La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, April 02, 1910, Image 4

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    'octofs Pmcnmom md irmm
, '"'; 'i ?r r-"1"
Arc Accurately and Carefully Compounded at the
-Red Gegg Bfu
? I
? 1
r,! '.,
" V
1 iEi(i
.,: Jagsjjst .,Jb'nsMi j would, pot te-
- JIv?r . li!t rjaon'sjittsemntV'
ii tfce t&lernfitle, last; sv'.rilug ,p,
'..cense did utt feel tljat c4J
;.' nc f ' .ulSoix)y :? large-: -y
- wants a tinmee ay4I'.n' vlti-. jje
f .... . . . . . ' ....
a i;.pavv ."J r,Rl Twice ; i-ir6,(;t, Coui;lt ' J.
"if -: tuSk' fra"xotbr ... i.u'ttll a;. i- rT7,x."..
'' ibis -mesKt;e .nil" in. h6
.. ' J. ir" rprctive cf . tb.uflJeBc.r . :' . ,- -;
, ' ! t 7be-setting iav jplgu .Wi -fift
Littrtst, . pts 'r.t' ar a -pf-Ur
Ui jetlrg jm-lorfi. remain.
2aix f'-l "'tie ether; ingroij, r.l
? V " j',1!) pfirwnal , rointntiSi-atlo-ii
.;,;Ti'e fboir was .' 5jeptio;Ai fprat"
; Jpt xigbt end ,(i;!jed the entV4
:,--.-lffBgrejratio)i.' Kct few tiiMunc'tlio
jnunic .bttr.'thK er lag, blaljt
.. ,.. , ' Sju(!bj 8trrlei
,: ..-.', tundax'.'wil t ft. boy 3ay. There
:; ,:'J!1;! services 1 tbo tnoming, fw
; ' In tb a'lrnoon, one for men "y
. t the ' fabrnacU ' at ' S oVlocS ant
' at tbft .sd.idf boar Mies HarJand w!fl
A4peak-tr'tb OTOen-only at -tb Bap-
Jtl church, Services again in the
k Foors Day" marked the open
In? o tbe tront season. r
; There hi said to be1 no entlmetit in
. the laf , hut it seems that, there la
slight sentiment of humor In the
, Jaw tbst would open the trout fish
Ing season on the first of April, send
ing th ardent followers of Sir Isaac
forth to be fooled by tbe'Wfly Ore
gon crawfish and the sportive "bun
y lied," and the wise old street wW
examines the luring bait from every
angle, like : lady buylki a hatband
then decides not to bite today, , ;;
; Those who would engage In "the
sport must-provide 4hemse!vea with
license1 'leaned by thr County Clerk;
and beat. !a mIndc'eVa!n, polnU' of
the law; copies of which appear on
the backs of the; permits for. ready
; reference; n. f.fSji s?, : . t
It should be rehteinbefed that' the
. season ii? from April first to Novem-
ber firsts5, except In the lakes of Ba-
ker coilnty, where the open season
if from7uly 1st to Oct 1st; that it
) ) unlawful to fish at nightlftp fish
In the Ro'gue river or its, tributaries;
. to take trout, salmon 1 trout or' bass
except with book or line; , to - take
char or salmon less than six Inches
In length to -toll trout except thb&e
raised In private hatcheries under
the direction of the State "dams' War
den; to fish ; without a license; to
cast sawdust, ' shavings, '. or ood
Waste Into any Oregon stream; , and
to use gas, powder or any explosive
or poison! for the purpose to taking
fish.. r.-r .
!v t':.V;-; '';''' For Sate -d ;..'-
, One or? the best and handsomest
80 acre places ln the Grande' Itondal
m. k mm. ? b .'' V Bt f' "I
.alley. All ; m cultivation ana im
' proved, 'tf shares of Grande Bonca
tfeservior' water, can go with the
place. If desired. ' Owner has to raise
money soon for the ''buhlness '
v ' . 'f a It BECKLET, Owner.
VX5U North Hth St, Boise. Idaho.' r-
: '.' ..' 4-t-tf.
. m '.' ;""v"'11' i '
'l.iLCI.lTr ; ;.;,';;
Gasollrt roM eaw
A rhoneor5::i "'"" "
i; a a v
I Jjlrg fi Lawsrlt
1 Old you know that placing roar r
inrrt u vrrivaty deed is slcplj
idt' r k HiOltT . ;
. I vfcliorsU. this fact Is to
us JcreOod that warranty " deed
oole4 ojwa vifY suspicion. '
A is for tt.'i fWBoar:. ; ' i
11 it utle i d it puHi with
it 4?cd,aaa that ft all tbero Is it
need of a warranty. If tad.
toe adding of a warranty does not
raU ft rood. . ; ,
A wananff li taly sort of bet
a wafer iAmi you iir hrii ao trou
ile; but If o -kad JnalJ lor
m: I2r1?; 4C wVen Intles.aortb
w tA.-Oran.!.' New.-firiroouj house
, f od V&ra wid cthr outfiulldlnM
. Wst?r pip;l to; tb; house from a
; good. spring. ? jo acVes uniler cul-
UTatloa.- Alfa lu and tlmbth'y hay
end al 6 grain ' lafidl V' Snikli family
ortbard. 4tf ares timber aid pas
.ur0, lerel and well adapted
fb orchard knd when timber is
' r9wA no.OM feet of saw lum
. br a .tKdf pl',. V gaw' Biu ad-
JOiSInr property .v; 4 head of Splen
dld woik horses 1 yearling tolt.
3 nllk ciws,
S seU - of "harness
lack, surrey, new
Blowing ain Wfto.v new - disc" plow,
runutars l nb louse and all oth-
ft : fara , tool oa- the place. All
t tor He.eO0.OO.-M.OOO.OO cash -and
balance In terms to suit purchaser
NO , 13,1410 acres, 1 1-2 miles south
of Imbler, Oregon, AU under fence
fields croBS fenced ' with hog tight
v wire,; 820 acres 'in meadow and
, grain,' 80 acres' In fall and winter
grain, 1 1-J story house. 4 rooms
down stairs an dtwo op." Barn end
' other outbuildings." - $50.00 per ac-
re; half cash, balance on terms.
NO.' 14. 2 acres' in Jit Glenn. All
under cultivation, small family r
'1 chard, IS room house and barn." Ail
; . splendid land. Price, $3800. $1100
cash, balance on easy terms. ;
NO. 15. 60 acres in Mt. Glenn, Ore-
gonrf80f acres iinderv cultiyatlon,
Three acres of orchard and balance
, irifce. tt fall wheat Good springs
on'thepiaceYe1 "oom house, barns,
'ejie. ;20 acres timber on the place.
Price $3000. $1S0 down, balance
Ih two ye'ars."'''';';":, v" v:'v" (
NQ 11 A three . room house, i one !
lot on Jefferson Ave, '-House far
Blshed;; Cood well und ! wood shed.
All for $500 on easy terms.
0. IT. g mom hrtrlr Tinnaa mnifara
i Carn; wodd she eto,' two-tots ; 124
r by smait orchard, &lce"lawa
;, and shade trees. " All fenced, for
;; $200O,'r easy, terms. j? WvW?,'
NO?lf:-A"bur',rooni, cotiage off1 d.'
street, two lots, city water, price
NO. ll.ttflitft ;rIoy:adVflnJ new
house Jn Old ?Vrwn rat thy hpad t
( fh street .City water Inside, . alw
pump: good, big barn, 'orchard -'of
i l tfe'ear UUi'M txzf. ai"4
wk'iwirii twu The
Bavlag eaeaed Parlors at the
above' address" iW'-Wia$i
5 Wtfe ytWag' la the'fc&sKia.'
IV' las''' Ihaal' Ftifi fttl ' iJ
, solicited ' V.-'... . . u
Next deer to Ada Seagli kot
upu. o. Uculllan
Painless Dentistry
La CF3r.dc Wafona! Ban B
Both Phonss
; w i. (K GRANDE. OR C,- -
K 1
' .,: o. e. s.
How Chapter No. 13, O. EL 8..
-loll stated communications the sc
7B& and fourth Wednesdays . of
acb month. Visiting members cor
llally InTUed. , - ,( ,
Pauline Lederlcej Lf.
wary K. Warnick, Becretsrr '
L (I. 0. rV iJieamuinent
Star Encampment No. 131. I. 60.
Fw , meet every' .cond : and fourth
Wednesday, m tnw uvuuirw vwt
low's ' IlalL Visiting patriarchs si
ways', welcome.-" '''.' V', ""- .
W. A. WORSTELU Scribe.
WeedmeB f the World,
i La Grande lodge No. 169, W.'Ci.
Wv meets every second and fourtfi
Tuesday evening in K. of P. Hall' in
the Corpe building. All visiting mem
bers welcome.,'V ..(.''::-.,
' J. II. KEENEY, Clerk.
' Eftr rnctirr.aiMit ' Nn. Ill I. O. D.
j Ti meett vcryv MaaJ'tol fourth
Wednesday la the Jkiontb' ia Odd Fel
.ows talL Tlaltlnf patriarchs always
E. CO0UDG3, C. P.
5 JIasonle Bananet .
On Saturday ..there wfll be .work
In the Third Degree at the Masonic
Temple to be followed by an elabo
rate banquet The Union; lodge has
oeen inviwi ana several- are expect-
ed from there.. All Master Masons
Invited.';. : ;y"'"4' ., ta' Cut., :
; I. O." 0. F-fiBborttlnaie ;
La Grande Lodge No. 16 meets In
their hall every Saturday night Vis
iting brothers cordially invited to at
tend. 'Cemetery plat Tnay be seen at
the Model restaurant . - V -
GEORGE Cr.CUT, N. O. , 5
- 1 f l y I. It 8N00KrBec. Sec.
W. A. WORSTELL, Fin. Sec
, f !
..'.- '..:';".. ; "'-p1"' H:Jn8 ' fuiV.iri.Uji.
I am prepared to turnififi
ly phonflTyourorr to"
:: '.v, -;;- ? j y;'--
,A il.A'TI&
lZt,,,-- TJ . " evt 'I3
1 t v -. y
; . b. p. o; .. 'u.'v'l--'
La Grande. Lodge No. 433 . meets
each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock
in-Elk's club, corner Depot St., and
Washington Are. jVisiting , brothers
are cordially invited tx attend.
H. E. COOLIDPE Exalted Ruler,
ihlGH ilcCAUL, llec Sec.
Forester f America . -'.
Court Maid Marlon No. 22 meets
Uh: Wednesday 'night; In the IC cf P.
; C J. -VANPERPOEL, F.' 8.-
- . 'A F. A A. 1L
La Grande Lodge No.' 41. A. F.
A. M. holds , regular, meeting first and
third Saturdays at 7:30 p. m.
" ; JNO. S. HODdlN, W. M
A. C WILLIAMS, Secretary.
... M 4. j'
La Grande camp No. 7703 meets
every Monday each month at I. 0. 0
r. Hail. All visiting. neighbors are
cordially invited to attend!
f'l '! ':; FRED B. CURRET, C
Crysall Lodge No. 60 meets every
Tuesday evening in the I, O. O. F,
Han."' "AH 'Helling members are in
vited to. attend. iWZr.Hs
Knights, of Pythias.
, Red Cross Lodge No. 27, meets ev
ery 'vMonday night in Castle ' Hall,
(old ERiS ball) A Pythian welcome
to all visiting Knights. ;
ed Wright' c. d
R. L, UNCOLN.'K.' of R.'?& S."
. Grande Roode Circle Nblti' jie'ets'
every first and third' Thursday e'ven-
HalL All viaUing members "wefcoeni.
ID1175 llAErV(:
1" J
v' A
'"' 1 w
Dry Qhin Wooqiit- '
'ii" rs' ' v'-.
Sll ,
.j ' " "' '" '" ''"', - ' i.:
.' , v : v.. ' " -' i.s.-.-vr.Ti" ;
a; Wheaoome t us to have your
eyes fitted 'we ascertain 'the exact con
dition of" ybui eyes fitting yon care
fully with the'Jens'tharelleve your
eyes comptelelyr-oVby making the
eye accommodate ' itself to the lens,
hut' by naving the lene fit tie "eye
; perfectly."'-"1-' -
Out experience and genuine'' 'skill
assure ycu of EXACT work always
and without exorbitant chargea. :
m .'"'U
: o o o o o o o o
Q Cbserrer Want Ads Get the Q
O RESULT3 Why not yoa ' A
J O Get the habit of getting ia on 0
Q this ResuIt-GetUng business A
O Too? Tie ObBerrer Is,At
f H:ome" where results are to , Q
-be had. --.
i Q O O O OO O
dry. Apply at ence. 3-30-tL
WANTED-yGM . for; general Ibouse
! work, Mrs.' T. J. Bcroggln 4th
and Wsshlngton. ' J 3-30-10.
WANTEDr-BIack borso Vtotit -135e
fciitt W cut; broke.'". -Ar; ti 'pW-ik
jrouND Ladies purse containing
some jmoney;, and among, pthai
things, a'-Small bottle" of " perfumt
Owner . may obtain same by calling
at this .office ; : ; . l. g,
LOST A Urge black pnrse 'Wlti gc!J
owners name, Mrs. &. Bynaison. was
in the purse. A suitable reward will
be paid ofr Its retnni. tt
bikayed From my place near
Summerville three weeks ago; bay
mare 6 years oldwith blemish on
left "shoulder, .. weighing about 1300.
Reward ,for return or Information
leading to her recovery, - Phone Ind.
27U. ' ' : GEO. fi. MftATS
SIX-ROOM v.Modera ,"ottairer for
,rent Inquire of ?Mre,jZuber."-r
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, good
location. Enquire of C. W.' Noyes.
Adams Avenue. s-29-tf. . '
FOR RENT.A , Modern furnished
room for gentleman.' 1501 Adama I
A ititvtn a till s a jt . i. a . a P
m.wy v a . : W OV VUl
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, with
wr wiuioui ooarq. lozo cor etn and
Spring atreetavv'A.lV MATTHEWS.
8-1M-1J. : . : , ,,'. , .
FOR RENT House ;an tiarn, with
acre j of ground. Strawberries and
Buaer smaii rruii. nentv, of water.
Within' city limltt. Enquire of K M.
Olson, 2201'Fir St - 8-22-tf. .
i'd-1'' '-" Tot Sale .-r f,v
'Good seven room house" and out
buildings; nice lawn and fruit trees.
Situated on the corner of O. and. 8 ti
streets. , Also . for sale : or rent. .' six
acres t of god land, good" house; and
put , Duiiamgs, piety? or water and
small fruit : Half mile: atj of the
city jfmits.- R, M. OLIVER.;
8 16-4-6. : . 2201 Fir St
FOR 'SALE Buff Orplnton eggs, $2
tror io, at jrrea Nelson's 1605 Jef-
fersbn Ave.; Phone BlkV 1021.' ,: ;.;
SALE OR . RENT House and - block
.on.N. Fourth streets -enquire at ,401
Aa"ms ; Ave;; Phone B5:1U 8-22t27
FOR' BALE Hitch cows and one rt
Mistered Jersey bnlL4'PhnA r.m?
rip WT r?Hnghee; La' Ortidt XL
FOR- J3ALE Eight room house and
?,vwo iota ccnvealenf tS thoTOPalmM
Milli' Suitable for rooms. ; Phone E5i
lltl! or enquire on premliftea; C
G randy Avenue. . ."v.'J-U4-H
FOR SALE House and two lots on
corner. Alsto; three lots In a body
on Cedar street-5' Enquire at--2202
First and Grandy. ' ; '
FOR SALE Two lots one block from
. Round House for $200 (Sasn. "Aiso
uee; and, four Jots on easy terms.
B.- A weagei at Bay 4 ft Zwelfel'e
shop- . -iVri. r:i' ."'i: ii tf
.- -liv-i'., ; :',-;voUce; .
1' Notice is hereby given that the City
of: La Grande will; receive Ibida for
Its . five acres of land known as the
Pest House Property! All' bids must
be'.' to" the .Recorder's-1 hands by four
o'clock. April 8th, 1810.
The City reservei the right to re
ject any. or all bida. : ;; -i;'
ThU notice Is to be published In
five Issues of the La Grande Evening
Observer. , ; ; ;. . .;
T7. N. MONllOS.-;:
Chairman of Ways and Means. Com.
Veofessjosal jirezn-csT.
.-:;:r B.T.W1T0IX, .... 0,;
-" i'Ii.oa' f iucwaiks Hmlt . and
.iiiirHi.: " Ejtca stlcg and '-..
;TF1.jtJu I'hoiM. Bluck 1562.
v ; Physicians an Eargeosa. -OfSce
w La onda National
Bttttaing. Those Main II.
T. Baccn, Residence, Ma&i 18.
ILK. Ban. Betddanee, Mila ir
Physician aid Surgeon
i la 'Xtt Etcbistiaon ; oJSca crar
lX i-2Z'Pr9. Special attes'Jca
to fllseasef ana enrgtrr u
Phone Clack uea. and lad. JI3.
:'' i-li-ctf 19.
di::;: ' u- MOUTOR, M. D.
;v. y . Physician and Bargeca. T
porner Adams ae. &nd Depot at
Offlcr Mala 68. . Residence Mala O
c. h. vviuH, PittiUb- -
; Physician and Buntcn. ; 7
Special attentioa given to Eye, 'Esr-
, -: Nose and Throat
Office la La Grande National Eat
:..Vv..-"- ', JJufldfax -..'.;;.'
nones; x 03ce, train I; CesldsaW ;
, -.J..IL;aUB3AI,p,l... . ; y .
Pbislclaav'aad Es:- -9osi4rfJffi
Offlcr b Mew E4ii Bulling Csis;
: 23-gL Thoaeat EeaideBca, Ha&i
CSTEC?ATa P21SIClA3ftv 7 :?V
Boaiaer Budding; Roppa ' 7-t-MX
ltoaes;-Home'i832.Paciflo M.h. r -
, Eealdence Phono, lack nu Scceesot -
oDr. T & atw
. LNTIaTa:
J. c. PRICJ2, a sia
r'--i.2rVv Deatist.-.;;y ;
Coom 23, La Grande National Ea&Jk
Building- Phone 4Kackri::i
: AttorxcT si-im I.-. . ,
Practice, fa 'an t2lei cbuVii at u anaW' '
Office U .La Q rands '. KafJtedh ; ryy' .
uaasjag. La Gra&da, Oresoa. , ;
Ca xX Cochraa - Geo T. Cecara
w : :;;lv'--V eya, . f . ;
f M Orande Natwaal' Bank Batsa;'
.4ttofBty uti 'toanaeUbyat iiwK-1
Houoi. if ud ii Sommer Zldju.
.UWI tVnaax', : r-'AvVfl-i C-HL? Ftox ::
.'.l.i.: FINX A L0SAX wiofo'-X-:'
Attorneya-ab-Uw;. i ; Notariee PablSat
. eQHOJ-COS. Bncbannan iBaildlnr -i'tnii
. (AdmUted to practice m all Federal'
and State courte of Oregon, Idaho andL
Vi Velerlnurr Rnrnvm ' 11."-
f.ijJ, ip. ... .
Oflcw Phone Black' jJfX"-!' M 'V45Jvj
. Gnuate ftrm the O.CUt ttf-
varilty. Vaccfiiadon,;,DeniL;try t-
tTompuy.) jjfwered.jnAtnt tsmlZAf-ll:,
lonU live Ir lassiraBce Ajsgasli :.
.tloiPoraaii,.'frU'l. ;.V
llsll'-V Offlce. AAdamg in. "f.- '; '
' I4I rhoafff EUck XSSI, -1
1 11 ; Independent ITS ' - ll W
"'-i-jcsu cLccS;?rS4S.: '
.'- 1 Teacher el Flaaa' . ' 1
Papfl of Pierre Doullct cf Ca Ca
ose ConiarrirT4- v ;' -1'
For ekSdrea tie Burrsw 'cr-ir 4
'cf xaasie atsy and mnsJccl tlit .'
gartex Ctadlo la the KahafJqr 113 1
'.. ... . . 1bL2C ." .
Tmsen's Orchestra
Music furnlnBhed for weddlc
banquets, dance and all occasions,
C, a WILSON. Mgr. La Grande, Crjv