! A large assortment of Package In htilkve tave the foHovTia Alfalfa, RaJsh, three vtrieties, Turnip, Blue Grass, Sweet Peas, Mji, Onon, yetow and red, White Clsver, Ha56ard Squash, Siree Corn, Pop Corn, four 'vsfhtissJZ Beans, Parsnips; Utile Cezi Peas, peefs, Carrofs C C Morse & Co. D. M. Ferry & Co. ;j The Barieldes Seed Co. ; ThePcrtland S sed Co. Mandville & King PATTISON BROS. GROCERIES PHONE BLACK 81 v I ft' V , M ; V i. i.l, i i " v- 1 ;;,.'- . - ... ..... v ; ,sv . .... , , ... - t ;,,K',T'LTr ' .iwiiw ,iwlrrTimw! f "V ' ? . C-.. , -. .-'t- ' UCE(IE. FROM THE -r- V: Production of ' r: Zi-L ' I i'.'l : f ' ; r 1 h 1 NThe American - - . ' - , "llanforj Tomorrow Sight ) 'Something far and above the aver , age play offering is promised the pat ' Tons of the Steward tomorrow night, when the "American Lord," a four r.ct comedy ly George Broadburst .and Charles T. Dazey., Is to be pre 'sented by Charles B. Ilanford and Jhls company of players. ; -"The American Lord" in the case Is John Brenster, and the action oi the piece takes the audience from Breuater'a home In North Dakota t his magnificent estate In England. 35reuster Is a big, bubbling Westerner with an abiding love for bis home "country and a sort ot contempt for the countries that He across the wa ter, a dislike that has Its root in his REDUCI1' Ten to twenty-five percent Reduction on FURNITURE Plain figures on every article in the store will tell you the old arid the Sale price- Call at our store and look over our line of fashionable stock. The prices are Bona Fide reductions on late styles of goods. N Regular $65 Machine now $40 Regular $65 Machine now $45 Regular $75 Full cabinet now $50 FOLPICI LEATHER GO- LIS01ECM YABX1SH 0STMQ0E MATRESSES : CASTS' ; .. Protects and brightens your Known all over the world aa A ?ery large line .' '' Vv ', - '' floor , " : ' " ''-") : " . the best on the market m Phone Red 31 observation of certain Englishmen whom he knew on the ranches of the West While he is thinking of accept ing a nomination for congress that Is about to be offered him, he receives word from English solicitors that he, being a lineal descendant of Lord Breuster,. has fallen heir to the title and the great estate. ' Breuster has little patience with' titles, but he de cides to go over and claim his own. Then the fun commences. - " ! New f hurcl! TodSratfd Sunday The new $30,000 ChriBtlan Church will be dedicatad next Sunday. This Is the official announcement made this morning by Rev. N. H. Brooks, the minister in charge. The dedicatory TWENTY n AYS ....iiruun. vniwgjg House Fnrnishers Slater Bldg. Cor. Fia & Jefferson ' ( . . ' .. .. v - j nil m "witiii id" exercises will be under the direction of Evangelist Charles Reign Scovllle of Chicago, and recognled as one of the greatest evangelists In the coun try., Following the dedication of the church, ' Scovllle . and hia corps of workers will hold a' series of revi val meetings.;1 " ;!v"-: -' .While the church Is not entirely completed, 'either' on' the outside or Inside, the work 'will be rushed with all possible speed 'this' week and it will . be. Vead for' the dedication. Pendleton ' ft. "fl. '. V ' 'V-Vi i. t' ' Weston Ih 'SeVenty-two.' , ; New .York, March' 15J Edward Pay son Weston, the world famous pedes triant who is now engaged In an oc 1 . . ;;-.) S.. ; ,,' -'. v ean to ocean walk, is li year of age today. According to reports received from Mr. Weston today he expects to finish his record breaking walk across the continent - ahead of his schedule time., He started from Los Angeles the, first of last month, and is due to greet Mayor Gaynor In City Hall on May 28th. , 4 t a . Mfybt HfLf'.it ,""tnt'r lor Itjnra1fi urid prUtU pM.!tw ; nmtijdgH tranflferrerf Pkjr and KUnd at Panl's Store. 'Phone Red Z41. 'Phone 2 . K. U BCM5ET, a 'Giiardlnn'it otlfp of Sale ! Notice Is hereby given that under and by . virtue of jm order of the County Court of Multnomah County, Oregon, duly made and entered in the Journals . of said court on March 81, 1910. Ucenslsg, ordering aid em V-;: j n " - - L mr .. . .. . . ' , i . . rt powerlBj the uidttrslf ,ed M til Guardlaa of .the , EBUte of Hedwtg Keimon, an Insane persi-n, I will sell at private sale to the highest and best bidder for ca3h In hand from and after April 9tU,' 1910 on the ;reml8eB all the title of said ln Bane ward to and to thu following de scribed real property, Tlx. '' Ixt 1 .In'-Block vl In Grandy's Ad ilition to La Graade, Union County, Oregon and the undivided lulf of Lot 7 and the west 20 feet of Lot 8 in Block 114 in Chaplin's Addition to La Grande, Union County, Oregon. Dated this March 8th, 1910. " F. J. S1EIMON, Guardian of the Ea tate of Hedwig Seimon, an Insane persou. , lar. 8-15-22-29-Ar-6 -0 p PKOFSSJXAL SIEECTOST. fiACON 4 HALL"'' .'' Physiclana an' Sorseona. ;t."ice at La onae . National Bank , Building. Thona Mala 19. -. T. Bacon. Reiiidrace, Mala 18. i M. K. Hall. ReBldence. Main 52. J. H HUBBARD, M.D. Physician and Surgeon ? ; O'tice In New Bank Building llooma SO-tL 'Fhonea: Residence, Main 89; Offlca 79., -MOLITOR, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. ' : Corner Adams ae. and Depot fct office Main 68.- Residence Main S DR. L. IL UNDERWOOD . Physician aud Surgeon In Dr. RlchardBon'a offlc ore? Hill's Drug Store. Special attentieu to dlseasea and sureerr of the evt. Phon.e m, Vnd Ind. 851. JthiSL' - , , a vl Upton, ph. a. m. a Phyalclan and Surgeon. Special tentlon glvan to E!y, K Noa 0 Tbro&t Office in La Grand? 'hones: Office; Main I; Resident f !.':. Mala 81 GEO W. ZIMMEBV.IX, OSTEOPATH PHYSICIAN, Sommer Building Rooms 7-8-9-1 Phones, Home ;13?2, Pacific Main 88 Residence Phon, Black 951, Successor to Dr. r. C. kvw DESTISTS. J. C. PRICE, D. M. D. ' ' Dentist."" Vi, .;. Room IS, La Grande National Bank '" Bniidinc Phone Black 8981 ATTORNEYS, V O. H. CRAWFORD. ; ; Attorney at Law . Practices la all the courts ot tte SKatt aa United States. ; Office la La Grande National Baas i Bulldlag, La Grande. Orecoa.' Cans. A. Cochran Geo T. Cacaraa , COCHRAN ft COCHRAN. , -. ..-'- Attoraera, .'"' -"- -La Grande National Bank Ba&ilag. ' La Grande 1 vflLLLaM la. aUMBOT. attoraey and Counsellor at Law. Vuu- H and 16 Sommer Block. .lyX',.,.;;;., Oregea YETFR1NASI 8USGE05S. DH. P. A. CHARLTON. . Veterinary Surgeon. . Office at Hill's Drug Store, La Gran. Residence Phone Red 701. Office Phone Black 18 1. ; . -: ; tnsreadeat Phoco U Both p "Idence. ' VTL W. H. RILEY Graduate from the Ohio Stat Ua Terslty. Vaccination, Dentistry aa Surgery of all kinds. Country CaS Promptly answered. Agent fr Jta lonal Lire Stock Insurance tlon, Portland, Oregon. Cfflce 14 Adams Ats. Phones, Pacific, Black 1111 Independent 878 ' RRLACABLOCK t, Teacher of Piano Pupil of Pierre Doullet of the m Joee ConserraMrry. ..-,' For chlldrea the Borrawt aawe of sansle ats47 and musical s&tte gartea. Stadio In the Mahaffcy US Ordinance Xo Hi Series 1315 An ordinance declaring a special asaeauent to pay for .the Improve ment ot a portion of Main avenue In improvement district no 3 by build ing cement sldowalk In front of lot 4ix la Block 10 Grandy's addition u l.a Grande and ciujont crosswalk on rflley bet een h,i f, and 6 In said Llock ,. ; v. v-, -.-..j. THE CITY OF LA GRANDE DOES , ORDAIN AS lOLLOvVS: . : r Section, one That there Is hereby, levied a special . assesment against lot S in block 10 Gracay-" addition to La Grande and lot 5 In said block 10 to pay for the improvement of that portion of Main averue In front of said described lota by building a ce ment sidewalk In front of said lot , and a cement crosswalk on the alley between said lot 6 and lot 5 in said block 1 as follows: Mrs. Media Proebstol, owner ef lot ft and lot 6 In said block 10 w scribed, for, sidewalk on lot ft and half or said .'alley............ $235.85 F. L. Meyers owner of lot 6 in said block 10, for' half of " cost of crow walk between lota 5 and 6 la block !0 . . .... .815,03 Section two That the recorder of Jie city of La Grande is hereby di 'ected to enter this upon the book of lens and make out and prepare a ipeclal assesment roll and collect laid asbesment; The Recorder shall ilso aV once give five days' notice by publication In a newspaper In ths city, when said assesment shall be come delinquent. Provided, however that said Hens may be paid in instal ments. , - 's ' Section' three This ; ordinanc shall be published in one Issue of the La Grande Evening Observer and after its "approval by the. mayor, It shall take effect 09 and after the 12 day of April 1910. , : , Passed the council on the 9th day ,.f March. 1910 by, five members vot ing therefor. ' Approved this iOth day of Marck, 1910. V M.; K. Hall. Mayor. Attest: D. E Cox, Recorder. Yiaal Seftlemcafc ,':'.Nut!c...a;jWafifiX.'t&at UM underrlgned, admln'Sirator of the aa tate of Anna M. Utaraa, deceased, will make Anal aattloraent at hia accounts viU aaM lletata as such administrator on Saturday, the 12th day of Mrach, at 10 o'clock of aa)4 day, at which tlmj all objections ta said final account will be heard aa4 the estate distributed to the helm at law ot the deceased. .. Dated , at La Grande, Oregon, tiia 8th day of February, 1810. "; i'.t.:y.1.r : Jc E. STEARNS. . ,' V Admlnlstr.tor cf the estate of Anna - M. St arns. Deceased. j j " Cochran ft Cochran, Attorneys fo? Administrator. . v 8-114-11. . ',?!' i''NetJee ef Bates. The Southern Facile Co. will sa round trip excursion tickets frem Portland. Oregon only, to Los Ange les and return as follows: ' Date of Sale, March 19th. The go ing limit will he six days with final return limit of 90 days from the data of sale. Stopovers will be cermlttaA on going trip within the going Um& on the return trip, at any point e' route within : the final limit ' TVrw are two kinds of tickets to ba ao!l. One ticket is a straight fare ticket the other is a ticket- that Includa transportation on the railroad, Pull ma esieeper, on going trip, meals in dining car on the going trip, Hotfll acommodctlon, special . drl.-es, eleo trio car rides and other special f tures. ,:; 4 J On the straight . fare ticket thfl fare will be H 0.60. On the special feature tickot the fare will be 880.48V The tickets under ' the 8 40 JO rata ' will hare to be validated for return passage at Los Angeles. Tie other tickets do not require valuation. Please naderstand tktt these tick ets are sold from PurtlKml only', aa3 from this territory vfll be required : to furnish their tieksta to PortlaaJ and return. ' Any further information desired IX passengers' desiring to take this t! ' tntendlng pasacngera. can he aerartS from this oSlce upon appIieaUaa. . J.H. KESNET, Ag3nU . j 4'" 1 ' i a- A