LI CUE2 J .! ' r h f Ve have in a frech lot cf Queen Olives in bulk Heinz bulk Sweet Liked Pickles 99 91 9 tt tt ft Bottled Goods Fresh Vegatables every Veek " Bread, Pies and Calces. J Eoyal Grocery Bakery fc.. l!-!!'! " "m,r uMn,m,nm, " , , -,'' J. ' i - "";"U illinium. n V!e Want Tour Wants W IN lToui want is placed before ft very day-Can yoj afford to want au where result are the FO 8AIX Jj'uu i tiAUhi Pedigreed female Fit' bull terrier. A snap at $10. Apply hi Pacific Express OJBce.- FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms for gentleman. 17i0 Second Street, or phone Red 1972 2-24-t8. FOR RENT Four room dwelling at 1912 Adams. ,$10. Inquire at this fflce. . ..., 2-24-t6 ; FCU RENT Furnished front room for geatelman, close In. 1710 Fourth Bt Phone Red 052. v FOR1 RENT Furnished rooms joi housekeeping. Call Mrs. Zuber. . To the ladles Mrs. C. H Whitney of Baker City, the face specialist, will be In the city at the Sommer hotel from Tuesday until, Friday, with a -full "line 'of .toi let goods. Ladles please call. 4 ..v:: " 2-26-3-4. Iluivy !a '- ; : ' . To Klr'3 fj'l -v:y C!?. U las started off with a urry and five beantfos have tavr.fl ?--' x I If you are ever going to'owVn i.Uuj'l Bow is the time'. to securer .Thn'i are going to clean uo all v " - . ' Ihls territory at unheurrt 01' pvicis. You tan inalte. your owi ivma und trad? it a th o!.I.'f!!"rnwnt. frr the same as cash. A number of bargains in used pianos and prgans from $25 up. New pianos as low as $tf8.00. Every Instrument guaranteed and one year trial free. : . ,. EILEK3 PIANO 'HOUSE. Iloted Sommer Building, 107 Depot st. Ladles Attention Mrs. A. D. Vandecar will be founl at the ; Hotel Sommer In Room .4, with all kinds of hald goodB. She will make all the .latest' batr 'goods from jour own combings or will fur nlBh tho combings herself. Call and let her tell you what she can do. - ' 3-2-5. ? Xrpro Poslmtsfer i.Km4' " Edwards. Miss.. Mar. 2. A 'shock. fSTr" by news that he had been supplanted as postmaster here, ie be llftvcd tij have caused the death of K. B. Perkins, the only negro post master in the state. . When told the Sour Plain " Dill Pickles Chow Chow J Ad Column tnouiand or mace want-seekers 9peid one cent per ward of you? Itaynotai? - ' 'ttttrtttttt M WASTED. v ANTED Ulrl for genera hous warn, inquire of Mr Charles Cochran, corner of Second end Wash mgtou. .',' w Am LD A woman to stay even lngs with two children during th. taoernacie meetings. Phone Main 708.. - , , : . ' f 2-28-3-5.' WAIVTLD To borrow $1300 on goi real estate security ...Address "h" Care Observer. ' ijunt fail to examine the $1.00 hair brushes In our window You will be surprised at the quality! Thl;i week only. NEWILN DRUG CO. 2-25-28",-;, WANTED A girl or woman for gen eral houseworkt Phone Black 481 2-28-3.5. Plase Your Orders Now. , : . For Buff Ofphlngton eggs. Call and see my first pen. Write me or phone. Both phones. Logan &. An derson. Cove, Ore. 2-28-3-5. President had appointed a white man to the place, Perkins fell unconscious and died In a short time. ; Tigers In San Antonio San Antonio, March 2 San Anton los basebatl grounds have been put In shape to serve as a lair ' for . the Tigers, the Detroit champions of the American League, who will spend tin month here. Several exhibition gnrnte w!U be played with Morris Blocks' Lrwho team. The first of next month the Tigers will divide into two squadr and Bet out on an exhiblton tour. Hughey Jennngswlll pilot one team, the one that will set out for the north via New , Orleans. Bill Donovan will, in all probabilities the acting manag er or the oteher team that picks the Southwest as Its scenes of exhibi tion games. ' r .'.'.'. ' ; ' Fall Hoard .Meets Si-dalia. Mo.; March 2 The annual noting of the directors of the. Mis ",'j t State Fair was held here today, t v; -rrange the catalogue for the ten vb vnnvial fair, Following the fh sriv'H.ns;. the . Executive Committoe of f -State Board of .Agriculture con vened and T. C. Wilson of St. Louis Succeeded George B. Ellis as secre tary of! the board. STATE mm ITS EVIDENCE LOUDERMJLK SOW PRODUCING HIS EYIDEXCE. Litigation hinges on whether or not the Stat owns the land All evidence to be presented by the 8tate In the case of Townley vo. Laudermilk. was given in this morn ing and Attorney Hodgln Immediate ly introduced evidence for the defend ant , The State has been trying, to es tabllsh the fact that the land in the Union district which the men 'ar carrying legal warfare over, was oi l ginally swamp land and as Buch it would belong to the State and as th land was drained and become fit for cultivation, the5 State had a perfect right to give title to the land which It did to Townley. The defense advances the argu ment that the land was not swamp land and consequently the State had no right to give a deed for it The entire litigation hinges on whether or. not the land is swamp land. v. " It ls( impossible to state Just when the defense will rest its case but to nignt or . tomorrow, at the latest, Is the general' impression. ' Many wit nesses have been called already,' DOCKET IS L050 0E Motion day brings out fact that niany cases are to be tried Today was motion day before Judge Knowles preparatory to the arrangement of the docket for th- circuit court, which begins Mondav The indications are that this well be the longest term held In many years. There are morn msna at i me ready for trial tha common. Thin s accounted for by reason of thr 'net that the last legislature changed he time of holding the spring term rrom February to March, extending 'he former period one month. The first case, to be tried Mondav morning is the case of Mrs. Newllr vs. J. W. Lindsey. followed hv Prni Brown, administrator, vs, Truax. On Wednesday morning the fira-t crim inal case will be held, In the State vs. Rube Chandler, charged with per jury. . ' - : ". Judge Henry and Commissioners Selder and Galloway are In session today looking after the financial work 'ng of the county, looking after the roads and other county matters that require consideration each month. 00 o $ $ rr i niei 01 Police " I hereby announce my self a candidate for the of fice of Chief of Police for the City of La Grande, at the coming election to be held on March 14,1910. R. L. MATTHEWS. 2-2-9. 4 A A BASQUET PROGRAM READY List of sneakers cIionm fnr VrMar - - a iuh night's big banquet A complete list of toasts for the banquet Friday night in honor of Evangelist Johnson, has been select ed, and follows: . - v AD BANQUET Banquet Prozram Toasts Df. S. W. Seemann." Toast- master. Prayer.......... Rev. F. E. Gray Music Cochran, Cleaver. Cochran Williams . , . The -Church and the f!nmmnniiv W. L. Brnnholta The Churches' Challenge to Men P. R. Bridges. Music.:.....: ;.Chas?' H. Gray The Relation of the Church to Busi ness. .; Rev. H. E."'McU'. What Men Expect of the Church - Walter M. Pierce. What ttie Church Expects of Men Tev. F. M. Canfleld. The Meeting, . ..Rev. R E. Johnson Slicing.. ......... Led by C. TI. Cr.iy 'rayer..,...;.....Dr. J. D. Glllilrn I'nloB llnnd to Give Dance. On the evening of the 17th of M?rch the Unio.t band boys will give; hard times uance In the Opera house. -Hon Republican. , : OXFOQDS The Host s Ever stiV For In step and 'X o 20 skin. 3 o C0 o X o OXFORDS V , Oood-bj to Lauder ; New York, March 2 Harry Lauder, the Schotch comedian who has made a tour of the country' from coast to cast, sails today and will not appear 1 .hi. ......... ...t. . ill lino nuuui.i; ngaiu iui uiau jcnio. It Is understood that Lauder Is tak ing back with him a small fortune in American gold, as well as a loving cup and other trophies presented to him by admiring friends on this side of the waters. Lauder says that his only unpleasantness experienced la America was the fun that was poked at him on account of his penurious habits. '' . ' . " ' ' ';'-'.' German Diplomat Promoted Berlin March 2 Baron von dent BusBche-Haddenhausen, former coun sellor to the German Embassy at Washington, and for the past five years In charge of American affairs In forlegn offices, left today for Ar gentine where he will assume his new post as German minister to Argentina This appointment is considered a high tribute to the with the constantly growing commerce bet ween South America and Germany, the Buenos Ay res post has become very Important. As the metropolis of the southern continent, the Argentina capital la the stragetlc center for the war of commercial conquest which Germany Is now, carrying on. t Good Roads for Canada, Toronto Ont., March 2 Higway Improvement experts of the United States and ; Canada will deliverad dresses before the convention opened here today under the auspices of the Ontario Good Rords Association. 'A pood, roads system involving 3,000 miles in Ontario will be planned dur ing the conference, which will conti nue In session for three days. Engineer Has Smallpox Engineer Fields is suffering from a light attack of. smallpox. He has bsen quarantined and It Is not ex pected that the disease will appear In a virile form. Debate rtil.tles. " . Berkeley, Call., March 2 "Resolv ed that a Public Utility Bill Similar to' the Hushes New York Bill should ha adopted in Ct-llfofnia," Is the the question to be debated tonight by the Congress Debating Society of the University of California. OXFOHDS Complete line Shovm in La Grands NEVER BCPfKLa HAYB TB SHOWN SUCH A STYLISH NEW FOOTWEAR FOR 8PRINO AND SUIOIEU AND IN SAYING THAT SUCH A COMPLBTH LINE HAS OUTSIDE THE BIG CITIES ' ' Ladies and Misses Utz and Dunn nnd Pingrees ankle straps pumps ia Tan Brown, Patent Leather and Calf Button Oxfords In Tan with S uede tops, patent vamps with dull and ' Suede Tops and Calf Skins. Ties of all descriptions la all ot the newest and latest lasts( Prices $2.00 to $4.50 'f. Fot Men And :Br) : e: Tilt's Oxfords ' A last to fit every foot and a style t o fit every taste no matter how parti cular. Tan, Patent Leather, Vice Kl d, calf Skin and Ox Blood. Prices $3.50 to $5.00 . THE QUALITY STORE OXFORDS it . . BCSSErS HACK LlNli. . Beat . of terlce,' Uajr ano Night Hacks varau&ea tor funerals and private tana. Baggage transferred Day and I e KiAuU mi Pft'ol'a Cigar Store .'Phono Red 141. Nlcbt 'P&cno Main 2 ' '; . k. l. uussirr. m W P W W ( 1 - ' - I Notice of Bates. , The Southern Pacific Co. will sell tound trip excursion tickets from Portland. Oregon only, to Los Ange les and return as follows: . . Date of Sale, March 19th. The go luii! lkali ill. be six days with final return limit ot 90 days from the date of tale. Stopovers will be permitted en going trip within the going limit on the return trip, at any point en route within the final limit. There are r two kinds of tickets to be sold. One; ticket is a straight fare ticket the other is a ticket : that Include transportation on the railroad, Pull ma saleeper, on going trip, meals in dining car on the going trip, 'Hotel acommodttlon, special drives, . elec tric car rides and otber special fea tures. On the straight! fare ticket the tare will be $40.60. On the special feature ticket the fare will be $80.40. The : tickets under the . $40.50 rate will have to be validated for return passage at Los Angeles. . The other tickets do not require validation. Please understand that these tick ets are sold from Portland only, and passengers desiring to take this trip from this territory will be required to furnish their tickets to Portland and return. . . Any fuither Information desired by Intending passengers can be secured Trcm this ofitce upon application.. . J. H. KEENEY, Agmt. Notice to Creditors Estate of Cflvin R. Thornton. De ceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of Union county, Oregon, sitting In probate, adminis tratrix of the estate , of Calvin R. Thornton, dece8sedt7and all persons hatteg claim's against the said estate ,are hereby notified to present them, duly certified, to the undersigned at her residence In La Grande, Oregon, or at the law office of Jno. S. Hod gln, in said city, wkhln six months -OXFORDS o O o CO ' of Oxfords LINE or WE ARB RATI NOT BEEN SHOWN ' ' ' X. o o CJ OXFORDS from the date of the fir.4 publication of this notice. ; First Publication, January 25, 1910. 5 . PARA L. THORNTON. Administratrix. ! -." ft ' " : ' ; :;.''' ALL KINDS : OfM CANNED AND FINE SMOKED SALMON AND SMOKED HADDIES 4 .'. ' ' : CITY GROCERY : t& BAKERY 6 1 1 r.J t4 J : ! ' i 1 . ;'1i 1.1 a : ! I V