La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, April 30, 1910, Image 3

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    Ml , Doctors Prescription
mb; Recipes
Are Accurately and Carefully Compounded at the
Red 'Gross ; f Draff Store
Europsan Plan 0..v '
Rooms 50c to $1.50
First class Throughout
, Propristor.
ta Grsnde, Oiegon
server., office. .
papers at the ' Ob-
&W ANTED Chambermaid at the Sa
voy Hotel. ; ' . 4-2r,-tf..
v I RNISHED ROOM For gentlemen
ccly. Nice location.' Close .in- Call
ui. Red 952. ", . v ; tf.
FOR SALE Alfalfa hay. 'Ten dollars
in stack while it lasts."! J. E. REY
NOLDS. .v. y .y. .'' r ''
FOR SALE Single driver weight
1100. Safe for lady. J. E. REY
NOLDS.' '-V ' I '-r: '..;C;
LOST An account book, on Fourth
street. Finder leave" at Observer
office. : y: vwv::,?
FOR RENT Furnished "house' fo
.. two monthsOne block from Adams
Avenue. Phone. Rim. -r,' 6-30 r
, il l"' 1 1 ' 'J
vfANTED-rBoy to sell Observers on
the ( streets ;ApPlf to th circu
lation manager of the Observer. ;
WANTED Men to buy our flne.wor
sted clothing. All sizes and, best Val
ues at $12.50 and $15.00 per suit, at
the Golden Rule Cov . U f ; y Y
HEACOCK'S The oply . place in
Union ' County that yoii can get a
new lens exactly like rours in less
than, three or four days. . Office, over
HOUSE FOR RENT Six room house.
A unfurnished. J. Barn f or i six, horses.
Thirteen a month. Inquire at Logan-
Sherwood office. r - ' y , ? '
FOR SALE Buff Orplnton , eggs, $2
for 15, at Fred Nelson's 1605 Jef
ferson Ave." vFhone Blky 1021. 5T.
FOR BALE Milch cows and one nay
; Istered Jersey bull, j Phone Farm
ers 18. W. J. Hufbes. La Grande JL
V HEACOCK'S The only I place in
! Union County. where you can get a
roar Iadk etactlv like yours in Iobs
" than three or four days. Office over
Newlln's Drug store. . . -
.Modern Douse Wanted : '.,.
: Any one having a modern house tor
rent,' kindly leave information regard
lng the same at the Observer office
Will want the house not later man
May lstyyyiyyy',. .;
Notice to Dog Owners. ;
: License on all dogs must be paid
on or before May 1st. 1910, or dogs
will be killed as provide by the laws
of the city. : '
; - ,;;;,,, y r. w, farris.
, Pound Master, City of La Grande.
Kottce to Water Consumers
You are hereby notified that here
after water rent muBt be paid , in , by
the tenth of the month of the water
will be shut off. The water commit
tee will se that this order is strictly
enforced and the water, system ntac-
i ed strictly oi a business basis.
. Please call at offlc? knd- spttla as
there will be no collector d the
hooks will be closed after thf ' 10th
t each month. v .'. :.
K. SHEAK, . ' '. .'
I T. FLEMING, ',"v r " i, X . ." ' 'J
, : J J.' CHURCH, Water Committee.
' 4-12-5-1.
Home grown asparagus Is on
market today and it Is about
the a
the I
only variety of new goods that . the
grocery man . handled this morning.
The "tips" were grown at May Park.
Jy B. , Stoddard supplying most to
them.- To lover? of Oregon grown
strawberries can be related the good
hew that Milton goods arc soon to
make their appearance in local stores
early next week In fact .and In this
connection. It might be well to state
that Grande Ronde valley tsrawber
ries ' are not a great way off. -., The
m'6'rhlng"' rains prevented the usual
Saturday morning shopping today,
but It would be impossible for any
one to pass La Grande's stores and
not 'notice the fine line of 'season
able', vegetables that are piled high
at an early hour at every" grocery
r,!ore.' Hood River strawberries will
be in the local markets In about. 10
days. .' ; , " ' y: '
... SUGAR Cash Price Sugar $6.75;
beet sugar, $6.25. ;'.
VEGETABLES Dry ' onions, , 2c
parsnips, 2 l-2c;. spinach, 3 lb for
25c; fresh peas, 1 5c ; asparagus, '. 3
lb for 25c; rubarb, 5c; celery, 10c a
bunch: hot house lettuce, 2 bunches
for 15c; head lettuce 10c; iiradishes. j
3. bunches for 10c; green onions. Dei
Department of the Interior, K S. Inud j
. Office at La Grande, dregon, April
11th, 1910, ; y.
Notice is hcrby given' that Polemna
Y. Boutin, of Hilgard, Oregon, who,
on March 21st. 1905, madeilome-h.
stead , Entry No. 14208, , Serial- No.
04399, for ET 1-2 SE l4,ec;'8, S 1-2
SW 1-4; Sec; 9f T 4 S,Rf ;3e .East
Willamette 'Meridian, liis "filedi no
tice of,, intention to make. flnalV five
year "prooi 'tbvestabllsa clalin ;'tb the
land above described, before Regis
ter' and receiver U." 6. Land Office
at Li Grande, ' OTegon ipi the 31st
day of May, 1910.
Claimant' names as. witnesses,.
' Frank Alden, JBiradeK 'John K.
jTones and JPreeWn Burnett, all of
Starkey; Oregon. ": : &?:
F. C. BRAMWELL," Register,
. SOQIOSS . . :"'
' In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Union County.
, A, VBrownelV jjlaintlfl, vs.; Ella
L Brownell, defendant. '
To Ella L, Brownell, the" above
named defendant, you are hereby sum
monedfahd required to r appear and
answer tne contpiaini iua
you in the above rattled suit on or
before six (6) weeks after the first
publication of the summons in this
cause, snd , you .will take Wotice that,
if. you fall to so ; ai pear and answer
said, complaint . 'the plaintiff will ap-
W to .this Court for the relief de
manded In said complaint, to-wu ior
a decree dissolving the bonds pfmat-
rim0ny how, , and heretofore existing
between iy6uana the plaintiff and
for general relief.
You will further take notice that
this summons is published in the La
Grande Evening; Observer, once a
week for six (6)1 successive weeks,
C. S. Land (Wee at La Grande, Ore
gon, January 24th, 1915,
Notice is hereby, given that Adolpt,
Lauer. of La Grande. Oregon, who
o'n January 3d. 1905, made Homestead j
Entry No. 14038, Serial No. 04323,
for SE 1-4 NB 1-4, B 1-2 SB 1-4,
. . . . . M..alAM 4A
Sec. 17. NE W KB M, etuuu
Township' 4 South. Range 38 East.
WlUamette Meridian, has filed notice
of intention to make final Five Year
Proof, to establish olnlm to the land
above descToed. bofore the Redster
nnnolrer United . 8tateS Land
" . ,.
tKth iIiit of Marcn,
QBJ Ul www
Claimant names as witnesses:
John Shallni, it.
Henry J. Rehtn. :
James Shilling.
Fred Pohrman, afl of La Grande,
bunch; fresh Floriad tomatoes, 10c.
FRUIT Oranges, 40c doz: lemons.
35c; bananas, 40c; strawberries, 20c.
MEATS Hogs,' live v weight; well
finished, $10 cwt; cows,; 3 1-2' to 4c;
Teal, 4 to 4 1-2; mutton, 5 1-2 J chick
ens, 13c. - y ; '-'y ' y " y -v; J '
Portland Wholesale Prices
WHEAT Track prices, club 85
86c, bluestem, 88 89; red ..Russia,
&.. 85; Turkey red, 87 88; valley
88 89, ;' y
BARLEY Feed and brewing, $24
$25, rolled. $30 $31. ; yj ., y.y
' OATS No. V white, $27 kp ?as - r i
V MTLLSTUFFS Bran $21.50. 'ton;
middlings, $30, shorts. $23.5; chop,
$20 $25,. .. ; , . .y, ymyy
HAY Track prices," timothy, east
em Oregon, choice $23 $ 24, "No. 1
timothy $22 $23, alfalfa, $17 $18
gram hay, $16 $19. V 't ;!
EGGS Select Oregon, 23 g 23 1-2
DRESSED MEATS PorR; - fancy,
12 13; veal, extra, 9 10. .
POULTRY Mixed chickens, 18 J
19; fancy hens, 20 21, broilers, $5
$6. doz.; ducks, live, 18 20c;
squabs,' $2.50 $3 doz, turkeys, live,
21', 22. , - VVVy ;'V
, BUTTER City and country cream-
pry, extra 29;' fancy, 25 lb tl store.
20 zzc per Douna. i
i 't , . v-
4k. O 0 O
7 J. A. UTE9-
A. '-' Gasoline wood saw.'
O - Phone orders to Blacsnssi.
c O 4 0 O CO O
0r.J7. D. Mcf.WHan
Painless Dentistry
la Grzndt Kstioml Dznk Bldg.
Both Phones
. cJ . op .the':. "y:; 'y'y'y
Hooe Chapter No. 12,
It, f- I
O. E. S.,
eold stated communications the sec-'
ond i and fourth Wednesdays , o
each month.; Visiting members cor-,
dlally Invited. --vy;r ' ':;- :J.
PanKnA Lederlae. W. M. . i
' " Murr R. Warnick. Secretary;!
v Woodmen of the f World, ;
La Grande lodge No. 169, W. -6.
W., meets every second and fourtn
TuesVlay evening )n K. of P. Hall In
the Corps building. All visiting mem
bers'1 welcome., V ' : '". '':y.
neri aCkles. c c .. y ;:. y f
.'' ; , J. H. KEENEV, Clerk.
' v L Ov O.'F-Eneampmeht :
" 8tar Encampment ' Noi, 81, L' O. O,
T.. meets every second nod fourth
Wednesday In the month in Odd Fel
lows hall. Visiting patriarchs always
Welcome. :'-V-' -:-r "iv - U
k b. . coolidgb, c p. y
' W. A, W0R8TBLL, Berth
:;,y : H. WJA, ;'; ; :-y
La Graade camp No, 7703 - meets
every Monday each month at I. O.' O.
F. HalL All visiting neighbors are
cordially , invited to attend. :a:
V ; ,". ? FRED & CURREY, C
CAL JORDON. Clerk. ' : " - "
A.F.& A. M.
La Grande Lodge No.. 41,
A. F. "&
Ihlrd Saturday, at I:S0 p. B.
third Saturdays
A. C. : WILLIAMS. Secretory.
" Women of Woodcraft
. Grande Rondo Circle No. 47. Meets
every first and third Thursday eTen
lng In the month, at the L O. O. P.
" Farm, Fruit tad 'Improved lands.
The followlr-g trill attract the at
tention of tht home seeker.
SO acres Improved, 65 teres on- '
der cultivation" $3,000
10) acres all . ' improved, 1-2
. mile from Summerville "... . 6,500
40 . acrea all improved, i 1-2
miles from Summerville V...3,00j
100 acrea improved, 40 under
cul Jvation .......... . . .. . . . 4.5QC
0 acres adjoining Summerville
choice fru't or r.lfalfa land.
' can be Irrigated. A bargain 6.000
240 acres, well Improved, nn-
der cultivation! Hay, grain
and frnlt ...'...........16,000
160 acres. 20 acres bearing or- -
chard, 30 acres new orchard, '
all apples; 100 acres pic
ture. Terms oa application -
Choice stamp land, particular
ly adapted to fruit industry.
3. to 6 miles from Summer.; y
Tilts. Per . . .$12.60 to S2'J
Timber, and other property.
. ,:.y": U.,C. EIEHARX. .
l:eal Estate ; Snrnmerrille. Ore
;. !,;.' y y.
tQuick Transfer l
Thtmm' .
Dat, lUd 7IL v
' . Nlghi Blaek ltTL
' Are yen frequently boarief ,Do yea Is
Out annoying tickling in your throat? Dos
four cough annoy yon at night and do yot
raise mucus in the morning? Do Ton wan
relief? ' If so. take Chamberlain's Coneb
I Bmedyand yea will be pleated, y
HalL All TuIUng members welcoem.
y ...)';.: B. P. 0. E.
La Grande Lodge No. 433 meets
each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock
in Elk's club, corner Depot St., and
Washington ' Ave. ' Visiting brothers
are cordially : invited to attend.
H. E. COOLIDGE, Exalted Ruler. , !
: ' t .. HUGH - McCALL, Rec 8ec.
' Forester of America
Court , Maid Marloa No. 22 meet!
eacn weanesaay nigai w iob a.. 01 r,
hall. " Brothers are invite ,dto attend.
r"'"V FRANK BAY, C. R.
LEO HERRING, C. S.y , "I'X ...yj ','
ii. O. O. F-Uubordlnate
La Grande .Lodge No. 16 meets in
their hall every Saturday night. -Vis
iting brothers cordially Invited to at
tend. Cemetery plat may be seen, at
the Model restaurant '
1. R. SNOOK., Rec. Sec
W. A. WORSTELL, Fin, Sec
-. : ... .' Rebekahs
Crysatl Lodge No. 50 moets very
Tuesday evening In the I. O., O. F,
Hall. All visiting members are in
vlted to attend.
Miss susan mcillroy. sec.
Red Cross Lodge No. 27, meets ev
ery Monday night in . Castle Hall,
fold Elits ha'l) A Pythian welcome
to all visiting Knights. .. ' ;
It L. LlNCOTiN. K. of R. ft S.
Chief Joseph
The best in the market at any price
but no higher.
The White Svah
With the exception of the Chief
Joseph brand, is the best on the La
Grande market A trail will con
vince the most ekeptlcal.
.,' For Sale by All Dealers, .
Bniing n Lawsalt
Did you kaow that placing yoor re
liance up a warranty deed is simply
tjlddi" c a lawsuit? yv
I vallf ornia this tact is so well
understood that a warranty ded 1
looked upon with suspicion. ,
It is for this reason: ; i ,
If the title is good it passes with
the deed, and that it all there is to
Ur-no need of a warranty. If bad.
the adding: of a warranty does net
make It good.
A warranty Is only a sort of bet
a wager that 70a will have mo , trou
ble; but if you do. and finally lor
out. 111 pay your money 'back." y
, a better plan is to require an ab
strsct Consult
;y J. OtJTER.
Department of . the Interior, V. 8.
Land OfSce at Is Grande, Oregon,
April 27th, mo. i y y
Notice is hereby given that Annie
F. Alden, formerly Annie F. Parker,
of Starkey, Oregon, who on February
27th, 1909, made homestead entry No.
05904, tor NB 1-4 SE 1-4, Bee. 11,
N 1-2 8W .l-4j.and BE 1-4 BW 1-4,
8ectlon 12, Township I South, Range
85 East Willamette Meridian, has fil
ed notice of intention to make final
Commutation Proof, to establish
claim to the land above described,
before the Register anil Receiver of
the U. S. Land Office, at La Grande;
Oregon, on the 23d day of June, 19lf
Claimant names as witnesses:
Merrltt Coombs. ; William Briggs,
Andrew J. Sullivan. James Brady, all
of Starkey, Oregon. r
F. C. BRAMWELL, Register. ,
n the Clrcclt Court of the State of
Oregon, for Union County
George Palmer Lumber Company, a
private corporation, Plalntff, vs. F.
M. Byrkit, Defeandant
To F. M. Byrkit, the above named
defendant, you are hereby summon''
ed and required to appear and answer
the complaint filed against you in
the above entitled action on or be
fore the last day prescribed In the
order, for publication of this sum
mons made by the court In this ac
tion which order requires the sum
mons to be published in the La
Grande Daily Observer for ..the per
iod I of ; six ' weeks :; :,You will take
notice that it you do not so-appear
and answer the complaint, filed in the
above entitled action within the. timo
named ' that Judgment . will be tak n
against you for the sum of $6,300.00,
wih interest thereon at the rate of
6 per cent per annum' from the first
day of October, 1908, and for the
further sum of $600.00, reasonable
attorneys fees in ' said ' action and
costs and disbursements. :
You will take notice further that
the summons is published In the 'La
Grande Dally Observer, a dally news
paper published iu La Grande, Un
lrn County, Oregon, for the period
of six weeks, , by order of the Hon
orable J: W. Knovles, Judge of said
Court, made and dated in, La Grande
Oregon, the 28th day of March, 1910,
and that the date of the first publl
rntlon of said summons is the 2d
Uay of April, 1910. - '
' : v y ' Attorner for Plaintiff. :
O o
Physicians and Sarceona.
Office at IM Oranae .VtlonU Auk
Building. Thone Mala IS.
a. T. Bacon. Resldrac. M&la It.
ILK. HaU, Residence, Main 33.
Physician aud Surceoa
Tto Dr. fclchardaon's office otsi
Hill's Drug Store. Special attention
to diseases and surgery of the eye.
Phone Black 1362, and lad. 853.
Residence Phone, Main 723.
; Otnce is.
; , Physician and Surgeon.
Corner Auamn aw,- uuu hvpvi ouw
Office Main 68. Residence Main CI
c. tt. ijnu.M, to. u. m. ij.
' v Physician and Surgeon.
Special attention glvsn to Eye, Ea
Nose and Throat
Office iu La Grande Naticnal Baas
-yV ' .'. Building. .
hones; Office, Main 2, Ktitldsn-
'.y Main 32.
j rhyslclan and Surgeon
Ottlce In New Bank Building Rocs
20-2L 'Phones: Residence, Ms&i
GEO. W. Zni2EE3AJf,
Bonuner Building Rooms 7-8-9-1&
Phones, Home 132, Pacific Main tX
Residence Phone, lack 351, Bccetsot '
to Dr. W. B. Man'
J. C PIUC2, D. u. a
Deatist. "
Coom 23, La Grande Natianal
.n!!n fhona Flack t:i
Attorney at Lw ''-
fnetleet ia aU U:s courts et u Cta
CSU a Ia Grands Ka&sal Cr.-a
C&u. & Cochran Geo T. Cocro
La Grande National Cask Ev&Zzz
La Granfs ' ;. ;. . . Orczsx
' mLLiMM St. eATCT.
Attorney and Cotsnsellor at Law.
oih: 11 and II Bonuner Slock. ,
La i :. -;.y ; ' Oressa
Leroy Lomax ; , C. H. Ftaa
v.;.-,. -r.pnrir' lomax
Attorneys-at-Law. Notaries Till'.
601-603-603 Buchannan Building ,
Admitted to practice la all Federal ' ,
and State courts of Oregon, Idaho and
Washington, x 'y; ;' ,
a y Veterinary Burgeon.
Office at Hill's Drug Store, La Gras
r Residence Phone Red 701.
Office Phone Black 13 1.
"xx';y y ' Isrftejsadent Phono..
Botk p , "ldence.
. ... y DB W. H. RHiET
Graduate ; from the Ohio State Unl
Tersity. Vaccination, Dentistry ga
Surgery of all kinds. Country Cfii
Promptly answered. Agent tor J:
tonal Lire Stock Insurance As
tlon, Portland, Oregon. ;: ;
y s' y Office 14 Adams At. . .
Phones, PaciOe. Black 131 ,4
Independent 873 : J .
.,' Teacner of Piano
Pnpll of Pierre Doullet of tt Bs
Jose ConserTatsny. ' '. "
For chiMreti the Barrows
of nnsie atady and musical grafts
iartan. Studio in the Mahaffcy
.;. .. . . ... .ffO vy
? : WDson's Orcatstra
Music 1 urninshed for weddia
banquets, datce" and all occasions.
C. O. WILSON. M?La Grande. Or
soi Male ve. Phone Black
plank SWewnlKs B:llt Ptid
Repaired. Exca atiuc and
Filllrr. Pht-ne BTck 1562. O
M :
Oregon. ' ' :