La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, May 03, 1910, Image 1

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!.rlit Hours a Day Is All that liooso-
clt Devotes to Sight SoelgyHHs
nm(orlc Slof'A)Otft, Danisn tnpu
lion and leaves Tonight for Sfctro-
Ipolls of Norway PoHce Iaj wv
Hans. ' .
I.ostliio Sjudfcate Tlats Site and the
; Jicsldenb M ill ?Iore
The town of Lostine will be moved
a inaiie and a ha'.f to the 0. R. & N.
station of that name, accfirding to
present plans of Its citizens end a
syndicate, which has Just obtained
options on land required for the pur
pose. ' ' '' ,' "
When the . railroad ; was "built
through the valley two years ago It
missed the town, ..but established, a
station at the nearest point. ' There
was opposition at first to a change
of location, Lut this. Js's beea over
come. .Couch & McDonald a few days
agd obtained an e won .on 40-acres
at tne fitauon grounnu and tats tract
together with. 20 acrtS ov.nod by J.
P.JIuan hat been .platted,' ;
' The to wii'lsi te will be placed on the
market! as soon as tfie survey has
United States Marshall Here Today to
Serve Papers on Local Witn
l I,-V-OF BANK imm -- -;,;'
Conenhageiu; Denmark, Way 3.
ilonel Roose'velt today instituted an
tht hour a day law In his tour of
urone. lie . began sishtseeing at a
i lock this morning andknocked off
nk 'at -'4 "this- afternoon.
He visited a model dairy farm and
onoune'ed It up to the standard. He
dted the .Toskilde cathedral, plad
enths on the tombs of King Chris
,n nnrl Princess Marie; went to the
.tlonal Art Gallery this afternoon
id visited Elsingef, 25 miles distant
Jilch Is the reported scene of Ham
Last night the municipality en
rtained him. ; : ;J
Ha exnects ' to leave tonight for
Irlsttna, Norway' "
I Under Close Surrclieuce ,
llnndon.; Mar 3 It was learned to
U that Roosevelt Is being guarded
V the intelligence -.department, of the
HHsh foreign office, the most mys-
rious secret service bureau in me
nrld. Scotland Yard will watch Col
nnnevelt through its Intelligence de-
artment.and will , he held - responsl
he for the American's safety. ;
.been made and approved by the coun
ty court.
XJleaVon Seys There is No Danger of
' .Its Ahnullment 5 v ' ;
: Between fifty', and ' fifty-five peopl-i
from La Grande have been subpoenaed
or will be within the pext 12 hours
to'' -appear las! witnesses ;ln the : trial
of J." W. Seribev In the federal crpv-.t
at -Portland. The subpocnaca order
the witnesses ; to appeaf In. Portland
at 9 o'clock on the worning of .May
9th next Monday and an entire car
load of witnesses will be taken from
Eastern Oregon.- About 54 are-to go
from': La Grande and, Eigin. .Baker
City and Sumpter will send others
to appear tor the trial which is be
lieved will consume considerable time
There Is nothing to dispute the re
port that Mr. Scriber will stand trial
on the charge of wrecking the Farm
ers and Traders National Bank here
some two-y ears ago.' - The calling of
so ina'ny.. vWne6se3 indicates .that' the
government, anticipates a stubborn
figmV f,. :'
, Vv. B. GrlCith, the man who arres
ted Mr. Scriber and who put hlnx-un-"der
bonds at the time of the failure
of the institution,' : is here today in
the capacity of United States Marshal
and Is, making the service ot the ofil:
clul papers. .
It Is presumed most of the' wit
nesses will leave Sunday night which
will bring them Into Portland in time
for the commencement of the trial
Monday morning.
Four Villi Go to. Whitman
Halter high will be. represented by
four of her. Lost athletes at tte Jjiii
tvl-state meet to la held- at Walla
Walla. Thursday Knd Friday' ot this
Jneek under the auspices ot Whitman
College. ,,Blg" Frank Jones, Harry
Beers.' George Brown v and . CJn."d;
Bronaugh are the men who will 'til-
deavor to bring home the honors for
Baker and those Viio hi familiar
with , their work are confident' that
they will return with a fair share
of the points.. Jones is counted! on
to take first place in the shot, put
and Beers is expected, to take second.
Peers has been doing such excellent
t crk . with the hammer that his
fncTids expect him to break the north
wcet 'record In this 'event Crown
will help wip some points. '
Baker is weak in tho sprints this
year . and does not expect to mano
mach of a showing in these events.
Picnaugh will enter , the 100 yard
dnsh and may be able to take a place
r. the broad jump.
e a 5 a
a W.
m tmm mw i m n ni "
it ir-i
I III fj
ed here1 today by friends of Jack John
son from Satf Francisco advising' him
not to ' bet on the Johnson ?JeffrieB
fidit until further advised. - Johnson
said he waB afraid the death of Mc
Carthy In the fight with Moran would
prevent the battle
Glcason Spurns Eainor .
Sar Francisco, May 3 Jack Glen
son. promoter of the Johnson-Jeffries
fight, denounced the alleged telegram
sent by Johnson as a" fake.. "You
can rest " assured that Johnson , sent
no Buch mesage as he knows as well
as I do that only-an,, extra session of
the legisiature can step the fight We
wouuin t ne nsKing iuu.uuu uu mm
fight if the chances for stopping it
wpra pood" -V
Taft Aks for SupiioKers to Fi;:M for ;
Iteiunanls of l?i Vet Bill' Which
York Ueprcscntative Fines t!?o Way
for a Stublioi-n I' Over llulliu.
gcr Afi'slr.
mm fie
Pacific Sortliwcst After Convention
:!-;'' of Elks for 1912
V;Vl.;::'; . , ,?. .rv.:"':...
llearfnt? In rrohate Court
A hearing was in progress before
rrM,r,tw Tniio-A Tipnrv tndav in the case
- . j i vimiiLj i . . - - -
hint Tn hundred Noses Yet to. he LfVthe Dartnership estate of W. A.
Adams, aeceaseu. uujecuun.. w
Washington, May 3 Tho house this
afternoon, voting 172 to 43 sustained
the long and short haul of the rail
road bill designed for. the relief of
Inland towns not getting the hem lit
of "terminal rates.' , V ;
La Grande took a part. ' The long
and short - haul provisions : are that
a railroad company cannot I charge
more for a shorty haul than for along
one over the same route and In the
same direction. , In other words Chi
cago, shippers cannot if the1 bill Is
to pass the senate and become a law
charge more in shipping goods to La
Grande than they do to 'Portland, as
Is now the case. ( La Grande raer-
r One -.Of the most Important pieces
of legislation' enacted by the congress
?n vpnm is Involved in the above act,
na fnr - Rs La "Grande is concerned. ! chants will benefit enormously It the
it is r the end' to whtch all; inland senate passes the bill as lt twcnt
pwns ,uaye struggieu,- una m ,wmiv iuiuu&u i ubi" ;
final, report of the. administrator, M. j
OUilLll, n.n. u; " v ., - ..... I - . ........
t . TWvlnnd Attorney ' Wilson hnn-the o.!R. & N..' at a conference held work during school year, loans , and
TrrTt,Writa -,nf Hot'Lake and tran3
nts who are staylrg there ami have ,.p. - a . f tte admlnistrotov
lot been enumeratea ,are mucu awui.
1 lest they be overlooked.. Like I cr- rndor. Dorse
h- Tlia T qTta hna not vet been COUnt-J , Aarnn, T.ihnunn fnreninn on the Wal
ll nnd ihey' are feeling that, the .Ume; ter Pierce ranches, was quite seriona,-
te, to count.Aeyen: farm scneauies under hlB torBe at the crossing of;
ud they might possibly, escape. ,,.,;; i Depot and Adams. The animal slip-
There are. about 200, men ana.wo-j ped and,fell -seriously "Injuring Mr.
en at the Sanatorium who rightly j Johnson's knee. He is now at Hot
jlong. to Union county and the euu . Jirilfe ta,in? treftt,mcnt. ' . ,: .:',: ,
harge will miss a' very material nur-.
or of people if Hot! lake; is over
ioked. niowever, there are yet ten
ays in which the place can be. enu-
erated. " '.1' . " '
h'i'i' nwuntW - The' 'rate- is '"to be' one other sources. Many of the students
md one third.. ' j are working their way tnrougu ui--
' This . wide territory" is ; the logical , college.
ii Viinri . from which La Grande will
draw tot the Chautauqua. .The , first
year may not -see many frbni this
Manual Training Exhibit , :
Minneapolis, May 3-Wprk I of . the
large district,' but as the reputation , school children all; over the, country
and prestige' or. ma anau ueiumrs io wu.-mwuvvh uv ..---. -r-
ei-tabllehed, the' entire territory, men
tioned will feed the local event.
I (instruct Second Fond ;. ';:',i;:.i;
T. W R. Newport and a large crew
f men reached here last .evening to
onstruct another large log pond for
he Palmer mill. The mill pond now
sed was too small for airpurposes
ndthe second pond was decided up-
jn some time ago. The crew now here
ill do the actual construction work
hi when the project vls finished,
iere will ba doubled log storage ca-
acity at the mill. . ' "r-; '
I inrri : ii
' . .1.,
KE11K tmxs mLSTICllOU
High.. Cost of Living at. 0.. A. IV. a
. . Study to Fresldcnt
nection- with- the. convention of the
WesternDrawingand Manual Train
ing Association. The sessions will
continue several daj's and all phase
of ' manuel . training, which has re
cently made great strides In the west,
will bo explained by , exgert , cduca
tors. V '.-I j.1 ; : ;
"La Grande's Elks, will have an op
iKtVmlty ; to . travel in a sp.ciil. Pa
cific Coast Elk's train to the national
convention of the grand lodge at De
troit In July. Jack o;Nell was In
the city this morning to confer with
local Elks about the matter, but was
called away, before coming to a deil
nlte understanding with the
here." ':''''. '' '..' "! 1 : .'; ,
To feet the grand lodge to Portland
in 1912 is the object of the special
train. Seattle, Tacoma, Everett, Spo
kane and many! other Washington
state Elks will Join with. Portland In
the movement and will form the nu
cleus of the train, at Portland. . All
past exalted rulers have- a voice at
the grand lodge and It Is the pur
pose to take as many of them as pos
sible with this train. The train; by
the way Is to be ; one of the finest
ever sent out from Portland. '
In La Grande,-H. E. Coolidge, past
exalted, ruler, , is , the regular dele
gate and J. H. Peare, also a past ex
alted ruler, is the alternate. How
ever, If Portend Elks have thetif way
about lt,"C.-ll. Finn, W. B: Sargent
and several past exalted rulers will
take the trip, - .; 'lr ;';; ' ';:
Mri O'Xeil plans' to have La Grande
and Baker City to' comprise one car
to become a part of the special train.
Just as.' soon as possible,' the local
lodge will bo' asked to give a final
answer on the matter. '
Cincinnati, May S--Prcsident Taft
"came home" to Cincinnati today, de
termined for a good tlmo and to for
get politics.
Despite the factthat the railroad
regulation, his pet bill, had been J id
died last ntsbt by a conference of the
republican regulars of the senate, he(
smiled today 'and pent a batch, of tele
grams to Washington to politicians ,
asking them to fight for the remnants
of the bill, aud then drove to the home
of his brother, Charlie.
; Big Struggle Brewing
Washington, May 3. Republican
machine leaders are worried today on
account of Congressman Harrison's
(New York) resolution presented yes- ,
terday calling on Attorney General
Wlckersham for papers requested by
Brandeis for the Balllnger Investiga
tlqn committee which the committee
refused to ask for Wickersham to fur-.
nlsh. 1 .""
If the resolution comes to the fioor,
as is likely, it means a fight In which
the democrats would declare the com
mittee was trying to shield the attor-t
ney general, and some regular leaders
disgruntled at the committee's actoln.
walla: walla to iiotisgto
is the tekk1t0ry
.,On account of theapparcnChigh
cost ofliylng at the Oregon Agri
cultural College, President Kerr has
instituted R thorough ' investigation
of 1 thiB Problem. A ! committee has
been appointed and this committee
has.! already prepared a preliminary
report to be 'filled out by each stu
dent':- The Investigation : is to be
) 1 ut'UU - iiiu iuvnu(auuu . id w
One and One third Iiate Arranged tnorough. and will be of great signi-
For From Large District
flcance to the College when complet
ed.' The cost of room and board, of
Low rates win be in effect from clothing, military equipment, athlet
helegates Elected '" ; ;
ity Attorney J. F. Baker wbb last
venlne elected delegate to the grand
pdge of the Knights of Pythias and
C. penlngton was elected alter-
ate. The grand lodge meets on
une 21...' ' S-'-'
La Grande and all points west to Wal
la Walla and east as far as Huntlng
tonduring the Chautauqua to be held
in La Grande during July. This
agreement - was ' reached between
President John Collier of the com
mercial club and Jack O'Ncil, trav
les, societies theatres, laundry, to
bacca and many other Incidental ex
penses are coverod by the report
The committee is also trying to as
certain the approximate .. Income of
each student and the manner which
he or she obtains It, such na money
President of Newly Formed Comapny
'!; Gives Out the Report ,
Portland.May 3. President a M. At
kinson, of the recetnly incorporated
Portland, Baker City and Butte elec
tric road, said today surveys will be
started soon. The plan' Is to build
from Portland through Clackamas
county to the head of Warm Springs
to the Junction of the Deschutes riv
er and thense eastward to Baker City.
m TM TOi
LLuU UUU! rill
Fhe Cents Per Square Foot Provided
For By Committee
Four j,t Lr:i- V'il! (Jo and Perhaps
Four 0;Kerh-:"- ter, Too
Tomorrow -munln; La Grande's
high sclujtl '.tMsts 'ill leave for
Wftlla WalU. Joe h'-zli. the oratotl-
cal entry is the big trt-state decla
matory' contest will also accompany
the team. Just who will a not
yet ascertained.- The Whitman man
agement is paying for four men, and,
these four comprise Captain Peare, ,,
Manager Ileidenrich, . Jay M.illering, .
and Stanley Carpy. Othies who will
likely go are Arlo Meyers, Cecil Hoi-
ton, Virgil Bolton and Leo Reynolds.
Others from hvre will attend tlio ,
meet and they plan to leave tomor
row evening.
resent a large saving. Four inches
seems to be"' the regular thickness
of cement walks In other cities and
the committee on streets will recom
mend this tklcknesB hoping to have
the panction of the council In this
matter.' ' '
Chairman A. V Andrews and the Erlans Hold Meeting
Ten Dollar Strawberries
Hermiston. Ore.. Mry 3 F. W. Whit
Ing sold his best crate of strawber-
ellng passenger and freight ageni of from their parents, for summer work, rles for ten dollars today. , , ; :.
other members of the street com
mittee of the council will recom njnl
a; I he next meeting of the c.oncil.
thnt fement sidewalks in residence
rections be constructed at a dep.h of
i!ur incheB instead of six as Ib now
provided for. This will make a dlf-
(ference of five cents per square foot
to the property owner and will rep-
A large attendance last evenlngwas
present at the annual congregational
meeting of the Presbyterian church.
Reports for the year were road, a
banquet was served and officers were
elected for the following year. It. E.
Smith and II. R. Hanna were elected
elders and C. E. Cochran and W. F.
Landrum wtre chosen trustees. ,