La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, April 28, 1910, Image 4

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' :
ruLIitLid Daily Except Suuday
Editor and Owner,
a . ' - a A. . k A A .4l A .A
SL A. D. -Puter Is soon to tell ct
J - ' another land conspiracy, according
fTffl) P - 171) HSf frO'I: I ! f-T O to a story from' Portland. It would
Uaited I'ress Telegraph r n let
Dally, single copy
Daily, per week...
Daily, per month...
Entered at the postofflce at La Grande
as second-class matter
This pap'" W nt publish an ar
- tide appearing over a nora de plume.
Signed artleles will be revised sub
ject to the discretion of the editor
Please, sign your articles and save
disappointment .
In yesterday's Observer the plan
for Irrigating the Grande Ronde val
ley as suggested by , Walter M.
Pierce was given, and it seems to be
a most feasible Idea. But before this
' Is started it will be necessary to hold
' meetings all over the valley and dis
cuss the matter down to the smallest
detail. Ranchers who are making
money on land that . does .. not . .abso
lutely, need . irrigation have a fight to
Investigate the proposed plan with
.he closest scrutiny which will , give
Jlght on " the' matter and without
doubt show that Mr, Pierce has giv
en this great study, . arriving- at a
conclusion that seems a satisfact
ory one. '; . ' : ;-.
- Jn this as in other public matters
Mr. Pierce has kept the welfare of
the valley "uppermost in bis mind,
for this la his home and he would
rather see the Grande Ronde valley
advance than any other part of Ore
gon. V In the- past he thas been a
man who has accomplished large un
dertakings. This " insures a solid
foundation to the new irrigation plan.
His Judgement is good and many ill
be guided by it at least to Bufllctehtiy
interest themselves In a way that
will develop all sides of the question.
, That 1. what this valley wants
a thorough .discussion of the : mer
its of every plan that Is outlined. We
need to have this Irrigation propo
sition talked over at' the fireside of
the home, at the grocery store, in
the lodge room and elsewhere. No
community can deliberate too care
fully on an under taking taht. means
so much for the future as irrigation
means to the Grande Ronde. i : '
UnJermusIins Less
A; ' M
v. si
V Than elsewhere. .You sLcul.1 . tree tar
window, compare values with other stores.
. You'll understand why we are the busy . store
Cnol Corset covers that de-
light you. . Pretty lace
fidfTft And twn rnw rf JH f J
lace inserting to match Cu
Just remember' y oilcan always buy it for less at O
the Golden Rule. '"-::: .Y', $
In the Package Sale Saturday is
Opera Bag worth $3; it goes for
25 cents, too. If you want to
know about the Package Sale ask f
anyone in the Golden Rule. q
Again we say If you want the V
best muslin underwear,' ladles, at X
the- smallest price, get ' them at O
the Golden Rul,
0 ihroiigh divulging this inside infor
matlon for be has been at tt bow lo,
these 'maty months.
O : 1 ' ,.
FOR RENT Furnished housekeep-.
ing rooms in a quiet home place,
ciose in. Mrs. IL R. McDonald, 1616
Sixth Street, Phone Black 462. ' '
FOR S ALB The building formerly
used for an electric light plant at
Oro Dell, the same is thirty by one
hundred feet and thirty-eight feet
high, and contains a large quantity
of lumber and heavy timbers. Bids
for the purchase of this building will
be received at the office of the EAST
company. ' v,
ROOM and BOAREh-1617 Fourth" St
alleged cotton pool should not be
construed aa a legislative attack on
operation of any cottcs cr produce
exchanges throughout - the country.
The proceedings being held before
the grand Jury cannot be discussed
now." The federal grand jury at
New York-has beea latest'isating
charges against the so-called cotton
pool and a dozen witnesses have been
examined by the government attor
neys. - The feeling has been general
that the jovernment plans to put the
cotton ej change out of business. "
.Die la Tlnegar Tank.
Watsonville, Calif., April 28. Aug
ust Groenfeldt and Roy Phillips were
suffocated last night in a' vinegar .tank
VhiUlpa had entered the tank for the .'
VuriSose of cleaning it and Groen
Bottled bs It Flows From the Spring
J's Good for what Rils You
Greatest Store.
' And we have the feather duster, brooms," curtain rods anl
fixtures, paints, varnishes, brushes, , etc.' We also have the lace
curtains; and beauties they are, too, and all a
G 0 L) EM R lL P?i CES:
men were found dead in each other
r.rms. . .
Down In Portland , there is a great
. agitation just now for a non-partisan
Judiciary, We ; do not under
stand exactly what the term means
and never have had if explained, to
us. . V:',"
Does it mean that a man. ,who . 9
, chosen Judge must be one ' who has
. no alignment with political . parttesT
If so, deliver us from such a' Judi
ciary. Or does It mean, that the man
' sitting on . the 'bench must not In
Ject his political views into hlB opin
ions rendered?
at a. time when a republican' legis- j very big men of this nation. He has
lature trampled the" 'state cpnstltu- J done a wonderful work in New York
tlon under foot and added two more to. straighten up "matters, and yat
Judges to the supreme bench, is the Hughes never could ; he called a ro
chap who . Is behind this "non-par- former In the. sense which that word
ttsan" rot. Will R. King is an adroit Is usually, used. h He. is a great man
politician. He is next to the wily j with a broad mbd and does not con
George Chamberlain when it comes J ter on any. one thing as his pet thee
to a democrat bamboozling a repub- ry. This country is fortunate that
llcan state, and according to our way J the appointment was made for Cov
of thinking King is playing the game Hughes -would have left public life
all the tune. He " probably knows I rather than run again for. office. Hiit
ticket would mean a def eat for him-j statement to the Effect that the office
that a campaign on the democratic I of governor had lost him money i?
self and he wantB to remain on the without doubt true and he further
supreme bench. The nest best move stated that he would be obliged to
la. to raise a hue and , cry about a j retire In order to earn a : llvlhood
"non-partisan" judiciary . anu ,waue i ror . mmseir ana ramuy. , witn sucn
the people are agitated he will en-men as Hughes on the bench there
ter the smoke house and carry .off I need , be no," agitation - for a ,"noh
the hamry-'ViVw'vVvT ', partisan" Judiciary.
There is absolutely " no reason for
- :" Standard 00 Hearing On
..New York, April 27.Neither the
Standard Oil company of Charles B,
Morse are connected with this pro
secution, declared United States Dis
trict Attorney Whls today m opening
the prosecution of Augustus Heinz,
charged with over-certlflcatlon of
checks while president of the Mer
cantile Natlona Bank. In addition
to the bank charges, the prosecution
must prove the existence of a pool
tr manipulate the price of copper
stocks and prove that Heinz wax a
member of the pool, according to Mi
ruling of Judge-Hough today.
Cotton Probe TromlHcd
Washington, April ; 27. The T5
partment of Justice "issued the fol
lowing announcement, today: - "Ac
tion of the government In institutlnp
the New ' York Investigation of . the
a non-partisan 'Judiciary. V If a re- The .Portland commercial delega
publican is too narrow to he Judge tion that is taking a Junket" Into jthe
he should not and will not pe nomi-1 vr.Tamette vaney ana souinern ur
nated. And the same "holds true . of I irgi.M expressed itself as delighted be
the democrats. All of this V'non-1 oaure Salem turned out in great force
nartlsan" film flamming has broughtl to greet "the visitors. the tale about
Oregon Into V chaotic- condition p(fll i lem waking up Beems to be cora-
tlcally, and ;riow: Will R. .Klng and a ing true all right.
fewl more; would entangle the courts
i. ...... m . s a ITA.
AUtlUlRlltW lil I T LIIVSB ! o
Low Prices Easy icrms
Rich Soil
YotfVill Double Your Money JnaYear
Get One d. these Tracts While they Last
Will be' Sold in Thirty-Days
Foley Hotel Building
La Grande, Oregon
ITSie La Grande Lomm
'rP : J-i '. r ' ;." TO ' ASSIST THE CEX SUS ' EJiUMERATOItS. , ' , '
We Vnovf 'tlmt you are78 ;nnxloaS as anyone Wt ever, person lu. La Grande-should bc listed as a resly
Ve1 mfUonr name hllKtcd' and that erry mcnib if yonr family is Usted. AskW peighlor
'fill out a blank and be ready for' the ctntjus man.. . V . - y.X- '' ':''':yr:S.:.S.i-:J. I
- - . . . Ill lUD DOMiV WVUM
This does seem UKe- rennhllcan for Judge if
ly ior mere are oniy a very lew
Judges who would be guilty of so
flagrant a violation of the public's
feelings as to do such a thing.
Then what is a "non-partisan" Ju
diciary; mean? ; (' ; : -
There Is strong, reason to believe
that - Will R. King, who. is now on
the Bupreme- bench through the good
graces of a democrat who was gov
he is all right and if we can't have
a republican, give : us a clean cut
democrat or socialist who is. not
afraid to say he -is a democrat ' or
socialist and the reaBon for being one.
one""'.. XXX.y -
-In appointing Governor Hughfcs as
an associate Justice - of the United
and : had the appointing j)ow.r. States supreme court there was" no'
M ,1
Mds Bcaihtol
; to tue FooU f
Economizes f Icur,
5 Butter arid Egos
) is
Yiiv hnicina powder
niade from Royal Grape Cream
Cd Alumno Unto FZasppatsai
. . i
Excursion Rates
" V- ''-'v. ' ': ''.
.; $63.90 Omara - . ;
F V ' 565.70 Kans3s City
; , ' ; Selling Dates r
May 2, 9 J. un 24
uy 5 22 i -Aug. 5; Sept 8
1 out this blank, leaving it' af vou'r home ; or rooming . place to assist in .giving the n-c ;
to the census enumerator. . it will not' be neceaBary for him to see you if your '.. r ,
the needful answers-
i .......
Full name with initials . . . . , , .
Sext ................ RaceT ...... ..........Age iasi , wruu .;
single, married, widowed or divorced ...,.,.......' y ,
lumber and years,' of present mar ri age .... f .. . ...........
amber of children (if mother)..... ..........Number of children 5
ace of birth (give state or foreign country)
... V. . f ...
.......... r-
f ee' of father's birth (give state' or foreign country).......:,
J, ................... ..... . . . . . "
Place of mother's" birth (give state or foreign country) v..
nr Tinfntifrfttlon to United States? . . i . . . .". ". ... ; Naturalized or
Able to speak English?. ; . '. y . . . C. If not,? wh-t language?. ; . ,v.
v . . f
. . .. . .
i . f . .
. alfen?.' . . f. ... f '
V.. '" f-'rr-V?V.!'"'."V.'?l' r: '
, .A
Trade, profession of any partlculat ; .-
'kind of work dene by person,-as 'spinner, salesman, laborer, etc,?.
ierel ntura M 'industry, bisluis. or esUMistaMit in wKca im&ilZi,;n cotton mill, rr; eoodsure. :. . y
X fara,.ctc.?;..v.v'.'
Through, tickets to Principal East
ern Points. Ask for them.
Tickets from' local agents 0. R. & N.
" ' v Particulars from n
C. ijL Jackson "J J. SV Carter
Trav. Pass. Agt t ' - Gen. Agt
: , 14 Wall St, Spokane. : V
Whether employer, employee, or working on own account?. .
Whether out of "work on April 15, iS 10? - ii. . .
Number of weeks out of employment in 1909?
Able to -read?. ;... ...... . . Able to write?
Attended school at any time since September 1, 1909. ......
Home owned or rented?
Owned free cr mortgaged?
Farm or hoise?. . .
Survivor of Union or Confederate Army orNavy?.
Whether blind (both eyes)?.
IL mil ti ci nuu np iiiiiiin . . i . - -
It would be well to cut out the above form wElch was authoriied by the La Grands Cciiunerciail -Ciuo
Tnd fill out the same, leaving it with soma responsible party who will' see that It Is propsrly Cled.-E3itor