La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, April 25, 1910, Image 2

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Fublihhcd Daily Excei't Sunday
fiditor and Owner
Tutted I'nss Telegraph Service
Daily, single copy 5c
Tinflv npr week ...v 13c
j i . - -
Tlailv. iier month CoC
Enured at the ppstofilce at La Grande
as Bccond-class matter
This paper will not publisii an ar
ticle appearing over a nora de plume.
Signed articles will be revised sub
ject to the discretion of the editor.
Please sign your articles and save
The Lome talent drama should be
encouraged In La Grande if we would
round out the children and make
them at ease before an audience. And
along this line but it la right and
proper to offer a word of praise for
such excellent ' productions aa the
Mikado, which was rendered Satur
day evening by request It had been
produced here once before and was
such a pleasurable event taht the de
mand was unanimous among play-
goera for borne talent to appear the
second time; ,-: rv .VV
The day of public speaking, la fast
going unless something Is done to
cultivate the art. In years gone by
the political convention brought out
oratorical powers in boys and devel
oped them. in the art of speaking, bnt
today there are scarcely any gather
ings of that nature where men min
gle and associate. Naturally, we
must turn to the public schools and
demand that the error be corrected.
Just aa we demand , almost every
thing else from the schools, and to
get the best results teachers have
found it necessary to place the pupil
firm in the harness of public work.
For this, and other reasons, aside
form , the pleasure an audience re
ceives, the Mikado and all kindred
events should be heartily encour
aged.'1 , v. ' , '
Strickland Gillllan, brother of J.
D. Gillllan, one of Eastern Oregon's
prominent men, bad a story of Joe
N . LI) t ' a . -!
lannona repuoucanism in ine Bal
timore Sun several days ago from
which .we take the following:
"What is Republicanism r
You see, there has been such a
riot and orgy of individualism since
this man Roosevelt went on the Job
some eight and' a half years ago;
party lines have been so tampered
with and smeared not to say erased
in large 'spots and long streaks
that the trms Democratic and Repub
lican had taken on (in the mind of
the proletariat," whatever that Is) a
meaning almost as vague as the shad
ow of a cloud. Therefore, guiding in
my Judgment by the wonder in my
self as to what oar Undo Joe tnast
when he wrote to tfce Sud3 City lady
about the "principles of the Repub
lican party,", I made up my' mind i
' . , .' - l T T .
lmpetuousiy, just as i kuu uaustvi-u
always do things, ' that I would go
i . .v . T, " f" , r , t' a
rlgnt UP I'J IHC BiltUBillJj VOIIJUil
. t 1 .... Tl . .....
muzzle ana ast mm vuai
caniam is. A3 one of the sole sur
vivors of old jpartylsm," he ought to
know, oughtn't . he? His answer
ought to be an interesting, n lie of
dear departed .days days to dear ' to
the man of moderate lccorue that he
is !ad they are so near! departed.
Arrived at the entrance of the Cop
gresBlnoal warren, I sent in my card
to the Hon. J. F. C. Talbott, alias
Fred. That gentleman came out and
looked very eskance at me. At first
he was not favorably impressed with
my appearance, but when I remlnda;
him that I was a Roland Park high
brow in permanent disguise and ha!
taken the stump against him in 1908
his gratitude not only knew r ""lundJ
but didn't even suspect any. .wank
ing me heartily for my help in elect
ing him he asked what he could do
for me. I spoke! falteringly of my
vaunting ambition to seek, the bubble
reputation at the usual place and he
said he'd do his best. I followed
him fearlessly to the erle. of the old
Gray Eagle of ,'Danvllle,1 and there
waited in the lobby until a few other
people from various whereB got
through talking to the speaker. (Mr.
Cannon is a very careless man; , he
stays away ' from the speker's Cesk
when . Congressmen from various
places ' are talking, thereby missiug
many eloquent expressions of great
thoughts). ; ; - J
Finally the well known face and
figure came out of the Innner sanctl
BBlmuB, circulated about the recep
tion room, glad ' handing some vis
itors, patting, them on the shoulders,
pulled them affectionately closer to
teU them In a sotto voice a story or
.wo, and It was my turn. . ,
; Mr. Talbott Introduced me and with
0-ew. probably feeling he had done
enough unkindneBS for one day, both
to Mr. Cannon and myself. The spek
er led me Into the inner shrine and
tve were seated. . Y
"Mr. Speaker," said I (with the
worBt case of stage fright I've had
Biuce childhood) ; "I'm going to asK
you a question. I don't know wheth-
er : i --, , ;-.,.,
"Maybe I'd know more about it it
rtu'd ask it" ;
Biff! And It was coming to roe
right, too. The Jolt brought ma out
of my trance and I said:
"Since there's been such an indi
vidualism debauch in national poli
tics for a few years, I'd like to have
you, as the most eminent old-line
party man. tell me what you regard
as Republicanism today." ; " .
, Uncle Joe looked straight ahead of
him for a minute and then sonorously
replied In the tones of a prize elocu
tion pupil : ' : '
; "Republicanism today is the same
it was in 1904, 1900 and 1896. The
Republican party, from an economical
standpoint, has not changed, When
H does cease from fidelity to its prin
ciples and platform from 1860 down
7 '.v:
Hakes the food of maximum
quality at minimum cos
I ' 'J'i'
t :: if ' fe
Corset Talk
patro'ns say; there-S
is a reason' for the great
popularity cf our; corset, de-
The Reason: YJARNER'S
No. 273 (ask for the num
fccriV. ber) is especially desirable Y
for the Ghic new gown; is
extra long hips made of
strong white Batiste. The 3
Ideal long corsets, $2.00
No. 601. Our One Dol-
lar Gorsets we beliveare.
a the best One Dollar will buy; best style, best , mater- 2
lal, best fitting. BEST--because there are none
0 betterat $1.00 pair. -.,
I O , Pi
11 S
Low Prices Easy Terms
Rich Soli :
You Will Double Your M oney in a Year
Get One tf these Tracts While they Last
ill be Sold in Thirty Days
''' Ask'for
it by - name. Beau
ty, style; fit and ser
vice are combined
" "...
make it the very
best $2.50 oxford
possible to buy at
that price. We can
fit you.
All the time $2.35
This Oxford comes
in full kid, patent
tlp4 ' hole Blucher
top. All( sizes an4
widths and is spec
per pair.
$6.00 PETTICOATS $4.95
Just arrived; brand new not
old stock-. A special purchase en
ables us to sell these 40 beauti
ful colored silk petticoats at the
extremely low price of $4.95 each.
Golors include black, champaigne,
gold, green, light blue, brown, wis
taria, rose, pink and various colors
See window display. : ;'. ''
Foley Hotel Building
La Grande, Oregon
La Grande's Greatest Store.
F. J. HOLMES. Vlce-Pres. SlitKV tCDUILLlAJV.5, 7rd tit: Cub
; F. L. MEYERS, Cashier.
United States Depository J
Capital and Surplus $180,000.00
George Palme? ; C. C. Penlngton
. . j jLl jim-,-. ".: G. L. Cleaver
.V j. oaii. f ' :. F. M. BvrKit
Meyers ' W. L. Breanolts
: . 'V W. M Pierce . '-
With our ample resources and faciliti re call ren
der you efficient service and hand!-. vm;r business
to your entire satisfaction-
to the present time, it will cease to
exist." ' '
"Is any such change impending!"
I asked, unexpectedly to both of us.
Out Uncle Joe arose to his feet and
pulled the diapason and octavecouple
stops before he replied:
"Not the slightest! One generation
comes and goeB" a pause while he
gazed dreamily out of the window-
then, "Oh, yes! One generation comes
and goes and is succeeded by anoth-
. . m ; . v-k ' I. 11
er. The policies 01 me nepuoiicuu
party under the leadership of Lin
coln and from that time on down to
the present are known to favor pro
tection to American labor and pro
duction. The wlBdom of that policy"
(here he walked close and pointed
his finger at me as I wrote) "Is dem
onstrated by the progress of the coun
try so that a wayfaring man though
a fool, can read as he runs.. And a
majority of the people will stand for
this .policy as faithfully during the
swing of the twentieth century as
the party of old did from 1860 to the
present time."
v Gee! Didn't that sound familiar!
I could have stayed ' at home and
written the same thing and not had
to submit it to Private Secretary Bus
by's censorship. Just so much so
noruos, well-regulated, time-tried pil
fle that has put every one of us to
sleep for the past twenty years when
we listened to partisan oratory.
And I had so hoped that, with all
the baiting he'd had recently, he
might say something! .
No use talking a man who can
remember the lines and gestures of
his declamation under fire is going
to be mighty hard to convince that
his bell has rung. I took one of his
cigars and learned why he always
wears it perpendicularly. It has to
be Bet like a chimney before it will
draw. I have it at home now, in
moth balls.
at an early date. She will never
quit, although she may be honest in
thinking she will.. When a woman,
or a man, has., led the active life
that she has the only time they quit
is when either physical disability or
death claims them.
Binger Hermann's life now hangs
by a thread! He may recover, and
live several years and he may not
And now that the old man is prac
tically closing his life's chapter there
will be many perhaps who will look
with considerable charity upon his
alleged misdeeds. Binger Hermann
can lay his downfall wholly to his
political ambition. He never profit
ed by the transaction that are charg
ed against him, for today he is a
poor man. But he was ambitious,
and like every other man who has
strong aspirations, he paid the price.
' WANTED Chambermaid at the Sa
voy Hotel. 4-25-tf.
FOR SALE Alfalfa hay. Ten dollars
; In stack while it lasts. J. E. REY
Mrs. Hetty Green has announced
that she will retire from business life
FOR SALE Single driver; weight
1100. Safe for lady. J. E. REY
Notice to Contractors.
Notice Is hereby given that sealed
bids will be recived at the office of
the Recorder of the City of La Grande
Oregon, for the construction of 43,-
920 Cu. Yds. of macadam pavement
to be constructed according to the
plans and specifications now on file
in this office. Bids will be received
until 4 o'clock, p, m., May 4th, 1910,
and must be accompanied by a certi
fied check for 5 per cent of the ami
o fthe bid. The Council reserves the
rlsht to reject any and all bids.
? D. E. COX,
Recorder of the City of La Grande.
Now Jl '
Asparagus H. H. Lettuce
Rhubarb Radishes Spinach
Celery and Geen Onions
Farm, Fralt end Improved lands.
The following will attract the at
tention of the bom seeker.
80 acres improved, 65 teres un
der cultivation $3,000.
10) acres all ' Improved, 1-2 ,
mile from Snmmervlllo .... W00
40 acres all Improved, 11-1
miles from Summerville . . . .3.000
100 acres Improved, 40 under
. cultivation ........ ........ 4.500
40 acre adjoining Snmmenrlllo
choice frn't or nlfalfa land,
can bo Irrigated. A bargain ,000
140 acres, well improved, un
, der cultivation. Hay, grata
and fruit ...11.000
160 seres, 30 acres bearing or
chard, 30 acres new orchard.
all apples; 100 acres pas
ture. Terms on application
Choice stomp land, particular
ly adapted to fmlt tndustrr.
3 to 5 miles from Bummer-
ville. Per acre...... f 11.50 to $10.
Timber and other property.
Heal Estate Summerville, Ore.
Koosertlt film at Star, Theatre -Pr
t$. charge for admission.
HEACOCK'S The only place U
Union County that yon can get
sew lens exactly like yours In less
than three or four days. Office over
WANTED Boy to sell Observers on
the Btreets. Apply to the circu
lation manager of the Observer. .