La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, May 03, 1910, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Tale of a Tenement .
Frozen North Sellg. -Sporty
Dad Pathe.
Ills Own Child. . -
Song "I Wonder Who She
is Kissing Now" . -
e . y o
A ;, . o
Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn was ill to
day and confined to his room.
Y A. II. Bone, a businessman of Boise..
. spent the day in the. city on business
matters. , ." .--
Mrs. G. 0. Moats and Minnie Wood-
ell of Summervllle were in the city
- ' ...... - - .
L. Zundel has accepted a position
with the A. V. 5 Andrews - clothing
Btore and is now employed there
Y Walter Galloway returned this morn
ing from Union , where he has been
visiting relatives for a few days.
Mrs. L. Luthgate and daughter,
Grace have returned to their home at
Wal'a Walla after a short visit tcro
; with friends. -Y.JV'YY, .' Y
. Fred Housh, formerly manager of
the local light company but' now , lo-!
cated at Boise, passed through ; the
city today, Y'V-kY- ". Y'V,'Y
; D. C. Brlschoux, proprietor; and
manager of the Savoy hotel, is In Star
key today on land matters. -He ex
pects to be gone fqr several days. .
No Humbug No Hot -Aif
PerDaneatly Located 1105 Adams Ave., Opposite the Postoffice
Dr. Mendelsohn has been at the reauest and endorsement of all the city
physicians permanently locat ed here since August 1, 1909 and during tnis period
has treated professionally nearly 2000 patients,. among. them 175 children, and
v;uu uuiuiuiiy say mai x nave succeeaea m uoiug ueua a "v
than any one man ever did in Unon county.- This proves that I have conductedr
V practice on a Dasis xnai appeals to everyone, mv uusuicoa w 004
to everybody." I rarely, hear complaints and am always ready and willing to ,cor4
Toot ontT a-tT-T. 4-Vo T mnlrn . Wet
If your eyes trouble you see me. I believe my extensive experience .. and
skill. together with my. honesty and sincerity of purpose, I can give you a guar
anfpA nf frnViffir.ocja nriA cof iefnptinn T rftffir von to vonr neicrhbor. to vour
physician, who have known me for the past 16 years and I am endorsed by the
most prominent oculist of Portland. 1;-:.-::; v'V-'::V''.7v ; .':. .'.
tfsslTkslssss ,t-.'. ..-... - . .. ..-' .
The Entire Problem Lies in These Three
:?"VYonr"CiM(B will
Office Hours, 9 to
. . . ' . - ... -i -.
- ' ' ii i j
"?! Eolertm
died last Friday was held today. Lo
cal Rebekahs had' charge of the ser
vices, About 18 or 20 of the Knights of
ryimas and their ladles will drive
to Union his evening to visit the
lodge at tiat place. -
- Secretary Wm. Church of the com
mercial club, has been briefly in.
formed that there will be a good road
lecture hore on May 19th under the
auspices of the U. S. government.
'' E. Mulligan, who has headauartera
in Spokane was la the city last nieht
in the capacity of. general chairman J
or the board of grievances for the
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen
and Engineers on the 0. R. & N.
system. f
Attorney jno S. Hodgin left today
for '.Enterprise. He will return for
a day later in the week, but will not
be in his offlee until next Tuesday
for "he plans to spend almost the en
lire week at Enterprise., .'
0. S. Allen has gone to Portland
o visit his brother H.S. Allei who
has been at the Mt. Bein sanatorium
for the past three months. O. S.
Allen will return soon If his brother
is able to accompany him home. '
' W. H. Casey of the Onldpn rtnU
company has written to -Mao Wood
W-Bavin that his brother John '
Casey who was taken ill at Portland
recently is some better but Mr. Casey
will hot return to La Grande until
his brother has recovered. Y
- ''t V M ''v.- :'.--ir '
. Preparations are under way to have
the combined L. D. S. choirs of La
Grande and Baker City officiate at
some of the Chautauqua servxlces.
The choir will be drilled by Prof. Ed
wardsof Salt Lake, who is kell
known here. ; . . -.:
The following have . left ' the ser
vices of the 0. R. & N : W. H. John
son, fireman; 0. D. Mead, laborer; II.
E. Deaton; Tom.De Lason, laborer;
Guy' P, Ludwig, machinist; B. B.
Simmons, fireman ;'-.' F. E. Ludlum
fireman; 'A. E. Miller, fireman; Roy
Jacobs, B. M. helper; Frank Silk, la
borer and John D. Read," Jr., laborer.
I Mekdl
inr th
not Puzzle Doctor Mendelsohn
12, 1 fo 5. By special appointments
m the evenings.
- P- , UU1 ot taller U Iruuact-"
Jug -business matters in the city.'
The W. C. T. U. study class will
meet at the home of Mrs. M. R. Stev
enson Thursday afternoon at 2:30.
All interested in the work are re
quested to be present
S. D. Crowe, -general manager of
the Home .Independent Telephone
company left last evening for his
home state, Michigan, and plans to
be gone about three weeke. He will
visit relatives In Northern Michigan
and transact business matters In oth
er large cities of the middlewesL
If you like the looks of those swell
clothes you see so many of the young
fellows wearing these days, drop in
at The Peoples Store and see their
stock of Hart Schaffner & Marx
goods. That's where the Bmart cloth
ing comes from. . .
A Little Error On Credit
- The Portland Oregonian, a news
paper that makes very few errors,
clipped an editorial from the Observ
er and reprinted it yesterday giving
credit for the same, to the Baker City
Herald. This would not be of im
portance If it did not place this pa'
per in the position of hiving -lifted
the editorial from the Baker Herald,
and as the writer Is a new man in
La Grande he does hot want to appear
in that light when such is not tho
However, there 1 no serious harm
done as neither the Oregonian or the
Herald had anything but the best in
tentions In the matter. It was a case
of giving credit to the wrong paper-,
an error that any human, is liable to
make. Y. " ' .., .
Treasurer's Call for City Warrants
'. Notice is hereby "given that there
are now funds, on hand- to pay all
outstanding warrants Issued on Gen
eral Fund of La Grande City, up to
and Including No. 8066, endorsed
Dec. 17, 1908. V v -L'y:
Interest on all yarrants on Gene
ral Fund from No. 7939 to No 8006,
inclusive, ceases from this date.
;.;'.;,: RAY W. LOGAN,
City Treasurer.'
m MM .m MM
. ,. hum .
Wm. Ogden of Cove was a metroDo -
,, ... . . v
uw Tisuor iixiay. .
Mrs. Joe Campbell of 110S Second
street Is improving after a siege of
M. J. ilalley of the La Grande Meat
company is a business visitor in Par
ma, Idaho today.
H. T. Shelley returned today from
Portland where he was called by
the llness of his father. Mr. Shelley
Sr. has not Improved any and is still
In a precarious condition. "
; Miss Henrietta ' Spader, advance
agent for Belasco's St. Elmo. Is in
the city today making arrangements
for the coming of St. Elmo to La
Grande on May 9th.
Mrs. Miles Woodell and children
of Summervllle are visiting in the
city this week and are the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Currey.
Things to Forgot.
If you se a tall fellow ahead of a crowd,
A leader of men, marching- fearless and
proud, . f
And you know of a talo whoso mere tell-
Ing- aloud
Would causa his proud head to la anguish
j bo bowed,
, It's a pretty good plan to forget It
If you know of a skeleton hidden away
In a closet and guarded and kept from
'. the day . .
In the dark and whose showing, whoso
sudden display,
Would cause grief and sorrow and life-i-.i
long dismay, . ,.c. -:
' ' preiijr ra pmn o (urgai ii.
It you knpw of a thing that will darken
the Joy
Of a man or a woman, a girl or a boy.
That will wipe out a smile or the least
way annoy t
A fellow or cause any gladness to cloy, -It's
a pretty good plan to forget it
; The High Prices.
2Jo sane man would cast pearls be
fore swine in these days. ..Hogs are
too valuable to, take chances of chok
ing tbem.St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
At an auction sale of paintings In
New York "The Frugal Meal" Bold for
$19,500. . What would a palnted "Wine
Supper cost I - Bingnamton Bepub
Hcan. ' . ' '.
Testimony that cold storage to m
great equalizer of prices Is entirely
correct. The trouble Is that It equal
izes fhem at top flgures.Indlanapolls
N6W8. -
New York's big restaurants are rais
ing tb price of food. And the pathetic
part of the whole business Is that cus
tomers will not dare to make up the
difference by reducing the size of tips.
Philadelphia Inquirer.
. Facts From France.
A French marlstrafe who repnH
died weighed 667 pounds.
A Violet Cross lea true has heon fnrm.
ed In Paris with the oblect of snn-
presslng swearing.
Dr. Hohmer - or Marevllle.
has successfully . extracted rwonfr.
three Iron fork handles from a patient
who had deliberately swallowed them.
; " English Etchings.
There are said to be" 130.000 foreiim
waiters employed In London.
On -. Its water snnnlv tmm r.v
vyrawy, Liverpool has snent npnriv
3,000,000. .
Sunday. April 2. 1011. has been flrl
for the taking of the next census of
Great Britain. v .-,
, Less than thirty years aeo the bnst-
ness of making and baking bread In
London was In the hands of Scotsmen.
IXQV inA Lnnnnn hntrara mr n.Mfe.n
almost to the last bun and biscuit
The Mormons. : ,
The first resnlarlr contltntAi
church' of the Mormon faith was or
ganized In Manchester. N. Y- on AtirU
6, 1830, and from that time and even?
aates toe Mormon era.
"Woodlark" Souirrel PoUon I th mrwf
reliable and destructive agent yet devised
(or the extermination of Gonhers. Saulfw
rels, Sage Rats and Prairie Dogs. It is
the . cheapest insurance against their
ravages. Every kernel is warranted to
kill. Climatic changes or moisture of the
earth do not destroy its strength. Re
always ready for txse. NaT other is so
good. Dealers will refnndlhe-purchase
price.if not as claimed. Pamphlet free
Hoyt Chemical Co . Portland, Oregon
1 CA YY . .
j V V v v V v V v"v v v
o 17 vf (T );yiii!i-:.j
O . . .
:-:, v i
V Tnintt nf it. ih frm alnn
ic : mz$m)Y
III t.
v a
Ml you have to do is fo save your pure base stamps for O ,
goods purchased on bt after this s date to? the amount &l
A nf H ? anf turn them nir with QJl rente in rzch a.
- WW. , ...... v w... i a . Mll . v
$ coupons and take your picture. See whdow display ytt
Quality the Same,j Prices Lcgs
WANTED Woman td do housework.
Apply 1614 Fourth street oi phone
Main 726.
- Some men miss the comfort they
could have out of light clothes In
the summer months. The Hart.
Schaffner & Marx goods that The
Peoples Store Is selling would be a
The regular election , of Rescue
Hobo .Company will be held Wednes
day evening at the fire station at 7; 30
Lots of new clothes on the street
these days. The Peoples Store Bays
that the best looking ; of them , are
Hart Schaffner & Marx, and that they
still have a good, stock for; the late
buyer. :, Y--'.,'... ;..-Yr Y '- i. '-: '
Cliamberlafn't Rtomali ami T
w vva I1QUP
are safe, sure and reliable, and have been
praised by thousands of women who have
been restored lo health through their gentle
aid and curative properties.
Market Quotations.
: , Portland Markets
Butter Extra creamery, 27c; fan
cy, 25c; store, 20 23; Callforaia
extra creamery, 25c. x : .
BUTTER FATDellvery fob at
Portland Sweet cream 26c, sour 24c
EGGS Local,' candled, select 23
24c. YY';YY-:"Y'Y;'";; -:;
POULTRY Mixed chickens 21
24c; fancy hens, 21c; turkeys, alive
21 21c; dressed 27 28c; pigeons,
squabs, $2.50 3 $3.00 doz; dressed
chickens, 1 to 2c higher than alive.
BARLEY Producers price, 1909
Feed $25; rolled $26.50; brewing $25.
WHEAT Nominal track, culb,
84 85; bluestem, 87 88, Willam
ette valley 85c. Y
MILLSTUFFS Selling price Bran
$21.60; middlings, $31; , shorU,- $23
$23.50; chap. $19 . $28, alfalfa
meal $21 per ton.
FLOUR New crop patents, $5.65;
Ate like Old YJUztma
Kill, sfjpe zr.d ir:st u 'hit
the tnilkror wester wznts.
C00D RECQti'.'.EUD
V.e have bsndkd the La
ViSue line tor k years snd
havn't had a single "con
plaint. $17.50 line con- '
sists of Serges In all staple
colors. Panamas and Fan- O
cy Suitings, $22-50 in the
same kind of material of
better trades. Once one
wears a La Vogue they will
always want the same
make. , '
98c Decorate vour 98c
Decorate your
Beautiful tine ot Framed
Pictnres, finished in Oil,
16 x 2 inches, will he
placen on sale tomorrow
Vie' nesday, at 98 cents in
.....4. M m
WWMAMMkWf .i tK,-
wnrlh ttvlr that nvir
They are saying, at. The Peoples
Store that this season's Hart Schaff
ner ft Marx . clothes - are the best
they have ever seen. Going some I .
Clean-up "Verses form La Grande Feci
( -V " j ' """S""s"s.
In the deep heart of the mounti!z9
lv blue,
The Grande Ronde, valley Is r;rs2
to view. : . l . '' .
In the deep heart - of tha Cr&aSa
Ronde valley.
Nestles fair La Grande with, gird
. and alley ' ; : : 1
All gone At the mention ot car
alleys the spirit of poetry takes its
flight. l
All living outside the fire limits
may burn trash on Wednesday.
Clean up the yard, the street a&l
the alley..
We will not be a blot on the Grand
v Konde Valley. Y 'j
Mother Nature Is clothing the moua-
ta,ins in a dress new and beautifuL . "
The trees are donning their plcula
clothes of green lace trimmed wltll
The lilac nods her head over tha
cup of the tul.'p, ,
A carpet of velvet covers the lawn,
but oh, look at the back yard.
"Now honey you clean up your own
back yard. x
Willamette valley $5.50 bbl.;. local,
staight $4.30 $5.35 bakers, $5.50;
export grades $4.00; graham l-2s,
$5.10; rye $5.75; bales, $3.15.
HAY Producers price- New timo
thy, Willamette valley, fancy $20 0
$21, ordinary $18; Eastern Oregon.
$22 $23; clover No. 1. $15.50 $16
whent $16 ..17; cheat, $17 $18;
alfalfa, $17 $18.
FRESH FRUITS Oranges, new na
vals, ; $2.50 $3.25 box; bananas.
J l-2c lb; lemons. 13.75 S4.50 box:
grapefruit, $4; pineapples, 6 O Il-2o
strawberries, Florin, $1 0 $1.85 per
crate, local 12 l-2c box. - .
POTATOES Selling, new 55 O 60;
buying,- . eastern Multnomah ass
Clackamas, 45c; Willamette taHey,
40c; new potatoes 4 l-2c E.- Y: Y
., ONIONS Jobbing No. 1, $100 pi
cwt; No. 2, $2; buying, No. 1,
garlic, 10 0 12c lb. v
; APPLES $2 0 $2.50. Y.t
t ;
l I
I. I
I :
1 1
t V