La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, April 28, 1910, Image 5

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    ' o r " : ' : -
' ' ' ! - . . .' , . t!
.days 0200111
i- :
-tgsot's mw-
i Way fcUe Bhrlne. ( Vltagraeh
' " Victor of Bridge. Edison
Grancy's Birthday Pathe ; ".
Gulf of Serno Scenic by
rathe. . ' ' " .
Song "Don't .Take me
Home" '' '
mm He -
.-O. ,W. Taggart and H. B.McCol
' loch, firemen, have left the service of
John L. McXlnnls, of Imbler Bpent
.' last" night to the. city, "V
- .? . : ' .
- C. B. Jamison of Nampa la a busi
ness visitor In the city. . .. .. ..
1 1" GTE. Moody and W? Moouy,; oi
; Riley, Kan., were registered' at the
Savoy this morning. - 7
. : Daniel Boyd, a prominent citizen
of Enterprise, transacted business
matterVia the city today. '
. - ..- - - . ".,..
-Mrs. L. H. Rummelbart expects to
-"leave In a few days for Portland to
be gone on an extended tour.
Doctor Phy, Miss PhyFred B. Cur
r rey and' Mr. Alton, all of Hot Lake,
were In the city yesterday afternoon.
II. A. Colllgon Is here as advance
agent today for David Huggena in
"Ills'. Last Dollar,'' which comes to
' the Steward on May 3. -
v J. A. H.ugg, the well known Elgni-
Ite, was In the city laBt night anl;
his morning. ' He Jfwas guest- at
Jhe Savoy. . .
. - - '
; Lowry Ilalloway, an insurance Ad
juster, is here from Portland -today
- on a regular visit on company mat
. , Mrs.' Clara Wills and Roscoe Con
nlwlta were married last night. In
.this city. Both live In La Grande
and are well known here. -. .
' Mrs. ll. C. RInehart and son Vol
i ney have returned from a Bhort visit
to Baker City and will go to Summer
ville to make arrangements for mov
ing to La' Grande to make their home.
The Women of Woodcraft last, ev-
enlng gave a shower'In honor of Miss
Bernyce Ellsworth of this city who Is
soon to be married to Mr. Forsyth,
of Enterprise. . The function" wits
held at the home of Mrs. T. J. Or
' Newest Dishes
. Tastiest "Flavors r
1 Best SeiVed - '
Ice Cream ' ,
at '
"Selder's r ' ,
Gonfeqtionery Store ;.
" W W HH,
t J
, "is'iiiri i
Mr. and Mrs.t Ralph. Cochran, airs.
Harry Cocnrah and Mrs. Frank My
rlck are over from the . Cove today.
Department of Jhe Interior,-!!., S.
Land "Office at La Grande, Oregon,
, Aiiril 27tli, 1910. , ,
. Notice is hereby given, that Annie
F. Alden,' formerly Annie F Parker,
of StaTkey Oregon, Tvhp. on February
27th ' J W9, made homestead entry No.
05904. for NE 1-4. SE 1;1, Sec,-11.
N 1-2 SW i-C and SE 1-4 SW .1-4,
Section 12TownBhip-'4 South,' Range
35 tEast Willamette Meridian, has fil
ed, hotice of Intention, to make'final
Commutation Psoof, to establish
claim - to tho land above' described,
before the Register and Receiver of
the U. S.. Land Office, at La Grande
Oregon, on the 23d day of June, 1910
Claimant names as witnesses: .
, Merrltt Coombs, William Brlggs,
Andrew J. Sullivan, James Brady, all
f I
J of Starkey, Oregon. ' .:' 7"
' P. C. BR'AMWELLk Register. ,
ITlHSIenary la China Speaks Here
. Rev. Bently. spoke last evening at
the Christian church to a fair sized
audience. Mr. Bently spent 15 year's
as a missionary in China under the
Christian Woman's Board of Missions
He left this morning for Pendlctoi.
Dance Tomorrow Noght ' .
Tomorrow night Is the time Bet' for
A V - t s .
me nana aance at tne uiks nail. Tne
band Is anxious to have a large at
tendance that the receipts may be"
suiUcient to meet Immediate demands
for cash. A good time is anticipated.
One Day Kore Left . '
Tomorrow Is the last "day, for ten
bus taking In , this city and for -the
last .time the 'observer pleads with
every person In the city who sees
this paper to make himself a com
mittee of one to see that the count
is complete.
Portland Pastor Coming"
... Rev.; William Hiram Foulkea D. D.;
minister of the First Presbyterian
church of Portland, will preach - in
the' Presbyterian church tonight at
7:30. )":X-' ' ' , ;'',
Copy for the new directory of the
Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co.
r.lodcl A A
Two Gylinder,'Twelve Horse Power
This runabout has Invaded most successfully the last strong
hold of the horse as it Is ofTer ed at the approximate cost of a horse
and carriage.
J. B. Whiteman &.Sori, 108lElm St.
. . ; We can deliver this car In fifteen days.
ONLY 2,000
riolntiff Sued -for Twenty Thousniid
and Got Two Thousand. '
Damages In the sum of $2000 were
awarded to Clarence Kearney today
by 'the Jury which had been out since
10 o'clock last night, says Tuesday's
East Oregonlan. The verdict: was
brought In at 2 o'clock today;
k Kearney had sued the railroad com
pany for $20,000 for Injuries received
in falling from a train, pulling into
the local depot May. 28 of lat year.
It is alleged that the door to the ves
tibule had Wn -left open, contrary
to the rules and custom, of the train
..service and that he' fell 'out of this
door Into the darkness when the rtain
.was subjected to: a Jerk In ., being
trought to p. stop. It Is understood
thkt the company had: bfTe red' to et
tlthe claim for $3000. V'-V'''
. The Jury came in this morning and
asked to have a. portion of the in
structions read to them again, the
let ling prevailed that a hung Jury
was probable. Some . surprise was
therefore occasioned when It was an
l.ocnced at 1:30 that they were ready
. It seems that nine of the twelve
rccn were in favor of allowing big
tainages, while the other three did
Is being prepared and anyone desir
ing changes to, be made will please
notify the local ' office at once. Get
your name In this directory by sign
ing up a contract -:
Cake Sale
The ladles of the Presbyterian Aid
Society will hoi 1 a cake sale' on Sat
urday afternoon, April 30, beginning
at 1:30 at the. J. G. Snodgrass groc
ery. . ' ' '-, ..,
Here to Ride Goat
J. H. Handrahan, a former engin
eer here, but now In the real esttte
J business at Baker City is here today
He will take the hazardous Journey
oa goat back at the Elks tonight
Carriage License Issued f
County "Clerk Ed Wright has is
sued a marriage license to. Harry
Class and Pearle E." Gray, both' of
Elgin. " ' ' - .......
Many nomesteaders
Homestead applications filed today
are: Sidney W. Burnett Hamilton
Grant county; John F. G'roah, Milan,
Washington; Walter 1 . Wilson, 'of
Snarta. .. Ore.: Swea Lrsn. 1 lUkAr
iWt i: "OriandflT C'Goliy QroaVeTWai:
Iowa county, and Harold Aline, cf
Attoria. - . . :
n n
no: think he waB entitled to any
damages. The compromise' verdict re-
Ited- '
1 1 1,111 !:..' 1 " -
I . -mm
MODLL AA. ' w !'
. ........ ...
That the Clothier who does not carry Kuppen
heimer Clothing has let the bars down for
some other clothing house to walk in and
"grab offr th best; trade in town. i
Get the best tailor in the city to dissect a Kup
penlieimer Siiit and compare' with any fine
make we are willing to stand by the results;,
Come in and take a look It's a pleasure to
show them. ,
Co Co
Thi Papoose
ta On
- .
r ACK and Evelyn had been downtown with their mamma shoipin;:
5 1 They visited a place where some Indians were employed raakirg moc
casins and other Indian articles. When da33y put on his slippers in
the evening ETelyn told daddy what they fcal seen. Fie told him par
ticularly about a "cute Indian baby."
. ''The Indian baby is called a papoose," said daddy.
Evelyn thought that a funny name to call a baby, but Jack said be La
read about it
"Are all Indian babies called thatr asked Evelyn.
. . MA1V said daddy, "boys as well as girls."
"Do you know any Btorles about them, 3addy?" asked Evelyn.
"Not many," replied daddy. "But they don't have cradles, as you have.
The mother of a papoose she U called
back when she takes it out. When the papoose Is in the tepee, as Indiana call
their homes, It is often strapped on a sort of board when it goes to sleep."
"But when the baby is not asleep, and when it Is not being carried on its
mamma's back, does it have any dolly when it gets big enough?" asked Evelyn.
Teg." answered daddy. "But the Indian dolly is not as pretty as yours."
"Do Indian girl babies grow up to be pretty women V asked Evelyn.
; "If they grow up among white people sometimes they become very beauti
ful," replied daddy. '
"When Mrs. McFudge was a missionary," continued daddy "that was be
fore she married Mr. McFudge a papoose orphan was left to bcr, and she
brought It up. She was Just like mother to that orphan papoose. When
it grew up to be a girl she taught the papoose to sew and sing and dance.
When the papoose got to be a girl she was sent away to school After she had
finished her course she studied to be a doctor. Then she went back to her
people and cared for the sick and taught them many things that helped them,
and the Indian mothers taught their children. All her life she was called by
her people the Papoose Medicine Woman." -
"Didn't she get oldr aBked Jack.
"No doubt" answered daddy. "But when people do good their aga Is never
Just then the cuckoo Tame out of
times, &cd aoon after the lights in the
Improvements Wanttd.
Will some -.
Philanthropist Invent
. .. A different kind 1
Of sprtng-. . '
. That bears reiemblanoe
To the one .
Whose praise .-.
We often sing, .
- One that has all
The pleasant parts
, That we
80 much enjoy
And chasea to
Some place remote
The features that
v Annoy?
. We'd like to have ,
A mudlees
- Spring '. , :
It there
la one in etoclt, ' ; r
The Kind .
To use
W hen we would take
A walk around the block..
. We want to have -
The breezes
Bon - . . , . ' ..
And not the kind . , .
To snatch . ,
Our hats '
And send them
. Down the street
A running tnntch.
Bprlng sort of suits us, "
. And we do
Not taae it
Much to task,
; A But
' it could be '
Improved in epote " .
It any one '
- Bhould asK. . ..
.Plant a little garden;
- Hatse your own supplies.
Give your neighbors'- hens a chano.
They need exercise.
Haunting Memory.
"He is trying to live down bis patL"
"I didn't know be had one." " -
MOh. yes.".
"What did be do-rob' a bank or run
off with another man's wifer r ,.,
"No; be used to eat witb bis knife."
Tht Wa
Ctrrtc Her Fisdosi on Her
a squaw carries her papoose on her
the little Swles clock and chirped seven
house were turned out '
Splendid Program Will be Carried
Out at School Friday Sight.
Considerable' Interest : is manifest
about school circles especially, re
garding the coming benefit program
to be held next Friday night. The
event was slated for last Friday but
was 'postponed for various rensonB.
Practically the same program will
be carried out Friday night when the
base ball team will get the proceeds.
, The program for the evening fol
lows: :
Selection IT. S. Orchestra. ? ..
Reading Miss Allen.
Vocal Solo Kenneth Carpy.
Recitation Mary Penlngton.
. vlolln Solo Marble Green.
Reading Nora Arbuckle.
Selection Cirl'e Quartette. .',
.Reading Serena Rohan.
Selection Boy's Quartette. -
Vocal Solo Bessie Brown.
Vocal Solo Henry Heldonrlch. v
Piano Solo Miss Baehler. " .
Reading N. J. Mansager.
Vocal Solo Etha Huffman. '
Chalk Talk Milton Stoddard.';" ;
Selection II. S. Orchestra.