Ml Doctors Prescriptions and Family Recipes Are Accurately and Carefully Compounded at the Red - Cross Drug Store 4 O 4 O $ 0OO 00 00 op OOO ooppo v " o O .-? j v George H. Currey left last night on a hurried trip to to Portland expect ing to return Monday morning. Edith 11 Neilson has arrived here from Salem to accept a position as pianist.and soloist at the Star theatre 0. . Phelps Pratt, the well known citizen of Union, Is here today to at tend to business matters. Lineman Ellis of the Independent Phone System, Is looking after bus Iness matters In Elgin today. n s Pitta, of Alton. Iowa, and turned from a several days Inspec tion of land in and about Imbler. Mrs. R. McKinzle of Summerville returned to her home today after having ben a guest with Mrs. Noble of this city. Hear the boys and glrlB choir In the tabernacle at 7:30 tonight. ; A great time; something doing every minute. $ The Blue Mountain . Association will meet at the home of George Cur rey on Monday evening. This will be a very Important meeting and all members are urged to be present. Some very Interesting literary and so clal features are also promised. Rufus R. Callison, wife and child are about to locate In the Bachant residence on East Adams Ave., pur chased through the Van Duyn Realty Company. Mr. Callison is an engi neer and will he employed out of here 'by rfbe 0. R. & N. GRAND JURY IS RECALLED SEVERAL MATTERS TO BE LOOK. ED 1ST0 AGAIN. Defective Indictments and other mat ters behind the call. Defective indictment , and one or two more important matters are re sponsible for the recall of the Grand ' Jury, dismissed a few days ago after it had found 10 true bills. Judge Rnowles last night issued a call for innniaitnra tn convene on Tues- day next, at 9 o'clock, at which sev eral important matters will be taken up. - Yy- P. W. Porter, candidate for chief of police, left last night on the 8:30 train for Kansas to attend the fu neral of his brother who was killed In a railroad accident. He will re turn nnnin time next week, He wishes us to remind his frlneds of his candi dacy and desires their loyal support at the polls next Monday. F. M. CANFIELD. . A quiet wedding occurred at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. Ed Grout last evening when Misa Grace, their only daughter and the ofcly grand daughter of Mr. and Brs. Ben Grout was united in the bonds tof holy wedlock to Mr.( Jack E. Brown, prominent young1 man of the valley. Rev. Ford A. Ellis of the Central Curch of Christ was the officiating minister. The bride was dressed in a beautiful dress of cream serge. Following the congrat ulations the friends audi relates The bride and groom received many beautiful gifts. The following is f partial list and the names of the don- nors: A set of -dishes and knives and forks from the bride's parents; fruit dish from the grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Grout; cake plate from Miss Mfllenburg, bread plate from Mr. Jas. Anson, cake plate and pie plate from Mr. and Mrs; G. W.l Grout; spoon tray from Frank Grout; berry spoon from Miss Anna Meloy; set of spoons from Mr. and Mrs. Ru by; carving set from Harry Grout; j table cloth from Mrs. Redhead; nap kins from Geo. and John Ruby; bed spread from Fred Grout; lamp from Bert Grout. ' The- Lyle Tuesday Musicale will hold an open meeting on next Tues day afternoon at 2:30 at the club rooms on Sixth St. Members and friends 'of the Musicale are cordially Invited to attend. Admission 15 cents The program, which will be announc ed Monday, is In the hands of the v young ladies of the club and they are doing their best to make the meeting a success. Mrs. C. A. Vurplllat entertained the Kaffe Klatch at her home yester day afternoon. Several special guests were Invited and 30 or more members were present. t J. A. OLITE1 0 Gasoline tool saw. O Phone orders to Black 1851 O "' o 'O OO o LOST A large black purse with gold watch and valuable papers. The owners name, Mrs. E. Rynearson, was In the nurse. A suitable reward will be paid ofr its return. - . : m tjr jr m . i . v x "V . -w m mm 7 he Finest Fr'jt, A Ifafa and Iruck Land on Earth KTAcre Tracfs $100. per Acre Transportafionand Marlef Facilities Unexcelled.; If you'wanl If seffo fiuif e will do if for you and giVe if the iesf of care af actual cosf. Terms . 1 I within the reach of all. Call and lef s Texplain. Malhuer Red Apple r . Office vvfh L0GAN-SHERV00D REALTY CO La Grande National Banff Building: 1, if- 1 ! Miss Collier ' wishes to meet the Blue Division of the M. E. church next Monday afternoon at her home at 704 Washtlngton Ave. ' . MRS. AMES ! IMPROVING lirviHleaeSatMar. IS; Iiiave brought my optical equipments over from . Pendleton and will be loccated here for ten days at the old Ferguson stand. I have added to my equip ments since leaving here and now have a complete lense grinding outfit and mow I grind my own glas cs thus insuring your eyes with lenses ground for your own particular eyes. Bring me your broken len ses and I Tan duplicate the min 15 or 20 minutes. I WILL BE PLEASED TO MEET ALL OF MY OLD CUSTOMERS AS WELL AS NEW ONES REMEMBER MY GLASSES FIT-ASK ANYONE Office hours 9 to 5 Evenings by Special Appointment 0. E HEAC0CK. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST New Lines Added Having purchased the Cement, Lime, Plaster line of O F. Coolidgs we are now prepared to fill all demands, in addition to our regular FEED and FUEL business. Just .eceived Gar of fresh alfalfa meal ard a car of joal. Both Phones'- GRANDE R0NDE CASH CO. noV St Peter's Chnrch Fifth Sunday in Lent How Communion Sunday School ........... Morning Service......... -Erenlng Service. ......... -WEEK DAYS Wednesday and Friday at 7:30 ' m. UPTON H. GIBBS, Rector. .8 a. m. 10 a. m. 11 a. m. ..5 p. m INDICATIONS ARE SHE WILL LIVE SAYS DOCTOR Very slight liniiorTemcnt shown her condition again today Mrs. Ames, who was so horribly burned three days ago, today shows a slight sign of Improvement and It is the opinion of Dr. Hubbard that Bhe will live. Her suffering Is, of course, only well commenced now and will continue for weeks, hut she shows physical strength that is sur prising, and unless she suffers a re lapse, will recover. In that event skin grafting will he come necessary. . She has showed a continuous improvement for the past 24 hours. 0. IT. Resumes Operations Seaatle, March 12. The Great Nor thern resumed operations today over the main line after a lapse of 16 days. The through train to St Paul went crat on time and the Oriental Limited will leate as scheduled. Dr. IV. D. McMMan painless Dentistry U Grande'Nafforal Bank BUg, ' BolhPftoiKJ r, I I'l l le ill I III if FOR. RENT Suite of roms for light housekeeping. Enqure of Mrs. E. Swartz, 1311 O. Ave. See 0. M. Heacocl. Those wishing a pair of glasses which give satisfaction will do well to see 0. M. Heacock before he leaves the city. He Is located at Ferguson's old stand and grinds his own glasses. Rochester, N. Y- March 12. High school athletes from Buffalo, Syra cuse and other cities will compete against those of Rochester in an in- terscholastlc meet to be held this ev enlng In the armory. J:. FOS.THE 1 lll.l 111 It 1 a ii i They hire tw and a halt times the efficiency of the r dhury carben lamp hltkei U In general use. The fila eit Is made f rtrma tal called Tangsten, whl j reildc ta tatense krtlliane at a low rosi la shape and tlse tke balk Is Jnst like aay eJjer Ineindcscent lamn. War act U a Taagstea lama for year self I Get one ef the 40-watt aai ase it state where la joar kease la place af eae ef joar earboa lamis. Taea ektcm the great dlff. ereaee. Hot the clear white light exactly twice as brll Uaat aid etstlag yea eae fifth less Ut electricity. Gea era electric Taatjstea Uaies are destlaed ta displace all ethers, fer both store aai kease Ugatiat, E.' 0light Power CtL -. f ALFALFA MEAL It takes the place of braiv Is bettei and cheaper For Mlih Cows It can't be beat. SEEDS We handle only the best quality and onr stock Is new and fresh. Yob.' will not be disappointed If job plant jour garden with onr SEEDS. Waters-Stanchfield "Produce Co. "JIFLOUR, FEED, WOODl 1410 Adams Ave. PHONES: Black 121! ' Independent 451 e ft ".. -J- " mi Ml. I, I . I. I' ) Nev ' Sugar SI PATRIOTIC WBU CS9IEIXQ 8UGAB ATO raSIST CP01 HiTlIfl H0XB MADE. THE Iff FSX8B IS SOW 15 All TH1 GSOCKltl 1T0K1. ! Li