t si r . . .''.; ," ; r : '-" ,.-t : . . TOL. XI LA GRANDE. UNION CtUPRIL IS, 1910 NU1IBEH 113 lOSEILTf i VAST 0 lEHEIF CF POLICE SUSTAINS BROKEN LEG IN SCRAMBLE .SIHBOG CARRIES COLONEL 40 ! FEET BEFORE HE COULD FREE HIMSELF Vhen great reception Is ghen Colo nel Rooseielt, throng fairly car ' rles ulra away In the excitement Presses t.o close to him that lie Is unable ; to avoid bruising Jam is tewific at times. i Budapeste, April 18. The Chief of Tpolice here is today suffering from a . . t broken leg" sustained In a terrific -crush of people who swarmed to the xailroad station to see Col, Roose velt laBt night ; The Colonel himself was lifted off his feet and carried 40 teet before he could escape. The po lice chief -was knocked down and trampled upon. ' ; ,' .', Today, Roosevelt called upon Arch Duke Joseph and Premier Hedervary, lie also visited the parliament. The Teception -given Roosevelt here was -fine most enthusiastic of any, , .Colonel Roosevelt broke away from ' -royalty long enough to visit Francis Kossouth, who Is confined to his apartment'., . by 'illness. '' Kossouth I -was overjoyed at the unexpected visit. "y Has Color of Insurgency. In an address to the Hungarian Parliament Roosevelt rebuked the po litical reactionaries who sneer at all fforts at progress. He declared the reactionary spirit is In existence in ail legislation throughout the world. He cited the opposition he encounter ed -while president in an effort to Secure Justice tempered with kind ness and common honesty in business smd political and social progress of the nation." ''. .' '-"'' - '; - He made no reference to political conditions as they exist today in America, but Ills speech might easily Rave "been considered a defense of :he "Insurgents" Feud Ends Fatally Lyon, Georgia, April 18. Two men are dead, two believed to be dying and another seriously wounded as a Tesult of a battle among members of "the Collins and Lewis families on fthe street, here' last evening. A. S. Collins and son were killed in the battle and Marion Lewis and another tmember of the fabily are fatally shot as a Tesult of the feud. Taft a Handsome Man. ' New York, April 18. Pres. Taft is the handsomest man 'in the public today according to" Robert L Atkin, a sculptor who has Just completed a bust of the chief executive. "His fearure sare of a tpye that, repro duced In marble, could have compel led the attention, and admiration of the ancients," said Atkins. ' Kiadly Bear Willi Us The new management of The Observer requests the public to have patience with us for a few , days unthl we can get the of fice in shape and the working force reorganized, after which we shall , ' endeavor to give to La G rande and vicini t'y a : . modern newspaper in every sense. It requires .some little time, to get everything to working properly and for . that reason we respectfully ' make this request. , ':', - V : War May be Averted. .Valpariso. April 18. It is now al most certain that war between Peru and Equador will not occur. It la believed In diplomatic circles that the differences between the two countries tan be settled peacefully. Evening Statesman Stops Walla Walla, April- 16. With to night's issue the Evening Statesman, Democratic, the oldest newspaper in the state of Washington, founded In 1861, suspends ' publication, merging with the Morning Union, Republican. Report of Rich Strike. Nevada City, Calif., April 18. Ex citement is being, caused here today when the report was received from Downieville that a rich strike has been made there. According to re ports, nine tuna of nee tuiiiiiig Oi'c produced $70,000 In gold. t If the re port is true it is the richest strike made , in this patt of California for many years. ; " " 7' 7'-;: ATLANTIC LLXER RL'XS ASHORE EARLY TODAY. Boat Mill sink tonight unless the fog V lifts at once. : London, April 18. Unless the fog lifts sooa the-Atlantic liner Meine haha which went ashore on' Bishop's P.ock early today will go down. Th vessel is In a perilous position. Al though several life boats were cap sized in the heavy sea, all of the 64 passengers were taken oft. in safety and landed on Bryher Island. r IXSURGEXTS ELATED OYER HIS BET1RE3IEM Relieve balance of power will now ' pass to their bands. Providence; R; l., April 18. An an nouncement was made today by Gen. Brayton that the . erpublican boss, Senator Aldrich, will not be a candi date for re-election at ten end of his present term.- Ill health is given as the reason. ' The retirement of Aldrich means a complete reorganization of the Sen ate, arroding to the senate leaders. Insurgents are highly pleased with the announcement, but the "Old Guard" members are clearly discon certed. "Insurgents" believe there is a chance that the balance of pow er wilt pass into 'their hands and the "Regulars' will lose their grip on the Senate machine. 64 ARE TAKEN ALIU REIGN NEAR END" mi mm iBTEL AT T IEI MGNSTER GIRDERS THROWN HIGH IN AiR AND CRUSH ADJOINING BUILDINGS ON 1HEIR DESCENT U ' Salt vLake, April 18. The steel j frame work , of the Utah Hotel, a 13-story building' in the course of; construction, was dynamited early today by an unknown man. The ex plosion hurled steal beams Into the air and droppsd them into the street and ou near by buildings. . The roof of, the Utah State. Bank was crushed by a falling girder and'escapes were narrow. . . '.. Several persons in nearby apart- hy falling debris.' Windows were shattered and scores of panic stricken people rushed to- the street in their' night clothes. Labor Dispute Cause, Maybe, JLabor disputes have ' marked the course of the construction of the ouilding and contractors recently de clared for an "open shop." j The structure had ; ; readied the I heighth of eight stories when it was wrecked. ''. Several real estate 'firm's repre sentatives from" Seattle, 'Taconia and Yakima and oth?r Northwest cities are in the city looking over the city and valley with a view of Investing. Seattle and ' Tacoma - parties have j been looking over the O'Connor tract which is surrounded by the city and which i3 one of the desirable proper ties to cut up into additions. If this "Daughters'' in a S"nnibble -: . ; ; .V"-,.:''-'.:." " Washington, April 18. An insur gent movement similar to the ' one against Speaker Cannon was started here today with the opening session of the Daughters of the American Revolution. "Insurgents" declare the president, Mrs. Scott, named all com mittees from personal followers. They demand the rules be changed to cur tail the power of the chair. Mrs. Scott is not alarmed and serenly there will be no trouble. Despite these reas suring remarks, however, indications are that much friction will deveiope. FAST HILL ON TONIGHT KIRBY-BIRKE 20-ROUM GO WILL '"- '.- ATTRACT FANS. : : j Much Interest taken in preliminary between fast youngsters. Tonignt ; at 8:46 boxing fans are ! to be given the opportunity of see ing a 20-canto mill in the roped arena when Ed. Kirby of Seattle, and Wm. Burke of Boston, meet In the indi cated Marathcr. in the Steward. Both men are in excellent trim for the mill 1 and some classy boxing is promised the hungry fans . who. have not seen a sparring match in many moons. The main event starts about 9 o'clock, when Rose and Flannery, a local youngster of some prominence i box four rounds for the amusement! of the spectators.- The seating ar rangement can be found at the Grant j Lincoln pool rdom and already many of the best seats have bee ntaken. 1 MONIFD MEN H iLTLAiiE BLOWN ES BY DYNAMITE The directors of Ue company have offered a big reward for the. arrest of the criminal.'. The dynamiting mentioned in the above dispatch is but the climax of a series of attempts to ruin the struc ture, according to J. jl.. Price, of May Park, who a week ago "returned from Salt Lake, where he attended the quarterly conference of the L. D. S. church. The structure is being built at Main and South Temple "setreeta. just east oi we tviorman tftnie, ana it Is said that the prominent L. D. S. chuvchmen tire financially inter ested in the f oiiBtruction of the place and planned it to be one of the fin est hotels in 'the west. :; Previous attempts to dynamite, the place have been " recorded, following serpus troubel between the contrac-ors-and laborers. ' The would-be wreckers are now ' ia prison.' paying for their efforts." Many La Grande people will remember, the location. ERETO INVEST and other sales go through it will be a material boom to the city, as many houses will b "built to meet the cry for modern unfurnished cot tages that has been going up from La Grande ell winter.': A few big sales like these that are pending and the city's growth will surprise the most sanguine, - v : ' c ' :. Jack O'Brien, the baseball promo ter, will be the third man in the ring tonight. His ability along this ED. KIRBY. y , I s t '. T 4 -y t . : ' r . . , i -' V L i ' i, , , The Seattle lad has a large follow ir-g on the coast who hope to see him win tonight. line Is gsod and fair work from the referee 13 assured. '.' Other preliminaries are being ar ranged for. , 'y . ' LOCATED COOK. American finds explorer and his wife much depressed Trenton, N. J., April 18. According to Former ; State Comptroller Han cock, who' has Just returned from a tour of South America, Dr. Cook the discredited Arctic explorer, is living at Chilascolos with his wife. Both appeared much depressed and Cook refused to discuss the charges made against him. - . . Trouble in Taft Household. Washington,. April IS. Miss Mary Spiers, secretary to Mrs. Taft. re turned to duty in o'lie of the govern ment departments today and the mis tress of the White House has b?gun the search for another secretary,. For some reason, not made public. Miss Spiers and Mrs. Taft were not able to agree. Miss Spiers bad been chos en on account of her wide knowleise of social matters and general ability. THREE PRISONERS lit LEAS ED Cases against remnlnluaf hatch of robbers Is dismissed The cases against three of the five men arrested at Nampa and indicted for. stealing from F. D. Haisten's 8tore,,were released this afternoon. Two t'f th five pleaded guilty and are now, in' the Saltan . prison. The other three have not ben triad, and the case Is now dropped, . mm FEARED LI T I P IS 0.LY TEMI'O EARY, HOWEVER, Chau? Siia rioting: ceases but foreign. : ers are in danger jet. , : London, April 18. Advice's receiver! by., the British foreign office today declare that the rioting at Chang Sha has" ceased. . Reports say; how ever, that indications are that the lull is only 'tempot-ary, and according cto the kdvieti further rioting against the foreigners is feared. ' Newspapers here today take a p'es- semlstic view of the situation and predict that further outbreaks are fcure to come. ' ''' 1 ;' BIG CRUSHER TO BE SEM I.N ':' FROM JiORTII POWDER Small crew to start but reiuforcc ;?, meuts ore on way. .'; Mining operatoins are to be com menced up the Grande Ronde river at once. Al Stephens of the Carson Ming and Power company is here to day preparing to take up a crew of six men tomorrow and also to have a hugh crusher shipped in from North powder. The rest of the ma chinery Is already at the mines. , Within 15 daye he will have a largo crew at work, and Union county min ing will be commenced at one mine, at least, in full tilt. Money and ener gy are behind the CaVson mines am' developments' are 'sure to result. km m 111 IjMJPfflER -Why Our Business Gwvjs- That our business Is constantly growing is obvious to all our customers. However the fact that it grows is oMess importance than the cause of this growth. Stores don't grow by chance; growth is always the operation of some vital principle, and in this case the vitrl principle la quality quality of goods, quality of service.,: ; -.'-. For 25 years this store has been doing business on tho basis of quality each ' year showing an Increase over th previous one; each year adding new customers and continuing, to hold the old ones. All of them have ' '"stayed because they found it paid to trade here. They And here a larger stock, a bctto rassortment. better goods than are to be obtained elsewhere for the money and better esrvice throughout . . IH GRANDE. OR. ;1 cars, vxmm and a CHURCH ARE NEW FACES DIL'EITORATE EXLARCrD AT SAT IRDAY'S A5XCAL lEEfixO OF STOCKHOLDERS. Eli'dlon of oifircrs will take place next Saturday ..when the directors meet asrahi to outline policies and formiuute a .campaign for more Mibseripikn? Detailed report Is . published. -. , " '.'' "- ' .' t - . ' '... , . . ( To t filar R 2 the directorate of the Grande I:ondu 'Reservoir ' rompaiiy f rom nine to ,11 was the chief bus- "V-"'" --r;"- - -.v Ii:g .of the. stockholders-In that company,-, held last Saturday afternoon. ' Duncan McDonald, J. J. C.rr and W. j. Church are the new faces in the directorate. These 11 men wtU rneet next '-Saturday to elect officers and at that time it is. planned to outline the policy ' of the company and to formulate ,: completion' of solicltlna; subscriptions for water rights. : ; The report of the secretary which is appended herewith,, will be printed in full and sent to all directors just as Boon as possible. The new direc torate, complete, follows: F. J. Holmes, president; J. D. Mc Kennon, F. L. Meyers, W. 3. Church, Walter Pierce, F'. S. Brutnwell, Ceo. Stoddard, Wra. Miller, J. J. Carr and W. IT. Bohnenkamp. The summary of the secretary's re-: port follows . Dishursemenis V Offlce expen-se $2,238.91 Engineer dep't .............. 2,050.03 Work on reservoir dam site 8G3.70 Books ond stationery ...... -30.55 Surveyor's instruments .... -''607.25' Transportation ............ .119.40 Furniture and fixtures .... G2.50 Reservoir land 23,704.05 Taxes , ... .. 295.31 ; Interest ..... .1 ........... . 243.80 Cash in bank ............ 2,485.95 Amt. unpaid subscriptions 44,568.95. Capital stock unsold 22,500.00 Total ...$100,000.00 Capital Stock , .$100,000.00 ' Assets 50 per cent assessment on stock (paid in) ......... 32,366.50 From old Reservoir Co..... 500.00 From City of La Grande.. 422.83 From City of Wallowa...... 44.55 W.,H. Bohnenkamp Co..... ' 4.10 W. S. McMillan, rent...... 125.00 W. II. Brlggs, rent .'. 75.00 C. T. Darley, on 'instruments 100.00 Total expenses 31,122.03 Total receipts ............ 33,607.95 Cash on hand ........ '.'., 2,485.95 it 1 1 CSSIiL g Co.