I'fiIEyEGOOTf ruMhhed Dally Except Sunday BUCE BUMS Editor ana Owner. Unttei Pregg Telegraph ScttIcc SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Bally, single copy..... ......... Dally, per week. 15 Daily, per month. 65c Entered at the postofflce at La Grande as second-class matter THIS paper will not publish an ar tide appearing over a nom do plane. Signed articles will be revised sub ject to the discretion of the editor, Please sign your articles and save disappointment GRANDE BOHJK LAND AGAIXST THE WOULD. The surprisingly small price asked for land In the Grande Ronde valley Is the prevailing mystery among real estate men in other parts of the state. Here are a few facts: A person who can buy this land In a proven productive area for less money than he can take up and im prove a homestead. A person can buy the land that has been tilled and rendered almost perfect In production for less than half of what he will have to pay for sage brush land under a Carey Act projected the cost of watering the' tame. . There Is no exaggeration about ei ther of these statements. Then, why do we as a community not unite oux' energies , to get the Grande Ronde alley lands before: the people the same as Medford or Hood River in dojng? Why c!o we not carry this message of magnificent opportunity to all directions? Today there .ire a lot of people on the coast who are looking for Interior lands. Harnev county Is atttractlng a great number because of the alleged free lands of fered by the government. It is W2ll known that government land is rot frfff land, acd that improvd pov erty sells for less tbau on can ? sibly take up government land ani Improve it. And, bwJps,. If yo l r vf st in the Grande F.omle you cannot iw very far from a good town -1 community that has the benefit cf ?t f Q'l organization, n commun ty tb.Pt fs already Improved . cporohes. and schools. Whereas. If you seek the Harney cr-iinfy frorj telr all of the schools chirchs, roads emit bouse and other public 'w piovrrr.errts must bo made. TTre is every argument la fiv f ihc Grande Ronde valley. Its ImhJ lie's today as positively the cw .': est ifi! estate Investment in the Umt-. ed Srfiea when 'the real -valaaiio l ,5 coiwlileiefi. If yon gree with this, exploltat';!? of th"o truth, do not merely say, "Y tii at '-.Is tt fact." but get out ami o i -s the word 'along the line. Tell 'every i stranger you see what grows around 1 AV ' i -cole. 1 Mitkes Ihe food of maximum quality at minimum cost i ....... rviiWAC tnp innn ni inzuuxiiujux i La Grande, Union, Cove or Elgin Speak to the traveler abont Wallowa county a country of immease prom lee- Do something. Don't wait for the Lord to do it all. He has been abundantly kind to us all in this com munity, but He helps those who help themselves. Get busy. . PAS8I5G OF HACK TWAIX. Death, a thing we must all face, has taken from the United States one of. her most favorite sons. It has left vacant a place in literary work that will Indeed be hard to fill. Mark Twain has gone to that other land. His humorous tongue 1b stilled; his friendly smile has ceased. The west bad strong claims on Mark Twain, Just as it has bad on nearly all men of improtance. Few writers have ever reached high prom lnence who did not spend at least a portion of their lives west of Rocky mountains. California has furnished a number, while the sage of Nevada has done equally well in proportion to her population. Oregon retains her hold on that grand old writer, Jouquin Miller although his hair Is quite gray and his step feeble. The west, the glorious west has been a field for literary work. Jack London admitted that to see and know large things one had to cross the Rockies. The life of Mark Twain was closely mingled with western ways and man ners and some of his richest humor was cast in a truly western setting. in the loss of this good man the OTfcnl iv-M hmn lf hmmA Inn before deathark Twaln w was more than a national character. Portland Is having a hard time get ting a crematory. For iue last six months the council has been delib erating on the different plans, and still It is undecided. " Let " us see, what Is It makes these crematory plants cost so much, anyway? Why, certainly Teddy would out everlook a chance to give the picture shows a good film. But, really Teddy is not a bit shy when it conieB to landing undr the spot light any way. Everyone can see the ex-president Just a3 he : hunted tho hippopo thni in Africa. They acn witness his graceful "hikes' through the for ests and cau see the every present smile. It is great to have picture shows, and probably greater to have a Teddy. :; .-' ,': , ' The cnimlttee of, local buainess men has visited Portland and re turned home with information on paving that Is undoubtedly of value to every property owner in La Grande It was clodded not to make public their findings' until at the next meet ing of the city council, which is quite' right,"' for the council and the mayor are the first to be infromed of the information in an official man ner. We have no knowledge of what ih. committee really thinks regard Ins the different, pavements offered, but ono thing ts certain tbe best Interests of La Grande will be care- fully guarcer by suca men a compos ed the investigating commitUe, and it will be hard for a paving concern to Job the city provided there is any disposition to do so. . There are paving companies and paving compa nies. Some are good and some are not, of course, Just as in any other business. For this reason, the city Is lucky indeed to have sent the com mittee on its importnat errand. . , Marshmallow , drops, 10c per lb at the Fair Saturday evening. ' ... Roosevelt film at Star Theatre Apr. 28. No extra charge for admission. . Duchess Gum Drops 10 cents per pound at The fair Saturday evening. HEACOCK'S GLASSES FIT ASK ANYONE. .. . ' SCKiTOXS In the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon for Union County, ' Nellie Farmer, Plaintiff, vs, Cleve Farmer, defendant. Summons: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby summoned and directed to appear and plead to tbe complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit and court, on or before the 8th day of April, 1910, the same being the last day of the pub lication cf this summons, the first day of publication hereof being Feb ruary 25th. 1910. . And If you fall to appear, answer, or otherwise plead within the said time, the plaintiff will apply thereaf ter to the aboy entitled court for default against you for such failure, and demand the relief prayed for in ber complaltt filed herein, to-wit For a decree forever dissolving tbe bonds of matrimony now existing be tween plaintiff and defendant, by rea son of defendant hr.ving deserted and cause or excuse and without plaintiffs abandoned plaintiff without Jusi consent for more than one year . lm mediately prior to the commencement of this suit; for, cruel and Inhumat treatment of plaintiff by defendant and personal Indignities inflicted by defendant on plalntff as set forth In tbe complaint filed herein to which reference is hereby made; : that plaintiff be decreed her former name and allmoiy from defendant; that any and all rights of defendant ic and to the SW 1-4 NE 1-4 Section 12. Tp 2 8 R. 35, E. W. M. be cut off and extinguished anu the same be de creed to plaintiff absolutely; for her costs and disbursements herein and for general relief. This summons In published by vir tue of an ordsr made and entered by Hon. Jt W. KUwirleo, Judge Oi the above entitled Court, at Chambers, m La Grande, Oregon, on the 24th day of February, 1910, which Order df rected the service of this summon upon you by publication for a period of els consecutive weeks in tbe La Grande Evening Observer, a newspa per published at La Grande, Union County, Oregon. First publication Febiuajr 25, 1910. L. DENHAM. Attorney for Plaintiff. Feb 25. Mar. 4-11-' 8-?S. Apr. 1-8. Daddy 's Bedtime Story The Gilico Cat and! the Canary - ' 1 ' Sat on ths tnt's Head mid ' ' " ' ' San , . OW, children." said daddy. "Jf jou caii kocp your sloppy eyes open fof three minutes I'll tell you: the talc rh.v oat nnd the canary. The etinarj' lived in a little brass oajro buns i the parlor 'window, and the cat always sat on the wiudmv eill rt.rht beneath. N "The canary was a sweet little n!ns:r. but.tlio at didn't hnvenny voire at all It never even purred or meouwed. Most canaries tire atriiid of cats, and well they might bo. for cuts like to eat tuiiail, r.iu this canary wasn't a bit afraid of this cat, and the bird wanted to get out of in case aud sit on the cat's head and sing. v , "So one day the canary's caj-'o was oror.ed. muJ tbe "bird flew down and lit on the cat's head and sang a sweet little love sonjr. Tlie cat just sat there nnd didn't move a peg. So after that' every day tlie canary was let out of its cage and flew down und sat on the cat's head nud sans .i little ove sons" "1 bet It wasn't a cat like mine," said Jack, "or h would have caught that canary and 'swallcred blm." "But this cat," said daddy, "was nu extra ro1 cat. lie had been tanht good manners and how to be gentle and kind. Ho w.;s the best mannered cat In the world. Why, he never oven bogged fr food, lu fact, be never ate a mouthful in all bis life, though b w?.s always stuffed, and be never jumped around all over things, like met pts., v Y "I'm sure he wasn't like my !;'!:is. thou," said Kvolyii. "for they jump up and pull at tbe tablecloth and cnU h hold of mamma's kulttlntr yarn.". "No," said daddy, "this was n very handy cat to have In the house.' He never woke the family up by m.:iv.s loud catcalls on the back fences at nlslit, as our neighbors' oats ofteu do. you know. Daddy wishes mamma would fret that kind of cat Instead of our Tommy Tabby, who sometimes tries to sei on tbe table and steal daddy's breakfast bacon." , "Ilut 1 don't h'lleve" said Jack, "that there's' n really truly pood cat like that auywhere. 1 don't think that kind of cat would bo avy fun at nil." "Oh. yes. there are siu h cats." said daddy. "'1 lu re used to be n groat many moro or tlirm In the world, too. but that was before Tisldy bonr got to bo so IH'pulur. Ladles used to set those old fashioned cats in ttii ptriir window so that tlioy wiuld look like real live cats tront the vut:;.Vu. r.ut they weren't live cats ot all. They were stuffed calico cuts, and that's ibv the canary could sit on this cat's bond nut'. s!ns wlthont getting hurt." lllkado tonight Steward Opra IJouse Popular prices. Chocolate wafers, 10c per pound at the Fair from 7 to 9. HEACOCK'S The only place In Union County that yon can get a sew lens exactly like yours In less than three or four days. Office over Oft : WILLCOCK brothers: I Quick Transfer; PboBM: - ' Day, tua lit N1bt Black 1171. mm m . ' . - viercnanw bavez WA00 In t907 the Merchants Oreaon saved nv o tmnnn uv of their Insurance In their own company, the Oregon Merchants Mutual Fire As- surance Association, of J Dayton, Oregon. In t908 they wit! save $t5,G00 During the same period f their neighbors were hand- J I ing over $1, 500,000 in profits . . 4i ' ' ' ' r J In the Oregon Merchants I 1 Mutual you get: INSURANCE ATC0S1 A LIMIT TO YOUR UABIL- ITltS ! PROMPT SETTLEMENT OF LOSSES IV. 0Ulf?, Igen - Sotice to Water Cousamers You are hereby notified that here after water rent must be paid in by the tenth of the mouth of the water will be Bhut of. The water commit tee will se that this order is strictly enforced and the water system plac ed strictly on a business basis. Please call at ,' office and Bettle as there will be no collector and the books will be closed after the 10th of each month. J. K. SHEAR, G. T. FLEMING, W. J. CHURCH, Water Committee. ' . ,' ' 4-12-5-1. i II. Hi A NEW ONE-PIECE COMPILATION Waoh Dress for Children 'mSSL Wc have on sale this splendid innovation ia children's dresses. LVi1f i. r 'f Put On ".f; ...'-.With';. this' .ingenious" little dress, a child can be quickly and comfortably clad. Skirt,, waist and bloomers all Joined to one belt Bloomers are concealed by the full plaited skirt. The dress opens all the way down the back, permitting it to be laid perfectly flat when ironed. ' They are nude of cbambrarv percales and gingham stunning little models - tbe selection of patterns and colors is extremely wide and varied we call especial attention to these beautiful plaids-all Utcst designs-most remarkable values WE HAVE THEM IN NOW 1 I 11 fi-1 H I A H I Have t - ' ' . ,.,': '."' Asparagus H. H. Lettuce Rhubeirb Radishes Spinach Celery and Geen Onions Cin GROCERY Dr. M D. McMillan Fairness UennsTry La Grande National Bank Bldg. Both Phones Candy sale at The Fair Saturday evening from 7 to 9 o'clock. ,":"... ',,,.:.;:' ..'',. . 4-22-t2. Xotlce to Creditors. Estate of Mary Lieurance N'otice is hereby given that the undersign? ed has been appointed administrator of the estate of Mary .LJeurance, de ceased, aud has duly qualified as such; and all persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present them, duly verified, with in six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, either to the undersigned at his residence at. Cove, Union county, Oregon, or at the law office of Jnc. S. Ilodgln, in La Grande is said county and state Date of first publication, April 16. 1910. '- V: LEO A. B LEVINS, 4-16-23-30-7-14. Administrator. . Notice to Contractors. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be reclved at the office of the Recorder of the City of La Grande Oregon, for the construction of 43, 920 Cu. Yds. of macadam pavement, to be constructed : according to the plans and specifications now on file in this office. Bids will be received until 4 o'clock, p, m.. May 4th, 1910, and must be accompanied by a certi fied check for S per cent of the amt fthe bid. The Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. D. E. COX. j Recorder of the City of La Grande. .IV.-fJ ; .11- Easily 2yu 1 ' STEVENSON'S DEMI OFFICE If your teeth need attention or If your mouth is not in a normal con dition it wilj be to your Interest In more ways than one to see Dr. Stev- ; enson. They say that Dr. Stevenson reduced the price of extracting In La Grande from 11.00,' which it has al ways cost you, to fifty cents.. He gets a fair fee for his other, work j but It Is less than you formerly have J paid. The busy office can afford to give Its patrons the benefit. .: . ';..''.; 11 EA COCK Only Optometrist In Union Con who frinds his own lenses. ' Why wait several days to ' get a new lens when you break yours.. I., am , the only optometrist in Union County so Equipped as to duplicate your lenBes In less that three or four , days. I oaa duplicate any lens in a few minutes without your prescrip tion. Offices over Newlins Drug Store.. ' ' ; ".' " ' ' ' ' '' , ' " . . "". w .'- ' ; ""l ' I" " ' ' ' .., I ' ! ' f, ' ' i i- . ' '';' V : ; : j . i l '.t ' 'v - J I ( ., : u i V r ; ; '; 'k: l