r - f i imiii r - mi r- t T.I Z- ' V ;7 : ro - Accurately -i i 1 Carefully Compounded at ihe " ..Y-, . .' 'Cross ;::;'Dnigt" Store; V 7 - ' - r ; ,1 ih ;1 'K. luumwaters CeatpUlBy T?t Aatl .; ef laferstatlva Abeat lrrf.-aCea Spokane, April 21 lSpe)aJ)--Tae i-usaa nttiatrntor working ta dle HJttt la the estem, Paclfie u4 the eoutb-wwura states,' where "water PpUi to truW ttud tarm laud ' o.. ' . . . . w eaxjwnnf tou wakh will give a Tart fund ot ,al- Us iBjjaaUoa to aomeaeekerB, lar.a Alii t 4 r ft ti4 r n- TTTV.. . -,.0v,,, Kvjapwwo, uw vouatry Clap ! AllaatU Cit tUe tantktm..aew laa aael'll tild'a taraa OajVSL tor , ...... v(l iwiik luwi; Capital tuToated la priyata irrlga-f lion plaala, barater ol wpika, ar-1 tog It uud water. raa. rw itaat. itt'tto irrtgatld awttea ? Cara aaa a WfrtMd taS''f ia ! .aaaau,ra m krt. ! reparation Bf tba TJITf '1a, 1 laat. aTaUa6la .rtaiala,' W a iaUa.lv aaltWauoa.la JWniSlS'J? 2 ' U 3alV,I)aiata, ataua, l.-Ora-llUha 4 cn, atalagtea Callfaraia, Utaa, whr, J t.B. pB MeakT' , wcoont, do tr betora aaid toj. TM Jto.'tti first upt U tedal lsSi? U 4rfl ral foTanuaaat baa awl. to abtaia l ; ctatialica on triv. i.!.. fc 1 ' V r JTANHOBJ, - Jacta. and taa mdlt lor it aetoan 'JiJ'L1?' to Arthur Hooker, lomarl, o Vpo' BU)0 baavaow .ecrta'ry of taa 18tb C j l & tlonal Irrigation Congrass, wbiob Is to meet at Pueblo, Cola, September 23 to 30. He started tba moTeBMaa a year ago before tbe Ktb coagress met la Spokane last September and nllBted Senator llayburn of Idabo aad representatives from wyoiaing, (.Olorann ' Knnana WaKinfrf , -1 ....vi ,iinviiiiitvu : uin f otber states. An aisendment ta the V eensas .-. actreealted early., tbia year. . Wsaie tbe bill was pending th cen- ' to' office demurred, tbe director say- It woald be better to appoint "sie9 ' , ) agenta to -gather tbe information oa Irrigation matters in or 1911. ; bst be finally recommended the leg Inlation. 7 "Tba bill was enacted by nerees and . Preelclnt Tan nffliul j signature , in February, making .jl t a law to become operative at the 'L J?10 census. ' . ;V" Trelghl TralB Aflra ' Vmatllla, . April 30.By a fire that occurred. bri at J:30 this morning one ear load of poets was completely ', destroyed and three car loads ot luu- i 1 ' ber partly burned." Tbe cars wire , UiOB a side rack and it Is presumed , .., r j Ut nil wuttirtM.lr a xurhiNtmi : - . - ' f tke loeemoUve of pasMnger train No. 4, bound for Spokane. . The ears were j la tba task and of the yards and j wbea. ib ,fix;;waa ;'pvared, the awltok angina and erewr burrttd to tka raaue. "The baralai eats' were "at tar and tkus tae fir aloiaed frai epmalhg. Tae tre Van ax- tSiguiBled taj m lumber Mrs. but tba ear at jiosie euM net be eaved. 'p-V- JSe'Bae JPertj Wives. ' Seattle, April SfcTne Etng at Si , cm and bis forty wives are soutlag , to this eoantry this summer, htudiBg OUST KISSOTJIU PACK IRS. Itteraey General Baa Plaa to Drive Trust From State Lines. . 6t Louis, April 20. Attorney gen eral Major today announced that quo waranto proceedings would be start ed against the Missouri meat packers In the near future in an effort to drive them from the state Major , says the evidence taken on , Monday and Tuesday in the hearinc In an effort to establish the standing of the packers convinced him they are Allied with the meat trust ami were operating , in violation of t.h Missouri anti-trust laws. ' The fitter ney general will fisk that their chnr ters be broken. ' v- ClmrubcrJain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are mCc, mire a ml reliable, ami have been rrnisni by thoun:inil of women w!o,1ihv I 1 nsii'i-til to through their gertlu ' :. ; . Pra ys. tUsfW'' J ' Pittsburg. April UJuk '09riaa tf Pbna.epala and Aj RaufmiUi at eshedulted te box Jtx rounds A) mi .yi'ptillua Coll AMaQ-- VWVHIIM i tpria and aamaar Uraam.ut. pes4 tadaj w5 awoi af j Lakewecd Oountrj Cla. ..Km h! ) IOJMH. , l:..:,. ; ' ' ' ' . ' ,., . . i teryy glran that to. . wUfc th Wrk . C0Ua,' Ptf 7 9BH ,Wb w mjr' A: P., wm.'at fM Bow: of Chief JcsepH 1. I it ft . '!Tbe best In tke market at any price bat no, higher. : ' TheWMteSy - With tbe exception of the Chief Joseph brand, la. the beet on tbe La Grande market. A trail will con vince' the icost ekeptjeai. ' ;' 1 V Fai ala by All Dealer. ' M M III! Specials - Tka aeoat atartlmr prlw ennm- defendant, you are hereby soninon bed waTS ever oEtred in La Grander ,d and required to appear aa4 anawei . ." ..- :.. - -iu vwuiruuiitiiHW itmtii ' jvi u jknt.W ana 4mmiiI Wvuaaji!.!.. .... . .. . w wtw.-v w alert bayer aa sale Baiurdey, April it' la eur-' bariihr baaement 2t Wiah Eaala, JIM Ja.VV.,llo 3;Waa Jgaala,. L2 la:i;'.y.;..."."'.14e uart Padding pan . . , i , . . . , o I Quatt Padding fiB.-,....,..,.ll 4 tart raaaing! Ta ......... Twe WTt ptsk paa w, ;7 Cttart . . , ..... .4Se t 4jaart Wafer .:..,..... r Quart' Hipper ..vi......;jl2e I auk Pie Pitta The Golden Rule Co. cheap iiiCunno2 ; FOR GRAIN GROWERS "Woodlark" Sauirrel Poison la the most ' reliable and destructive agent yet devised for the extermination of Gophers, Squir rels, Sage Rats and Trairie Dogs. It ia lh tticnriMt insurance epainst their ' ravages. Every kernel Is warranted to e e t a f . . till Cl?mt5e rhanirea rr moktura of the o earth do not destroy ts strength. Re- quiresiiii-irM. always ready for use. No other is so good, ' Dealers will refund the purchase , IIOYX CllKMlCAI, Co., Tortland, Oregon PRAT EIRNAli: OR D EI R S ' LA GRANDE,: ORE.:; : Q. M. 8. . :' , C&aptei No. 13. O. R. tmi atated eommttnloationa tha aec iao ana lourta ' Wadnaadeya of A m .. . aach montU. Vialtlng membara cor Uattjr tarttad Paulloa Ladarlaa. W. ML Mary a Waraiok. Catraurr. w S-... . , -.,,tll, - llllluJ . a. 0. W. tiaaaaaj 8U KiiwiftBjpoMial No. 31, t 0. O. F.. laaata arary aaooad and Soaita Wadaaadar ja taa iaoata la Odd Val. Uw Hall Vialtlag patriaraaa al- Ji B. COOUDOB. 4V V W. A. WPRSTSULj, SoEiaa. La raada , iodga , Mb,'" ie.' W. lp; W.. Biaata atary aaco&d aad jtoarta Tuaaday Talag la K. of P. Hall 1b ta Gerpt auildJag. All vialUac bb bar '-iralooma.;'. ami ACKLE-fe'c.V;'' ' It' KB3N8T, Clark. aur Eucajapment Na 81 L 0. 0, f ... meets every aacomi nA tnntt Vedaeaday t& the mum ta Odd Fel owa bail. Tlalting patrlajrcbk always a. si ooouDoa, a p..! ; ; W. A. WORSTELL, 8orib! I Grande camp No. 7703 meets every Monday each month at t O 0. ,f. lialL All vteitlng neighbors are lordlally Invited to attend. ' ' FBSO B. CUR&ET, C CAL JORDON. Clerk. T; , La Graade Lodge No. 41, A. F. A A. M. holds regular meeting first and thirl Saturdays at 7:30 p. stu, . . . , JNO. 8.' II0DG1N, W. M. A. C. WILLIAMS. Secretary. J la the Circuit Ceart of the State f J Gregea, far TJalea Ceuntj . George Palmer Lumber Company, a private corporation, Plaintff, ?vs. F. M.' Byrklt, ' Defeacdant; - t .' To JP. M. BvrkiL ILa ahova named iu Boor 'wuTuiea acne oa or DO- fore the last 'day i trwortbed ta the order tor pubUcaUsa ex this aum Koas aade by the ewaxt ia ttda ao Moa ,waiok order reqairea tae sum aoas to be . yabltsbed ta tke La Craa.e Belly OBatrrer tay ta er l&A et sU waka: .". Ta "wfli take aetiee tlat yen 3xA fa atyeat aid answer He eomshlaJ SSaf ta tie at cre aatrjad aatloa fie ttaie aanted Uat Jnaaeal yrVX ae takoa asatnst 70 tar 1&e aias f lirso.tt. wih tstereat tbema at tke sate at I per eeat yer aaaaaa trua tae, tret day at Ootobar, mt, and tor tae further rum of ttoo.OO, reasonable attorneys tees fa said aotioa and costg and disbursements. Toa will take aottoe farther that the anmmons is published in the La Grande Dally Observer, a dally news paper published lu La Grande, Un ion County, Oregon, tor the period of six weeks, by order of the Hon orable J. W. Knowlea, Judge of said , Court, made and dated In La Grande ; Oregon, the 28th day of March, 1910, ; 1 - and that the date ot the first publi cation of said summons is the 2d vawvu vi ssevaa mi. day of April. 1910 T. H. CRAWFORD, ' ' Attorney for Plaintiff. Cooked Food Sale The ladies r.f SL Peter's GnWA will in1, a fnnVnrl frM ui. Cntn.ii.. m wavw ..w kl(lU IIU,! aften,oon at the Russell meat mar- ket Remomber the time andNnlnee. 4'!?'!. .iVeq. 'oked beans, etc., will aie. 4 19-23. Ol RECTORY '-y: ,.:.Vvi ' B. P. 0. La Grande . . Lodge No. 433 meeta caa . Tauraday evening at 8 o'clock la Elks club, corner Depot St., and Waafyiigtoa At. ; Viaitlug brotbers art Cordially' taylted to attend U K. COOLIDGB, Exalted. Baler. HUGH McCALL, Rec 8ec. eraiter of Aiacriea 3ort Maid Marion No32 taeeu avb Wadaeaday night in the K. of P. ball. Brothers are Invlta dto atieci lv FRANK BAY. C. R. LfiO; KaTBHINQ, C. fl. , . J. VANDERPOEU F. 8. ; t, L U, U. kW-SaUerdmate a uranoe Lodge flo. u meets in their ball every BaUrday night Vis iting brothers cordially Invited to at tend. Cemetery plat may be seen at the Model restaurant GKDROK GROUT. N. 0. : ' v' : J. B, 8N00K.. Ree! 8e. W. A. WORSTELL, Fin. See '.',0 - ' ""7""Selie'kabslJ',U;- Grysatl Lodge No. 50 meets every Tuesday evening in the I. 0. 0. F. Hall. All Tlalting members are in vited to attend. ; MRS. CORA FITZGERALD, N. 6. MISS SUSAN McILLROT. Sec. Bed Gross Lodge No. 27, meets ev: ery Monday night in Castle Hall, (old Elks ha'l) A Pythian welcome to all Tiaitlng Knights. - ; , ID WRIGHT. C. C. R. L. LINCOLN, K. of R. & S. ' Wemeu ef . Woodcraft Grands Ronde Circle No. 47. Meets very first and third Thursday even ing ra. the month, at the L 0. 0. F. Ball. All visiting members welcoem. CHLOB ROBINSON, G. N. . LIZZIE ELLSWORTH. Clerk DRESS tMiUlti its na stbem Daviag epcaed Tarierf,at tat abere address j am yreaared to ia ayCJag ta the dmntak- las? Baa Flala fiewtag also sellcKtf. ' Jfazt 4er to laa Eeaak pkot efraiby y- Lliss Enily Wiboa 4 .44 4 4,4 4 4 CHflp WOOD I am prepared to furnish Dry Chain Wood, aW 4 : eo partly seasoned wood, to all comers. Kind ly phone your order to ' PHONE RED 3711 1 1 jiiu.j.: a mm mi't- iMi jmaJSS a A 4. a a 0 Ol xerrer Want Alfc " rvESCLTS-AVby . net you ; l A Jt tae tebU of getting to oa t & tbt Ilesult-Gttttug bnemess 1 w . . Tt Tm- Obercr . ai A Hctoe" wbcie results are to A be bad.',' ' WJISTED. WANTED Girl to rua body Iroaer. Good wages. Apply Cherry's New Laundry. 4-3f-U kVRNlSHED ROOkaFor geatlemen 1 Ely. Niee location. Close ta. Can ui. Red 893. t FOR RENT Famished rooms, with or wtthout poard. 1620 cor 6th and Spring streets. R. L. MATTHEWS. 3-13-13. HOUSE FOR RENT Six room bouse. unfurnished. Bars for eix horses. Tbirteen a moath. Inquire at Logan- Sherwood office. ' SALE OR RENT House and block on N. Fourth street Enquire at 901 Adams Ave. Phone Red 161. 4-32-37 FOR RENT Suite of rooms for light bcurrpcir. Inquire 1311 V Avo- .ivt o pbotl hlRrk 8V. 4-iilt.' WANTED TO BUT A barn not less than 14x16. Enquire Wl Main St., phone or address P. 6. Box 217. ' 4-13-6. FOR SALE Buff Orpinton eggs, $3 ferson Ave. PboBe Blk. 1021. .. FOR SALE Milch cows and one ref- tetered Jersey bull Phone Farm- era 13. W. J. Hughes, La Grande B. . KOcb Cows far Sale I will have six or eight fresh broken milch cows at the Grande Ronde Meat company's yards on Friday next Inquire at the City eMat Market V - " : F. E. STILLWELL. : ;,.. ...,; mmrngp- ivb . Lost, in this city, a package at laun tfry clips wrapped in brown paper. Leave at this office and receive suit able reward.'" ' .... . .. M - j "n ' 3 vv juvocm iieuse nan tea Any one having a modern house for rent, kindly leave. information regard ing the same at the Observer office. Will want the house aot later than May 1st - . 4-7-tl:. 4 OO 4 O 4 4 4 4 4 O iicura a 0 Gasoline wood saw. " . 0 Phone orders to Back 188L A 000000000000 :e--i 4 4) 4 4 4) e a e $$e)$44 - THAT IS WELL MAISTA5ED OUB OPTICAL WORK When you come to us to have your eyes fitted we ascertain the exact con dition of your eyes fitting you care fully with the lens that relieTe your eyes completely not by making the eye accommodate itself .to the lens) . but by having the lens fit the eye perfectly. " . ' '. Our experience and' genuine ' 'skill assure yrof EXACT work .alvays ' and without exorbitant ehargea. . 1 1 : . s- i I Jt01tSW'!rAL PIRklTVU. a 4frOO 44 BACUh A IlAJX T Hn).rn "aw Surgwoni. . , tcue $ I K'wiai .'.atfcinai ' fUlkttniii faone Main It- ,w T. Bm-cu. ReldaB Main If ' M. K. Baa Reaidenca. Main U. DR. I B. UNDERWOOD Fnyslcisji and Surgeon la Dr. Richardson's oScs am Hill's Drug etaru, Cpwul attentka to diaensea a&i aargtry ot the ey. Phoxa Clack 12J3, ana Inj, zti. - . Reeidenea Phone, Maia 728. '. ' . OOca 73. . . . . . " n. KOLrroa, u. d. Phyatclaa and Surgeon. Corner Adams ae. and Dead OTflce Mala 63. ResMenca l?aJa ft a m. uptum, ru. a. ml a" Pnyakka and Burgeon, Special attantlca gfrn to Eye, Eat Offlca ta La Graa National Cas ohooea: Offlca, Kata 1; Realdem lU!aa J. a HURSARD, MJX Physician "and Burgeca Offka ta Nevr Bank Building Coosa 30-21. Tno&aa: Resldenca, Kata GEO. W. nJCHFEN, " OSTEOPATH PDTSICIA! ! ommer Building Rootrs 7-S-l-ll Phonea. Boma 132. Padfle Mora el ' BwMenca Phone, Black B51, Bwcetaor J. C PR1C2J. -D. M. a '-DcatJft'"."' 'Room 23, La Grand National Bank Bunding Phona Black IS91 0. h. csuwyosa Attorney at Lav. Practleea ia all tba eonrtf at Ike Stale : aad Unite! Etatetv . OSlce ta La Grande Natloaal Raaa Building, La Grande. Oregca. Ckaa. a Cochran Geo T. Cocnraj ; CX)CHRAN OOCHRAIi " Attor&eya. La Grande National Bank BaReW t La Qrande , ' v Oresm TLLLaM M. KAMSST, , Attorney and Ooonsellor at Law. -j.- if and It Sommer ElocSt u T- . Otasgsk'' Leroy Lomax . . a BL Ftsn : ran ' lohax ' - . Attorneya-atrLaw. Notariea Fablte 601-602-603 Bucbannan Budlns ' . PORTLAND, OREGON ; Admitted to practice fn all yederal and State eonrtf of Oregon, Idaho and WaaWngto,-;. v, TETFROART SU&GEOXS DR. P. A. CHARLTON. Veterinary Surgeon. Office at Bill's Druj Storey La Gra toeideDea Pnone Bed 70 1 OOoaTnone Black n t. ; " '-: . -eiso&ftt PaOftQ Ut :' Ebta w -denca. DB.W.B.EJLEI Graduate from t&a Ohio Stat Una msy. Vaocinattoa, Dentistry aaf Surgery of all ktnda. Oouatry OaQi Promptly answered. Agent tar net tonal Lrta Stock Insurance tbn, Portland, Oregon. v Offlca 14'Adama Ave. , Fhcnts, PaclfUu Black 1181 independent 37s E3SLA CA3UAX3 . . "'H-' Teacher of Pfaao ,-. : Tapfl of Plena tRet of f K Joaa CCTsemtarr . Is Wot eMUr be uurrowa a of music atadtr and aasteal H nrtma: 8td tbMahafycy stv wilsoa's rckestra Mnsic furnlnsS! for weddfagi ' C 0. WILSON U Grande Ore ';V-Vtlei0w6?; !V Sidewalk. b... 0 1 ' ' VMOtT'I'-i urn, m, 1,