La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, March 11, 1910, Image 4

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Latest in
p"Ut .ed Daily Except Sunday.
'editor and proprietor.
CnttcdYress Telegraph Serf tea.
DaiU. single copy 6c
per month 5r
' lly, six months In advance ...$1&
.rir. ana ve&r in advance .....KM
feekly, six months In advance .. 75c
Weekly, one year is advance ....61.C0
Entered at the postofflce at La Crania
as second-class matter.
This paper win not publish anr
article apieartng over a nom de
flume. Signed articles will be re
ud subject to the discretion of tai
editor. ' Pleaee aim your arttclea end
,-its disappointment
Advertising Bales.
Uat reading notices 10c wr line
rst Insertion: per line tot eatb
subsequent Insertion.
Resolution of condolence, oc a line
It" ia evident that the era for uni
versal peace has not yet arrived. The
British government, through its for
eign officeB, baa declined the sugges
tion of Secretary Knox that the Hag
ne tribunal, by international agree
ment be made a permanent court of
arbitration, and our own secretary of
of navy planning a gigantic battle
ship, to surprass any craft afloat
Notwithstanding the Incissant labor
of peace friends and the almost uni
. tersal consent to the proposition of
arbitration, as correct In , theory
militarism rules.
Secretary Meyers proposes the bull
ding of a battleship of 32,000 ton dls
t placement at a cost of 118,000,000, and
It Is asserted that proposition Is lav
orably received by the members of
' the naval committee. This Leviathan
of the deep, however, will not be au
thorlzed this year. To begin with the
building of two 27,000-tou ships, one
repair ship, two colliers and five suh
marines will be asked for, and then
the eighteen million dollar- monster
Abu wuen iur mo on uuiti wo su
ited States will be the leading nava
power, provided, of course, that some
Other power does not get ahead and
launch a twenty million dollar one
. At long as navies (are a necessity
Vncle Sam certainly ougt to have the
strongest and best equipped that can
' be obtained. It will not do to rely on
Innocence when hungry wolves are
looking for their dinner, nor ou in
ternatlonal treaties as a defense a
gainst land-grabbers. A strong mill
tary force is the only thing they res
pect, no matter what soft words there
diplomats may utter. As long as
might is right we have no choice than
to prove that we are right by the only
logic accepted
But for all that it is our duty as a
nation to labr for better Internation
al standards, for arbitration, peace,
the reduction of our armies and nav
! les, and the economy and lnternat
! lonal brotherhood that would result.
! The mlslon of the United States In
the world Is one of peace and the In
fluence that makes for peace will be
at work until the blare of bugles and
thatramn of armies will he no more.'
As pointed cut In an addres of the
Honorable David J. Brewer, Associate
Tiutipn of the Sunreme Court, before
the New Jersey State Bar Assoclat -
inn Miam ara thraa areat forces In,
our etYlMiaUon oach of which Tolce
for International neace. First: the
Jmslnees interest, they dread the de
struction of property, second the lah-
orer, they are beginning to realize
(hat they were made to pay the enor-
tern and
mouB cost of wura to furnish the
men for ite batlefields and grare- j
yards: Third, vromen. She Is not for
ever going to nurse her hoy to throw
him under the wheels o! the merci
less chariot of the Goddess of War,
to pleaf e the war lords. Woman is a :
potent force to the life of this coun
try, and Bometlme she Is going to de
man that international quarrels be set
tied by civilized means, In order that
her boy may be, as God Intended it.
the support and wmfort of her old
u mum) vi pence ia aure lo in-1
umph. But somebody must work for
it. Somebody must sacrifice means
for it And the labor of anlightment
must be taken up with the people an
not only with the statesmen. It is a
great work of world-wide scope awl
one that all should enlist In. Salt
Lake Deseret News. '
Property owners Interested should
and as ar as. possiblean lnvestaga-
t!on of the kind of street pavement
trat is best adapted to our require
ments. There are several standard
klsds, each manufacturer presenting
laims of superiority. AH of these
rhould be given a fair hearing be-
f rt we jump Into accepting one with-
oti' investigating. Because some oth-
e? city adopts this or that kind doet
iot always mean a wise selection has
hoen made. Too ofter there Is i
'nigger in the fence."
There Is a possibility of hay be
comln some cheaper. Winter hns be
come a thing of the past and those
who were holding their hay find In
some instances mat tney nave a sur-
plus. This winter insures a big hay
crop for Grande Ronde. :
V !
A rake mixed with two hours of ac
tivlty makes a wonderful difference '
in the-appearance or the front yards !
these days. Too early to tackle the,
back, however.
The rumor ls once more semi-offt-1
dally current that we. are to have ajBlong the way of llfe Tne pr0,,
Hfw depot this year. It certainly a
our turn. Pendleton and Baker City
were so favored in 1909..
. .
Come out and hear the High School
yell at the tabernacle meeting to
night. Lest we forget, our annual city
election takes place next Monday.
(Continued from Page one
selves to the task of helping to get
their friends saved. He says the
devil never has a day off, he works
365 and a quarter days every year
and puts in extra time occasionally.
The special feature for this evening
Is the attendance of the high school
which comes in a body and will oc
cupy a Space provided for It. The
subject of this evening's sermon Is
Ezekiel 33:1-7 contained the words
of the text last night "Again the
word of the Lord came to me say
Son of man, speak to the children
of thy people, and say to them. When
I bring the sword upon thy land. If
the people of the land take a man
of their coasts and set him for their
If when he seeth the sword come
upon the land, he blow the trumpet
and warn the people;
Then whosoever heareth the sound
' of the trumpet, and taketh not warn
Ing: it the sword come and take him
away, his blood shall be upon his
, own head.
He heard the sound of the trumpet
and took not warning; his blood shall
be upon him. Bue he that taketh
warning shall deliver his own soul,
ld Saturday,: Marctll & i2
Domestic Hats w-n
But If the watchman seeth tht
sword come, and blow not the trum-
pet, and the people be not warned;
if the sword come, an dtake away an.,
person from among them he Is taker
away In iniquity, but his blood shall
I require at the watchman's hand.
So thou, O son of man, I have set
thee a watchman unto the house o'
Israel, therefore thou shalt hear the
word at my mouth, and warn them
from me."
The spbject of the hearty discourse
was "personal work"
God called every man and woman
to Him that he may make Chrlstane
of them. .Every Christian is meant
to be a personal worker or lose the
right to be known as a;. Christian.
God says: "Go, work today, in jny
vineyard." We are to work In our
homes, in our neighborhoods, with
our loved ones, our neighbors, our
business associates, bur enemies, al
ways and all the time. Jesus said:
"My Father worketn hitherto and 1
work." We are not above our mas
ter. The word of the Lord tells us
plainly that unless we repent wr
shall perish. Loved ones. If daugh
ter, husband, wife or mother Is In
danger. It ls not the degree of
guilt, but the fact of ';
trouble with the intelligent people
of the day Is that they do not Word
of God before they form their con
clusions. They try to cut out the
terrible features of sin and the con
sequences of their unrighteous deeds.
Some old lobster goes around prat
ing saying there is no longer any
nell Jn the jjible oi tn the universe.
He lg Bmpiy switching souls and
ditcning them, and sendng them to
the he41 he ls decrying. The hottest
pace Jn hen is the place for such a
Chrtstains plead they have no time
to help otherg tQ Je8ua Cnr,8t 0nr
Magter and alwayB ,ia9 tIme
The evange,Iat tnen !n hla own
1(, an(, buginp,,.,.,,, 8tv1e, told of the
assistance Jesus gave to the persons
h . . h, whom he
NIcodemus, if he though he could
get personal attention and a private
and particular notice given him. was
deceived ; for the Lord said "Xico-
demus, there la no other way; you
must be horn again, Just the same
as the beggar, the thief, the lost man
or the lost woman." He had time,
even at the midnight hour, to hear
NIcodemus. He had time to hear the
woman of Samaria at the well, the
crippled bum who lay helpless at
the pool for 38 years, the blind man,
the woman taken In the act of sin
ning, and all who apply. He would
stop making a world Just to say to
the meanest sinner "Go sin no more,"
J. A. Cates, 1904 3d street
Geo. L. Cleaver.
Mrs. A. T. Hill, 1806 3d St.
Mrs. A. Anderson, 507 Adams Ave.
J. W. Porter, North Fir.
Mrs. Humphrey, 1108 O. Ave.
Mrs. Smith, 6th and Penn.
C. O. Green, 2211 Cedar St
I. R. Snook, 1503, T. Ave,
Mrs. Laura Davis, N. and Green
wood. Miss Berntce Ellsworth, 2502 N,
J. W. Oliver. 1714 6th St
Mrs. Mary Noyes, 1426 Wash. Ave.
From Johnson's Arc-light
I am here to make It easier to do
right and harder to do wrong, and
all people look alike to me when I
preach the gospel of the Son of God.
It Is my business to burn holes In
millionaires as quickly as In hoboes.
The church Is not the end but the
menas to an end. The church that
I thinks It Is the end had better rot
When 1 shoot Into a flock of ducks
they fly I know the ones I have
hit Ton had better not flutter these
days or people will know yon. were
Remember we are here as your , 3
guests. We didn't ask to come, so
let's be neighbors and friends. I'm
here to pour out my life's strength t
for you and your homes. !
Believe God as you do your grocer;
and there will be no difficulty in see-'
Ing the best results from these meet- J
God pity the person, who seta up I
son an danother for their daughter!
son and another for hteir daughter. I
.M ... - - - . - ' '
1. it w. v mw, .v. kuo nwuicu Ui
the churches there wouud not be
enough people around to carry the
The Inconsistency of the believers
and the professors is what hinders
the word of God. We say and do
not ".'
NSome folks are ready and perfectly
willing to study for clubs, get oyster
suppers and work themselves to
death for society who cannot find
time to study the Bible enough to
find the way to save their children's
Spokane, March 11. It is reported
here that the Great Northern ls plan
ing a 1? mile tunnel from Chlwau
kum to Skykomish to escape a repe
tition of the Wellington disaster. It
will be the longest tunnel in the
world and will cost between $20,000,
000 and $50,000,000.
Young Men
want clothes with "snap" and
"class." These features can
best be secured by having
your clothes made to order by
The new Spring line com
prises the largest and "swell
est" assortment of Scotches
and Cassimeres in Gray
shades ever shown.
The clothes are guaranteed
to fit you and to be flawlessly
We win be only too glad to
show you through the line
no obligation incurred on your
1118 Adams Atenoe.
iirSo '.L; Smith
f. la terence walker .4.;)1:(es
' ' me:: t of
Wednesday, March 15
PRICES Orchestra Seats $1.50; CrcVstra Circle $1.00; Dress Cir
cle 75 ets.; Gallery 25e and 50c. Seals on Sale Mondoay, Mar. 13
F. J.:riCLMES. Vice-Fres. SHER V CCL.V, 1LLIAJVS, 2nd Astt: Cs" h
. F. L. MEVERS, Cashier.
United Slates Depository
Capital and Surplus'$lSO,GCe.OO
George Palmer C. C. Peninetnr
l' J. Koimbi
YV. Chui "
, . . Meyers
With our ample resources and facilities we can ren
der you effidtnt service and handle your business
to your entire satisfaction
Spokane, March 10 Former Just
ice Gordon of the Supreme court was
placed on trial today for alleged em
bezzlement of nine thousand fr6m
the Great Nlrthern.
Bargains In Real Estate.
NO. 1. 157 acres Sandridge land,
near Imbler; a good five room
house, barno and other out build
ings. 10 acres good orchard of
' which 8 ls In good bearing; 30
acres In fall wheat, 10 acres in hay,
balance all good grain or potato
land, all under good fence, one mile
from the town of Imbler, 1-8 mile
from school. About $1000.00 worth
fit nearly ne household goods and
farm lmv
goes with the
place ai $16,956, Easy
I Mo ...
- at. good ban
..endings. A
.- tu'ty orchard, 60 cre. ...
nd timothy hay, good wa
ight K. F. D. by the door,
v of a mile from school. About
4400 worth. of personal property
goes with the place at the price of
No. I. JO acres adjoining the above
tract: splendid land well adapted
to trait growing or aaythlag else.
A smart house and aader fence.
Price 81306,00.
No. fp-60 acres,- T mllea from La
Graade. Good aew t-room house,
G. L. Cleaver
F. M. Byrkit
W. L. Brenholts
V. MlPierce "
good barn and other outbuildings.
Two good living springs, and a I
etream of water for irrigation; all
nder good cultlTatlon. R. F. D.
by tho door. Telephone line. Price
No. l-j acres near the Con-1
rtly ware houses, all in tali whet
nd alfaif. hay; good improve-)
ttwts. if sold at oace eaa be pur
chased tor 6M.aev.Mi.
NV l-"A "Mdern 6-room house and
lot 60x120. in a good location and
eash termi for istnaiM
. No. Two lots oa Fourth street, 4-
nouse, sman bam, city water
MdgoodwelL Can be sold ea the
metallament nlan tor itmu
No. a.-For m6.06, on of the best
m Town; 7-rooa house,
tonefoundatlon. Tw. lota, a snap
N--Thm room km and one lot
oajsltraon at Bona faratohed,
J w: wood shod oa tha allay,
J1' ow pries at ma.
i flT room rick modern
, ' orcUrd- tree
an fenced for f:00A.r9.
V1"4 ,0r eottaga oa "O"
U cIom ta. two lota, etty water,
M wood shed. Oa easy terms at
JMremarkably low pries of 11406.
I wttl bo pleaaod to show yoa any
of tha abort Wrgains at any time,
whether m hay or ae.
Toara reapoetfanT.
C J, BLACK, tKoalCstatai
- - . .... 1 - . i