HAKK TUA5GILAB AITA1B. For TtVn . lis A n Arrangements ; ! attempted that will T-r , gire all a fair chaste. V. viz PBWMSMlj SHSBBBBSa sasSMBSl BHBMBM SISSlBSIlSBSBBBBBBBa 4 Cylinder 30 - 35 Touring,5 pas $1350 6 4 tt it a 50 - .." 7 30 - 35 Roadster 3 " PRICES F.' O.U. FACTOR! i 2000 1100 At the Instigation of local debaters and debate promoters, a triangular debate between Pendleton, La Grande and Baker City mar take shape In the spring. : When. Baker City and La Qrande tied for honors, and made It an expensive proposition and an in convenient system iiecessary if dual debates were used to ferret on t the real champolns of Eastern Oregon. If the new plan ?revallseach of th' three towns will hare two teams anr the-winners In that way . will stand for the chomptonsbJp of everything in all of Eastern ; Oregon. On the other hand the winners of the loca dual debafet will hare to prepare for and meet Pendleton in another dua: affair. -: ' -. ;, s ; ':; 'X "The Mitchell" cars are not built merely to run. The least, not the most an automobile can do Is to run.. We expect, more than this, as. : do Mitchell owners. Mitchell cars must 'run with mlntmium atten-'" tion, Mlnimlnium fuel,-tire and repair, cost and .a-maximum of run ning . ". " ' ;.'v ' Mitchell cars are rendering Service' the worJdoveF-;-from pounding .over stage lines across the Nevada deserts and the California "taounVf W HUNT DEAD. Well known In Grande Bonde valley ''' ' Ballt Hint roaaV; tains to spinning along the "boulevards oL a thou8andcitles. Come and see us and let us demons tate us good qualiUcTlo 70S," .4 Phone Ind. 27A P. O. Box 17 up-to-date sleigh. Will convert your buggy or vehicle into an Enjoy this fine sleighing while you may. BAY & ZWEIFEL PLUTJBERS AND TINNERS. 211 DLPO) STREE1 Complete equipment for resetting and repairing rubber buggy tires. A , GRAN0E IRON WORKS - D. F GERALD, Proprietor' Complete Machim Shops and Foundry &ai::ir:a tm THAT IS WELL MAINTAINED OUR OPTICAL WORK IX A RATIO When you come to us to have your eyes fitted we ascertain the exact con dition of your eyes fitting you care fully with the lens that relieve your eyes completelywiot by making the eye accommodate Itself to the lens but by having the lens fit the o perfectly. Our experience and genuine skill assure you of EXACT work always aud without exorbitant charges. Q..W, Hunt, a well known pioneer resident of this section, and talldei of the Hunt road, now the Pendleton- Posco Northern Pacific branch, ' !f dead. ; He died Saturday at this, homr at 811'Irvlng street, Portland. -i. The following - account ,01 . his lire .. anc work is from' the Oregon Journal a Born in New York in 1842,. he siariea west wnen oniy 10. . uoij they reached Denver, Mr. Hunts com panions accepted a jot shingling, but Hunt' refused" employment, declaring he had determined to start hi busi ness for himself. For a time he found nothing- One-day he met by the merest chance a man with two yoke of oxen who had become too ill to continue, his work. Hunt hired ttu oxen" for a dollar per day yer yoke. Then he found a wagon which he paid a dollar per day for; Began Teaming Business. In this way he began his business of teaming between The Dalles, Boise and Ogden, a business which soon reached considerable proportions and formed the basis for his fortune. Af ter coming to Oregon Mr. Hunt built more than 500 miles of the O. R. & If- and Northern Pacific lines Through his work much of the then desert region was opened up for set Mr. Hunt built and operated seve ral short lines of railroad In the vl cinlty of Walla Walla. His last ac tive enterprise was the conducting of a large farm. - Four years ago, after 16 years of residence in the vicinity of Portland, he was taken ill and never left his bed again He survived by his wife and four children, Char les W. and Cuy L. Hunt of Half Way, Ore., C. C Hunt of Nyssa, Ore., and Lily M. Hunt, Portland. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Union County, ISSSSSSSS3SSSS The EliteDying and Cleaning Works , ' ' H. b" wAUflEXEB, Prleift Bteam and French Dry CIeai;l oaned for anl dellm1. adles Mk a tpe -ialltf. Oood PhoneFfiain 6kf f: ahaffey Buildiw Depot Streel Nellie Farmer, Plaintiff, vs, Cleve Fanner, defendant, Summons: in the name o fthe Sate of Ore gon, you are hereby summoned and directed to appea rand plead to the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit and court, on or before the 8th day of April, 1910, the same being the last day of the pub lication, of this summons, the first day of publication hereof being Feb ruary t5th. 1910. And If you fall to appear, answer, r otherwise plead within the said time, the plaintiff will apply thereaf ter to the afcOTJ entitled court tnr lefault against you for such failure, and demand the relief prayed for in ner complaint filed herein, to-wit For a decree forever dissolving the rionds of matrimony now existing be tween plaintiff and defendant, by rea son of defendant having deserted and cause or excuse and without plaintiffs cause o rexcuse and without plaintiff consent for more than one year Im mediately prior to the commencement of this suit; for cruel and lnhumat treatment of plaintiff by defendant and personal Indignities inflicted by defendant on plalntff as set forth In the complaint filed herein to which reference Is hereby made; that plaintiff be decreed her former name and alimony from defendant: that any and all rights of defendant in ana to tne SW 1-4, NB 1-4 Section 12, Tp. 2, It. 35. E. W. M. be cut off and extinguished and the same be de creed to plaintiff; for her costs and disbursements herein and for gene ral relief. . ...This summons Is published by-"v'lr- mm 0 I-- it--" March 27 will soo be here, and if you d new clothes for the occasion, you should order them now, made as you vant them, from cloth of your own selection, by Merchant Tailors. Chicago A price range of $20 to $40 will ' secure ;you clothes of the highest quality, on the dot ;of style to fit and satisfy. We'd like to take yoixr measure today ' ' " r i ,' v TO tue of an order made and entered by Hon, J. W. Knowles1, Judge of the above entitled Court,' at Chambers, In La Grande, Oregon, on the 24th day of February, 1910, which. Order di rected the , service of this summons upon you by publication for a period of six consecutive weeks In the La Grande Evening Observer, a newspa per published at La Grande, Union County, Oregon. First publication Februay 25, 1910. L. DENHAM, A Attorney for Plaintiff. Feb 25, Mar. 4-11-18-25, Apr. 1-8. J Kingsley & Cogei I Shoes ' Repaired i Two first class workmen. All work turned out with dispatch and guaranteed: THE OLD PHE8TON UTANP , A.'. DRV CHflW WOOD I am prepared to furnisn Dry Chain Wood, al so partly seasoned wood, to all comers. Kind ly phone your order to ' u V. . B 71 PH0HE RED 3741 Candies of Quality Our ret;uli 2e prr pound linrs . ' r . onr nu msk. aiisolnlil) i'nr-, t wc kirn (t and v'Il U tvr Di'iuufacturluK drptrtmrnt will convince yon. 01 R M'df.ErS are vrcs.w.f, the fln'on re, Slrnw5rry, choculat) Bd V. nllla. C'f'it In four flavors. SCW WRISKLE Try (I'll BEST OF SVJIKHET REM. HUMAN HMR, COMBS, BANDS, BRAID PIUS, ROLLS, RATS AIID PADS. . 7W. WELLMMi & CO. ADAMS AVENbc Notice to Contractors 1 E . D. Selder Gnnie'EtthiUs Can dy Manufacturer Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of the Recorder of the City of La Grande for the construtloa of a 2,000,000 gal lon "reinforced concrete reeervlor, to be construted accordng to the plans and specification now on file at this office and to be seen at any time dur ing office hours;. A certified check of five per cent of the amount of the bid must accompany each bid, and all bids must be In by Five o'clock p. mm, March 24th, 1910. The City re serves the right to reject any and all bids. ' Dated at La Grande this 22nd day of February, UlO D. E. Cox. ' Recorder of the City of La Grande. S-22-3-22. Help Wanted. WANTED District managers, ag ents and socllcitors for new Whole Life and Ten Year 6 per cent Deben ture Bond, also best natural deatb and disability policy. No classifies- DuIng a Lawsuit Did you k iow that placing your re liance up a warranty deed is simply bidding for a lawsuit? In California this fact is so well understood that a warranty deed Is looked upon with suspicion. It Is for this reason: If the title Is good It passes with the deed, and that It all there is to it. no need of a warranty. If bad, the adding of a warranty does not make It good, A warranty Is only a sort of bet a wager that you will have no trou ble; but If you do, and finally lose out, I'll pay your money back. A better plan Is to require an ab stract Consult J. R. OLIVER. We hare a fine new line of Hot Water Bottles. Th are the reli able kind, are ' guaranteed for more than a year am", cost you no more than the doubtful :. .rt. Newlln Drug Company. , DRESS MAKING PARLOR 108 ELM 8TKEET Having opened Parlors t the above address I am prepared to do njthlng In the dressmak- Ing line. Plain Sewing uh6 solicited. t 'ext door to Ada Rongh phot ography Miss Emily Wilson tlon for occupation, race or sex. Good La Grande, Oregon, January 11, pay. Mr. Meek, 1041 Drexell Bld'g 1910 Inasmuch as at the present Phlla., Pa 2-1-9-20 ! time the cost of living is much greater in proportion than the pre vailing prices of labor, we r un dersigned carpenters hereby rasili end agree that after the 1st W of April, i9io; the uniform wag tor carpenters shall be 4.00 per day of nine hours. Instead of $3.60 as It is at present; and We hereby furtaer igree that ws will not do aijr wrrc st leu wages than the above rat Elgned-J. N. Kohl. W. A. Lndlker, Joseph Horstman, M. M. Marauls, Thos. H. Moore, F, B. Houstan. T. 8 Bplker, C. L. Spiker, J. 8plksr. a D. Goodnough, D. E. Cook. J. J. ClM ey, C. O. Greene, F. W. Pattlson, G. O. Chapman. J. L. Slater. W. P Nobis, I- D. Sheets, W. C. Kelly. Helsner 4 Robinson, E. W. Kammersr, I. lr. Strlnseck. Louis Wrbjit' l-lf-I-25. is' t I r , . i I ,. T' ":-T-l -, - l -m