V EVEMNG CDSERTEE, LA CRAXBE CREGOX t i. V-.' X-y f , .1 'i' ' 1 I s w - s C ' , 4 lAGBAHDEf VEIiIKe QBSERVFB robliniifd Diiily Except Suuil;t.r GECIJGE II. f 1-RItKT. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Coiled Press Telegraph Sen toe. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: C1U jingle copy ft, . mlly, per month .............. -6rr , fally. six mouths !n advance ...$3,l y"nlly. on year In advance .....$6.61' JFeekiy, six months In advance ., 76 fVeekiy, one year In advance . ;.,$l.Ct' Entered at the postofflce at La GraMe as second-class matter. ' , ; Vhm .paper win not publish an article appearing over a nom . it plume. Signed articles will be re rrsed subject to tie dlsTetloa of tat editor. ' Please sign your articles and ure disappointment '. Advertising Hates. Local reading notices 10c ver line Crat insertion; c per lis for each subsequent Insertion. ," Resolution of condolence. So a line. THE PAVING YiXU The Democrat doesn't care to be Inveigled Into any' war over the mer its of different paving, or-the roan-at,)- in .which the ''rival paviag'co. rWnloa. aTt&Wc'..'i'tuii alder ltse!f Suftoiwrjtly ! advised to fshl battles either ; for or agalntt tim. It doesn't care .whethor the sc&lot of 1 o&9 : of tefcm . to submit a Md; on proposed ! work ; waa ettirtkKf r acoKWal.' 7 .'"'' '; .'. V . Cut 'it UojsVbelleve Jhat the sigtis J'at to the extension f the"pavm ;bt which la now being waged la : Portland, to th'la dimrici.' i,It lis . dpue that the Barbor company is jerlously attempting to get bjislnoviB ... la la Grande tuid there, are. Imita tion 8 that it wtnld like to ' I'lvclf Taker City. '. : '''." -,v- ' - The roBitlt of the paving ,Tvr in Firtlud 1ms been a swepf tig reduc tion In tLa coot of pavement "in that city. Both kinds of paving are now lower In Portland then they " were at the time that Baker's first paving - contract was let '".' To repeat, this paper doesn't care to quarrel over the merits of either paving. But if the two companies enter into a struggle for business in this city and that struggle results to a reduction: of the cost of paving iere, then the Democrat in common With the people who have the im provements to pay for will rejoice Baker City Democrat, v Will Increase Freight Rates Chicago, April 1. Western rall Iroada belonging to ; the Western Trunk Line Association' are prepar ing to raise the rates on many com modities. Among some o fthe com modities mentioned are bf Ick, cem ent steel, Iron and other products', agricultural implements and drain pipes. ' Jeffries lteady to Leave. Lob Angeles, April l.Jeffrles and his party are scheduled to leave Los Angeles Sunday for San Francisco from where they will leave in a'day or two for Rewardennan, the train ing camp. He declared today that his weight was between 225 and 250 pounds and he says he is in excel lent trim. ' As usual, the largest stock of Bulk and pack age seeds in the county. Alfalfa, Red Clover, Timothy, Red Top Blue Grassf White Clover and everything in grain seed, Garden Seed in Bulk. Hay, Grain, Feed an Flour Phone Main 57, ndepenpenf 1481 A. V. CHASDLEII GETS BIIMMUII Sentcuced to thrre years in the jtcal tentlary flits morning. Orley Chandler, sometimes called "Rube" was brought before the cir cuit court again today to receive sen tence for perjury of which he was convicted Thursday ' morning. At 9 o'clock this morning he appeared before Judge ICnowles and bearj th petition for . hfs parole signed by nil members of the Jury who .convicted him, and by many others in and about the city. ; Counsel for Chandler . niad? a strong appeal for parole." and because of this sentiment and the recommen dation of the Jury Chandler received the minimum sentence of three years. No notice of appear was filed by counsel for Chandler, end it w?s learned this afternoon .though not confirmed that, it is probably that the young man may be paroled be cause o the growing sentiment in court circles : in favor of the sus pended sentence. - ' DEALING 15 1XFAXTS Iowa .officials believe organization ifals la Infant trafflc " Des Moines, April i.With the au- tl39r?U??.9f a score of Iowa cities aroused by ihe recent discovery on doorsteps of , very yoanx babies who are packed In ventilated suit cases, The police of Des Moines are work ing on the theory that the infants have been left by representatives of an organization that is reaping a rich harvest by trafficing in babies. The humane officials 'estimate that more than CO babies have been dis posed of by the suit case method In the last three months. ' . ; t Flghi Bets Are Even. ' New York. April i.r-Betting is ev en o ' the ten round , fight between. Abe AUell and Owen Moran tonight. Koth express", the utmost ot- winning. Tw y ''-'''t..a confidence i 1 I WILL BE LOCATED HERE PERNANENTLY AFTER APRIL 6TH office: 91 OVER NEVLIN S DRUG STORE REMEMBER, MY GLASSES OIVEISATISFACWN ASK AUYOfiE EYc SIGHT GRIND ALL D) OL Corner Greenwood and Jefferson DLSAGIiEEJIL.M SIESS SCEE Jloore Jury returned at noon to in rberate again May disagree. Portland, April i. The Jury In tht case , of W. H. Moore, president of the Oregon Trust and Savings bank, who Is beln gtrted on the cahrgs of receiving money after . be knew the bank to be insolvent reported at .10 today that they ' "could not agree. Judge Bronaugb sent the men back for further deliberation although there is little hope that a verdict can be reached. The jury retired at ll a. m. yesterday. - ' - An interesting ruling was made oa sending the Jury out : ' 5 '- . The Judge in his Instruction brush ed away some of the legal cobwebs that were made prominent during the trial by attorneys for the defence, He told the jury that it was hot nec essary for .the -State to' prove that Moore was in the bank on the af ternoon of August 20th, 190T, when the deposit of Minnie Mitchell was received, and he Instructed the ju rors that the issuing of a deposit book or slip by an authorized agent o fthe bank, delivered to her with authority to check against , the ucr count constituted' a deposit within the meaning of the law. To these in structions' the defense took . excep tion. , ' ' '7 ' :''''? '"';'" X legislate aa to Cable Service. : Ottawa, April 1. The Canadian Commons last night passed a: meas ure introduced by Postmaster Gene ral Lemiux giving the railway com mission con tro lpf the . rates and fa cilities of cable companies. The measure Is tantamount to govern ment control of all cable companies. Call for Statements Washington, April 1. The Comp Iroller of the Treasury, today called for a statement from all ' National Banks up to the close of business on March 29th.' - " ' rooms mm. SPECIALIST MY OWN LENSES - - HALL GAME TOMOEltOW rnlon high school to cross bats witr La Grande hltrli here. 1 If anything like decent wathc: prevails next Saturday afternoon high school baseball will be Intro duced to La Grande fans when th Union team meets the local .team Locally thee is more excellent meter lal on hand with which to form t nine tahtn there has been in many t year and the confidence of. the asp' rants for the team is running big There will be no announcement " the'llneup until the game starts e: there are- many -after the .first tea? hqnors. The game will be call?d f! 2:30 o'clock on the Lincoln grounds Brick Prices Go Tp5 -Chicago, April 1 A minimum pricr of $6 per thousand -brick was pv;; into effect today in nearly all 'of .the leading brick manufacturers of th.'f section... - ; - ". Todd'B. testimony, was to the effect that he never told Agent Jonec that Fede'ral JudgeTlIanfard of Wash ington 'was :"eonBtltutIonaJly , oppos ed'V to land-frauds cases ani: it was no use (o attempt prosecution. Todd branded- Jones' testimony as absolute ly false. :a : ':. '- Faltoa jtfemorial Contest New,, York, . April' L A decision "will . architect, whose design will, be; used lor the 2,B0O,000 Robert Fulton mon- uwer and Watergate, owe of the , greatest memorials In, marble , ever,' hnllt. : Sixty-two architects aubmlt-' ted plans, and all but ten of these were recently eliminated. Today the choice will be made from the ten. Elgin Visitor here . Women of Woodcraft from Elgin who were here last night and who reelstered at th Savov are? Effln . Brcwn, Viola Smith, Mrs. Brown; Ha - zel . Brown, Mrs. Tuitle, Mrs. Torret, MrB. Hendricks, Mrs' Patten Mrs.' Graham, Mrs. Mc Kennon and Hazel Smith,;, o; V AV"' 'r;v;- '"';' '.': The Elite Dying and Cleaning YJorks H. H W G(JENK. PeprleUi. Steam and French Dry Cleslna caiied for anl daltvere I. Phone Wain 64, Mafiaffey Building Depot Street Complete equipment for rubber buggy tires. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. F ( GERALD, Propnon.' G)inplete Machine Shops anH Koundry New Shipment of 0ms Swiff's Sugar Cured Ham and Winche U r Bacon Shipment Has Just Reached Us j -; ymi MMy 1 1 1 ' 1 111 ni 1 ' " " " ' pr ; JJrx"-- ' f 3, A - -C ' . 11 , ;. ,K cr plain locd, 5v ( ?y''' rt', -' yNv-' ' cn3 saving. . j fS . , If -: iU ,14 (n J' ; V ,v-:' .Ill '! " InaisDensable For Home Bfimns s Sun t dltor Sate Jhegent. . , ' V New. York, April .1. Chester Lord, managing-editor of the New Yoii. Sun, whose term as regent of th. New York State University expirtt tomorrow, has been chosen Jo suc ceed himself for a term of 12' years. MUCH NEEDED IMPKOVEMEXT New hitching rack at court house will be great convenience Those , who have been driving to the court house and have been forc ed to tie their horses to' a -telephone pole will note with pleasure.', that Contractor John Mara began work today on a hew hitching rack in the front of the building, which will con sist of 10 cement pillars set about eight feet apart and connected with heavy chains. This makes a sightly and much needed improvement which will last for years .and'help to sooth' the tempers of out of . town residents who drive in to pay their taxes- ' ' :: !'' ;:A tadlss n'li a up tallt, Ooodn resetting and repairing s I lrj l" 1 I .Ladles Attention House cleaning time te here. For.!' get. the old way of whipping youj carpets. Save half the cost and af f of the work by getting the Vacum House Cleaner. Clesaa everythiii s from floor to eclllrg. , Carpets.'Rugfe ' unholstered Furniture, Bedding, Cur- J bolstering, mattress making and fur- I nlture repairelng nicely and neatly done. For; estimates call at lt)6 Fir Street or Phone Red 3941. 8-7-tt v J. M. BOWLSBY, Prop. Annual Stockholder's Meeting The annual. meetLng of. the stock holders of the Grande Ronde.Reser voir company win . be held on thf 11th day of April, 1910 in their ofllcJ at La Grande. Oregon, for the pur pose , of electing nun directors an? for the transaction of cuch other bu iness as may come before the meet ing. ;;.'..: - :.-,;;, i 3-31-4-11 ' , i ;, J. . E. REYNOLDS, BARGAINS Farm, Fruit end Improved lan The following will attract the tention of the home seeker.. SO acres improved, 65 acres un der cultivation ........... $3,001 10) acres all imnroved. 1-2 i V mile from Summerville ... . 6,5W 4C acres all Improved, 2 1-2 1 miles from Summerville ....3,00) 100 acres imcroved. 40 under ' ' cuKlvation . .. . .... . , . , . 4,500 40 acres adjoining Summerville "- - r - choice frn't or alfalfa land. . can be Irrigated. A bargain. 0,000 240 acres, well improved, un- der cultivation. Hay, grain and fruit ......... i . .16,000 160, acres, 30 acres bearing or- chard. DO acres new orchard, all ; apples; 100 acres pas ' ture. Terms on application Choice stump land, particular- ly adapted to fruit industry. 3 to 6 miles from Summer ville.- Per a:re. . . . . .$12X0 to $2 Timber and other property. U. C JJlTfEHART. l:caL Estate i, , Gnminervllle, 0 ' I fiJercianW Save; g $W,QQ0 In i907 the Merchant o Oregon saved on $W,Q00 by carrYiai a pad J of their Insurance in their f own comoanY. the Oregon Mercfeanfs Mutuat Fire t surance Association, 4gM suranrr . hssulisiiuii v Dayton, Oregon. In im they wilt save W. km During the same p tnod , m their neighbors vmehW' In the: Oregon Merchants J Q Mutuat you get: iw INSURANCE AT C0SVR! C A UMIT TO YOUR UABI- j C mcc PROMPT SETTLEMEUT OF LOSSES 4 2 T the ef tnn lot