SAMliOMlS- A i '.-4 r il t UNDER HH7 LEADER at mi , mmmM n li 1 ! li'M' t " . ' , .'.'." i i . . - .. .. . . . . , j Summerville, 30 - 35 Touring,5 pai. $1350 50 " 7 " 2000 30 - 35 Roadster 3 " 100 PRICES F. 0. B. FACTOBY : ' ' "The Mitchell" cars are not built merely to. run. The least, not the most an automobile can do Is to run.. We eroect'more than this, as do Mitchell owners- Mitchell cars must run with minlmun atten tion, mlnimun fuel, tire and repair co st and A minlmun of nursing - '. . Mitchell cars are rendering. service the world over from pounding over stage lines across the Nevada deserts and the, California moun tains to spinning along the boulevards of a thousand cities. ' -., Come and see ns and let us demonstate its good qualities to you. Phone Ind. 27A -jmB.-."J. ! -! UU-gjai -.ILL !!.! . ...'. "'. ' 3fc " .. - ( ' .. , , . . - ' sTggyy1"" " 1 . . 11 " Min in wsy pmfaMi ii nip, , ,,,,11, mm mi ma ', The rainy season is now here so let us repair that leaky roof or put an eve trough across that p rch step that is always getting you wet. We carry a f ull line of plumbing fixtures also the celibrated Sampson Wind Mill. The only double geared ; mill Dinning force lift p .mps pipe shut in and pipe. BAY & ZWEIFEL PLUMBERS AND TINNERS. 2il DEPO) Complete equipment for resetting and repairing" rubber buggy tires, )-:.';! ''i !''; " GRANDE IRON WORKS ;;".: D. F GERALD, Proprietoi Complete Machine Shops and Foundry mm A RAT 1 0 3C The EfiteDying and Cleaning Works Steam and French Dry Cleaning l calied for ani delivere !. ' ' ' Oregon P. O. Box 17 SIRltl THAT IS WELL MAINTAINED IS , : oub omcAL mux "', 'v When you come to us to have your eyes fitted we ascertain the exact con ':uon of your eyes fitting yon care fully with the lens that relieve your eyes completely not by making the eye accommodate itself to the lens, but by ' having the lens fit the eye perfectly. ",.-.,.y- ", ' ' Our experience and genuine skill assure you of E7T ACT work always au'd without exorbitant charges. 1 adles uik a pe?ialltr. Goods "; : ' ' Krst lease; r few and peptrtar .fcetel will ke eea- Uasei tjniec new aseNxeat A deal was - consummated today which transfers the ownership of the Savoy Hotel equipment and lease of the building on Jefferson and Elm from Adna B. Rogers to David C Brichonx The new and and popu lar hostelry will, be managed byMr. Brlchoux from now on, Mr. , Rogers retiring from the management imme diately. "The latter will resume!bis former position with" the Wtlllatason land ofllce fi;': '' .' '- The Savoy has enjoyed a prosper ous run since r Us opening a few months ago and the new management will aim to keep the establishment on the same popular ' basis. ,' Mr. . Brlchour,,; will continue his land office in the Foley building sb usual. ,.' " V yrATIOX fOXTJQ SOON Unlcn county teachers will meet with 800 others at Pendleton. . m".v :'M-'; mv,-v ., About one week, at least four days, of vacation are In store for Union county schools when the greatest ed ucational meeting of several , years will take, place at Pendleton on Mar. 22-25 Inclusive. The Eastern Oregon State Teachers Association, compris ing Union, Umatilla and Baker coun ties, will , hold their convention at these dates at Pendleton In conjunc tion with the convention of the In land ' Association comprising Idaho, Oregon and Washington.. This terri tory will bring togeteher about 800 teachers and it is planned for every teacher In Union county to be pres ent. .-.V : ,' Present as prominent part-takers 1n the coming conclave of pedagogues vlll be W. L. Bryan, president of the tnlyersity . of Indiana, Doctor : Sah ford Bell of Denver, Colorado, and Robert Clark, president of the Unl erslty of Montana, i ; , ; ; i County Superintendent Bragg plane o have about four days of vacation ip the county that week that all teachers can attend the meeting. I; Trinccton Baseball Princeton, N. J. March 2 Marc will be a busy month for the baseball squad of the Tigers. Active work on the diamond. has commenced for the Southern trip, which Is expected to put the players In trim for the big Eastern and New England colleges, Princeton fans are enthusiastic at the pro8pects,and confidently expect the Tigers to win a victory from their old rivals, the Bulldogs of Yale. ; The schedule follows: ' March 24, Richmond State League at Richmond, March 25, Richmond College at Rich mond; March 26 and 28. Georgetown University at Washington; March 30, Bowdoin at Princeton, April 2, Dick inson at Princeton; April 6, New York University at Princeton, April 9, Ur inis at Princeton;. April 11, New York (American League) at Princeton, Ap ril 13, Villanova at Princeton, April 16, Columbia at Princeton, April 20, Williams at Princeton, April 23, Brow at Providence, April 27, Trinity at Princeton, April 30r Brown at Prince ton, May 3, Lawerenceville at Lawei enceville, May 4, Penn. , State at Princeton, May 7 Pennsylvania at Philadelphia, May 11 Fordham at Princeton; May 14, Harvard at Prince ton, May 21, Harvard at Cambridge: May 18 La Fayette at Princeton, May 23, Harvard at New Yory In case of a tie; May 28, Pennsylvania at Prince ton: June 1 Amherst at Princeton, June 4, Yale at New, Haven, June 8, Holy Cross at Princeton, . June 11, Yale at Princeton, June 16 Yale r.t New York in case of a tie. p. Chlcagbs Fashion Show r Chicago, March 2 Chicago will be the meca of the well dressed and ot herwise this week. Men, Women and children' and especially women - will have an opportunity to view the latest styles In sartorial elegance at the fashion which opened here today at the Coliseum. ' .J , ; . ! . : , , ; . More than clothes will be shown. The proper way of wearing teh ar ticles exhibited will be demonstrated In the various booths with live mod els Fat women wll be 6hown how to dress to make them appear thin and March 27 vill t nev clotlica tlicm novf made as you vant cloth of your own selection, by Mercftanif Tailors, Chicago A price range of $20 to $40 Vill j cecuirc you clothes of thej highest quality, on style to fit and satisfy. Wed like measure today iv ; r, vice versa. The short will learn how to appear seemingly tall and the thin man will be told Just how much hi tithes should T be padded, what pat terns Bhouldbe used In their con tructlon to make him & modern A dqnls. , ;," ; r:y The show will last one week.- : H T. HATOTT. p Hank Sidewalks Biilh , anl Kepalred. Gxca Uuk nd ", 4 t Filling. Phone Btsck 1562. OOOOOO Ow I Kingsley & Xogei Shoes Repaired T ! Two first class workmen. t All work turned out with dispatch and guaranteed. THE OLD PRESTON IT AND. m,4 4 Candies Our reijralat S5e r pound lines oar makr. aWIolt l) imrr, we knm It and i UH t our mnunfactnrlnK department will n conviiKe yon. OUR Jil'GOEfS are trra.n ?r, the flairg t re, Strawtury, ehorolat nil Va- ftit In lonr lexers. fICW WRIXKLE Try tils E. D. Selder i- Grande' Etch she Can dy Manufacturer . Notice of Final Settlement j ! Notice is hereby given, that 'tLe underrlgned, administrator of the es tate of Anna M. Stearns, deceased, will make final settlement of, his accounts wltlt said Estate as such Quality coo be here, and for tho cccacicn, you DRY CHMU WOOD I am prepared to furnish Dry Chain Wood, al so partly seasoned wood, to all comers. Kind ly phone your order to V. , BEAM PHONE RED 3741 tlEVJ TURBMS, . . ' TRIC0RHE HATS SMLORs FOR SPRItIG VJERR. E. M. VjELLMAU & CO. ADAMS AVENUc administrator on Saturday, the 12th day of Mrach, at 10 o'clock of said day, at which tlmo all objections to said final account vlll be heard and the estate distributed to the heirs at law of the deceased. "7.;; , Dated at La. Grande, Oagon, this Sth day of February, 1910. , .v.'.'-:'--'- :, J. E, STEAEKS, . AdmInIgtr:.tor ct the estate of Aaai M. St arns, Deceaaed. i Cochran St Cochran, Attorneys fo Administrator. ' 2-114-11, ... :WILLC0CK brothers: . 1 . tuickTranskr: i ! 'Phones: , - Night Black mil 4 Notice to Contractors Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of the Recorder of the City of La Grande for the construtlon of a 2,000,000 gal lon reinforced concrete reservlor, to be construted accordng to the plans and specification now on file at this office and to be teen at any time dur ing office hours. A certified check of five per cent, of the amount of the if ycu d:ir chculdcrd ! M itlicni, from .. -;v;:-,7r. 7 cuuuj: j the dot of jto take your V bid must accompany each bid, and all bids must be In by Five o'clock p. m4, March 24th, 1910. The City re serves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated at La Grande this 22nd day of February, JJ10 . D. E. COX. ' .: Recorder of the City of La Grande. 2-22-8-23. v Baying Lawsuit Did you kuow that placing your re liance uj a warranty deed la simply bidding for a lawsuit? In California this fact la to woU understood that a warranty deed Is looked upon with suspicion. It Is for this reason:, If the title Is good it passes with the deed, and that It all there Is to i-no aead of a warranty. If bad. the adding of a wanauiy ' dor not make It good. ' , ' A warranty Is only a sort of bet a wager that you will have no trou ble, but if you do, and finally lose out, 111 pay your money back. A better plan Is to require an ab stract Consult ' J. TL OLIVER, ' dress miiuia PARLOR 109 ELM STBEET Ilavlng opened rarlors at the above address I am prepared to do ny thing In the dressmak ing line, l'luln Sewing also solicited.' Next door to Ada Bonsh phot .' '' '' ography Miss Emily Vilson t ! I i 1 1, A' A ... t 1 ' V Is Mi