'J..' I i5 V0LUII3 XX LA QHA1IDE. UHX03 COUNTY. OEEOON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH i 1910 NUMBER 102 V 8 ORGE FORMS s ABOVE PERRY nrrrnrc mn dicpc it ifL i ALbLULt) flflll IUOLO At l aTERVALS DURING THE DAY AD NO GREAT DANGER NEAR ItlTKR nAS 1'CT REACHED ritlTICAL STAGE AS TET I'he loch rise in three boars today noon but at Perry, Indications arr that waters are receding Gorge ai ferry Is wiuun two teet of tne new bridge and covers large district above the structure With an ice gorge forming in the Grande' Ronde river just above the new tp"l -bridge at Perry, and water receding and rlBing at frequent In tervals at various points along the river today, there is both evidence of danger from that source and again but little cause for general alarm along .the shores of the river and in country likely to sufferat times of floods. LaBt night the river went up rapidly at Perry forminf a very for midable gorge at the bridge. The bridge was built four feet higher than the old structure, but nevertheless the ice has formed a gorge that is within two feet of the structure, and should it be raised with increased flood waters, damage is likely. Receds and Rises Again. Reports from Perry today say that the water has gone down con siderably today and on the contrary, officials of the Palmer mill whosi property is In direct path of high floods and who keep In touch wit': 1 the river perhaps as closely as any one, says that the stream rose tiv-s Inches from 10 a. m. until 1 p. m. At the present time there Is no danger in sight at the Palmer mill and the chief object to be watched today iu the sudden giving away of the gorge at Perry. Tributaries Rising Rapidly Reports from Hilgard, Starkey and .ther points up the Grande Rond. iver and along tributary streams. i lees encouraging. Tue river is jjqhRE DAIS TO GET Hing very rapidly in the region or t u i key, and at Hilgard all trlbu ntj streams this afternoon are snowing rapid iacrease In volume. As soon as the tributaries become inglng torrents, which they well be tomorrow provided they am not ef restively checked by frosts tonight Ihe Grande Ronde river will read, real flood stage within 24 hous. Te! ephone messages from Hilgard ave. that Five Points has formed an ice jam at the logging companys bridg-. an workmen are attempting tocles. It. T'e Irgflng road is already cov arv oi a ' onBlderab! distance th -' wJ'ti w-er. Mr FEET OF !!R SWEPT HAT ELGIN OVER CANYON IMON PACIFIC TRAINS WILL BE ROUTED OYER THE 0.R.&N. IS WORD FROM SALT LAKE BRA5C1I 1IXE IX SUA?! lit: ruiMiIou as to when Idaho trou its' Kill be straightened up Stul- 'u Portland late this after- .r-r.-t f WO PASSENGER TRAINS IN THE MOUNTAINS NEAR EVERETT MEETS GMSOME FATE 11VEXTI-TIIREE DEAD RECOY. ; ERED EARLY IX THE DAI. I'L'ddy M..y Hare ilookwonii Washington, Mar. 2. Friends uf Roosevelt are worried over the state ment of Fritz Duquesne, the note-. African hunter, that Roosevelt is likely to be stricken with either tlr: Hleeplng sickness or African Fevc nfter hi? return to civilization. New;? rrotn Africa that fever has been av t earing in the wake of the party is prompting the prediction. Various means of guarding agalnr,! the disease suggested by sclentlsl. familiar with the conditions to l; confronted, were followed out close! by the members of the expedition. JYew Coats and Wraps Our assortment of adies outer garments is very Com plete at this store you will be delighted with the line Silk Coats Uqu vill find here all the popular nevt creations in Pongees,vdiagonqls. Jaffetas 5:i rain proof silk. Serge Coats Jhese popular Coats in style and fit are' unsurpased in beauty usefulness short and Jul lengths. Cravinett Coats Jhese are the coats you will vant at this time being especially good for the crly season. New Capes Jhe popular demand for tt(s gar- ments Continues to grov d) not fail to see Z I . If J I . our Seiecuon an garments uiiereu jrue. TH fl fill O encouraging 0. R. A N '( i i: brief bait ,. t LOOD SITUATION .;n.n Fatl3-j troins to -rme via Lat Graude. Afrr bvief trouble 0. R. & X. is clear. lO mous landslide be ow tlgin. No tralb trorn the fcaec yet 1 .Ttland trains many lieu b' late. T.o tsca-ie and come to Everett to tell the story of how two passen ger trains were swept down nioiin tut nMp n iiM . rum fo,.j . . Vast amount of anew uccom:anIc the avnlin:I:is. break their way through Into Wel lington. Official Death List Given. Seattle, Mar. 3. The traffic mane Ker of the Great Northern officially announced today that 25 are dead, and 16 to 25 mlcslng and 12 injured in the Wellington avalanche. The Great Northern has a man strugglinr. tcrotigh the snow, from Wellington to Scenic Hot Springs, where li il; graph the list of the dead. T. man had not reached Scenic at one o'clock. - CHAUTAUGUA ORGANIZATION Patten Will Xot KeUre. , New tork, Mar. 2. "Speculation is the spice of life" said Wheat King fatten today as he was departing for Knrope. "There is nothing like tak ing chances. It keeps you young unci luj.py. lie denied the report thut life would retire within a short time, having mane $12,000,000 In speculation. He sbld it was impossible to corner the wneat mantel. ALL TICKET HOLDERS URGED TO ATTFND A CALL? D MELTING TOMORROW AFTFRNOON DIRECTORS TO TRAXSACT ALL BUSIXESS SECESSARI il A jk. A A. A. A. a ..n avalan.'bo of mud measuri-.ij. 100 feet in length and averaging r depth of 20 ifc3t has effectually pu c crimp in Lu Grande Joseph traffic for a period of many days. In addi tion to this vast amount of trouble, there are several minor slides in tho canyon and for perhaps two -days or t ore Conductor Grady and his crew will he kept snugly secluded in Wal Iowa county, plying between Wallowa and Jossph. It i3 Impossible to trans rr acros3 te Elgin slide as eeventl -rfr.or elites in the canyon keep the tr Ins many mi'.es a;:art at the lies. I rn.'ciat'cn sent In to the dispatch ?r'rf oftice today from Conducto .ugh'-n, says that it will requi:'. bout fo"r daya to clear the new u:d enortricip -Hle which covers tin track! a ittle les3 than a mile be yond Elgin The exact rture of tha other nn.l minor slides is not yet known. ThI Is already the third day of isolation for Wallowa county, despite all ttv O. R. & N. with augmented gangs of men and machinery can do to clear the right of way. The mainline of the O. R. & N. is clear again this af ternoon. Teleghaph dispatches from Salt Lake say that the Union Pacific 1b going to route Its trains ovar the O. S. h. an dthe O. R. & N. for a period of 10 days until slides between Od den and San Francisco have been cleared. Stub Train From East This afternoon a stub train from Huntington Is marked up for o'clock. Loial officials have no In formation as to when rhe O. S. L, troubles will bo righled and Eastern trains reach La Grande. It will not likely be today at any time. The Portland train arrived about 4 o'cloc! this afternoon. ' Derailment On Went Ei.d. Studying American Newspapers Evemtt, VVaih, Mai. 2. Twen'y three bodies recovered, 25 still miss i:ig,and 20 injured is a summary o! the casualties of tho snowslide tha' -swept two Great Northern passenger tt'aiiiS down the mountain side earl) yesterday. Tvd trains, three engines, fou lectiic motors, one rotary and Su leiluiend.nt O'N'eai'e private ca wer hurled to the bottom of a dee' anyn at the West portal of the tur. u. Though tii9 sllie occurred !(! Jn the mornlur; it was 10:30 b- ;i: the passenger train could b IvvBtod, so enormous was the amount i snow and debris. Everything was jr'pletely burled. I reports that Welli'iipton was h swept ..way by the Klklesj are ei San Francisco, Mar. 1. Will vIr-v-i, a newspaperman, magazine writ r: and author, is here today gather' V3 material for a series of articles vn the Amer!can rewspaper and its - elation to the tlm?s. Ke expects r spend several months on the coast -liking a Btudy of thi Bubject. Ke New tabernacle on Fifth street Is the meeting place of all ticket holders , for in Important meeting tomorrow plete organisation will be order of the meeting. Definite organization and banding together of all tlcketholders in the Chautauqua guarantee will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 when all thos? who subscribed for tickets are S called to meet at the new tabernacle 111 visit the important cities of thecu Fifth 'street. At this meeting ev- vorthwest, and lieuies he is a muck i .iker. . rwln sayea tkit In a general way iif Americau yaxr is rapidly Im . ifl'-g. SenSilioLal Journalism Is ng out of fashion. Ho does not ',' ow why it Is but perbapa the pub . i Is growing tired of too much sea-M-nlng. El E FAS Trains from the West, Portland anil other points, were many hours late today. A derailment at the extreme West end held Number Six until a late hour In the afternoon and for this reason there will be a complete isolation here until late in the after noon from either direction. Xumbcr 10 Annulled. For the first time since tho flood period commenced, there was no mail from Portland today. Number 10, the fast mail train which arrives hens In the morning from Portland was annulled early in the day. (Continued on Page Two). lOiieccs. .fu iwu principal bui'.Jluns in th llliige, the depot unT the hotel, a r !'-!ii'l'i'K and no uauiage was do:i I mom. 'J ie tnins were all stauri 1:.k on the 3ldc track a few hundro nis troin ihe st tt'e... A partl.i I ?t of the dead Is. Trainmaster A. R. Wackbnrn, K R. Longccy, secreta. y to aupririnteo'' utU O'Neil; Ixiuis A'alker, porte. .! he private tar; W.'itchman .ToIidhc! O'Neil is believed to be safe Newp from the tte-ne cf the catas viophe i coming In slowly, owing tr i he blockaded condition of tha track uiul prostration of tslegrapt lbies. J.;hn S. Rogers, a real estate man. "ho with nin others strugglej through the diifts from th estall-sd train, told the foMcwIng story today. "By the time we reached the moun tains there were about 70 passen gers aboard. Early Wednesday moni Ing we were stopped at the Enst pov tal of the Cascade tunnel. We stayed there until Friday. On Friday nigh'. ve loft the East pcrtal and a few hours later an avalancha wiped ou the bunk house, killing two mn. W pulled through the tunnel as far nK Wellington. Sunday we noticed or the top oi the old switch back of v an enormous cap of snow hanging I lecarlouflly on the side and clinging (o hoaroe timber. The sumo day 1 su wthe nnow elide coming down oi. tl'.e eant hide of the hotl. carryln the- timber with 't in a great ava lanche of snow. That night ther was another slide that tilled a T.o foot gulch.. .saw the :ifow silrto loming down on of the rtain. Th'Jmcn.ire of that Im menes snow ca; was a pall on on' spirits. It wfis the most enormous accumulation of snow ever known lu the mountains. D'lrlncr nil the time we were there it snowed continuous ly with a terrific wind driving the uiifts." Wires to Scenic have boon down all morning cutting off news from the K.cene of the avalanche. One of the relief trains is due back this evening with some of the injured, according to Great Northern olllclals. Frisco Fires Numerous Ran Francisco, Mar. 2. The Ban oft Building and contents was dam ii.ed to the extent of about $50,000 . y fire last night. The origin is, un t i'!oa. ThW-Ja. the fle.cQpd fire Jn '. i; building within aweek." The val- ;.nle 'stunk ul Butler-Schultze com , : ny, whclssalo uull'ners, on the 3d 'tier, bird!y da'uaged by water. Frt"i?h VMlr r.tl c- Here .ew Yo k. Ma.-'-3' S -KMenne Emilt! l:uie Boutrc.i, th1 Fionch philosop her, accompe.nied lv his vife, arrived .r.r today from Pari to iclivera sor es of lctiiref; at th j Ha: atd Univer ":ty. M. Boutrou ind h.s wife whilt r. the United States will h the guest f William James, formerly proffes por of philosophy at Harvard and will visit Washington paying their res lie"ts to the Prslftf.nt ery subscriber for Chautauqua tick ets is expected to be " present that definite organization can be made. A set of directors from which .officers will be chosen, will be elected and every subscriber will have a voice In the organization. This meeting ts all-important and every lady or man who has a voice coming should make It a point to attend -ne meeting. It will not be a lengthy affair, transaction of busi ness and then adjournment, being the plan. . It . Is not permissable to allow a drag or, postponement of business in thts" affair. The time Is rapidly draw ing near when a well organized asso ciation must take the reins and per fect all details for the coming initial Chautauqua in this city. "Attend the meeting" Is the watchword and an urgent cry from Chautauqua promoters.' Architectural Exhibition Pittsburg. March 2 The Fifth Nat ional Archetecural Exhibition was opened today In the galleries of the Caruegie institute, where It will re main In public view until March 16. Over 88,000 people attended the last exhibition in 1907 and 100,000 are ex pected this year. we dDoce anmcfl Yotfl (Comme AoaooD t You like to trade at a store where yu are so treated that you have a de sire to come again. We try always to provide that sort of treatment for our customers. We apprec;ate the trade of the pub lic and this appreciation finds ex presslu lu a constaU endeavor to make our customers feel at home and to make them feel that we are endeav oring at r.ll times to furnish the beji possible goods at the most reason able prices. Seventy men with provisions left j Everett this mr.rnlng nrd will go asj'v far as possible Into the mountains, i' and then leave the trails and try tow I Newlin Dtus Co. I i . : 6 I? -f ' ' r.-r" " ' '' ''"' ' '' 1 A i lJ J J i yUkMSX