La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, April 30, 1910, Image 4

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    rte work c6mpIefd in-tea
f PpPA 5 dayi or two weeks. The work of lo-
p, m b n 1 1 im m m w m iv a? jt a
f VX :H Fl f I i B R 0 aw - nretimlnarT 1in nH fln i
g U IL W fhXiJ U HOUSE Si1 -tisfactor, for a r. V
y 1 1 i ' ' i " ' t in. 1 road from Elgla over the Bine moun
. d tains to 'Walla Walla fa being ac
uewy pay, lueway, may 3rd. , a; combed w but .mti. du&.
In his ce'ebrated-Ricing Play,
V Goodrich stated taht they were
yA sven miles from th9 summit, ro th'
5 the. line will coter a' distance of 1"
culty and there is on -question but
what the grade obtained willbe en
tirely satisfactory.. Yesterday, M:
With the on,iui New Yoric cumpahy. -.
Most Exciting Race Scsne - ever Produced on any
stage for which three thoroughbred running horses are
carried. ::-'. ;' ' -VV:.
miles fron Elgin to the pass at tlw
top of the mountains., y
Apparently the engineera ore high-
d'ly pleased w:th the outlook and are
d ; confident that an excellent cade
p. will be located
i Prices: l5O, ;$aQ?5c50 cts, $
g 5
.gv , . Tickets dri' sale' af Van ;Btirn's. w 1 K
Another Crew Near Core With 7Jne
t For, a Kallroad.
, A crew f about a dozen surTeyors
Is running a line up to Cove today,
tsvlng almost reached the Cherry-
town. They eat and sleep In the' and .Goodrlc state ' "that' excellent
open and apparently are losing n- progress is being made and they hope
t line to complete their job, what
ever It mas ge. It . is thought they
ire Caoin CeoCraV'survybrs running
il6hg'thr grade3 to establish a
'ine for ' contionin' the Union Cen
tral to the Blue Mountains where a
Une is now beinf .fljun to Milton.
iThe surveying . parties with' Engln
eers Alexander and ; f Goodrich ' In
charge'. is- making, 'good "progress In
the 'Blue; Mountains northwest from
Elgin ' and yesterday was ten miles
from' town, says th; Elgin Recorder.
i me i-anip H.oeing movea.jurtner uo
on the mountain, and from there the
preliminary surveys will be complet
ed to the summit. Messrs. Alexander
IF clothes have any influ
ence on the WorJd's opin
ion of a Man-atid they cer
tainly have- the' Man we
Suit spring will bdsk in
the sunlight of public es
teem. '
Our clothes are'fas! i:r.ed
'critical eyes, and tney
are tailored fcrcrUical hs'tS
by master hands.. . v U'
The season's choice and
correct models are ready foV
inspe.tion or choosbg.
We touch your
purse as lightly as
possible and our
splendid values
help you to be hap
py in your clothes.
, ' i,-,ry,f III'!': ! i H ft p If' IJ, iil;'t'"fi
' The Outfitters.
It is understood that .whether, i-permanent-
survey if nude . or cpi
will depend altogether on the report
submitted by..the,-engineers. If the
report is favorable it Is- thought that
grade lines' will immediately, be es
tablished, and that it will be favor
able ithere is hardly any., doubt, for
from -all- thar information, given, by
the engineers' It Is, plainly understood
thaUthe ;route is, practical, and - but
little difltaulty.- jwiH -be acoantered
i.n the construction of a- roadi pve:
the mountains,. -th .jjf-.rc rejtchedrvibaf
will . start -.the preliminary wprk fi-actual-
..construcUon the.xomnaav'
will njeet; no.. oppo,9(Uon-oTert.9Btain-ing
a right of way. The farmeBr ani
land xrwners about Elgin are only!
to It tn ntfpf Mi rMtnnvM -..
cession to secure a new;j-ad vaJ
from - all' Indications vmostv T
right of way ; will be 'donated'-lo- t)v-
company.- .',' ; , ..-jl
. -Th! jarty ot Cv R. & N. snmyt
which arrived last week are still, hi'
f.imn.St lhn mnntli'nr ttk.' Tuit
J Her. It is expectedvthat they . will
ir.vft camp soon and' continue.. thr
work on to Lewlston.v ;
. The Chautauqua . Quarterly ad
vances a pretty train of thought in
connection with what Chautauquas
will do for development of the mind: .
- "Do yon ' forget what you read?
Poes a thing often rouse your in-j
terest for a moment, but when you !
try to . tell Mr. Whatsizname oeit
dayour recollection is too dim? If
it had been that Theodore Roosevelt
had eone to Africa or the govern
ment had ' determined to - get rid . of ;
all locks in the Panama- canal would
ou hive forgotten! in a day? Of
course not. Any why?; Because you
know something about Mr. .Roosevelt
and something about the Panama ca
nal to begitf w'kh. IfJ-cu see a new
(act'abbuf either you "have a nucleus
bo which;,youf can fasten hV -But if
someone1 tells you that Aristophanes
touched upon communism and unit
Vt tal eqliallty the -chances -are nir.a
jta nothing' ;that -you"-will-he as-wiw
s before'' -'-',; v - ;i
"So if anyonp wants-to do you any
30d by telling foifthfrigVheS had
fetter choose-, a;sbyct tht j;ou,. a-.
f cady know', a littiev apuut. ' 0iS,if'
he' insists on an unfamiliar subject.
n 'sttAk tftaj-iwance iato ac-t. J
or;ui and;'deOvatb-u accoriqgijj I
jju w ever uccur 10 yuu mai j-yu
anoni 'great deal of. time Jftadng
cooks, magazines, pamphlets, alma-
.acs ar signs rw mn ,poaros or
Clasptiemo'oiiwftS&nd hairinqsjr
'I' wiayou reaa stays wiyv Jn "O
i ??er "than would the knowing re-m'aaa'Hh-dGr'eelt'-
T. u .arj,- jlad inpugh Ato , forget, a
rrr-.! .deal ,of it; but that, is npt:th
Inpjiit., It slips aawy.becauBe it does
Your Figure an
- SI ')
' Fashion Form
The styleB vary to fit any figure
aid ..the . sunerlor . construction of
Vr i i 7,
Henderson '
Takes Jurj About Twenty Minutes o
Convict Carl Bjder.
Carl Ryder was convicted at Sea
ttle after about 20 minutes delibera
tion by the Jury which heard the case
against the erstwhile La Grande "bus
Iness canT by. Seattle people , who
had been fleeced out of large orders
for dry goods which Ryder bought to
open a store here about two -year?
ago but1 which were taken to Salt
Lake. George tE. " Good and C. t).
Goodnough .. returned, this , morning
from Portland where they went to
act as witnesses for the state in iden
tifying the defendant. Attorney C
H. Finn was also there. At first Ry
der claimed he had never been In La
Grande, had never been tn Seattls
and various other assertions. How
ever, he was positively 'identified by
Messrs. Goodnough, Good and Finn,
and when he was called on the stand
he said he waa a-catspaw and that ha
waa working in the interests of oth
ers, among then La Grande pooph
who formed a coalition with him in
the plan. The Jury was out about
50 minutes. : ",';. :..
New lines Added
... H-vlii purchased '.the Geneut, Ume, Piute- me f
0. F. Gjotidgswa are now prepared to fill a.U 1 Winds,
in addition to our regular FEED and4 r UEL business
JUt e:e ved Gar of fresh alfalfa m;al ard a a r a
;oal.. s'..V; ;.,.;'; ':' - - . .; ..
: Both
(Cnatlnued front fate one)
ing prise tghts." said Carlo White,
an attorney for the Oakland Church
Federation t6day. "The law has been
j persistently violated for years. Such
-'" 'fBts are absolutely prohibited by
law." Dtstrlct Attorney Donohue
said the death of McCarthy will have
effect In . legally preventing the
(.!. son-Jeffries fight.
nm Jfet Affecl Blf Fight
Th death of McCarthy will lu .no
tffect the . romoters of the big
fight according to Jack Gleason who
said he looked upon McCarthy's death
i as Unfortunate' Incident in 'the
vorld of sport, but of no more sig-
. -Iflcpn man the death of football
"'""-s. aviators and automobile rac
ers. .
. In Governor's Provlnw.'
Pcvmento. April 30 Governor
Gillet; today" declared It was not In
the bovine of the governor to sum
gpwrww.jgj Vrl?n f ghtlns. He said that if laws
";- ' ' ' wre being violated romplalnt should
. maaP to th district attorney. In
cidentally the governor denounced
j the newsnnpers which rlnt
of fights.
rt fit into any Bcheme that you
havd for your, thought and knpwl---.
i? perhapu you nave no scheme.
j 'V need one.- " ,
Tcn't . read ; at random: Get V
Chautauqua idea. Establish a sys
tem by .which you may assort and
appropriate the dlffeerent kinds of
useful knowledge that pass your way
f'-i some one group of BubJ;'9
) I'ou . which knowledge wouy b?
useful and thought would be worth
while. . TBy a deliberate effort you
can relieve your total ignorance of
th9 matter decided upon. Thence
forth,, while moat kinds of informa
tlon will play will o the wisp with
ou as before, you will find things be
longijij; by nature to . that group of
suljecs ; will . float quietly into your
(i.uuotiyusueM uuu iut;n caicu ana
rcw Nor will only be an accretion
of knowledge, but you will find a
habit of thinking will actually ' be
gin to grow on you. This, however,
' i be so gradual as not to bedan
gerous. ; '': ' :
Keep to this one group of subjects
for a period say a year. Then ehoose
another group, more or less related
to the first one; ' and again, kinds of
t-rowledge and subjects of thought
til at never gave you anything more
1 a .hypnotic , numbness before
will acquire interest for you. You
will find that odds and ends relating
'a- the first rear'a subjects1 do not
.V '.
corsets assures lasting
and satisfactory service. New line
has just been received.
to $7.50
No matter how - fashionable or ex-
pensive your dress may -be It will
not he effective unless . your figuro
is sharped properly. The'shapllness
of your figure depends entirely on
your corset., If you have a model
that In enrrnpt In ntvln Anil nt7A vnn
have the right style foundation for a' 1
perfectly fitting gown.
. That's why we urge our customers
' - . ',.: ' . -
to use. . - . ' ' -'
FasKioh Form
Nemo Corsets for Stout Women,
Complete line of Styles and Sizes.
Our summer line of mus-Un underwear is ready for your in
spection. ; An unequalled assortment of styles and prices in GownB,
.drawers, chemises, corset covers and petticoats.
cease to have meaning, either. Some- toen of Chicago, t the toxoligist who
thing has happened to you. . You will
find ;that jrou gave your ; first year
all to intensive cultivation; but now
you I have begun to broaden. Your
mind is a structure of at least two
cells,', you have grown.
C Broadening may go on for an in
definite number of such periods. Ed
ucation ; ends only with lift. But in
due respect to the colleges, let us
admit that four is the lndespensible
number. At the end of four years
you ; will have spread out consider
ab'r and you .will have made your
growth Bolid by growin? la only one
direction at a time.
; ftosser Hcktoea Testifies
Kansaa. City, April JO. Prof. Hek-
'A.-.. . u .
analyzed the viscera of Col.
ana "unrlsman Swope today in thi
trial of Dr. Hyde said he foisofl no
evidence that a disease of any so-'t
tnded the life of Chrlsman Swop.
In answering the hypothelcal ; ij'ieR
tlons describing Chrlsman Swope'
death, Prof. Hektoen said "If a pa
tient had typhlod and manifested the
symptoms described in the queMoa,
aeatn may have been from poison or
a combination of. poisons. Upon man
ifestation Of SUCh SVmntoms' ArlmTn.
istratlon of strychnine Is adviiahle."
Hektone testified that Col Swope did
w mm oi apoplexy. The body wji
to good condition and there war no
evidence of death from disease
o Ft, and Fit to wean Bacaujs-.ff-irKk
Everj garment Is made ? thw BEST YABN of Its kln4 ymarable.
Sherter stltokea are taken lka ei say ether make el uirrwesr. - ,
3le Ij all of the thread ise4 for stltehisg a PURE XHKIAI 8ILI. , . ,
i . - Alt J3CTT0HS are sewed on with 8ILK THREAD. t ' v '
The CCTFS I ASD ASMLF are so knitted and shayed thai thn wUI heU the lleeves aid len of the
gsr meats In shape, . . " "
v A STRAP is .t oi .the SHOULDERS ef eaeh shirt a.4 lea salt" which Is elastie a4 vet 4e. .i let
the farmrat ug and drop dMn on the arm. ! , '
A SECT OF SPECIALLT KXITTED DESIGN a pat on eaeh shirt aa aaien tail V U -
J;itr IS"' "W FC1L SHIOXED THBOCOWI are ha.d knitted and eonfern, the
Ot,r t and sewed goo.N .t mad, on SPRING NEEDLE Vxchiaes. The latter eost twice s Brh
wZ:' ,SWR5IER' from these HOLD EIRW
For twentj-five year. LEWIS underwear has been recognised as the HIGHEST QUAI4U of any made.
And cost no mere than inferior makesi
"If its the Style we have K"