LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER TUESDAY. MAY 3, 1910. PAGE FOUR LA GBANOEEVENfNGOBSERVFB ilILM (Published Dally Except Sunday BRUCE PEXXIS Editor and Owner , United Press Telegraph genlce traded here by-the different speak ers and the novelty of attending a Chautauqua.- Included in this meeting . Is . the Fourth of July celebration' which, as ail know, Is one of the red tett days for any city. Then will come the fair and already ' preparations hare begun to make it greater and larger 'than last year, if possible. All will remember that the event of last year was something to"be re membered and all will agree if the moving spirits succeed . in making this a better, they will deserve the unstinted Draise of La Grande, the Entered at the pOBtoffice at La Grande j Grande Ronde. valley and Wallowa as second-class matter county combined. " ; For these events it will be nev- ; SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Daily, single copy Daily, per week.,i Dally, per month... 15c 65c This paper will not publish an ar ticle appearing over a nom de plume. Signed articles will be revised sub- essary for every person to take a part. Do not think it is all the work of committees for really the success Ject to the discretion of the editor, of such enterprises lie with the peo- rjease sign your articles and save pie. Public sentiment is the greatest disappointment. THE (LE.lXrP DAT . Wednesday is the day. Don't try to dodge it, for tht Is Impossible. . Oa that day La Grande is going to take a bath, get a clean shave and powder her cheeks. The winter has been a long one and natural enough a great' deal of rubbish has accumu lated In many places. It is Intended on tms aay appointed lor a cleanup that a thorough rennovation of back yards, street and alleys be mad. We will all feel better after it has been done, and will be glad that .some act in unison was started. A GREAT 8EAS0JT FOR LA GEASDE No other city In Oregon of its size has so many public gatherings slat ed for the season that Is opening as has La Grande. Leading off with the athletic meet on May 18th, the teo ple here will begin a series of en tertainments that are more than pas ting Importance. 'ft will only be a few weeks until the dates for holding the annual Chautauqua arrive ractor In the world today- It moves everything and to marshal public sen timent in the right direction is the work of brave, big men. To cultivate this sentiment let every home person see that something is done to help things along. Report to the heads of departments and signify your will ingness to help. That alone will have a .wonderful influence. Try it and then. La Grande will put forth her every ef fort to care for those who are at- yet there may have been. KIXD WORDS SPOKEX The-New Observer " issued "last night has met with jhe heartiest re ception in La Grande. As all know it carried twelve pages of live read ing matter and advertising and pre sented a different appearance. The new beading has the.ndorsement of all who have mentioned the party, and that Is no small number. . One business man "vho has lived In La Grande for many years and ha the Interest of the city at hoart remarked to a representative of this paper. ; ' . v' - "It Is a great pleasure for me to say to you that the Observer Is now !n the front rank with Eastern Ore- When Taft told the ad men at Buf falo that he would rather be alvei tised than to advertise, perhaps there was no sarcasm In the' remark, and ton newspapers." We people in La' Grande feel delighted ovar the tm-: piOTement and I am satisfied the community will appreciate the efforts leiiig made to make a paper that :la city will be proud of. As fer my self, you can count on me doing ev erything that I can to further the support to the Observer. Give us a continuation or the facts about the country around La Grande and ycu will avaken an Interest right here at home that has been entirely too slug gish. , We Iiave the best valley In Oregon and now that we have a good live newspaper I count on the Grande Ronde coming to the rront as she never has before." . . The above conversation wa from the heart, for the man who was speaking was not 'one who deala In the proverbial hot air. He was only ona of a number who have taken oc casion" to offer commendatory re marks to the new Observer, and the management of this paper feels deep- the Interest taken in the enter- prise. '-v.. - - It will be the intention - to "keep l the standard and improve Is, No one expects an Oregonian to be printed in La Grande, no more than they, expect Meier ft Frank's depart ment store to move here. But La Grande has a right to have a paper that is equal, or superior to the pa pers printed in Pendleton, Baker City or any of the cIUm of Annul lt Yon will take notice further that the summons la published la the La Grande Dally Observer, a daily news- paper published lu La Grande, Un Ira County, Oregon, for the period of tlx weeks, by order of the Hon orable J. W. Knowles, Judge of said Court, made and dated In La Grande Oregon, the 2Sth day of March, 1910, and that the date of the first publi cation of said summons is the 2d day of April. 1910. ; - T. II. CRAT7FORD. , Attorney for Plaintiff. r Cheese any Piano Camp Have opened the Largest " and Knest'Piana Stor in v .;.r;-Eastern; Oregon We have the largest stock of high grade pianos : evcr displayed iu La Grande and have agenciea for several of the finest of pianos made. , Our prices are lower than ever before known for JVo uy our pianos direct from the factory in tar -Load Lots and Pay Cash for every instrument, thereby, getting them at Rock Bottom Prices and -we are able to save vou from .4575 00 in aiosm S?rPJw0: o??0 that yu wo'iildipay elsewhere f Ji5.(M) to $425.00 w Rfill fnr .97snn - FJS&i7 $45a0 t0 525-0 elsewhere we sell A BETTER PIANO FOR $325.00 Than the one on a cretificate for $465.00 WE ARE HERE TO STAY ' t '.. . We are going to give the people of Eastern Or : cgon mum for their money than any piano fmhl Tojve tins we want 11 to corned vcr the toostlK?-. . V"av CVC1 seen. . i A Home Without a Piano v, v is Not Complete i THE RlNEHARlIJTTLE PIANO COMPANY Portland is to have another hotel. Most of us thought when Unci Phil Meacham enlarged and furnished the new Imperial In such a gorgeous manner that Portland had about ho tel room enough. But then, there are few cities in the country growing as fast cs Portland. . The liberality of La Grande's bus iness men when it comes to -aid all public enterprises is well known all along the line. This was demon strated yesterday when some of the athletes called on a few business men to raise money for medals to be given at the track meet here on May 18th. There was not a refusal and not a request that the subscrlp tlon be lowered. Does not this prove i "e right kind of people dwell in this community? Sure, it does;? All we need Is to breathe out the truths' about this glorious valley to the out side world, so let us all get our meg aphones and get busy. ';;-' :, ill. t " In . the arcnlt.Conrt of th State of ; , Oregon, for Union County. George Palmer Lumber Company, a private corporation, plalntff, vs. F. M. Byrkit,' Defeandant To P. M. Byrkit, tie above named defendant, you are hereby summon ed and required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled action on or w fore the last day prescribed In the order .for publication of this sum mons made by the court In this ac tion which order requires the sum mons to , be published ,in the - La Grande Dally .Observer for the per iod "of six weeks:' You will take notice that If you do not so app'ear. and answer the complaint filed in the aboT entlUed action within the ttovi named that Judgment will do tak n against you for the sum of J6.300.00, wih interest thereon at the rate of per-cent per annum from the first lay of October, 1908, and for -the further turn of 1600.00, reasonable attorneys fees In said ' action and costs and disbursements. Empire brand of Swiss, Wis consin, limberg er, Roquefort, Tillamook cream .-.. ; -a :';'; - ' A dinner is not complete with out cheese. PATTISON BROS Your Figure and Youi Corset " SI HENDERSON Fashion Form Corsets No master how fashionable or ei i-cas-ve your dress may be it tU ; not be effective unless your figure Is shaped properly. . The shapliness of your figure depends entirely on yuor corset. If you have a model tluit is correct in style and size you have the right style foundation for a perfectly fitting gown. That's why we urge our customers to use. - ;,.-.';. '". ' Henderson's Fashion Form Corsets, o-f:' The styles vary to; fit any figure wand the superior construction ot Henderson corsets assures lasting aod statisfactory 'service.; Niltne has Just been received. . . : HELP MAKE " Bigger, i V ,;'.:..-'-;; ; .. ..;.,.v."'-- '-:-rm, Brighter La Grande Nemo Corsets for Stout Women, vuiiipicLc line Oi styles and Prices $1.00 ta$7.50 Our summer line of muslin underwear is ready' for vour in spection. An unequalled assortment of styles and prlceB In Gowns urawers, cnemises, corset covers and Petticoats. '"'' Install Porchlight - CAN I0U IMAGINE How bright, cheery and progres sive this city will seem when there is a porch light burning each ev ening In front of every residence. Installed at a flat rate of 60 cents per month. Call us n pand find out all about it ; ; EASTERN OREGON LIEUT AND : " POWEfl COMPAMY Ts GEORGE PALMER, Pres ,, 4, 1 W. L. BRENUOITS, Asst.Cash. F. J. H01MES, Vlee-Pres ; EARL ZUNDEL 2d Ass't Cash. -;;- -:::: IF. I. METERS, Cashier. " . ." V ' .'.-',''!", ': x., ' V' ; if Ik GRANDE NATIONAL BANK ; : United States Depository ! Capital and Surplus $189,009.00 DIRECTORS THE GEORGE PALMER RETAIL DEPARTMENT; 1 : r We Solicit Your Orders- for ; ? SHINGLES RUBBEROID ROOFING ' DEADENING FELT BUILDING PAPER " hl8taj feUvtr ssAtartd nmGt. pmm V GEORGE PALMER F. J. HOLMES W. J. CHURCH F. L. METERS W.M. PIE3CE , C, C PENINGTON G. L. CLEATEH F. M. BTRKIT W; L. BRENH01TS With oar ample resourws and facilities we can render you efficient service and handle your un!nesi to your entire stalsfaeUon I am prepared to'furnish Dry Chain Wood, al- ' so partly seasoned wood, to all corners. Kind- V y pnone your order to . - ;V: - .. . .: ; ;.::':. ;,;.: PHONE RED 3m :;. "p The Elite Dying and Cleaning Works Phone Main 6t, Mahafiey Building : : ' Depot Sireei . 7; ; i w' 4 2