La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, May 04, 1910, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    . . - . (
of a Tenement.
North Selig,
Sporty Dad Pathe. :; ' ,v
His OwniChfld.,,; ;' , -I
Song "I Wonder Who She
Is Kissing Now" :
. Mrs. . "Doc": .jHarned daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. George E.' Good, left
last night forher. home 'In- Portlaid
after a visit with her parents Tiere:
Hon.J. B.Messlck, county Judge
of Baker county, who has been In
La Grande a short time, returned
home to Baker City last night
f Mrs. C. R. HIbberd of Imbler was
yesterday operated upon at the Grande
Ronde hospital by Dr.' Molitor .She
withstood the ordeal excellently
' v ' .' ; .' '' '.
Wm. A. Dalzile, deputy commission
er and factory inspector of. the state
bureau . was In La Grande, today . on
official matters. . , 1 ,
Tomorrow being the Festival of the
Ascension of Christ, there will be a
celebration of the Holy Eucharist in
St Peter's church at 10 a. m.
FOR RENT Six room house. No.
, 2002 nr street 20.0Q per, month.
WAM'ED-Furnished house orlbuse
, keeping rooms, inquire of S. in ear
of this office. , , " :
Insurance, on clothes' with pay
ment of premium Is the offer at 'be
Peoples Store.' ' The : famous ' Hart
KSchaffner & Marx guaranteed line
does the "work.: , '
o $ o
X . : . r: -:-J:
' '
John Harvey," now of Enterprise,
: in visiting hrthe city.
" 'jack";jHrille, of Alicel, is in the city
today on business.
Mrs.;.Para Thornton arrived home
today from a brief visit In Baker
kCity.;. V; 'v--V.:
Mac Wood was again compelled to
return to Hot Lake today on account
of ill' health.
Rev. Willis and wife came in from
Elgin yesterday and , remained over
night v ";', ; .;.
Mrs. Adolph Newlin will entertain
the Kaffee Klatch next Friday after
noon at her home on B. Avenue. ; t, ,'.
Mesdames H. C. Grady and W. H.
Bohnenkamp, who have been touring
the East, for the past several weeks,
are expected home Sunday.
G. L. Young and wife and Mrs. Alice
Fitzgerald have returned from a visit
of a week at Portland. '
FOR SALE Household goods IncluC
; ing range with hot water attach
ments. Call at 2010 First street
You will take no chances if yon
buy Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes
at The Peoples Store. They are guar
anteed."" v '.''';!.'..' ' : ' !
Treasurer's Call for City Warrants
. Notice is hereby given that there
are now funds on , hand " to pay all
outstanding warrants issued on Gen
eral Fund of La Grande City, up to
and Including No. 806ft.' endorsed
Dec. 17, 1908. .
' Interest on - all warrants on Gene-
I ral Fund from No.. 7939 to' No 8066,
. John Vanderpoel, "Red" MacRae, L. inclusive, ceases from this date.
Elmore and Fred Dlttebrandt compos
ed an auto party from Summervllle
last evening to attend David Glggens
in "His Last Dollar." The trip through
the mud was made in ' Mi1. Ditte
brandt's car. J
F. S.' Bramwell, " Held superintend
ent for the Amalgamated Sugar com
pany, Is a businesB visitor in Pendle
ton today, expecting to return this
evening. ' ' v - ' ;
City Treasurer.
S. V. Loam came over from Rich
land last evening and will be in La , WANTED Woman to do housework
Grande on a short business visit.
J.1 A..'; ThronBon, the Imbler , fruit
land owner arrived home today from
a visit to Portland ,
First White Glr! Born In Jhe Talley,
Laid At Rest Yesterday
The funeral of Mrs. G. W. Robert
Bon was held at the Central Christian
church yesterday afternoon, Rev. Ellis
preaching the sermon. '
The many friends present indicates
the influence which she exerted. The
house was filled with sympathetic
friends and 45 teams followed the re
mains, to its last resting place. The
following is an . obituary of the de
ceased.' '' ;
Mrs. Ada G. V Robertson, beloved
wife of G. W.' Robertson, was born
October 19, 1862, at Island City, Ore
gon, the daughter of . Alex and Jah-
ette Furgeson. She was the flrBt white
girl born in the Grande Ronde valley.
She departed from this life on May
1, 1910 at the age of 47 years, six
months and 21 days.
She leaves to mourn her death, a
husband, father and Ave children;
Jessie L. Otis, Zella A. Sanford; Lena
J. Robertson. All are living at home
with the exception of Sanford , who
is making his home at Salt Lake City.
m"i ft
- ' f
ie mnemn-
Have opened the Largest
and Finest Piano Store in :
Eastern Oregon -
"We have the digest stock of high grade pianos
ever displayed iii La Grande and have agencies fox
several of the fiuost of pianos made.
Our prices are lower than ever before known for
"Wo buy bur pianos direct from the factory in
Car Load Lots and Pay Cash for every instrument,
thereby getting them at Rock Bottom Prices and
we are able to save you from $75.00 to $125.00 on
you piano : a piano "that you would pay elsewhere
$375.00 to $.425.00 we sell for $275.00, and a piano
you would pay $450.00 to $oz5.00 elsewhere we sell
It) J' 'TO
The best dressers know that Hart
Schaffner ft Marx make clothes right
The Peoples, Store sells them. .
One Dlffartnc.
It is wrong. to suppose there is no,
difference between genius ana maa-
ness. Madness gets three square meals
day . Lipplncott's.
' Woodlark" Squirrel Poison Is the most
reliable and destructive agent yet devised
for the extermination of Goobers. Soair-
Appiy it)i4 -ounn Bireei or puuuo ftnd nirie Dogs. It is
Main 72fi. the cheanest insurance arainst their
- ( ' - I . j ravages. Every kernel is warranted to
FOR RENT Store room .309 Fir St U1L-. Climatic changes .or moisture of the
T. . Asvfn As r,t it ' Artflrt ri
full tiosomont TlArti in k"" "
Mrs.; Hannah Walden, mother of
Chjef of Follee Walden expects to re
turn to her home in Miltonvale, Kan
sas tonight.
80x27. 1-2,
rear.,'. $42.00
per month.
quires NO MrxTNO or PaEPAKATlON. , Is
' always ready for use. No other is so
r ; .'. , ' 'good.Dealerawil refund the purchase
lany zowns havetne, county Beat pnoe il not as claimed, rampniet tree
mWnhP . : - I ' 1 W(1vt Chkmicai, Co Portland Orecor
Permanently Located U05 Aas
the city
n rid endorsement of all
'-rXiA onnixr nai aA v. oiTiPA Aiitnist'l. 1909 and during tins perioa
has treated professionally nearly 2000 patients, among them 175 children, and
can truthfully saV that I have succeeded in doing better work and more work
than any one man eVer did m' Uiuon county. This proves that I have conducted
my practice on a basis thaV appeals to everyone. My business is on a square deal
to;everybpdy.; I rarely Hear complaints and am always ready and willing to corr
rect any error that I make. v - ,Tri- An.T.a nr ttq-pt v
i believe my extensive experience and
If your eyes trouble you see me
ftlrill tnwihPT with Ttivhonestv and sincerity of purpose, I can give you a guar
antee of truthf ullness and satisfaction. I refer you to your, neighbor, to your
physician, who have known me for the past 16 years and I am endorsed by the
most prominent oculist of Portland.5 '-V;' -J ; . ' v
The Entire Problem Lies in These Three Words:
Your Case will not Puzzle Doctor Mendelsohn.)
As a Rsmindsr.
Oh. do not laugh at the poor glraffel
" He's one of the toniltlve sort.
Kind taturo gave htm a longtsh nclc
j . Because hla memory's short.,
. -Lustlgr Welt
, ' Taken Literally.
He-When 1 am rich I'll wear noth
ing but silk socks'.
She How shocking! Lire.
I No Humbug No Hot Air
W : ' in the s': r
- M iiis) i . . ;
Office Hours. 9 to 12. 1 fo 5. By
' in the evenings.
The number ot good clothes sold
In this city, increases every season
according 't6 the Peoples Store. The
Hart Schaffner & Marx line 'which
they Bell has taught people that the
best is the cheapest in the long run,
Than the one on a cretificate for $465.00
U llE ARE . HERE .10 .STAY
"VYe are going to give the people of Eastern Or-..-t'gon1
inore for their money than any piano firm in
the country. To prove this we want wou to come in
to our store on Depot Street between Jefferson and .
Adams Avenues and look over the finest line of pia
nos vou hav ever seen.
A Home Without a Piano
is Not Complete
Votlee of Final Settlement'
Notice li hereby gives that the un
laraltrned Administratrix of the es
tate of S. M. Bloom, deceased, has
this day filed with the Clerk of the
County Court of Union County. State
Administratrix of said estate; and
that said court hat fixed the 21st day
of May, A. D. 1910, at the hour of
two o'clock In the afternoon, of said
day. atji the, Court House, In La
Grande, In said County and State,
ot Oregon, her final account, as such
la Grande, Oregon. Depof Street, East af Adams Avt.
Phone Main 39
aa the time and place when and
where he win bear and pass upon
any and all objections, made to said
account, on or before said day. ,
Dated at La Grande, Oregon, April
ISth, 1910.
. F. a ITANHOB, ,
; r,; . Attny. for Estate.
Administratrix of, the ''Estate of R
M. Bloom, Deceased.
If you have property to sell list
ith me. If you are interested in
Buying, see my list of Farm Moun
tain Ranches and Qty &6p.
The Real Estate Man.
Market Qitotfoiis.
Portland Markets
BUTTER Extra creamery, 27 c;
fancy 25c; store 20 23; California
extra creamery. 25c. - -
BUTTER FAT Delllver f. o. b. at
Portland Sweet cream 26c; sour 24.
EGGS--Local, candled, select 23
POULTRY Mixed chickens, 21
24c; fancy hens,-21c; turkeys, alive
201 21c; dressed; 27 28 c; pigeons
Rnuabsr S2.50 0 13.00 doz; dressed
chickens, 1 to 2o higher than alive.
BARLEY Producers price, 1909
Feed $25; rolled f 25.50; brewing $25
WHEAT Nominal track, club,
83 85; bluestem, 85 86; Wlllam
ette valley, 84c. . ' ' L
, MILLSTUFFS Selling price Bran
shorts, $23
$28; alfalfa
$21.50; middlings, $31;
23.60, chap, $19 $
meal, $21 per ton. " : ;
FLOUR New crop patents,
SUGAR Cash price Sugar,
beet sugar $6.25. ,.
VEGETABLES Dry onions, 2c;
parsnips, 2 l-2c; cplnach, 3 lb for 25c
fresh teas. 15c: asparagus. 3 lb for
25c; rubarb, 5c; celery, 10c a bunch;
hot house lettuce, 2 bunches for 15c;
bead lettuce, 10c; radishes, 3 'bunches
for 10c; green onions, 6c a
fresh Florida tomatoes, 10c.
FRUIT OrangesV 40c doz; lemons,
35c; bananas, 40c; strawberries, 20c.
MEATS Hogs, live 'weight, well
finished, $10 cwt; cows, 3 1-2 to 4c;
veal 4 to 4 l-2c; mutton, 5 1-2; chick
ens 13c. : ' . '
La Grande
Install a
; i Porchlight
How bright, cheery and progres
sive this city will seem when there
Is a porch light burning each ev
ening in. front of every residence.
Installed at a flat rate of 50 cents
per month. Call us u pand find
out all about It
You will take notice further that ,
the summons Is published in the La
Grande Dally Observer, a dally news
paper published 1m La Grande, Un
len County, Oregon, for the period
of six weeks, by order ot the Hon
orable J. W. Knowles, Judge of said
bunch; Court, made and dated In La Grande
I Oregon, the 28th day ot March, 1910,
and that the date ot the first publi
cation of said summons Is ; the 2d
day of April, 1910.
'': Attorney for FX