Ld GIUIIDII UVEIHITG 0B&ER V ICH WEDNESDAY. CArE vV- ' - 1 ' it" I, t.' . s, i . t -ill' U l "V.V1 i (fit In ibJL fJAfS E.MIEE STATE TO BE COYEEJED BT THE 1ECTUEEB. A GoTernment Man Sent to Oregon to Discuss Good Roads J Pftttdbphy I I P f '2 lis r'0W If, THE RESOURCE. t. Aft. Follow M By F. A. MITCHEL Copyright, 1910, by American Press , Aisoclatloa I me a superstitious dread lest if I wait : I should meet' with mfaf ortune. wrauiiucu iu auuerv 10 my resv- lutlori to climb no more, when one of the party began to talk with me about the trip and when I spoke of remain ing below manifested some surprise that such a "noted cumber" should be content to see others go without going himself. This decided me to be one of the party. We made the Grand Mulets, the hut I am known as Mesereau the climber knV,f ?' v'Si? ? ?' ' ?nt be guide upon whom I ZThe guide upon whom I always re lied when climbing In the region about Interlaken was Cart Weber, a German Swiss. ,ne was brave and faithful, and I became very 'much attached to hlin. I had him with ce In every cHmb l , made out of Interlaken to the suuitults of the Wetterhorn. ' Elger, .Monk and Jungfrau. And frequently when I attempted ascents In the south ern Alps I would Bend for him to come to me. He always responded with alacrity, , and I knew that hv would rather guide me than any one else. After an adventure we hud on the Matterhorn his affection' .for-me 'was greatly enhanced. We were ulone on the Hide of that razor backed peak when, walking on a buow . vd:;p. - a crust gave way beneath me. and I fivl. Weber, knowing that the only ,v'uy to. prevent his being dragged after if was to throw himself on the oppwii side, did so. There we hung, em-U dangling over a precipice divided lsy a sharp edge of rock. Unfortunately Weber's right arm had become eau'lit : In a loop of the rope and a bone napped. ; ;.. ,t i "Ilerr. he called. ; "I cannot,' pull myself up. My arm Is broken. I think I there la snow beneath you. The rope must be cut You will fall a short distance and may not be hurt," "And you?" "I Khali go down a thousand feet." "Then the rope nuull not be cut. 1 will go;up hand over hand and. Htrad-1 dllng the edge, will pull you up." ' This 1 did. .1 expected Weber would be overjoyed at his escape, but he did not appear to be, so much- pleased as one would suppose. . , "Achl" , he exclaimed bitterly. "I hall never be the( sanie' man after baring been saved by one 1 have cold ed.M : This was the last time Weber and I, ever climbed together. . Not long aft-' erward. while conducting a party of Bnglltthmeu ta the, summit ofv Mont Blanc the snow ;'kVeay beneath' them, an avalanche was started, and they were all los'Web body was found burled under thirty' feet of now, bead down, his alpenstock held tight In the grip of bis ley hand. ' On hearing of my faithful guide's death, I resolved, that 1 would never climb again. This was partly because to climb without Weber would' not be enjoyable and partly because his death caused me to realize that there Is no safety' in Alpine climbing even with the best guide. . 1 refrained for two years; , then, .business calllug me to Europe. 1 found myself near mv be loved SwlUetland in the summer sea son and tan down to Chamonlx for a tlsit . ynlucklly for my resolution while at Wiamonlx I fell in with a party about to climb to the summit of Mont Blanc. 1 stood looking up one morning at the tnngulfleent sight of the mountain on which Weber, had met his death, greatly tempted to make one more as cent 1 woudered If the soul of my guide, freed from flesh and- the at traetion of gravitation, was flitting over the cliffs, sailing through the VHt Bpllts between the peaks, revel ing In being vv"""n Uke a bird 'L and started, the next morning under a cloudy sky for the summit Within an hour we were enveloped In Jby far the .worst snowstorm I had ever n conntered Ja any' bf my. ascVnta. It was ' like ad American' blizzard, the snow falling In miniature spirals and deepening so rapidly that we soon found moving In any direction diffi culty, . ; I ; have never before seen Alnine In further explanation of the good roada, meeting to be held here on May 9th, it might be well to add to the Item In yesterday's Observer that the entire state Is to be covered by the government speakers. A Portland pa per elaborates as follows on this meet ing which is of utmost Importance to La Grande and Union county. . 'The department at Washington has offered the services of Maurice W. Eldrldge, the best known authorl ty on good roads in this country. Dr. Eldrldge was In this city a year ago and gave his illustrated lecture at the Threshermen'g convention held in the Commercial Club, at which. , tune the local good roads enthusiasts stat ed it was the best address'1 of the kind ever given on the Pacific coast. The government orrglnally offered lu lectures lor cu - k. ui izz State Good Roads Association insisted on more and as arranged by Secre tary Bates and accepted by the depart ment the following cities will have this exceptional opportunity of get ting in touch 'with the' latest infor mation on good roads construction, fully illustrated end described ("' Ontario, May 16. , S. ' Baker City, May 17. ' Enterprise, May 18. , i La Grande, May 19. '; '.' ' , The State Good Roads Association will send Judge Webster' to Ontario to make the trip through the state with Dr. Eldrldge. ? Judge Webster will discuss local conditions and sug gest such legislation as is necessary o be obtained In drder that ' the work can be carried out to the mag nlfl'cent end ' the various associations that are supporting' the State Good Roads Association have in? view . ' frUIE pole h&a been dl covered ; A By one and nybe two, 1 And fly ing to Invented, i Bo vhat Is there to dot : . And IShakeipeftre has been written. There's no west to explore. And China has been opened. . . That doesn't leave much more. ' We have the old earth conquered, likewise the sea and air, . And fellows with the money Can travel anywhere. : Machines have been Invented That fact you'll have to grant For anything you think of And some things that you can't As for poetlo fancies. The changes have been runs; In every twist and angle, In every earthly tongue, .' And stories have been written - To please the ear and sell , Until It's plain there Isn't A good one left to tell. i t Inventors and explorers ' ' i ' Of subjects are bereft. , :' Perpetual motion only Is all that there Is left iTThen some one has Invented that " ." . Where will we curious ones Be at? '; A Real Contest Whisper It to the hens. Thev mav want to go In training. There Is to h an egg laying contest In Mexico, Mo In this Marathon lay the bens that enter will have to lay real eggs. No china doorknobs or storage eggs from last season will be allowed. , t It will be different from the ordinary egj laying contest carried on between the hens of two suburbs whose own ers meet every day downtown, and swap lies about the prowess of the gamy little birds at home. In ; the Missouri contest the hen whose owner has the largest imagina tion will hot necessarily win. ' ' St Elmo Coming A particularly attractive theatrical offering is St. Elmo, which comes to the Steward on May 9th. St Elmo is dramatized from Agusta Evens Wil- guiaes tnoroughly frightened. "We son's remarkable novel of that name. Zl .Z ZlJL the truly remarkable thing to descend But 'bow could we de- j about St-Elmo 18 that at Bome tlme f scend any more thar ascend, pot be- other every person has read 11 or haB Ing able to see a distance of . ten earl tor7 told. No modern one yards? : If we Btopped we would be ot tne best sellers has "even en overcome, by the snow, , If we proceed- ' Joyed a similar poularity of this old ed we would likely go into a crevice or over a precipice. And what was the use of moving when we did not know which way to move? I went out on a circumscribed ex ploring trip and stood apart from the rest, awed by the whirling snow, when 1 heard a voice a voice fa miliar, never to be forgotten. ' 1 "Oerr, folgen sie'mlch." (Sir fol low me).' , y.x At that moment I saw through vtbe snowflakes a vague fortn 'a ihort dis tance before me.v Oalllug to the oth ers to corneal followed It'.they trail ing in behind tae. There .were heights' above and chasms belowbut we walked near them without . dan ger. And there .before us. flickering. how fading, disappearing, but always reappearing, was the figure. itbin twenty, minutes we reached the Grand Mulets. . Who or what led us to safetT I leave) for the reader to surmise. . ' new or nivers. A river la cliiD-tHah mhn if n, -- ----- - v.ww .fllin KVOTW the rate of about one mile an fcou?: or dinarily swift, twd mllesVo hoi'r; Wy bmw, uic luuea ma uour; torrent, six miles an hour. . The Samoan Languaoe, 8peaklng of the flexibility of th ga moan language, one. who uses It says that the lltaln nM . i uicam L, too. to beat with a stick, to play on a rousicai wstrnment; to reprove, to tattoo, to open a vein, to' wash' cloth tng by beating and to turn a some aalt . - ' .t ;;'.. ..;;..;;;-,;,. - '.v f ' , . . -'' ' ,v y T Eltc'trio Chilrt s ' ' William Kemmler, executed' at Au burn prlsou for wife murder.' Aug. 4 1890. was the tirsi to be executed by electricity lu New yor, ttate. Some modern artist claim" to .general belief, that the prettiest unset colorlncs are cities owlug to the dust tn the air. The couuiry. nowever.; affords the greatest sweep of the sky. Rabbits. Hardly any animal to more difficult KKuraf .VV08 of the wild rabbU. on the other hand, scarcely any an mai to tamer than the young TTvryMiV'iaa!M fashioned novel out of the years long since past The heroine of the story, Edna Earl, can be classed as the most unusual young woman and certainly her protype is not abroad today, ' Gerda'NelBon assumes this role and Is a most acceptable "Edna." v She conveys a proper impression 1 of the sweetheBB' and strength that is asso ciated with this character.' The titu lar ruie m taimo s "Murray" is taken by Charles Gunn and his treat ment, of this character is an excellent bit of work. Domestio Animals. It is estimated that the total number of pigs in the world to 150.000.000 and or sneep rmooo,OWV The total num ber of useful domestic animal on th globe Is believed to bo about 1,500,000,- 000. ....'" . ' ' Time. Time Is the most paradoxical of all t hi Dot. The oast to gone. rWfntnr Is not come, and' the present becomes tne past wtuie we attempt to define it r - . Longest Cantilever Bridge. Great" Britain has the longest canti lever brldire In the world In the mat Forth bridge across the firth of Forth, Scotland- .This bridge" has "two canti lever ahftrei arm rt nMl fst i nA Wa main cantilever spans of LTfO feet,,, It was begun In 1883 and was completed In 1890. ' -" ' '. ' ' ','.'. . v."'t- The Steamer puek. ' ,-f '-The steamer duck of South America loBes Its power bf fllcht as It matures. The reason to that Its wings do. not grow as the rest of lu body develops. , How Goshawks Are Trained. ' A French traveler states that the goshawk to still used In Persia In hunt ing the gazelle and that It is trained to feed on that creature's beautiful eyes by placing its food In the emptied eyeballs of. a stuffed gatelle, so that when used In the hunt the goshawk "tops its victim by attacking; Its eves. a horribly cruel form of sport' . Chance For an Inventor.' "It is a great age,", observed Dusty Rhodes. ' ' ' - "What's ' crest about ' itr cnint1 Homeless rate." ' . - "Everythlng-the; wireless,' the tele graph, the horseless carriage and all the rest." "I don't think much of them." "What you kicking for?" ) ; "Why don't some of these - smart guys get tip a holeless doughnut? We hear this every f. day and we Just want I to say that we are showing the handsom- , esi epnng suits we ve . ever shown and that's cer tainly. SAYING S03LETIIISG i The new Spring Clothes are so splendidly, cnt and tailored and the new Wool ens are so : beautiful that these . words of praise are v I not out of place. Toull have to see these Splendid . Suits In order to appreciate them thoroughly ' . ' -. ' . ..." - Come ' arly ths-re's a splendid showing now and youll need , time , to pick" out your suit "affinity." J.::: Moderate Prices You If you don't care to buy. don't, but look at any rate; Good ClotKes. ' Nicely Fooled. v 'Tou can't fool me." "I know it." 7:C'"::' "You thought you could, though." "I?" . :;' : "Yes." : .- . "Not for a minute." -"Didn't you?" "No. The minute 1 saw ,vou imM to myself there is a man nnhrutv md hoodwink." ' . Now Version. &athes there a man with soul so dead who never to himself hath said, "This is my own, my native land, 1 where trusts have got the Upper hand ' " And where 1 am a lucky guy If I can grab a chunk of pie ' " And not, In claiming It as mine, Pay tribute to some big combiner Good Idea..: . ,.. ' "You attend church?" "Yes: I .am troubled "with insomnto. you know," , PERTtpClRAHSrVv We are not what we would llk'4to be, and sometimes we don't Just know wny either. , The clouds that have the sllverv lln- Ing have ' been sneaked bv the iunk dealers long time ago. - ' A Japanese Volcano. Fujiyama, the volcano that appears In all Japanese, pictures, to 1235 feet high, and 10,000 pilgrims ascend it "',.' ' v-v V"' vi V ': " ISTEffRD'S gggjgj i 1 , . .. ' I . One Night Only. Mbriday, May 9 th Frederic Bclasco PRESENTS ELMO; 4 The Dramatic Sensation of the Season, from Augusta " Evans Book of the same name. . r4 v': i 3 Prices: $1.50, $leOQfe 75 5alt8e S Sale of Seats Opens, for.. Snserlber(r:ii FritertrVA'7iaij.Ut-HTaB f ' Buren's News Stand. Begnlay Seat Sale next day ' : : ft JfOTE A full house for ST. EUlO;:SeCBreV rilthe Belagco Attrac- K ' ; tlons for La Grande In the" futartK i ' ' ft I' Feed IsJ Cheaper r It always is if you buy of Of course there naturally must be a ioi oi niga living as long as there to so much high. flying.' - Ut requires a woman to fail to see the difference between an argument and a steady and unmitigated flow of words. ' ..'''.."." Money always gets into such ex posed and dangerous places that It is next to an impossibilltjr to save it ' . The cheaper a thing to the dearer It to at any price. ' -, You rarely find a strong armed man breaking his neck to find a soft snap. '"',. ' ' Getting into mlsrhiof i. . Pastime, but getting out again to often ' icfcui struggle. i',f Both'Photie3,Main6iT B ' 'T'i'f't '!' : fi' i r ' . - .--4.- $ f . DRY , I am prepajred to furnish Dry Chain Wood, al sq partly seasoned wood, to all comers. Kind: ly phone your order to, v J'; ?X-1 V: ; i B JE A W PHOHE RED 37ki ' ve4aAa4 a ' ' :rWWWWWWWy SB ISend the Observer to Your Frikhd II