f. i Mifl 'JBW aaa 7 tup mimm Is2? I fir l.liillu I I H UlLi UUU11 I I: I M- Til GIVE AID Send in Your Answer at Once and Win a : Valuable Prize EILERS HOUSE : x t : i: i,;, t.. P ' f ! ' , k 1 A3 I ILL 8ECTI0XS ASKED TO AID IS TUB CHAUTAUQUA. Important meeting of executie coiu raittee planned for tonliti ' On of the most Impoitaui wett ing in -connection with iue i-t Ui aout . Chautauqua which has yet been hela la scheduled for tonight wnen the new board of directors meets at the club rooms to ascertain the progress of each committee and to oil tip the machinery and have it set in motion to keep running; - until - the goal ot the pre-appearance o fthe Chautau qua Is attained, namely, the' gala of 1000 tickets. A trifle more thaa 600 cave turtsau - mu Ivtwti will fee read from the committee on pro grams, ground, fey-laws, finance and transportation. .. .- v After Wide Spread Support Feeling that this is not a .: La Grande movement alone, but an en-, tire county affair, the committee has Already sent, letters to the various town la the county, which are In tended to elicit Interest and support La Grande Is bearing the burden of the expense In bringing ; to Eastern Oregon what other towns In the state are greatly enthused over,: and every citizen In the county will have . the opportunity, of hearing the numbers on the cbautauqua program next July The finance committee will report tonight 't It has 30 .women on Its list,' promised to go out after the balance of the tickets. They . are ready to start at the signal to be- gin. ;:r:; V-'" ;'',V; ' ' Mikado Rehearsal. '' ?H: Tonight (Friday) at the Elks hall at 7 o'clock,' all principals In the cnt.v The next chortis rehearsal will be announced very soon. ' Watch the papers,7 and bear in mind the date of the perofrmance Is Monday, April 4. 1 HARRY COOK BETTER tfa Injured In saving little girl out of f ;', danger r "Y'YY ; '"'Yv ''Y:'Yvv Harry Cook,' manager of the hotel at Medical Springs, who Buffered in ternal' Injuries ' 18 stopping a runf away at the Springs and saving the life of the little daughter of George 8outh at that place, is reported as much Improved at the Grande Ronde hospital today, ' where he was re moved following the accident." ' " Mr. Cook is well known about the Springs country, and Is popular wth gueBts of the well known resort DRESS MAKING PARLOR IIS ELX ST1EET , Uavlag eytatd Parlors at tie above address I am tresarei to d nytklai la Is mmi. tag Use. riala SerB als solMW. Kelt 4er te Ala tntk ekot . ' frapkj Miss Emily Wilson : till I ( mmmmmmmmmmm mshmmh MBBBBBassBssBBiiiiBBiaBMB , I I - ;i -f: ' ' . Y-' ." C V Y 'Y 'f-.-': ., ; :y if r-V ' ; Y5 , Th htgest Western Deikn inPhnos, in Ptenos, in . Conjunction with Gmt Eastern Pi no MakersiV;0sfrifue $4,280 FREE Solved This Probleni and' yoa wiiftifrY V A' Musical Herald Free to Every One Who Sends a Replf x ADHERE STRICLI TO THE RULES Then In order of merit, sixty bona fide cash credits . Takeany number from 1 to 14 inclusive and then v ranging ta va!uVrfV t,'ihii 5 .place In nine squares as.above. so. that when these r -ETery person Jl--are added, . either horizontally or perpendicularly, ' will receive absolutely free a copy of tiie must- f they will total 27.: None ot. the numbers must be ',; ctl H11 ft - r ' 'used more than twice,' but remember In each case, '' "v- WHY WE DO IT , T";' r J when added Aipward or across, :"the sum of the num-'v ' -' ' "' ber must be 27 "'. .:: ' ; ; Our purpose itt holding this contest is to acquaint,.; Sendjour answer on this In on a separate sheets the people of thia.sectlon.withlhe talue of the of paper, but under no circumstances use more than pianos , we handle. ,, We , have convinced the manu-k one sheet of paper; nor write on more than one side. - facturers: "of these pianos that this form of advertis- ' The neatest correct and artistic answer will re- ing Is far more effective than spendingr big amounts celve absolutely free, a handsome Eilers Upright pla- la magailne advertising;-' -t -fa -t -Vs.- . no. In a Mahogony case. This Is the piano that was -'We believe the best advertisement for a,, good pia-t awarded the Gold medal at the Seattle fair, last no is a. satisfied customer, and we believe further, summer. ; Other prizes are enumerated elsewhere. . . that the adyertisirig allowance should go to the per Only one answer : from a family will be allowed. " who buys a Dlano, not to expensive" Tnagazlhes. ' -The decision of our board of Judges will be final." We want everyone to know1 that ours are the dnlyT Award of prize will be made strictly according to" tores in the West1 that sell New .York's Great art, , merit. The contest closes at 6 o'clock i- on the productT-The .Weber;- ,, the, famous phlckerlng, .tha,. evening of April 2nd,1910 and all replies must either oldest nadmost expensive, of American pianos; the-; be in the store or bear a postmark not later than 6 beautifully toned Hobart M. Cable! the now celebrat-"1 ; P. M. on. that date. V ; ed Lester of Philadelphia;' the world reknown Kim-1 ' Winners will be hottnVd by mail as soon "as decision i Dal 8,ven tne nigh 'grand prltf at the Chicago ex , is made. In case of a tie between contestants, the' position .last yearr the celebrated Hallet &Davls;:and jti prizes identical in character will be awarded to each, our ownrEllera Oraheatral piano .which is so rapidly ' ' . - . i TTST ftp pmp ' becoming a favorite among musicians, as well as the ' Jt7J Viw Y , ' ,J" Clareondon,' Smith & Barnes, and other equally well- llrstprlxe-A manmcentew El!er bnngalow pla. known makes. Wei have arranged with America's . Mn7J.Ipi frT7 u foremost manufacturers to Join In this great, far- SMond prize-Elegant Home Orch.-rireHe, that any. reaching advertising campaign. Send In your an : onecan,Iay. ; .v ' : - wer at.vonce-it jcosts, you nothing to .try. , Address All Communications: to Contest Manager 1 7 191 0 ?T .';: i.Hru:. i' i.. It k Jlers Fiaao Mouse IVnoesae Department fJiffr andPetiy&oveSis., THERE if not a; cheao feature about the ' ' Mitchell, except its priced and it Has e verythmg that -makes an A utomobile '!' ':-" I-' -" '-1 f-". aomreo ana 3U3 (;.". 'l-'i:f--i.t-5 .P; ,T m, ,.0.t i" i- Juii -Oifi iifttOf M,t. , TWENTY; DAYS - A THE icife .'iyorifS; .Wsf coining to know 'Mgh:las$ca Germany Russia; Spain, - each cqiiW b0eslilsLHa bepY a fciiows praise. , a?rt 1 !,;t! r.' rxa-U-..;::?,:? 'Y?"Y Y Y Y i (P v , '',-:- i I ; . j- O, 4c r;''"-r - ".4 YY: ;Y' tWILLCOCK brothers: J Quick - Transfer i T 5t x ,. ''. Phou'es: .:, ' . Da. H3 Til - Night Black tttt.' Teh tb tventy,five percent Reduction on FURNITURE YWamigus; on you the old and the. Sale price- ; Call fat otir store and 0 look t over" our line of fashionable stock. The prices are Bona Fide reductions on late styles of goods. Regular $65 Machine now $40 jRcgtolajr" $'6$ . .Macline now- $4i5 i- $75 Full cabinet1 now $50 ; Regula rOLTIJU LKATHEB !.,;-.;'j CBTS A very large Una . GO , : L150LECM TAMISH v ..Protects and, : brightens your . ' ' floor : , , .' OSTMOOB MATRESSES Known all over the : world as the beat on the market House Fnrnlshcrs m Speca Easter Edition 8 Pages of Ihe ffl ': ;i ee(v i. ' : 11 H Observer Ms Shoving Special Sales its is iQW;Cost, because it is not priced on I we nysiencai casts; ana oecause our tac- ititieslare.so:ti domhe cost of construction to where if I It p high clasecaust it is made of thel same high class materials that the world's highest priced cars are made of y and qual: ity is rexers Wis beau fifty desgned, f insheand cj-; uipped. S W s jafcfe sodi comforfabe and uxurois. It is silentjw its running '-zbsclulety silent audit wlW last and serve you faithfully for years fa COme. Yv' , Y.Y. 7:,;,;Y: ; ;;Y V , Y,' Y : ; , IVhaf nbre can ffiere 6e fo an aufomo6ea arid why, should any car on earth sell tot more money ? : THREE r.MGtllFICE!iT MODELS The; Mitchell Six Cylinder, 50 horse "power,! 7 ptsscrgcrs Y 7 W000 0. B. Factory ; The Miche Touring Car, 30-35 horse power, 5 passengers $135Q F:0. B. Factory The MBckeU Roaistef, 3033 hom pbmr, 3 passengers jmo to. y - Sunimcrvill, Ore. 'V H K