La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, April 28, 1910, Image 3

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    -U f
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Vg- arc GlosiM Gut'Tv;6 . tini?s of Shoss
Regular Price $5.00
Sale Price
Vn jti ft? ' e ; n n n . n -
Keguiar rnce $ouu.: av7' -L.o f
"Sale Price ,,K H-V-. - 'cycjooJliV
ft JWT
. " ' 11 1 1 r - -j- '- ; - ,
1 1
a -
$ I make a Spcialty of
I grind them in my own workshop in LaGmide
In ,lJrnrfno.. Wo turf , a Rood ,: nanny
traiiks Id storage lield fur 6oiue reasou
or otbor that Und been all ovei '2u-
rope nud were covered with hotel la
bels. I had takeu off n dozen of these
labels and pasted , thom on my own
trunk. I did this because I Intended to "Jiij punojB etujo Sw jnd j ueqx
"IwnJja i dao;aq sncjia edB H
: .'Pius oqs p(U0A auu Us)
Huq 0) em qstt i.upinoM uo.v., ,
SmaSnin inn iinn .un t
, 1 - i - ton
'e;n Xra q eaaqi ind tuuiq puq
iaqx 'AiBl-ui-aiDun tiHj.j iui A'q pios
appear ns having been travottng on the ! ,pU0lnBIp 8aSl oVponsiaoW U t
continent. I delivered my letter to the piu, lwU(Uo j .ozl,iao,OJ , ai,,p -. i
(frind tfll My qiases.
lie rocpivid itia vprv klndlv nnd. n. II
wns Btated In the letter that I wished
to bring home with me Bonie Jewels
for my sister, offered to show mo hb
stotU at opre. To thjs J rcpid yt 1
wan la no-hurry and I, would llko to
See something of London before my re
turn As I expected, ; be offered to
show me around. " : 1 "
"lie took me to theaters, the Tower,
the nt.'be.v niid nil Jhnh bnt I lldn't see
Uie inside of bin home. Then I beijan
to nsk liiui'nbout hi9 family wo h.nd.
5t f'S'ctty thick by this time and he
upkert me; to dine, with .him and his
family.' I met In this way b la niece,
whn lived with hlra. and it wasn't lonn;
after that when I dispensed with the
services of the Jeweler for a guide and
took the niece. 1 was eettlna- to that
age when a man feels flattered by a
youns woman s attentions, and the
first thing that I knew I was dead set
on taking her back with me to. Amor-
!7ery uleasanf accent, and many of
I thera can ghow the fil!?tcomple5jojp5
jlneT3X"Kmjfy Robinson wtS
jof that kind, and her kittenish ways
were just tne- thing to catch an old
bachelor like , myself. She was glad
enough to get a husband who would
make her Independent, and before I
left London we were not only engaged,
but married. '-''. ..
' "Of course 1 felt guilty at trying to
find out how her uncle got goods free
of duty Into America, hut anyway I
could Dnly etop hla doing, It licouJd
not punish him, , he being an English
man and In London. So I added matri
mony with his . niece to a detective
ruse with him.' We. were married a
few days before the eteamer Bailed.
and f ' bought about the same time
10,000 worth of diamonds, , which my
uncie-in-iaw agreed to deliver in New
York free of duty.
I took my wile with, me tQ my ho-
soq ptinoj tnooq oqi puu os pip
I .'JimiJj Am Jionclun oj atn qsn jbuiS
pun ip-a aJ .upip oqs juqj euioq
o3 t)M jojjb iup eqj pjua ojijx &w
sn poqauoj Sdm Moq Stipujj aiqnojj
ou 9AU(j puom oi puu m 01 OUJOd
0i ' a.u-Ai Kpuoumip amos ;i:q) s3oq
"qVPW. I ttioq paqoBO dji aaq.Vi
Hans Wagner bus niatle 2,nai hits.
If Cy Young pitches only one game
week he wil receive $250 every time
he officiates for Clovclaud.
InfleMor Kob Unglaub has been nick
Darned Dorundo by the Washington
players because be Is styled a Mora
thou conversationalist
Manager Dahlcij of Brooklyn has
unearthed a splendid young outfielder
In George Hunter, who 1$ Bhiiiing in
batting, gelding and base running.
'Wagner, Wallace. L'Iberfeld nml
Pahlou are the surviving nhoiut
U('3tlu the
Ins ninl
Sclini-ifnu n rrt lha .il.t .....1, ..'..
aiojj luosqo ujoSu eq oj o.Shujjo p'jhoii KS?. bSolS ,!!lto ft big leag
I -so .Boos sw isnf dm b jou dosiuiojcI ' ,llyt ulur.v. ... fcycrs, Hut
t)ltl) JHD flOSRI'l I i 'ttn'su.-in c.tmiiiI ocnm
k , t , , vpu, . 4
JIS(A ojOjjn ppio.u oqs so "H joiju ' netwocu May 13 and Aug. 20 major
jo puo)su jno; jfta OJo;q jam puq j league tea urn will not be permitted to
a-vv pansiA aqs aoti puts nuu sioobi ; carry more than tweuty-flve nlavei-M
oqi jjooj oj uuSeq oq: noqx ' 1 po f ' mnl from 'Aug.' 20 to the follow-
-staoi puu iuiuj w ni poi.-d puajpj Ing May 15 the roster will be limited
hSujiu joq io eqj jo do oqj no soinoja to. thlrty-flve players.
poo8 Xtu uI djj.a-ira eiuoq poqDBOJ ' ... ' :
oav u,)qA -nniu X(io; CjaA n puq pint i I' A Born Le,dePj
junu pno ;.un a.q q? Suiubb ojojoq -Bft born to b a teftder." his parents
flip aqj piii ja .'4q ov joao 40 : tcmdly said v
-juoj oqj nani OJ q3nono pu3 60A pae proudly they beheld htm upon ht
?n,wm v ,,JBj,,0q PJ8q 'lfcowhl? foVehead bul.l"
nnru; Am Suiood no pospjuj puu uon his dotin? dad.
nil.ln JTia giu ant? 'annn in nnn wlom 13 In taw la hand afintiv iiw& N.
. I'UIf -" .7. 11" ' i. " .
luieun una. fW.' 'i"
TI S bol-rt to be a leader," they said wltti
noneal joy .
That time ha bossed the household i-hllo
t& til m a boy, .
And iuey Vr Hght In thinking him sent
to have command.
Be has become a leader ha leads a vll
"' lace band. ,:..'
'!, ,t , -Chlcafo Record-Herald.
. : - 5 " " I' U " " - J f
s.A apBjd eqj ojotioaoL.eqi pae io
tt It
Short Pleasure.
What are you
kicking aboutrv
stole my umbrel-
. la."
"Was U a new
"Practically. I
stole it only yes
; terday." -
His Conceit.
"What's the matter with Wilson V
' "Concussion ot the brain.
"Mercy! Uow did that happen?"
"Came on from too much patting
himself on the head." .
I. Llevelt 6tar Possibility.
f ritcher Llevelt. the Detroit young
!ster, Is regarded by many critics as
a star possibility if he can get the
arm which trouble, him Inst season
quite cured. ;
Permanently Located oyer Newlin's Drug Store.
CopjTlght. 1310. by American Press
"I saw Jenkins the other day,"-said
oruwa tome oia customs inspector
who bad exposed more smugglers than
any other man In the department
"and he told me to ask" you the next
time I saw you to tell me the romance
of your marriage." . : '
"Oh, he 6UV did her relied tjic Jn-
spector. scowling, but io spite of him
self puckering up the corners of his
mouth In a smile. .
"Yes He said there wan mi If a
( story connected with your courtship"
."Courtship be hanged:"
"Oh, go on!" , ,
Brown offered the Inspector a cigar,
telling blui to light up. The bribe was
accepted und the story given.
: Tou know that tradesmen nbroad
are Interested. In learning wars by
which their customers may vadie pay
ing duties on goods, because If the
good can be got In free of duty It's
very much easier for the tradesmen to
sell them. Some of these people know
more Ingenious tricks for .'evading du
ties than the regular smucgleis.. '
wsa '
3 I
letter a friend of his bad recelvec
read It to me. It was an offer of a
jeweler In London to deliver goods In
America free of duty,
"'How do you suppose it's done?'
he asked me.
1 'V'l don't know I replied. '
'1 tell you what you do. Go over
there, get tn with the Jeweler and find
out I'll get you a letter of Introduc
tion from his correspondent so that
he'll feel obliged to show you some nl
tentlon perhaps Invite- you to his
house. .You can't And ont anything In
his shop, " but you may run across
something at home that will give away
the trick.' - '
"The result was that 1 took fhA tiert
outgoing liner and within a week woaJ
As usual, the largest stock of Bulk and pack
age seeds in the county, i Alfalfa, Red Clover,
Timothy, Red Top Blue Grass, White Xlover
and everything in grain seed. - , -Gafden
Seed in Bulk. Hay, Grain, Feed and Flour
Phone Main 57, Indepenpent
A. V,
Corner Greenwood and leiferson
"We'L pni- iav the boss railed me I