfalfa hay. Ten dollars
in stack while It lasts. J. E. REY
NOLDS." , ' , . .
FOR SALE Single driver; weight
1100. Safe for lady. J. E. RET
LOST An account book on Fourth
street Finder leave at Observer
office. 7""' ' '. ' ' "'. -
IFOR . SALE Seven tpom modern
house and eight Jots, young orcnara
Inquire of Earl Zundel at the La
Grande National Bank. . '.,
FOR RENT Furnished housekeep
ing rooms in a quiet home place,
close In, Mrs. H. R. BcDonald, 1616
Sixth Street Phone, Black 462. .
FOR RENT A modern furnished
front room, ', one block off Fourth
street, 804 Main street.
FOR SALE Anyone wishing full
blooded Cocker Spaniel dogs in
quire of Hariey Richardson or phone
Black 1812.
FOR SALE-rThe building fromerly
used for' an electric light . plant, nt
Oro DelLUhe, same Is thirty by one
hundred feet and thirty-eight feet
high and contains a large quantity
of lumber and heavy timbers. Bids
for the purchase of this building will
be received at the office of the EAST
ROOM and BOARD 1617 Fourth St,
DRESSMAKING, and Sewing,
t Adams Avenue. . - ,
FOR SALEt-35,000 feet of lumber
cheap.; 15,000 feetof odds and ends
cheaper. Call at Stoddard's planet1.
o o o o o
bacqi haiju v-.
Physicians; ani Bars-eons. ';
r, ce ss Ls Owae ' ' tlonal . Base
Bildmg,.. ,Thone Main H,.''!'
; r. Baoon, EesUraew..lSal. 11 ,. '
u ! 11. K. IUH. ResWtace, Main 12.
, , . , DIL L, H, UNDERWOOD '
Physician oud Surgeoa ,
; la: Dr. lUcbardson'i . office..,
Kill's Drug Btore. 8pec!al atte&Uoa
to diseases and aurgery of the era
Pbbna nack.1362; and lad,' SSI ' I
Residence Phone; Main -728:
:,,aaOfnoa,,Tt..)1-.v ;v.i.;:
Floraiclao and Burgeavti-ri
Cornet Adams Ave, and Depot Sir
Office Main 68. Residence Mala a
, C. B. OPTOP tH. !. iL a - J.
f ' ' ;.' tTwsIclan 'and '8urfSt!;i"v'' '
Special, attention given to Eye), Ear
Nose and,Throat
Office la La Grande National ( Baah
hoaea: Office,, Mala 8;
'rr?. ; " f ;l..v ,'. ;
'v'-' Pbyalclaa ' and Bargeoa P1
Office ta Kew Bank BnHdinf Cooms
; tML .Thones: . Residence, iSalM
v ' eio w vontMKkjst
OSTEOriTH misiaAJr, -Sommer
Building Rooms 7-S-t-ie
Phones, Home 1332, Paclflo Main U
Residance Phone, lack 951, Bvccaeso
ta Dr. V. B. itwW
J. C PRICE, D. M. D-,.
::: : v.- Dentist -'';-'.;-.V , v:
Room 23, La Grande National Bank
Bufldlna Phone Blsck 8811
If llsoa s Vrchesaa v.'
; ilnsle funjlnshed. for weddtos.
banqueu, daacen and all occasions,
O. O; WILSON. Mgr. La Grande, Ore
'801 Main dve. Phone Black 1971 i
: ai
- 'J
WANTED Men to buy our fine wor
sted clothing. All sizes and best val
ues at $12.50 and (15.00 per suit, at
the Golden Rule Co.
HEACOCK'S The only place la
Union County : that yon can get a
new lens exactly like yours in less
than three or four days. Office over
HOUSE FOR RENT Six room house.
unfurnished. Barn for six horses.
Thirteen a month. Inquire at Logan-
Sherwood office.
FOR SALE Buff Orplnton egs. P
for 15. at Fred Nelson's 1605 Jfef
ferson Ave. Phone Blk. 102L '
FOR SALE Milch cows and one reg
istered Jerjey bull. Phone r&ra
era IS. W. J. Hughes, La Grands TL
WANTED Boy to sell Observers oa
latlcn manager of the Observer.
HEACOCK'S The , only , place , la
Union County where you can jst a
new lens exactly like yours lu leas .
than three or four days. Office over
Newlln'a Drug Store. :
0 f J. A. ylXfE. . O
0 f Gasoline wood saw.
O ;" Phone orders to Black 185L ' V
0- ,-:- '-:. ---'.vv-y-.-.; ;:
Chief ; Joseph
The best In the market at any xsrfc
but no higher. '
The White Svan
With the exception of the CUef
Joseph brand, la .the best on the 1m
Grande , market A trail will cca
vince the most ekeptlcal.
- For Sale by All Dealers.
t C. IL CiiAWjrORD. -
I, Attoraey at Law -:J
practices in alt the courts at the state
v . : ,'aa United States.
Office la La Grande Natfonal Baatt
; " Building, La Grande, Oregon.-
Chas. IB. Cochran Geo T. Cocaraa
; J, ;v Attoraeya.
' La Grande National Bank BuX&ss .
La Grande -' . ... ' Orersa.'
iriUA AM aa. raMSST. '
I Attorney and Counsellor at Law.
: ' ' ewn.' B and 1 Bommer Eloci.
Leroy Lomax .''! : c IL Finn'
. , u:,-:r,: -'.rnrir:- mmk- :'
Attorneys-at-Law. r v Notaries Pabliet
I01-0im08 Buchanaan Bufidiag 1?
, ' : Admitted to practice In all Federal
and Etate courts of Oregon, Idahoi vs.
Washington. i ; ' - .,-.
r .BR. P. A. CHARLTON. ,. .
Office at HlU's Drug Store, La Qrtaa)
Ceeldsnce Phone Bed,70L v .
Office). Phone Black IS L'" . .
-V ' f ;-:.rWnemlsat Pbono t.
Sotn .
.'.: .- &I. Tf. SU tnai j Wn.y . t,f
Graduate from the Ohio State Uni
versity. Vaccination, Dentistry :. aa
Surgery of all kinds. Country CaStf
Promptly answered. Agent far Kst
lonal Live Stock Insurance Aieecti
tion, Portland, OTegon. 1
" ' . Office 14 Adams Are. - -
Phones, PacifK ElacK 1831
''. " Independent 878 1
1 ' OLA CACIaXS''-,:..'
Teacber at Piano . i
PapQ of Pierre Doallet of Cha Cj
Jose Conservatiory.
For chlldrwa the Burrows wrr
of masie stay and masicsl Ll-r
garten. CtaSia la . tie ITaJtaltcy Ui