THE ITTSUG 0 XSSZXTXi 11 G21XSZ, C22G31. ijif l " ' ' iwim . jm .m j , mJl '- 3 , vtMMM .A .J ' it'--- ' ' h'r: if, 1 Si t V 3 MM ? e liave in a fresh lot of Queen Olives in bulk Heinz bulk Sweet Mixed Pickles Sour Plain " Dill Pickles Chow Chow Bottled Goods 33 If ft V tt ii Fresh Vegatables every Week " Bread, Pics and Cakes. Royal Grocery Bakery !i!e Want Your Wan s : iv , Our Want Ad Column tout want, is plaQ! tllj'drs a umjan.l -,r want seeker ("STy iy CdB yo4 afford to ipciid on cent ivjrd of your want ao whre result art th kynoti? FOT S1LX. 4'Utt SALK. i.'ie room house, lot 4 a 119, an Cedar St between Malu ,nd '.Washington. A bargain If taken t once. It W. Leighton. Phone Red -GML 1-28-24. X-310R : SALE Pedlgreod . female Pit waull terriar. A snap at $10. Apply at i , Pacini Express Office. (r;.TOR SALE Household furniture f' aloxatiaracrIfice. Inquire 1603 7vi vjBtrcet -or phone Ind. 464. OK BEST. T TOR . RENT Nicely f urn Uhed rooms - x for;g.entleman. 1710 Second Street. -. r phoue.' Rfl 1972 WAKTED, COLOMST 1'LKiOD WILL OPES H WITH A Rl'SII Low rates will bring many and I'uiou county will profit. Commencing tomorrow, Spring col onist rates from the. East to points In Oregon become effective, and if the railroad officials have sized it up right, all records are to be broken. Tickets can be purchased anywhere in the East to any point In Oregon. Atlanta, Ga, rates are $46,65, and Missouri rver points sell tickets to La Grande or any Oregon point for $25. . . . ( ' .The Commercial Club la planning a Systematic effort to get its share of the Immigrants for Union county, an the local real estate agents are also on the alert. It is apparent that, .'rom letters received from the East, La Grande is better advertised thp ear than ever before and should reap a greater harvest In the matter nf securing new settlers. The first of these immigrants will not pass La Grande until about Fri day. . VANTED-To buy 10,000,000 feet oi lumber. Will take mill cut deliv.j. jd at La Grande or other Eaaivi ? uregon points. W. R. klvette, Box lv sV ANTED Competent woman , d aires position, nursir.g prefer iu; Call up Obresver for particulars. . 2-11-16. WANTED Girl for general house work. Inquire of Mrs. Charles Cochran, corner of Second ind Wash inglou. . , JL TORMENT IS' Z dwelling at Inquire at this 2-24-16 1 TOR. RENT cicely furnished room Fourth -street, close In. Inquire orust the Observer office. JL TQU RENT Furnished front room fi !or weatlniaa. -close In. 1710 Fourth Tt-Si. ..Phone iTTTOR RENT F.r n'K'ui! rons ft!' s housekeeping. Call Mrs. Zuber. ' "tV-uduftsraj vetting from Gto -C7l .VWlt -CHy Rwnnler D. Cox v' tlB lit'oyla who work lnt In thi . -wenlug a rSnne to t'iKter. Ite-,;.- Bember. thA rcglstrniln I los3 . . an March 4. 2-UI-21. Help Wanted WANTED District managers, ents and sojlclters for new Wholt Life and Ten Year 6 r cent Deben ture bond, also best aatural doatl and disability policy. No classiflca tlon for occupation, tf'-i or sex. Goo: pay. Mr. Meek, lOi Srexel Dld'K Phlla., Pa., . 2-19-20. ATTUNTION Mrs. T. W. King 1, ready to resume her dressmaking Call at 2102 Second Stvoet or phoi. Red 3411. 2-21-28. WANTED To borrow $1300 on gooj real estate security , .Address "H" Care Observer. DON'T fall to examine the $1.00 hair brushes in our window You will be surprised at the quality. This week only. NEWILN DRl'O CO. 2-25-28 . MlUlncry 'Onmlng "The first showing of early spring "iDorttil hats will bo eld at Mrs. 1 Smith's millinery Btore Saturday. '. .February 26. 1919. r CLASS C IS THAI Ll('OL ETl'K24 WITH THAI FACT ASSIRI lioM', 'uni)tH, and Rnkcr ( ity aoi U (Jet iu n lMgut. ityles iroir m Gordon $3.00 Hats Many new and attractive stapes in stiff hats, Fedoras, crushers and tel escopes. A shape to fit every head. Best for $3.00 John B. Stetson Hats A complete line of new novelties and staple shapes. Colors black, grey pearl, smoke, brown and blue. Also several new shapes in Stetson stiff hats. Stetson Prices $4.00 and $5.00 LONDON SLIP-ONS This season's novelty in spring coats stylish, practical, and durable. Wind Proof, Rain Proof, ust Proof. $15.00 and $22.50 1 E 77f Shoes and Oxfords. The shoe thats worth all you pay tor it. lhe-40- la is strictly new, not extreme, but extremely neat. Comes in tan oxblood and Hack in oxferds and Wgh shoes. Prices $3.50 $4.00 and $5.00 M d II o Clu8s C baseball under organized irotectlon is now an assured fact for a Grande, unless all indications juddenly crumble to pieces Grant' jincoln, the local promoters returned nla l'roin a B()i!eo of , :onference t N'aiUiia, Rolse and Baker City. Al! T these towns favor a league, but n ome rolnts the question was brought lo as to the auvlsability of having n the league the two Oregon tov,n3 Jaker City and La Grande, becau n transportation expenses. Mr. L.111 0I11 is confident these objections art imly minor, in fact, they have alread. been overcome.. . That ClasB C. ball is the partlcuia brand desired is also another fact Yesterday at Baker City Mr. Lincoln conversed with the mining town pro moters and found it true there that the "C" brand is desirable. Nampa has already subscribed ton stderable4,money for the club, am! will hold another meeting Wednesda) to decide definitely. The Boise Com nnrclal Club is behind the promotloi- there and the capito city is anxious to get in the gauij,. By Thurday it will be known deil nltely Just what shape the league h in. Embryo plans for a Western Idahc league were quashed by the appear ance of Lincoln in Boise, as promo ter of the Inter-state League; The other plans were immediately drop ped In favor of the now populay sys tem. THE QUALM Y STORE 1 ' .. - .1 ti .riln Une- or tne conveuuuu ars. ; there are five members of the cx- ii-utlve commit teev and the president, y Ice- president and secretary; arid the reasurer are ex-officlo members p I he executive committee. Mr. Meyers iolds the distinction of the the ex- hequer for the money handlers and for that teason Is one 01 tne execu tive committee. 7 . Plans for an instructive convention are already under way. FIRST WORK VERY SLOW LECTURE CANGELUD from the date of the flriit publication of this notice. . v . , Hrst Publication, January 25, 1910. PARA L. THORNTON." AAmlntatratrrz. "urinr trv th non-arrival 01 iec-' turer Powell today . the lecture to 44 have taken place this evening has teen- indefinitely postponed, other j notices tothe contrary in this issue notwithstanding. ; . - .' JUotice of Kates. ' t The Southern PacUiti ': Co. . ill Bell ,4 round trip excursion '-tickets tronij$ Portland. Oregon only, to Los Ange-1 lea and return as follows: ' f CASHIERS III PEND ETON a bu ; wrrlc Oa r - Mht Hac!t vurntdbed tor fucorala and private parties. Baggage trarcferred Day and Ktand at Tail's Cigar Store. 'Phone Rd 141. NMRht Thoni Ma! H K. ti. BCRHET. 1 WILLC0CK BROTHERS: Quick Transfer: 1 WANTED A woman to stay ' ever i togs with two children during the aaLbernacle ' meetings. ' Phone Main SXsy'X - ; '; 2-28-3-5. - rbniiei: , Urn. Km! 1t ' Nigiit. Black 11TI. e) e f,4 p W1IEU-T0WN (JETS NEXT STATE CONVENTION Money 'handlers will meet lu Eastern Oretroti next June. Fred L. Meyers, Cashier of the hp, Graude National Bunk, haa returned fn:in PoulanO where 'ho attended e meeting of the state executive toip- wlttee of the Oregon Bankers Asso ciation Several matters of import ance were discussed at a .vary ins lengths, but the chief motive of cal! 1 ing the meeting at Portland, was.lo Belect a meeting place for the next convention. Pendleton has been chos en and' June 24 and 23 were the dates BOARD MEETS FRIDAY TO TAKE FIRST STEPS, it will be well along towards June before actual construction of the new high school will commence, has be come evident. It will take about 60 days to get the bonds on the market . and cash can be realized. Concur- rentwlth the advertisement for the bonds, can be run the advertisement for plans and specifications, but It is plausible- that the advertisements for construction cannot well be let until the bonds are sold. It will keep the school board ex tremely busy to care for the volumi nous amount of detailB that will come np and It will be a task of a real sort to have the building ready for occu pancy when the school opens next year. The school board meets next Fri day night when the first prelimina ries will be taken up. The adoption 1 f the bonds Saturday has been pub lished in financial Wall Street pa pers today. Date of Sale, March 19th. The go ing limit will be six days with final return limit of 90 days from the date of sale. Stopovers will be permitted on going trip within the going limit on the return trip, at any point en route. within he final limit There are two kinds of tickets to be sold. One ticket Is a the other is a ticket i 4 straight fare ticket that include.9 transportation on the railroad, Pull- $ ma saleeper, on going trip, meals In dining car on the going trip, Hotel acommodctlon, special drives, elec tric car rides and other special fea On the straight fare ticket the fare will be $40.50. On the special feature ticket the fare will be $80.40. The tickets under , the $40.50 rate will have to be validated for return nassage at Los Angeles. -The other tickets do not require validation. Please understand that these tick ets are sold from Portland only, and passengers desiring to take this trip from this territory will be required to furnish their tickets to Portland and return. Any fuither Information desired by Intending passengers can be secured from this of.leo upon application. J. H. KEENEY. Ag ;nt. VARD TRAFFIC AT STANDSTILL. (Continued from. Page one' ALL MNDS OF r CANNED AND SALT FISH , V FINE SMOKED SALMON . AND SMOKED HADDIES Notice to Creditors . cea8ed.--Notlce Is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of Union county, MieKon, sitting In probate, adminis tratrix ' of the estate of Calvin R. Thornton, deceased; and all persons Estate of Cflvln R. Thornton, De having claims agabst the said estate are hereby notified to present them. trains and sent back agaln Trails Soft Everywhere ' Hanger of land slides and of soft lrks is becoming to be a problem. No tickets are sold here for ' points 1 duly certified, to the undersigned at east or Umatilla and Walla Walla on j her residence in La Grande. Oregon, the Washing ton 'division- on account , or at the law office of Jno. S. Hod of washouts. . ,., .. ' lain. In "aid city, wfchln-lx-months : CITY- GROCERY: BAKERY :6 I- ) i. in h IV! 4