I -!5IL joy Lamp Pest Inspector -Pathe' Hoed River Valley. , Dr. Jykelj Sells. .yXeL'th Night. ' ' -' ' -: "-''"'" ' 3ERT. M. SHERWOOD, Mgr. -IDttlSSIM 7 1 Be- Miag Faas'a cxv:r k: day slag for Spo'iane. ttttn here saverU days on Blatters, Zlr. &&4 Mm. Leffcl, proni!- nt' residents of Joseph, bsvit-ca to PorUaad. and rcturnsU to hilr. .acme this EornLct. ' . Wm. Gllklson a former employee of the Georje Ptlmer Lumber Co., leaves toiay far Wiuchsstsr, Idaho, i where be his employment. Joe Sommer and Attorney I J. Denham, who kave participated in the Sommar estate hearing, returned to Elgin last night by Uzxa. v ' ' W. A. Ret rdon "of North Powder. wag a visitor In our .city la?t r.lr': i being a guest at the Soma er. ' Mr. Rosenthal returned test n's'i' t, E. EtllWsIl or. Thursday. -.ns.a .Vatic Cii: i pr, has accepted' a pos'txn vr't' goveramect aa compter pf to h!a horns In Ppria-j after, bavir.'. spent eTral-3tsji h:r: cl;f.l .:tr ; tfcra.' He was "a guest'o.'' 'tSs ll:r ' while here. . ' ., , :, . '.Mr. and 2: re. O, !. "0-tv 7. of Ponied ?r, hc- nj u:?1 c Ri' ?.r-7. :. C, CcriilacV'cafi ths O. Tsraer fcal; .,.'rr2ak'!.Clarlf of Bain'e racic. to last evening to Jo'.n ' tl A -Thtdjc. a Chicago trevellng man. They kft il - St .VUlVBgU IKIKIIUI UIHII, I'll iXraiacturer'B statistics la this urts t0(ja;r for Wallowa county end Mr. V . .. .. . - ... . ' PlnrV nrlll art aa .xanVsi. mi, ana Jura. M. toaea o: . f oquna . ,u are several days' guests la the city, Btaylng at 1 acr Fcly while here, . "drummer. 1 Jim. J. M. Mitchell,' fonnerly pro or j pi-letor of the Mitchell-Hotel at Jos- lag reuroea Irom an extended stay la Portland. She "GoTernoT" Benaon,' who haa heen ' W. K. Xdd. mairtar mtbanic. evening on bualnesa jaatteta. employed with the Grande toad Ir rigation company as astistant aur- Gf orjre Ferrl la one of the, rootars who will help" L& Grande win from Enterprise tomorrow. 1 . ! ,: v Rer. Canfleld' of the M. E,' Church South is out in the Halley today call ' lng on church afnilatlona. v Chief Dispatcher Corbett , ia Una- Portland. She was accompanied by Mrs. E. Id'Iler, alio of Josepn. - '.oracy Daa CLtLua cf Lr;t.er piise came in' ca the a'U rmAju train ta transact tu8i::ts alters here. lir. and Virs. W. L. BFcnholis l,avi tomorrow for aa extended trip through California. t r At a lueineES meetljj cf the Prea-- hyteriaa church last evoicg, Fred Geihel was elected temporary tupcr Intendent of the Sunday schccl. J. W. Stephenson, one. o the real estate boomers of Baler City, is ... La v Grande on fcus(aess before the land office. . 1 Hugo DeGroot came over trcni the Cove today. IIo has disposed of hi? store in the fruit belt and may setX other locations. - Chas E. Neuman, who ' .figured In the Nofth 4-41 caseB la Wallowa coun ty, returned to his home today after having made final proof, ytBterdny ea a nomesteaa. . , All members of tha Vv,-It. C. .-.r? requested to meet tomorrow after-1 noon (Saturday) at the I. O. 0. F, hell at 2 o'clock. Important Inri neas matters aro to ps aUeaded to. A plcaient srrprls? was glrcn in honor of Mrs. D. E. Coot at.e homo of Mr- Ford iElliB by the members of the Philathea Class. ' About 22 wire present. ; Mrs. Cooa was prtseptcd with a cut glass bowl, after which light refreshments w6r aervel and a very pleasant afternoon was spent. Mr. and Mrs. Cook will leave soon tor fortMoa w or u for the atmmer. ; of i. Ciocclate crcr.r..,,.Ce per-" pound Saturday evening r.t The ?a'.r. Chocolete wafers, lGe per potad at .the Fair from 716 ... ,; , Jfarshmallo diops. ICc, ; per R at ths Fair Saturday eve jiag: ... ; Figoiets.- IC pr 'pcund, " po;pdn to' a cuntcmerr Ofcturday evening at ' Jotte to tTnteT Cousanwrs 7ou are hereby notified that here after water rent must be paid in by the tenth of the mouth of the water will be shut off. The "water commit tee will ee that this order is strictly enforced and the water system plac ed strictly on a business f basis. Please call at , office arid settle as there will be no collector and the I rn.i,-tni -""?. 'T We to attend to h!b duties today on " ? " . .. -' 'Duchess Gum Drone 10 cents per uvcuuiu ui illness. . . . i c . . . ,A ... , -. i . -? ; ) j pound at The Fair Saturday evening.', books, will be closed after the 10th i. Aso,;a protner or ym. Asa oi this peanut' cluster, ioc per pouaa at:; or eacn montn. J. K. SHEAR, G.; T., FLEMING, prtland Aid Js here today visiting evening from "7.5 to'' 9 -o'clock. . " V W. J. CIITRCH. Water Committee. brofi,,!. ,""n v' ' ).. V. .; :- ' '. ' -4-22-t2.;' . . ; ' ' - 4-12-B-l. I city anft'at; onttfmaii'..rqsidentfof j The "Fair. Saturday evenlijt. ., - i La Grande, arrived last nights from j Candy sale at The, Fair t Saturday Js here today visiting j evening from 7jto '9-o'cIocb t;i te Clri . t to'irt cf ti e Sb.tJ Orti'L ! fir li;!-.-a C(;un!j NVJlie r.ni-itr, PluiLtifT. vs,Cleve arer, dtftcdiat. uir.uuns: In'ihe name the State of Ore toa. you are lit rtl.v sumuoned and directed to appear and plead to the i.oiu plitl.it fAnl sg:ilnst you ta tho above entitled unit and court, on or tefote the th for of April. 1910. the a.;aie being the last day of the pub licaiion T thl nummonS. the firBi 'Jay of pull)8t'oi hereof be lng Feb ruary 2"th. lUio Anil 'f vo fail' o. appeaY. ;iiwer or othcrv.ise led vithiw the wii'' t:m, the pla'nnlT wii' apply thenar ter to the abo'' erri'iert om fm default against you for such failure and ciemnnd tho relief prayed for is' her complalrt fllffl.- herein. tf-wit For a decree forever dissolving tr bonds of. matrimony now existing !' tween plaint Sit and defendant, by ren son of defendant hrvlng (resetted a??' cnuse or excuse end without plaintiff- I'ahandoned ' plaintiff ' without Jf consent for more t'isn one yer mediately prior to tli ommcnceinei! ol this suit; for cr"el snd InhutnH' treatment of plaintiff by defendat,' and rereor.al Indignities Inflicted b. defendant on pialntiT as wt forth. It tha romplamt f.led bertn to whlct, retereiip la - hereby made; tha plaintiff be decreed her. former nam and alimony from defendant; that any and aUrl?hta of defendant ti and to the SW, 14 NB 1-4 Section 13. Tp 18 R. 35. E. W. M. be cat off and Mtlnaulsced anu the earn be de creed to plaiatiff absolutely; lor hr ' eosta and diabureements herein ant! for general .relief, ' Thie aummoua In puhllahed by vir tus of an ords-r :nade and entered by Hon. ,4t, W. , KdJtriee, Judge m the above entr.lea Court, at Chambers, in La Grande Oreron. on the 24th day of February, which Order df rected the service of thfa eummon upon yon by pu-Mcatton tor a period of six consecutive weeks to the L Grande Erenlng Observer, a newspa per , pnbllBhed at La Grande, Union County, Oregon. First publicat'on Febi-nay 25, 1910 'i.',Z'- L. DENHAM. ', .. Attorney for Plaintiff. Feb 25. Mar, 4-11-78-25, Apr.l-8. i . Ct'y C;i Vill i 1 X L A L li I LAX! j 1 Ai . SUveps r.otULf lVrks WO fca te l!uh Lurjftr. Jap H.Et6vus lutecjto add ttt Vv'orks tafry to his own equipment ; J ' , . t, , T r, at. his first street botlltug works. Heiyour , , , recently purchased the opposition: ,,, ... . ' ., , v . a few Bilastcs without your pre.T re works. As soon as his place of bus-1 , T r . , , . , . . tioa. 02es ever NftT-liaa I-rug Inese can be made larger Le will have I CLASSIC FIT Ai ' t ii IV i t . , v' j-.-L-.Ij L.'i evta 1. v.- . Why wsJt ssvtral i.ys to Bew taas wkoa yen tu r.k y.i!cx. - i a far more up-to-date and a greater! ; HEACOCK'S capacity plant. ANYONE. Phone Black CI i i i in- .. ,,i i!:fetiifeoji: i yvv.;;': ;,.:',,: -, : r Win "i it ft: nrft-ri-ir r : ' V.-v-'V-..,. , : , '7''77... .' i-; ; '; h , - -aw it . Celery; Asparagus 7 ' Spioaeb : 7 II. II. Lettuce Oreen Onions Head Lettuce . v Rhubarb a . i 1 'II 1- Y5:S!GHT SPECIALIST t1 . . UU1J ';,;,: rv'vl7'': ii: '.' ; V;," .'.-. , ; U... -;;-t .; :., ; ' .,'. , .-- Ha-wNi-MMM-M-MM-MMia-ai Vafst AaBsi(e.v,, "T--"r'swwsafiswisMBPiM(s K' '' . ' - -OTr- S all 7. ; 'Wii 7 . H GLASSES i i"' ' i I,- r 1 1 A. ' SBBBBBlBjBWMMBMBBBBBBWBBBBaaBB U U. I r-w I Can Duplicate any lens in a few IViinutes WITHOUT YOUR PRLSCRIPUON t Located Permanently over NevAin's Drug Store DEEP CURVE LENSES Krypt ok Invisible Bifocals Several Reasons Why You Should Consult Me About Your Eyes l. , I devote rhy whole time to the Opticar Business. , ; 7 2-o My Examination of : the Eye3 is thorough ard accurate by a method which istheoufcoome of years of experience, 5 years .of which was in La Grande.- ' ' 3. AU my Glasses are ground to fit the eve and the face ; .. Y-7'' .; '",7 .v'4..:;All my Glasses are ground" and frames repaired in my own work shop, in most cases while you wait. ' ; . 7 ;y; . ,' 5. I duplicate exactly, any lers, no matter ,who made or prescribed it. Save rfte Pe All Glasses Exchanged and Frzmts Kepi in Repair fcr One Year FREE v ; Dr.W. f:-pMcMIUah Painless dentistry la Grande National Bank Btdg. 7 Both Phones BARGAINS Farm. Fruit end Improved lands. The folio wirg will attract the at tentlon of tht home seeker. 80 acres improved, 65 acres on-' - der cultivation , ..... ... . . . $3,000, 10) acres all Improved, 1-2 mile from Summerville .... 6,600 40 acres ' all Improved,' 2 1-2 miles from Summerville . . . .3,000 1 00 - acres improved, 40 under - cultivation ........ 40C to acres adjoining Summerville . - choice trn't or alfalfa land. can be Irrigated. A bargain (,000 240 acres, well Improved, un der cultivation. Bay, grata . and fruit ...................16,000 160 acres, 3D acres bearing or chard, 80 acres new orchard, all apples; 100 acros pas ture. Terms on application Choice stump land, particular ly adapted to fruit Industry. 8 to 5 miles from Summer rDle. Per acre...... $12.50 to $20. Timber and other property. - - 1L G EDTEHABT. .teal Estate Summerville, Ore New ill Added Having purchased theGtment, Lirre, Plaster lino of 0. F. Goolidge' we :are now prepared jo fill all demands, in addition to our regular FEED ar.d FUEL business. v JusV'i eceiVed -Gair t)f trih '"aifalfe rreal and a car of :oal. j ' Both Phones- i r GRANDE R0NDE CASH CO. CI'' ALFALFA HAY I We have just received a quantity of the BEST QUALITY Dear in mind that you will get the best results with Northern Grown Seeds, ad-j, apted to this climate. ."fcWe handle Lllliy's seeds which are best for the West. Waters-StanchfieH Produce Co. FLOUR, FEED. WOOD 1410 Adams Ave. mir a aa ABto a. ii Arte r cr-iir A aR A RIV ARI ET O nEAtUMvd":bLl?d Cd.-n 1 ASSY I European Plan Only Rooms 50c to $1.50 Firstclass Throughout AJ Hi D.G.BRIGHOUX, ' Proprietor - 0N BLOCK PROM DEPOT La (Jrande, O'egoi GEOROB PALMER, Pres. Li DREMIOLTS, Asst. Casta. 4 F. J. HOLMES. Vlce-Pres. SHERW CCD W ILLIAMS, ?nd Aist: Cash FfL. MEYERS, Cashier. f LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK OF LA GRANDE, OREGON United States Depository Capital and Surplus $180,000.00 DIRECTORS George Palmer C. C. Penhigton . - j tislm r G. L. Cleaver fV, j. uki ' F. M. ByrHit 4.' . -w. Meyers ; W. L. Brofitiolts W.M Pierce With our ample resources and faciliti can ren der you efficient service and haxidl Vtmt business to your entire satisfaction , i s 1 ! i i 1 t i 'i ; 4.4 ' ; t . f i i i ! i