ETEXIXG CrSESTEH, LA GEA5EE OUTGO uernHQiiBOBiaraiiooiflM and sounded note of warning to th; t mm 111 "JUL 1 I t PabL'shed Ditiljf Except Hun.laj. ..... GLOUKE Ji. il'KRt;. EDITOR AN'P PROPRIETOR. Suited I'ress TeW'trrapu Senle?. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ; ' Oalll ;' "ingle copy ............. .,lly, per month .............. 6!c tally, six months In advance ...13.60 ""ally, pnY year In advance If 6.60 Weekly, As. months In advance 75e Weekly, one year Is advance . 11.00 " Entered at the postoflice at La Oranle ' aa second-claBS matter. ', Thm nair will not DUbllsb ant . . ,- t fcrtlcto ttPrea'ripx. oer , a ticm 6t plume. , S!r.ed-artlcie will he te ed ob3ect to ,' dli" retloa ;;f ' ' dJtw,.-...rieaee Ura your article" were d:jW.-)f''oinimtit , '. v ;' 1 ; . J tj H i . j pj ' lj Local reading ..notices ICc iht M-o ftxat lLBertion ; per' Una foi- ea.h ! uiaeoaent iaser!a. ; " " ' II'-; .' I"t"1 '- 1 . '. ' f"" Ktfcht. ir ten'..ycari heu'ce ' not ."u f aw of '! tt.o Veaidsft'W of t!.s cour.'ty vlf - wonder,' j'frhy they .did votct JjiiO .'.the ;: fnjii bHSint'RB T'linn thfy ciwM get lands at 'i'.roiaafcl"prfc u .4a not ktoowjjie.t&luc. t Grar.; llcride valley aoii; ''Vne btfinger will j W (!W! U till UUlUlfc UWjltJl lttr jelrfl ply' because he "U the one who wilt payhV rrlce,' f tor tfuricg the tintry for valne. Tury ere of the iin bi rcr.?nne. VThla cnnclttfilop. it 1 jt not Da&ifl oa actual conuumua. iu? fact1 arp'Ve. flra not growing the iaAutity'.of apples we'd'l ten yeiihr 4 fttfeg . is - confitar.My iacWftfttn'. . A?Mm, there is a price (luestJoti th-xt aay':. be .solvnt ttoyieThat, .There a nice margin In ro.ric? pplP3 un-f 1r coramercial , conditions at 75c ro tl.CO a box. Freteht may become, lower ,h&1 ..should!, and tlna the c0jj,J umer can purrhwo, nice, brjitht, r.i, Juicy iipplet '.ft fl.CO pr ;box. the " '.p;KuinpUon'iR'te enormous, J-"': ; ... V.;., .....i ;;,lf-; ,.: Taxes inn si be paid by (hat time or penalty Is attached ,".ext', Monday Is ' the last day' -grace ior unpaid ' taxes. ! After thi date, April 4th, If 'one half of the amount due is not paid, a ten per cent' penalty is added and' the. elin; quent 'sum' draws interest at the rate of one per ceht' pe month until paid. If one half of ' the ' tax la ' paid the payment of the "balance can be del f erred until the: first" Monday In Oc tober without penalty. . ; '! ! Ieatea ttosaiital Mrs." Norman .Stoddard who has Jieen in the' Snodgrasa sanatorium fop Several days, will leave In the. morn ing for her home ,at, Perry. BOAJtD .AND ROOM First class? Eriqutre ct 1617 Fourth Street, or phone Red 1462. - v . '4-2-18; (I r DAY LAST DAP0R1XES ... '-uy t. i ... J 1 - , .3 As usual, the largest stock age seeds in.the -county. Alfalfa, ;evthiri Garden Seed Phone Ixs Angeies, Apru mom uhu- rj'fnr Ber la, April 2. Five Mormon mis- worm has invaded Southern Califor- j i nia and may gain a foothold In this Blonarles from ; tUh were expelled section, was the Information given Tom Saxony today as undesirable the Los Anegelea 'County Medical A-! Hena They are charged with con sociation by Dr. Joseph King, who Acting an immoral propaganda, la making a further investigation to- j The missionaries - had a ready in day. King declares the sandy soil of U"ced many, women and gtrto to ml breeding ground for the parasites. . erate to Utah. . ; We have in a Qiieen Olives in Heinz bulk Sweet: ft V Sour jf . ; j M '.:'T.;, ;-,-.t;..'! 'y Ghow B6ttled:Gdpds. VegataWes wery JWeel t ' 'if. Br?ades and Gaces. 1 -Royal firoi ffMEsgESfflzg, m IWILLBE LOCATED HEUE PERMANENTLY . i. af.ter-april:6Th . J r O FFI C ft dfl i.'ff '4 M pail i'.n aiJ-A' "AA cvccirsuTtcDeniAi ICT iju ! 'i-'Ji'.it:' 1, CRWD IL 44. ' ""VV. -- ...... 1 ... . ibthv; : Red in Biilk.' Main 57, Independent lWl V ComeiMreen wood and Jefferson - Tftmftn F.xnelled SJ fresh lot of Mixed Pickles Plain M it ' , -V' Chow ... i r--'.'t i'.'t;'?,-". r.. ,1 i.Tl ROOMS ins if I UJIb.:., ,'.-..-; ! ; ' .Ti' -!i-t MK 0 WW VlENSES i Rfed rCloveir, : ;tu '. j )' .'.' O ''.' l' - .' t WKite ?Glov3r -' -5 fn the Circuit Conit ef the Stnie oi Oregon for Cn!o Couuij ' ' Nellie Farmer. Plalutiff. vs. Clere' Farmer, defendant, Summons: ...In. the name of the SUte of Ore ;. gou. you are hereby summoned and directed to appear and plead to the' ( pnmntnlnt flpit fieainBt TOU la ' tin' I f ...... ... before the 8th day of April. 1910. the Bame. being the last day. of the pub- licatlon cf this summons, tne.r if i day of. publication, hereof being Feb- ruary 25th.. 1910. And if you "fail to appear, answer, or , otherwise plead within, the tfme. the plaintiff wh'. apply thetVuf ter to the abo7 1 enUtled court foi default againBt you for such fallur?" dnd demand the relief prayed for !r . er complalit filfp herein, to-wii - j , For a decree iorever aiBBoiving Wnd8 0f 'matrimony "now existing be tween plaintiff and defendant, by rcn. ! j son of defendant hr.vlng creserted nnd J cause or excuse and wlthopt plalutiffs; Abandoned plaintiff without ) cohsent'for more than' one year ba ' mediately prior to th commertcemMii . of this suit: for crqel and inhnmat treatment of plaintiff by defendant and persbnaiMndtgnltiea inflicted by defendant on plalntiT aa aet forth in the complaint filed herein to which reference la hereby , made; thm I .. i.ia t.. da. (nrm MID. nd alhnonyfrbin"- 'flefendantV ;tha any and "all rlshta of defendant It - - nxtr ilA .tow i ii,nti.. il T-p 28 It 35, E;t7.. be cut oft Vi vtim 'I tL' .i..uM'tAw. A't, costa- and'dlsbarsementa herein' and for general relief. . - mi. .-vi.;'-'4-K''ii-;'- be an order ftada and entered by, Hon. J IT. K4oVlee.-!;Jndga"o'' the above entitled Court, at Chambera. in I Grande, Oregon, on tne 24th day of February, "1910. which Order dl. rected the aerrlce of 'thla anmmonk upon you by publication for a period of alx conaecutiw weeks to the La Grande Evening Obaerrer, a newapa-- K, ' :8team'md French"''''" .-"V:':?'' ; WMt,,:'J.: ' ''caVied fofaad Wlwl;;r;",;.i.-r.l.:v Phone Wain 64, i- ; Jt.' -v .a- . (i. ii- LV-ViTi'"-" i y. -V- Gbmplete, equipment for." rubber buggy tires. - , i - -Gimpiete Macfiiu I' iwjBisaswsisaB2 mMH0WmMiBiamtM .. ""' """" 11 111 1 'Vlnii iiBi.niiMiBiinni i .i i i miiiiiii ii.i i , .... , g S3S :1ew?SWpmenf of Hams 1 "yAiai :;','.t.:v-:-.:;''':'';'':' ., :,v. ';''';.,' '- '' .'; H i . v ; - ;r Reached 'JJf :WM:i. n f'-"v : "'''"""' ""'-. -t"' ,: ' r ' '!"'"' .' "' '.":' ' ' :' ' ' I A t wft- Aiwl rr . Cosily VZlzfJl UJ. tW J j J ) -L-i.-in', - - " A ' re?. V I f :S. V indispensable Fbi Home Dakina . ,.' ; ."" .. .-. ---..- . juLi'isubu at 'La Ui"uUeV Cuw- i Cfsun.f cretou " J v . . vUy-u-lv tm KeOiu'ay 25,.iai. 11 JKMtAtf. Feb 25 l'r.1 i- f z5.r Apr. 1-8. Aa.'iiia.tiatrV .Setlce . ( , . .. i- .v. U ,v den.. Isuator itt Bf - . of NJeH Ai -a-:m by the-County cou. . of 'tat' v ouoty; and all-aa ' tne claims tgains; the said, estate Me ncreny xequiu w aame to roe as amimrw.k store on' Adams "Avenue, Ia Grange. Oregon I6etben with proper Touch. ers. within 1x month, from the dan or ire nri..v. :.v. Dated his d day of February, 191 .iameo u. ov Administrator o; tne wme oi r. , Armoas.r deceased. s ; . ; ' ro.'.hraa ft coenran. Anoruw u. Administrator. s , Ml--4-11. . i"r, U I pnnvi. T'1.;":-.1' -v.-" t: ' Mahaffey Buidng : X s,':r' .r--:,- st"'y$ re33tting and repairing .; . IS hops .. Foutidrv v II, L I rr . -r'-. . f : v -- - 2 i 1 VnWi !!. -r iaclles Attention . " ' ' ..House cleaning time In here, i'or- ; get the 'old way of whippiiig your carpets. .Save half the cost and all. fit th8 . work by ' getilug iha Vacume, 'jf House Cleaner. Cleans everything v from floor to ecllitg. 'Carpets, HugB,', ; unholBtered Furniture,' Bedding, Cur tains, etc., thoroughly 'cleaned. Up bolstering,, mattress maklBg and, fur- nlture 'repairelng aieely and neatly'. - -done'. For estimates call at 18 Fir ; . Street or Mion Red ' Z9il. - ' $-7-tt V X M. BOWLSBT, Prop. - Annual Stociaoldei's Meeting , The annual meeting ef the stocft- ' holders of the Giaude Itonde Reser- yoir company v"will be held un the. lith dayof April, 1910 in their office at, La Grande, Ore, at 1 p. ra. for the; purpose of electing a foe directors and . pose of electing nrn directors and ' for the transaction of such other bus iness as may come before the meet-. Ing. . J. E. REYNOLDS. 8-31-4-11 ' Secretary. - JBARGA1NS : :. Farm, .i'rait' tad Iuiroted lands.' The lollowicfc -.wW attract the at-T tcntioa of the kerne seeker. -80. acres improved. CS acrea un der ".' cultivation . 93,009. 10) , acre's all Improved,. 1-2 . - ? ' mile from Summervtlle .... 0,509 40 acres all ;. lmprored, .21-2 1 miles from Summeryllle - . .S.009 , 100 ' acrea ImproVed, 46 . ujder cuUivatlon ',, 4,500 40 acres adjoining Summervllte choice fru't or rlfalfa land, .can be Irrigated. C A bargain 6,009 240 acres. ' Well Improved, un- . der cultrvatlon. 'Hay, grafa andktrult ' ' : :l .... t ........ . .ltjNO ' 160 acres 30 acres bearing or- ' ; chard, SO acres new orchard. .. all ' AppleB; 100 acres paav- ture. iefms on aDullcatton Choice ' stump land, particular ly adapd to fmlt Industry. . -t to ' B tnilea from Summer ' , ville. Per acre. .; . 118.50 to $29. Timber and other - property. ' . ' H. C BEfEHART. ,'ieal 'Estate ; ! 'dnnmerffll, Ore. o Merchants! Save I 510,000 fff 1907hC;iJcrcftanfs T.sirance r1otafort(-vof I Pafon, Oregon; f fa J903 J 'f wlsave :;$15,00a fAer neighbors wete ftand- pronrs. i . if ft t n fhe Oreaon 1 IWercftanfs f Mutual you gef: . J INSURANCE AT COM A" IfilJr TO V017 LABt- ft " 77ES v ';"'::' v-""'..." ' ' t F?0ilIPrSmf WENT OF ft TOSSES r ft V. 0UVER, Agent , iiu.uuy or carrprij a part Uf fier Iniurahce intlhelr ftftftftftftftftftPU I 4 l .. r.... j , i!. e v"