.! W 'DRINK Natural tin irieiral Water Bottled as It flows From the Spring It's Good for what Ails You WRECK -IT SCXTTEE. Engineer and Firemen Lean and Save - , Their Lltes ! ' ''. ' -t Complete equipment" for resetting and repairing rubber buggy tires. : LA GRANDE IRON WORKS .. . . , D. F 170ERALD, Proprietor Complete . Machine Shops and Foundry OUB OPTICAL T0K I flATIQ J. H. When you come to us to have youi eyes fitted we ascertain the exact con ,i dltion of your eyes fitting; you care fully with the lens that relieve your eyes completelynot by making the eye accommodate Itself to the lens, but by baring the lens fit the eye perfectly. 1 ""; V" f ; ; Our experience and genuine skill assure yew of EXACT work always and without exorblf ?i charges. Early this morning there occurred wreck on the Sumpter Valley that might have resulted fatally had It not been for the. presence of mind of the engineer and fireman who Jumped - when they saw an open switch and saved themselves ; from going into the river with the engine, says the Baker Herald, A logging train left Baker at 6:30 this ' morning and and at the rock quarry 13 miles south of town where the paving company has been taking out stone, the engine struck an open switch and left the rails, toppling over Into the river. " The fireman jumped and escaped with ' a few slight scratches, but Engineer Brown was thrown against a rail and his back was severely hurt A member of the crew, immediately telephoned to headquarters In this city and an en gine and one car of the passenger train was Immediately :. dispatched to the scene with a doctor. The .in jured man was brought, to this city and taken to his home where he. Is now resting quite easily. . That the Open switch, was the work of a criminal is shown by the fact that the lock had been broken and the switch thrown. The track is . heavy grade iiem uuu iu imiu was not running fast or the result might have been different There is no Indication of who the guilty party j could have been, but . the company has offered a reward of $500 for the arrest and conviction of the guilty i person, or persons. '; . i ; ( V f j '" ' 'nT'; "' r'x i 3 V IMITCHE Wins Class Event San , Francisco Moior Club's A nnnal Hill CHinb, March 30, one mile standing start, 37 cars, rangin g' in price from 1850, to $4000 and over; best time, 1.07; time of . Mitchell Model R. 1.15 1-5, .winning class event, also defeating all but six highest priced sars in tree-. for-all. ?-: .';';". A ir.'.i 51100: 4 Cit 30-35 h p. Roadster,-2 fo Pas- $1350 k Cyl 50-35 ;. p. Touring, 5 Passengers 2000 6 Cyf,50 A. p-, Touring, 5 or 7 Passengers PRICES F. O. B. factory I DITTEBRANT AUTOMOBILE CO:: J ; ; r y SUMERV1LLE Be Considerate, v We lose trust ' In each other not through the faults of our neighbors, but because of our own exactions. We expect too much, from others, too little from ourselves, always i viewing o un friends -from our standpoint, forgetful of the suffering, the worry and the toll which demand attention on our right and left '; - - . : -; Patriotic ?, "' Ih&t Kentuckians have a very high regard for their native state Is Illus trated by this anecdote told by one of them; . , .. ' . Once a, Eentucklan died, bo a near relative ,weut to the local, tombstone artist to arrange about an Inscription on the deceased's tombstone. ; v 'J . After due cogitation the near rela tive said: ;- 'Carve on it, He's gone to a better place. :, :- Z'll carve, 'lie's gone to heaven if you want me to," remarked the tomb stone artist, '"but, as for that other In scription, there's no better place than Kentucky." : . v '., .r: . On the Sly. .. ' ! , Professor Perclval Lowoll, the . fa mous astronomer, once told an amus ing story of an old woman .he at one time had as housekeeper, to whom be made a sporting offer. -"Janet," he said to hef one day, i'th very next pionet I discover 1 will make you a present of $5." H ' Tou are very kind, sir," she replied. "and I am sure I hope you will soon discover one." . ; . . : '. , Several r months went by, and nc planets were discovered,'- ' vi ' : . "The fact of the matter Is, ma'am," confided the . old woman at last . to Mrsv Lowell, "I do think the professor foes out at night and discovers plan THE 7? . .i'Jn. .-of I 5 DISEASES i TJ8 vt : r-v lis fflik f n it n i t AFJD f . ..... . Two yetrt )20 a teTcr cold tettled ab nt innrya m MmMiAfrli .-- I ' onable te work and arcely able to stand. I then w.. ed tl SS : after uslnj one bottle I went back to work, aa well m I ever waa." ' - ' '7 a fv ., ,w J AIOHS, Banner Springe, Teno.' " . PRICE COO Salvo COLO AUD GUARANTEED DY L AMD Ct.00 Store The tailoring department is under the direct supervision of C. "W. Baker, and ii l .1 a . i i-.J i - T L iL.i ' : J i 6 an wont ana material is guaranieeu to u? iue ut-si tuai muue auu s&iu can proau Tailormade Suits f roia $20 Up V. : Tailormade. suits for.the ladies. We are able to design Suits, Jackets, Gowns, Kimonas and Underwear.' All orders will be given prompt and careful attention. Our suit cleaning department is under the direction of L. Spangler. Our wag on will call and deliver suits to all parts of La Grande, Perry and Island City. ' Phone your orders. '. '-''-v v. .:: v.; .'''.-? Hats cleaned and blocked; We are adding a shoe shining, department, with the finest chairs between Portland and Salt Lake. Shoes shined and ' clothes pressed. One dollar. cr rt ' 1118 Adams Ave. lit,- iiastiw, Phone Main 735 $101,000, 8AY SHARKEY, i ; Tom Sharkey's determination to challenge, the winner of the Jeffries-Johnson fight has arous ed a good deal of Interest . ' Tom la cold gray serious. He has erected a gymnasium In his borne, and, as a matter of fact, ' he Is in remarkably good condi tion despite be has been out of the ring for many ' years, and, . Judging by .'his present condl- tlon, he does - not need much work to be In good trim for an-; other battle.;; In talking, of the; . coming; fight Sharkey said re cently: "Look at the,, money ' there Is In the fight game now adays! Think of lt-$101,000 for a scrap! Why, I'd fight a bull for thatl" And Tom " would when he was in his prime. COVALESKI'S GREAT FEAT. " " .; - ' - HurUd Ball Six Tlm Between Play , ere iiut Feet Apart - : -J, I Sporting " writers In the past ; have turned out some wonderful iarns of baseball feats, but the palm must be presented to the Cincinnati man who is responsible for the following story: - Talk about your pitchers having con trol of the ball, here's a little stunt that Harry Covaleskl, the big Pole, pulled 'off during practice- jthe other morning that Is surely going some in handling the pill. .' Several Reds were arguing . as to who had the most con trol.. i . - "I'll tell you what I'll do," said "Co rey." '.'If two of you chaps will stand p In front of, Tom Clarke with your heads a foot apart I'll throw ;the ball into his hands between your heads sii times running." .. A ..,;.,''.;. ;. -. . .. Harry .Qaspar had confidence In Har ry's accurate aim and agreed to be one of the two to stand np and let "Covey? see how near, he could come without bitting him. V- v iJ Others were- not so -confident .until Mike Konnick volunteered. So Gas par and Konnick stood .up over; an imaginary plate, leaned forward until their foreheads were but a foot apart, and "Covey" Bet himself to the task. He wound ud for the throw and lot tho ball gci Gasper andKonnlck didn't nave to move,, for the ball shot be tween their heads as true as a well aimed buUet ,The other five balls went In the same place, and Gaspar and Konnick. In spite ot their confl dence In the young Pole, heaved a sigh of relief when the stunt was over. 2 Hoist With Hie Own Petard. t The girl with the soft, appealing eyes looked up at the tall, broad shouldered young man who was hov ering about -her with a protecting air having juet won Jjer from a hated rival. ; ? "Jim," she murmured,' "now , that we've been engaged ever sincr last night, and you won't ever need to be Jealous again, I've brought you to se tect tie tor-for-anyway, you wUl, won't you? A man's taste Is so cop rect In such things."; 'm1111' you meanI 0' course I ill Jim , replied with magnani mous alr. t "This green tie with the ilta07ha"Spe to. - "Are vou sur if ia ifiS the glri ft8ked "xloisly. Usually you select such quiet ties." "That Is precisely my taste," the young man said glibly.' , ; -. t . 1118 frt exchanged a two dollar bill for the gaudy neckUe and a moment later slipped it Into her companion's band; ... , . v ..... - ,- ."Jim."- she said, "t'can't Just keep tt secret an Instant longer. It's really for you-the first gift I've ever given 121 Dted lt M Oy what you liked. Ton must wear It always v- iu tuui 10 8ce me," added the Possessor of the soft, appealing eyes, with an adorahift MnAr.. . i.'' I Times. WE BELIEVE j The reason our Shoes sell f so well is because they have J a style of , their : own, are made right arid of material j that wears. We have them in most all stvlea and widths V. Va ." ... ' 't-m ' . M J ine our 'Stock. . s jj j SMITH &, GREEWE, . .506 Depot Street ; f I 1 v Notice of Street ImproTemenjl To whom it may concern-r-Notlce is hereby fiiven that In pursuance of a ... :. . . - . .;- , , v.. .. sv tf resolution adopted by thet Cbmmon Council of the City, of La Grande, Oregon, on the ,2d day of May, 1910, creating , Improyemen(t -District ' No. 14 and designating Fir Street as such district, and in pursuance of a reso lution adopted by said Common Coun cil on the 27th ' day of April, 1910, whereby. said Council determined and declared Its intention to improve all that portion of Fir Street, in said improvement district as hereinafter described by laying thereon Bitu-llthic- payeni T lUe Council will ten days after the service of this notice upon the owners of property affect ed : and benefited by such ; improve ment, order that above described lm- -- - ' . , , proveinent be made; that the boun daries of said district to be so im proved are as follows; . V - All that portion of Fir. street) from the North- curb line of Washington Avenue ;tO the souurb line - of Monroe Avenue. Notice- j is hereby further given that the Council will levy a special assessment on all the property affected and benefited by such Improvement , for :the purpose of paying for such Improvement That the estimated cost of suCh improve ment is the sum of $19,115.00. That fhe Council will on the 11th day of May, 1910, meet at the council cham ber at : the hour of 8 o'clock p' xal, to consider -said estimated cost.' and the levy, of said assessment, , when, a hearing will be granted, to any peo von. feeling aggrieved by such . as seesment, -.',.-v' - V- La Grapde, Oregon, April 27,; 1910. City Council of La Grande, Oregon, ; By D. E. COX, ":c -: . ' Recorder of the City , of La Grande. ment District as hereinafter describ ed, by laying , thereon cement side walk, the Council will, ten days af ter the service of. this notice upon the property owners; affected and ben-! enited by ; auch : Improvement, order that ; the above described Improve ment be made; and that the boun daries .of. said district to be so im proved are as follows: ' South side of Pennsylvania Ave nue, from the east curb line of Fourth Street to the east line of Lot 4; Block 63 ' on said Avenue. Notlct is hereby further given that the Coun-j ell will levy a special assessment on. all the property affected and ben efitted by" such improvement for the purpose oj paying for euch Improve menCThatr the-; estimated cost of uct Improvements Is Uhe sum ol 1967.80. That the , council, will on the iith day pf'Wy.:i9niet.at the Ct)uncilJ chamber? at? the hour of 8 p'ciockrrp;tm., to consider iaid esti mate cost, and th levy of said as ses8meitJ:when a jkC hearing will be granted to" any ; person feeling ag grieved by auch assessment. ' ; "Li Grande, Oregon, April 27, 1910. City Council of La Grande, 'Oregoiu T',By; D. E. COX, Recorder of the City of La Grand Oregon."' ,4-29-t-10. Jfotice of Street Improvement.', To whom It mav ronrernMnHo is hereby'given that in jursuance of a resolution adopted by the Common Council, of; the QUy of. La Grande, Oregon, on the 15th day of December, 1909, creating improvement : District -!,".. ana aesignating Pennsylvania Avenue, as such district, and in ir. , utnet ,of rejiohiUftii i . , f-wvju uj said Common Council On the 13th day of April. lSlOhereby said , council determined and declared Its Inten ion to improve all that portion of Pennsylvania Ave. in said improve-1 HoHSe cleaning' time is' here. For get the old 'way j of whipping your carpets. , B&vo half Ihie cost and 'all of the work by"; getting, the; Vacume House , Cleaner. ; aeana - everything from, floor to 'ceniagJCarpeta,' Rugs, unholstered Furniturej Bedding, Cur tains etci; thorough cleaned. Up holstering, mattress making and fur niture repairing nicely and , neatly done.. For estimates call nt 106 Fir Street or Phone Red 3941. -: : J. M. BOWLSBT, Prop. The . Chrlstain Woman's 'Board ( Missions will meet with Mrs. T. J Scroggin next ThurBdav afternoon. Mrs. Hunter ,the field secretary of the society will be present. " The m jn-A bers are making p'ecial preparatbiB as mis meeting'ls of no ordinary nn portance. , ; v-;-';-.": Ral Economy. r v "Martha,n,sald old Silas Long to his wife, "I think I'll go and get a few apples from the orchard." . He looked t ho.HmMir 1 Rhn said: - "Well W careful now.i. only to pick the bad ones." -Suppose there ain't no bad ones Martha."- '.' "Then yell have to wait till some FOPS . hnd nf rnnrca - . tha lfldT snapped. "We can't afford to eat good, sound fruit wuth 3 cents a bnsbeL"