La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, March 03, 1910, Image 1

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T",?j titi rTj rvP Hv"? pr-y
-juEAH E,.u.kS) LAiiwLY Eli., j
j , III mnlus brought t La Grande Is
-: ; badlj char--ed and burned rrobab
ij, Its that fellow sought refuge In the
' : mined the ties pinning- him. In and
j : fatally Injuria; him.
. Charred and disfigured remains ol
nvhat was apparently a tramp ' who
Ifaad sought shelter la a hut so fa-'
."miliar along the main line-construct
ed by sectloa men of railroad ties
rtTere extricated fi-om a section hut
. .near Crooks this morning by a Tel
5 caset helper engineer, and have been
'.brought to La Grande today by Coro
ner C, T. Bacon and Undertaker D.
'C. Stevens of the Henry; & Carr es
tablishment While there is a remote
".possibility of murder and subsequent
attempt on the part of the murdeder
vto cover u phis crime by disposing
of the body in the tie hut, and ignit
r Ing , it later, there ; ; is hardly any
plausibility ta that theory. It; la be
lieved that the coroner' Jury called
rat a late hour thir aftcraoon, will re
turn a yerdlct of accidental death.
-The remains &T6 la the Henry & Carr
iVcti? oais.
r f t -
Our assortment of Radios
outer garzisntsis very Com
plete a! ihii store .tjoii
delighted vtih the line
Mt Coats
foa .cr find hurt all th$ popular nsv
crecfJnsin Fcngs&,ldiagQnqls. Jaffetas
0 " rcL'ifrccJ sk
Serge Coats
Jkas3 popular Coats in styh and fit
art Cunsurpased in beauty usefulness
short and ful lengths,
Cravinett Coats
Jhsse are the coats ycu 4 will want a
is time being especially gcod for the
crlj season.
New Capes
Jhe popular demand cr tfas g r
msnts Continues to grow do not fail to sse
cur selection all garments altered free.
establishment. . '
Meagre informatioa reached the ci
ty this morning calling ti3 coroner to
the scene. The engiueeron the.b' U)
er was passing the tut when he no
ticed It to be afire. Alighting from
his engine he attempted to extin
guish the blaze and discovered t-i
his amazement the body of a human
being. - The authorities were tame
(liately notified.
When found by tho corner, ih
body was badly burned. One foo
was burned off and a greater portion
of the entire body Is charred. The.-.
Is a hole t nthe skul Indicating . t
those who advance the murder theo
ry that he had been shot before th;
flames licked him. Such Is not feasl
I le. however, for tad the skull boei.
fractured before the 'ir). reached thr
l)0ly. the brains wouri uave been Im
mediately consumed by the flumes
The brains are only partly consume
inrt ther 'are teveral clmr ijhyslcst
reasons why the hclo I ntho skull I
t.fh"t'b''IL wound luflicted.befov
he firV7eac!:ed hlnl; "";r" -i:;
, The rrohahij Tilery
('oroner iiacon unofficially . a.,
ances the .theory that the fellr"
i uamp who sought shelter In .ft?
ittle hut so convenient to section
men and , oftentimes used , by troips
Shelter praces In storms. Mre ts
flen placed within the hut and meals
prepared that way. ' The supposition
fs that when th man In qustUri U
tmnpted to do the same ihir.s, te tell
isleep and the fire .got beyond con
Uol at 'the same time. It Is brobab-
ie that the fire undermined the foun
. iatlon of the hut, precipitating the
ties on the sleeping man, I'fnning bra
within the walls of the heavy ties
and at the same time fracturing bin
skull. - " : '-r
; Eldentlj L. S. Kenncr.
- The coroner'g Jury found evidence
to Indicate that the man's name is
Si. S. Kenner. " A badly burhed letter
I rom . his brother, I.. R. - ICenner, at
Orton, Garfiald county, Utah, does not
. . (Continued on Page 2.Y' '
Will 6b ;
ij II
p. :
ilalS ...
, J.I J
' C.EC J vnilf LL
!rt sectloa of congestion cf trains
from the east will be In La Grand
about eight o'clock tou!0'ht Sev-
.ral Southern
Pacllic tralus and
7iHsserigc'rs"wUa tnem
i. it time.' .
klstera passengers, express and
;ii.iU will reach La Granda for the
'h-t time In three days and nights,
vi'fcu eight passenger trains will ar
' i 6. on their way to Portland. The
i xwill be here about 8 o'clock to
j.j. lit, according to the present sched
u'u arid the other sevun will follow
as closely .as possible,' and as quickly
as, equipment can be supplied. ; The
trouble at Glenns Ferry, Mountain
Home, Nampa and Caldwell have all
been repaired and congestion broken
late today. -:'..v.-'
Elgin Still Termlnifs-! '
While the trains from the West on
the mairi line are running on time,
and while there 1 Is " Immediate relief
in sight from the East, the status of
affairs on the Joseph branch is still
uneacourasinft ,f -- -';''.
Just aa rapidly as the company can
remedy the troubles : there, service
will fce resumed. . At first It will like
ly be of the transfer sort, and in
about a week's time at the latest, the
huge slide below Elgin will be clear
ed, , i.-i,;VT::.:- .'
, It is thought by local offlcials of
the 0. It. & N. that the transfers can-.
not be made for at least three or
four days, and eyen that is specula
tive. - ' ri;':k.vr,;i,.rsr;J;.
Chicago While Sox Coming
Among the many trains headed for
La Grande this afternoon are several
Southern and Union Pacific trains
that have been sent via. Portland on
account of washouts between Ogden
and San Francisco. Among the pas
sengers on them ; are the Chicago
White Sox seeking wanner climes for
training quarters. It Is. not known
'Just what section the ball tossers are
coming on, but it will likely be well
along in the evening before their
train reaches here.,, ,v .
Employees f French. government
owned road w III ' rrIko :; - '
- Paris,. Mar. 3.Empioyee8 of the
government owned railroad are now
threatening to go out on a strike
today unless they receive increased
pay. Engineers are the prime mov
era. National union employees have
decided to support tne engineers by
a general strike.
naif of Grand Forks Burnrd.
Dawson, Mar. 3.-Half, of Grand
Forks, the famous metropolis of the
Klondike, was burned. The fire start
ed in the Grand Hotel, the once no-
norious dance hall and gambling re
: . Say. Fonda Misused.
Taris, ;Mar. 3. Serioua - charges
that relief funds In the hands of the
authorities have been misdirected are
contained In resolutions adopted by
merchants today. Funds subscribed
by the French government and for
eign nations were intended for relief
of teh destituto. - The resolutions de
mand an accounting for the millions
I ' llll'
vl w 1 b
eat r::.iiLincivESCOTE-
r -
..'arly lu the day twenty-nlne dead
Jiave been rcmowsd from Wreckagt
f trains' swept over embankment
, iuar Everett, 'Washington Gruc
Death list nufcrtalru
.Seattle, Mar, 3-Tke Great Xorth
; rn Issued an aunouuecment this
-uorning ghh'g the, lead at Welling.
:(m as S3, .All the ciissln'g are 'fig.
.;red in the estimate as fleua. .The
company says the list may be too low
.v toe liigh.'. ;
Everett,' Wasli. Mar.' 3.--Witri 33
bodies recovered ; at Wellington ' to
lay and S4 stil; unaccounted for, the
railroad company estimates that 73
ire dead in the avalanche. Those
missing must be counted as dead, v
; The report of a new avalanche at
Wellington is denied absolutely to
day by railroad officials. The lasst
courier to reach Scenic through the
atA U,aJ ,(..1,1.. . . . I
'".D.l"OT luni lu 'ebCU0 ort
in full awing, , Hig message was
u Mi 4 o cicck , vui3 morning. Ttie.130 horse power,
company, list of passenger and em- ( -
ployees on the wrecked train la 103
Of th
these 29 are positively accounted
' The railroad is attempting to -get
4 train through to Wellington today,
it left Everett at 10 this morning
with newspaper men, supplies,? doc
tors and nurses, - '
. Twenty-eight temporay , tombs in
the snow, each with the body of one
lost i nthe avalanche and marked
with a rough board dot the little flat
Just East of Wellington today. . It
will be fully a week before the line
Is cleared. It is impossible to bring
the bodies but and the snow will pre
vent dissolution for days. Five, un
dertakers and assistants left Scenic
early today for Wellington,
vender Engine Five Hours
''I was under my engine for Ave
houra. It was snowing hard and pil
ing around my head. Twice I gave
up and said 'It's all off' and then the
rescuers came." This was the story
of fireman F. A.' Bates on the engine
of the mall train, who reached here
today from Wellington. He Bald that
everything ' was covered with snow
again and it Is hard to tell how many
are dead. '. When he. left they had re
covered 15 bodies. ... ' "
: : Umatilla Falling Fast
. Pendleton, Mar. 3. The flood is re
ceding rapidly and all danger has
passed, . The Umatilla fell three feet
last night and Is Btill falling.
Danger Over AT Fallraan
' Pullman, . Mar. 3.--Trafiic is
tied up but the danger is pver.
river is falling, .
' . Fifty People Stan lng
Seattle, Mar. 3.The new town of
Lacona on the Milwaukee road 50
miles from here near the summit of
j the mountains, has been cut off from
me ouisiae ior two weeks by snow,
and people are starving. .
folfas In Dire Danger.'
. Colfax, Wash.,, Mar. 3. Many are
mteaing and dozens of families are
homeless, ' dwellings and business
houses have been swept from' their
foundations, Is the condition at Col
fax today, as the result of the floods.
The water is now receding. . Damage
is estimated at $200,000. Many per-
gons were rescued, from house tops
SIdiiy'of tla tilaor cases i''udlng're
set;!?! out cf court
Several miaor cases were settled
!n circuit court tt-fgre Circuh
Judge Knowlea. Among them wer
D. McDonald v. E. L. Bryant, settleci
ud dismissej; Rock Bros. v. B. F
vvebb, and National Cash Beg-talef
'jinpany against B. F. Webb, settled
-rid dismissed; Etate.v. Win. Donald
v. Ai L. Rice, settled and diamis
1,' Eastern Oregon Qutfminj Cor;
, ..fiy v. Julius SJ'ibiier et. al., ettlt,i"
:il dismissed: Hansen Bros. v. H. li.
".nkin, sotted and dismissed; Ad
'.'nk & Frltts v. J. L Smith, settlei'
::d dlsmiised; State v. Mw. Donald
.. 'ii, dismissed.
Saved By Bream
Kccnic, Mar. 3. Awakened 15 mtn-
tea before t'ae Wellington blide and
literally forced to dross and walk tt
tlio bunkhouse just in time to escape
U lu.hudeta.iimULXR
irfH'e" "slorjnrircp&rica Anrr;iliir
engineer of Leavenworth, told today.
Andrews says he was awakened from
a fiouud Bleep at oa'e in the morning
and was unable to go back to sleep.
His mental impression -of impending
disaster was so strong that he finally
walked to the bunk ..vie; oth
er men were sleeping and sat down
on the steps alone. :A few minutes
later came a rumble, then a roar end
flying particles of snow cut off his
view. When U settled, where the
train harf'been but a few minutes
before, nothing remained. - - ; '
Will Use IIoDoplane
San Francisco, Mar. 3,An attempt
at flight in a mouoplane weighing on
ly 3 CO pounds, one of the llgWest in
the world, will be made Sunday at
Richmond hv CMfTnrA H'nrlnn tha
l 1 .
California , inventor. The engine Is
dat-t9nly 80 pounds in weight and sup-
1 x
,: Handlers to Irrigate land"..
Freewater, Mar. 2." The ' ranchers
Of Pine creek and Hudson Bay are
making applications for incorporation
under the name of the Umatilla Irri
gation company. -If they succeed in
getting; this through it will bring a
large acreage of land hitherto un
used under cultivation,' that is first
class land for fruit ; an dapple or
chards. .It Is planned to bring the
water to the land by means of a high
ditch and they are filing on enough
water to Irrigate over 800 . acres of
land. One of the principal promo
ters of the acenie in addition to the
local land owners is Mr. Wlntenr
Graham of Walla Walla.
You liko to trade at a store where
yu are so treated that you have de
sire to come again.
W'e try nlways to provide that sort
of treatment for our customers.
We appreciate tire trade of the pub-
He and this appreciation finds ex
pressia in a constaiit endeavor ' to
make our customers feel at home and
to make them feel that we are endeav
oring at r.H times to furnish, the be it
possible goods at the most reason
able prices. - . -
i; NewUn'ffiuq Co.
n' 1
la,'-"! '! ft ..' u ,,r- .
f. "f
floated e:::;e liver
Gorge at Oro Bell breaks ana;
night and chauint slowly
worked through the tuenacitrr :urso
at rerry hrn'zf SL'itre I.;-t
Is wlthij IS lilies of record fctflt
0 ft' e vhtr.
While the Grande Rondo river in
dulged In a wild rampage lust night'
sending great floes of ice thundering ;
agtinat the bridge, piers and rip rap
f ..'(? the course of the fctream', prac-'.i''
tkilly Rll menace from 'flouting lro'
has dUapjieraed this afternoon.
' This afternoon et 2 o"clok the Pal-'
user mill reading 6howed that the wa
ter la eix iacbr-a hlshe than It waa
at tie tiaje hour yesterday.' Ice
quit Cowing this aiieruuva. -,, ,v.:
. ". Coasty Court tails scene. .
The County Court and Bridge Bu- '
perlutendent Campbell Bpeut inofdt of
the morning up the river and report
that there is little danger ofrxiore
than trlSlng" damage, for the Eight
frosts in the mountains check the
water. By . tonight another volumi
nous amount wlU have rcai hod here
ani.,tho water will riag to recede
again tomorrow morning. 7 T'.
J ' ; . '"( Ice Gorge Brcuklng
i The . congestion of ice Juit above .
Oro D?U broke awa last night and ,
is being rapidly , carried down the f
river,, Some of itwas thrown ;hish
and dry on the flat' near the Palmer
mill.' : I. .':''-;:'' A''.''
jAt Perry where a large gorge was
formed yesterday and for a time men-;
need the new Bteel bridge, ther is a
gradual working away and another
night of high water will tear the prin
cipal part of it away. This done,
there will be a clear channel for the
high water from HHgard and unless '
all past stages are broken, no dam-
, (Continued oa Page Two).
subscribed. v this morning.