v .. .-. a. '1 '""It: - r t . 1 . t.. .1 'f: AS w . ;:::z? ietis t: AT 1HDSIG2T ezsjit pail-hell eri;rcn s.T.3; - ;.. .4 -11..- " A . .4 tint A fW 7tL win CTfcf ir -scenes aail rtates of their aoaej' y . ..soa -toon, jtriij ( ('oaty'ov,; 1 ;uf ft : ; V tlnftr.ii.IItilT', Ar.ril JvCoL RooSSr v;; ttheirccica ; :aous Amertcaa..'and .hu-lfevarrlyed. rom" Rome! 'this morning." ,7V .' ' K' vi-'After'.'ft-lirle'rest they started to? v?OenoaVIain ' they' will take , e ta, trala tor Porte Naurlzie, where they will BDenl three '. days. . They - will 54hea return to Genoa before proceed :lng to Vienna. During the trip they -will travel over the country they vis ited oa their honeymoon 24 years ago. , "The jouiney from Rome was made in .-a special car. " J C:':: ; Before Roosevelt started for Genoa : promised to teleghaph a" brief ac count of ; his movement dally to the ; Newspaper, correspondents whowin ' 3oin him April .iCthJ' V ; "I wijl. 'pfp.BiiB tqm: also,, sald the oloneV'MnllingVyV'f'J "yvi.ll"'' pot ) waits any telegraph"' tolls. When I see you r ; : agaln $ftii tu ra pve to f on ' iboys : .all pyyqichersi( BoVypii i.mayj Ro6i$xelt4JertCl9me, near midnight ylast nightihStatloa was crowded ; CJ'.h America-na and Italians who ,flULd coins tp bd hlnl arewelL The ColoneTr it -a,sTioVt 's'peech't'nftnted i vrtae. pepi3e fo their hospitf MtrV vV MRobert Cook:of TTalfowa Vas' lrobght la yesterday to ths -Grands 3iorid0 hotpltfilj tia thlsmoralnt the Twss operated apoa tor appendicitis Tly Dr. N. Molltor. Chances tor her i recovers ars. excellent 4 i:i Oiirnev line now 11 vy "ar-wmaid.iLsv.vya ' .... " - ..... .... ' . : ' K I I '',:c::;Jm' , v- r 1T9 . . vM; ' 1' f fly y WeCaaJIease - :. ;7lV iv f I fc " ' ' ; ' ' ' - ,fy' ' 1, ' Ml ' T ;Vt.' ;r ALi ' x 1 r 1 .i.,i2j n I iwtMM iHr i Jr.-. : . ' 1 i k i i t d t mrni . H wJ I " nr trough . ' cf lie!" .a man i below v.a I ; . . i' --jrtlng. Tte waa ciea ;Uj-i.h 14 48 supposed he Ct ; ' . -.iie .ass roof with the mWaiua' dropping on to car roof and stealing ft ride. ca crara ei: First tr!p Ijr new llaj of ffr!a 'TS'El ' le. taken- tSJa evenL ? This afternoon ; or tonight, sa p4 burning engine, S. P. 2877, will Joke out k train froni this point .TUtf Is In accordance with the rectnt en RQuncemeat ' that the O. Rv' N. is going to augment its locomotive .pow: r hers with the oil burning taitaes. Three other engines ars on the way for service Nos. 2844,.2C:7 nd $i will Uo piujm u a -viuu ivt w incline where the coaf la sfored. This V M Mil i ! . at work Tbe oil is jcow 'tere. j&nd St Glhhon.lbe tanks are ita working or- .-'" 1 , . 1 "" - Corrobrsteii Uefewjej Jgtory , Watseka, 11U April s. Joha Gru- den was, put on the stand today in the Say lor murder triaL' Grudea is the father of Mrs. Saylor. Gruden's story corrobrated that ; told by Dr. Miller and Mrs; Sayloi."- Hedefclared the Saylor" attacked Miller .with an ax and Miller shot In self defense. Exonerate Chief of Police, i ElenflburgHVash.;-, April 7. For Wen .Chief 'sotPollcs,.JoepH'Shall Svaa declared by a Jury. last flight not guilty of bavin g accepted, bribe money to Ellow gamblln'-'j'UeiViroeecuUon introduced several Chinese witneeses wlio .testified -lo -having -ia!d-money to Shull, but sthey .faljed .to .convince e Jury, which was put only: 30 mitt- utes. Asseser la tJaloa Assessor T. A Rinerat 'made. bu siness trip to' .Union-today- Ul -will return this evening,- , , s A - leffzfes aas ... Klae X3es Rowsrdenhea Training c&mp, Apru 7. JeSrtc coTered. ains tulles ovef tns country roaos loaay, running a part of the dlsUacs, wJ.Tifcier Burns as a companion. Tomorrow be :.y ,wnVbes!assprrlj!i vltS Arntroc. in stock Ail Skfiss ATT AIT EIIXFCi:C2SI5T3 TO ATTACK iraS Ecveral tandrel lillci Li tlsoJy.tw ' '. iays battle ras - U; Usl ta ; tsBd fsUoa Iklcla te&aclotu sad i i!qw t ivs s The Csitoj eoa tlaaes wlti ssy eesstUoa it ssj ? CoE:UiLJnop!e. AprU Several ed la tioasrat two days battle near. River slab, between Turkish sol diers and the. . Albanian rebola, ac cording to advices' received here t" day. . ' I..- The bloody conflict started April 4 and ' continued without cessation un til' the nlsht of the 6th before the rebelB were defeated. The Albanians .threaten to over throw the Young ; Turkish regime, At last accounts the Albanians were awaiting - reinforcements before re newing the attack. : ; Several times ''the mountaineers charged the Turks and much of the fighting was hand to hand. . ;The: Albanians : lost .the' most; in killed. .Both sides took a large num- b''ot prisoners;:,;.,; ;-'.T.vV ZX t WiJ' ft riif ilfo iTnnonilrea .'t t'8''d iPltUbarg April. 7-i-The grarf pro secution today begaa preliminary prp ceedings to secure the 'extradition of! jTank N. Hofistcft; W Indicted banker . and - steel manufacturer to I secure his testimony, before the grand luVyi la the hope of Implioa'tbg seve- M Other bankers ia aa alleged ton spracy to bribe eouacilmenV:?iBt tii Prosecuttog AttorneysBeytaou'r jiaJl: today that a would give Boi; stoii i a chance to put la his appear- sric but be would be arrested It hi fallal to pat toija PPJ3.neeJwlthA, f. km. reasocaUe-idiu;.3 ei-caie Jr rT7ed fcHrio to- - ' '' kna Sfek. tmm BMS SV' - . ' 1 - cf Greyare uiglit 1 . 1 ex. trss wi txlrj eci f javlaj t? Is . tLar .. s, -nlggeila ..tha . wood I j3e ooW" tcal'"'lifts"caisftl Ine 'fmMeri 6l64.p'siirftace "of cow-sUUoa rcatd- itg" Etreet; pavlag la Ul Grande." ' A taw' 'Bays' ii se"4Uer'. buttoaliol ing the members of tiie city council becglng to be gi-en an opportunity to submit bids but when the time ar rived .to -open the same last evening only one bid was submitted, that by the Warren company " of Portland, which we print In full herewith. While' the city was' led to believe It was to enjoy in a measue the 'fruits of 'competition such as la now being waged in Portland," it has not devel oped as yet. The bid of the Warren people on' the face of it shows a re duction 'compared witn Baker City and Pend"etonr however, one city offi cial stated that the estimate of ex cavatioa' was higher, and;,while the face of 1br ltd shows-12.18, . it will average , aoouc f f .s .wnca lue ,vww is completed. ClTfie council "dldTot act hasUly In mlttes who after lnvestig&tioa will repold' ;,;.;,'.";;' :;'' .'-.';.' ; Some ' one Temaraed that It was islblfor ese two competing nBan&iiadcome to an agreement poss; ompani .VUAtti;''. .W-.-.f. i.r. '.. rnA ln inA niit ftf rttlea had a. HdatoVcomblaaUoa and divided i,1,- ; -m.i.h however, the only thing that was Darent -was "hkr 'tftfHrsone bid subarttel" to the council' and during ar b'res-oVJlll be recWlo fea-st5bV:.Wrn'un;i1SuU ah .-ji. ":.'' . ........ to as second Tesamg iasi aignt A-petitlori was toM"raoastraWs asalnk the ' selection : Of Sthe house ground for the sewer; system.' The niatter wai . referred" to 4 the proper committee. . ,i:i:''-'s;' L :'.:.'"C 'Bids f of the five' acre tract south of , the city ; formerly used, as a pelt house, Mr. Montgomery's bid, of $25 per acre was accepted If the city de cldes to dispose of lt.J;:".,". .r The committee to whom the matter of building . a new reservoir was re ferred reported that Inasmuch as the bids exceeded tho 'estimates and that the city could do with repairing the present reservior to forego this ex pense and the report was adopted, r '" The council Instructed the city en gineer to survey and state off the 15 feet of ground 'which the Methodist church disposed of on the north side of " the" Alice Ladd property dedicat ing it to a public highway. " , A ommltf e of business 6n wait ed upo nthe council last evening ask ing that t"b 'jprtBentordlnanwbe changed lwhereby,,'a reasonable dis play of goods could be made In front .reiser tci.litlleit DeasPfewi rs!mi5af Wkf m "F jtandsar tip ?o tie caser city ?iincu. Sltirif .WdA tkf Wehiisnie"? of hi ttielr places bf'busInesllTblfl'was'j referred to a committee. , L. M. Hoyt was water -TOpefloten eletced as assistant endent 'fMr. 'tloyt Is (an experienced machinlE and Is well qualised ioltaefc,)Uoay;., : .. Filliwlng is an itemized statemeU of the Warrea Construction company's k 'h- ."-.-;.'--v..'i. ; EHhulItlc pavement, so. yd.... $2J8 Hue:.! fi r 1 l-v?, l'f-l f v. .......... CiU.h t-:jic, esch .12.0 D tVcjrrrt'.re Cnlca.wCltacct la CJj . city, text EatarJay - j At ,-m: P. lull", in this city c:Ut L'-.arJ:.y tl;S' Farraers's Co- cr-eritiTS L'L'.CQ . Will hold its ." first Rinsal taBlv6rsUry, .and all those ta terented la the diSerent lines of work for the taneBt1 Vof "rural' ' citizens could be on band to mrOsa the ciect- Ins;. a'.'Jtttccesa.. . . ; - Th tacrntr'g hours .wilt be devoted to tuslness, and -the routine work of the crier by-the mtmber, but the E3et!cs " Will : be ' open1 In '' the after-coca- to tlcse lateresteJl la the good work which' the Unfon IsjwcUas. union nas -oeen' rm sctrvw-ex : iitM.ce for one year and the things for ths farmers' 'benefit which It has so far advanced," : and ' Is working for, ars many' and Varied," iad should re ceive the support of all those who live la the county. ' : .-"l:- ': :.",.' EIIAMTTELL ICSES ' SUIT Jsry returns Verdict favoring receiver ;'';. : of defnnct bank. .':';.' s A'" federal Jury 1 yesterday evening returned a verdict favoring the re ceiver of the Farmers and Traders National Bank, "defunct; in the suit against' F.r 'Cf'Bramwell of this city to recover a balance of about $600 on 'ft 'note' alleged by" Br am we'll "to be an . acommodatibn ' note '.and "wfthout consIdefatIonr''JThe1 '' Jury was ' ou froxa' sboutH'a. m. uhlfl about 6 ra. yesterday, notwiths"tahdihs-'tha,t Federal Judsre. Robert - A. Bean all but Instructed a yerdlct fgr 'the .hanlr.. i i, Ut. feramwell4 JMr iNeldner and several otners mterestea in ine case nave returnea.irom ine tearing. Pendleton, t Oregonlaa of .Taoaga me jury m uw caw w us H.'r.4''Ji'uw W ."?iJ tMat Ulnce about 11 o'clock this morning Thla wa si saxa In .' whlrh IT, fL firamwejr &ty HIM I' s'cojjanjodai f?. S f--'T La Grfcnde. ! -Bramwell cla ms tbat lit was riven' as iAn..acommodstlon to I-"" -l,. r; .. ... ",D 7WWWKW to 'ihe ' bank sad - that lie' ' should w v 11a . use excepuua urn iu uo- fendant had, made some payments to the, bank on the note and that' the note read payable to the bank, the bulk of the evidence teemed to show that the note was given, as an acom- modatlon "to Scriber." since he had given his own note "and some stock to Bramwell as co"rteral. . -wasl r,v f"'w(ui"-j,vffc .71 jjij-'. ,v . " ;..rjTJ r-yihyOurBus .. That" our, business Is constantly growing Js obvious to. all our customers. . However, tha factthat it grows. Is of less Importance thanrthe cause of this growth. ; : ; Stores don't grow by chance; growth is always the operation of some vital principle, jind in thlsjcas'e the. vital "principie Is qualityquality "of goods," quality of. '' service. For 25 years this store has been doing, business. on., the . baslsjof quallf y each ' year Jshowing j an .jncrease ; over the previous one; each yearaddtng new customers -and continuing to hold the old ones. All of them have stayed because , they found it paid to trade here. They find here, a larger stock, a bette ! rassrtment, better t goods than are to be obtained elBewnere for 'the money ! and better , (esrvice tnroughouf, i " w, - . .. IFJU. m ; FATiL T!) CT. Is t:it la tsJ s ;t3 :??.rJ r'-i v.l be it ta.wock Kaay exjsles'ons-cr lai.' Js tii'-i ; for acliaa "Slarylol tr.ctTi ' reticent ta speca'".: :'''.' v Mare Islad Kavy Yard, April t . Following'' a series of fats.1 t5;:;0- Blons in the englnerocnis ot warship. ' of the Pa ciac Ceet, orders were is sued today to p on a force of 1C0C Workmen to overhaul the trsgine ici ; fire room equlinneat ot ttsi cruletis , Maryland, California and "West Vir-; glnia. The repairs will rotit mors ; thap JGOO.OOO. ,. J -' : ' S The latest explosion tva.i that ; o . ' three holler tubes on Vin cruiser -.-i Maryland, resulting in t!i 4?aUi f coal passer named- Ami rtou tad V the injury of two other o&t iiasiw.s, The Maryland arrived off the Tfonrcnyr coaling station this' mornicg aud th oftlcers refused to discuss the Incident ; Continued exuloslons on board the vessels are regarded here as tho re sult' of a conflict between officers of the engineering force and those of ; the line. Officers and men on tl Maryland recently protested . against y the cruiser ; going to sea with their ; weakened tales. v '"' r ' The explosion occurred vhile tht Maryland was proceeding up th, coast from Sintaf Earbara It Is prob- V able that' aa 'bOc&l- tafestfs'strca ef . k Tn!oslon -will b ordered. ' ' K .1 before' the county court this BOOJor,a.road.-.to be iulu fr?; ir mouth, f tdd.)Canvc-jt . Vu. ::X .' ' 4 ; t"iratroa4' pqf vf 'rf H r,.'BSS$U 'T,4.-enp?,qr C' I. a.;sawmUJ.h '..'"UMwyci nd .4 ' jplaner 'at Lone ..Pine, an J , ios . te, ., "- haulinjef lumber te cof, t:, ,''-'.v -be great deal ot fRna produce, to tf'J: overv,this roadv, Vw,-,yS ,i-y? 'i-',V k t i, not , asked ha.t the countXrAd i ; all the, workv, willingness to fiQ; mucSr;;lt of. the, wotkf by, those,. Interested be , . lnf . tpparenV b , tbe corti "was ask ? ed to issue an order for the county surveyor,; to go over the: route ant make a surrey. No definite- action -was taken today , in ; regard to the matter. v K ; x mess - if' f ' iv - -1 1 0 'GrimsM :.rs?.-it: v-': 4-. .'.'0; .... k