f,v T' fit VLM Fl " CODFISH. HOLLAND HERRING, MA CKEREL. GOLDEN BLOAKER3 LIMBURGER, EMPIRE RBICK, RC QUEFORT. AND CREAM FATliSON BtbSMOCEmES Phone Black 81 I tiSH 1 111 ! .3 'if 1 i i U GRAMDt EVEHIHG OBSERVER Published Pafly Exceyt Sunday. GU011UE 1L CUBEEI. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. United Tresi Telegraph Service. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Oalli .' jingle copy .". .". i i ..... 6 ily, per month 8B ally, ilx months In advance .J..$3.E0 )aily, ona year in advance .....$6.60 Weekly, aiz montha in advance Weekly, one year in advance . . 75o .$1.00 Bntered at the postofflce at La Grande as second-class matter. publish any This paper wM not plume. Signed articles will be re vised subject to the discretion of tae editor. ! Please sign your articles and save disappointment r TiVeriiHfni Bates. Local reading notices 10c imr U flrit insertion; per line tor each subsequent insertion. Resolution of condolence. 5c a line. the ciyt his location Is such that It would be no small undertaking to ' reach here. The telephone line is out of repair and he Is entirely cut off from communication. The water continues to run through the pple and Inasmuch as Mrs, Propeck is with him they can enjoy themaelves and not be bothered with either so-. cial or political problems. They do not even know where Dr. Cook is. - . Of course Grande Ronde always has a bumper wheat crop but the snow this winter will add thousands upon thousands tof bushels to the yields in the . Umatilla and Palouse country. The deep snows In the mountains will make the ranges this spring the best for years. : POVERTY CURSE TO THE HINDU RACE THE GEORGE PALMER RETAIL DEPARTMENT We Solicit Your orders for SHIIvGLES V UBBEROID ROOFING DEADENiNG FELT BUILDS G PAPEP We ar tm" farhmas4 llTer strteJ sftaua lv. - HIXDC STUDENT ACCOUNTS FOR 8CAESITY OF WOMEN Not a few voters are reported to be agalnBt school bonds for the rea son that they under stand the new high school building is to be locat ed in the same grounds where the present central school Is situated. careful reading of the official no tice which may be found in this is- iia will reveal the fact that the Question of location Is left open to the school board. In other words the $75,000 may be expended In the Im provement of the present school kuiifUnira Imllrt a new hlch school and to uurchase ground. ' Not a few do not unde.rflUufl that the present -wthool la crowded bft 'cause'few; voters have visited the schools, neither do they realize that about three years ago our stundu'rd was raised to the 12th grade, this means that students are required to remain another year before they can complete the course. Tod uy w have 142 Btudents In the high school and of this number 2". will 'graduate, but it nniBt lm remembered thut the next 'school year must provide for about 100 promotions Into the high school from the grades. Thus, next ; year the high Bchool will contain over or uulte 200. pupils. When It ""is considered "that the present high school students are Occupying what ahpuld.be the general assembly room, never intended for a seating room and It Is now filled to over flowing, investigation will '.demon starte the fact that additional room Is an absolute necessity All of this misinformation comes form a lack of information on the part of the voters who desire to do what they Mnw ia rlcht and proper but do BUI-n - . not take sufficient Interest to make a personal Investigation. A partial canvass yesterday afternoon revealed the fact that the vote will be very close Saturday with the possibility that the measure will be defeated Nation too poor to send any women to America says student San Francisco, Feb. 25.--Terrlble, heartrending poverty is the sole Ini tiative of the great hordes of Hin dus who are seeking adims6ion to Am lrlca, according to Rajah Rao, who Is on his way from Bombay to Cam bridge to enter Harvard. He said that the same poverty Is the reason you never see any wo men among the Hindus ' coming to hla' country It Is about all the men can do to secure the necessary fare to come to the United States, thing. The abstract to of no tmla unless It can be relied upon. If the abstract is issued by a reliable com pany, it wj.ll pasa muster anywhere. Our abstracts stand the test J. R OLIVER. A t SHINING PARLORS For Ladles ana Gentlemen GniG Thatr Week Beginning February H Unequalled Vaudeville M ways Something New Professor Horn and His .Educated Dogs and Monkeys The Christies it.--- v A Comical Musical Act "Going to the Ball" Kenneth Carpy in illislrated songs Pictures Change 3 times each Week IVe Always Have the Best' oivie Den' t Show ANOTHER QUIET-DAY Philadelphia, Feb. 2.". Although general strike In sympathy with the street car employees seeniB remote today the question will besettled fi nally next Sunday at a great mass meeting. The presence of armed troops all along the lines today prevented any semblance of rioting and cars are moved with frenueney early In the day. Indications are that the au thoiitles will be able to hold situation in hand. the Tonight at the Presbyterian church the contest between the debating teams of Baker City and La Grande .m iiia tw Tti a miblect Is a IV tit twn.. ' " popular one throughout the United ; States. This evening the oratorical , teams of the Vnlverslty of Tennsylva, nla. Columbia and Cornell debate on the' same question, the commission form of government for munlclpall- - ties. Aside from giving the high school your support you will doubt less hear both sides of the question ably handled, thereby gaining much Information upon a question that aooner or later may become a live .Issue in La Grande as it is today in riniter City. In fact, a few years ago Attorney Finn advocated the j commission system here but it was never considered to any great ex tent. Come out and hear the debat ers tonight. Ed Propeck, who has charge of ' tbo headgftW of the Beaver creek project will never forget this winter, lle he 1st only 18 miles distant from I " -' '''" -v. r y-S' Hum a tcsi is an aid to ratlicr t' Vi'iir abilitv." . f fl :l;f .c-rc-i&cr. f4 tftlie'lmkiiiRrei'iilts X " "ifjuit sliotild try ii rSvtfrtjiii.iLuw 'v28ak f Olytnplw- f j it always makes 4$23 i I good things to cat. i JU It'"btUcr Ar0 U than ever." J U. A OXLY VARLOR IN THE CITY COURTEOUS TREATMEST AND FIRST CLASS SERVICE FOR TEN CENTS Next Door to the light Office Open Until 11 Every Evening Two Shows everyevening. Dccrs open at 7:15 zrd 'A5 Admission 10c and 20c. Mziinee Wednesday zr.d Satur day, Admission 5c and 10c Don't Miss This Show I he regon AT YOUR GROCER'S J. A. OLIVER. Gasoline wood saw. 4 A Phone orders to Ulack 1861- 4 Co to the Oteecn Reeling and Ecstding tkuse For Acwy Furnished Rccirs Dining Rccm in Ccr.tedicn Rates Reasonable MRS. G. E. MOORE, Prop. f s o t 4 Merchant Save J StOflOO gn!907 the Merchants o ' Oregon saved ove ' $10,000 bv carrying a part of fheir Insurance in their own company, the Oregon Merchants Mutual Fire As- J surance Assodation, of Dayton, Oregon. In 1908 thpv will save jid.vvv v During the same period fheir neighbors were hand- ing over $1,500,000 In profits to outside companies w HMBSIBSSSBSHHM v In the Oregon Merchants ..... . nnurudi yut yci. INSURANCE AT C0S1 A UMIT TO YOUR LlABli ITICC PROMPTSETTLEMENT OF J Bargains In Real Estate. NO. 1. 157 acres Sandrldge land. imp tmhler: a Rood five room mmmm p house, barna and other out build lngs. 10 acres good orchard ol which 8 is in good bearing; 30 acres In fall wheat, 10 acres in hay, balance all good grain or potato land, all under good fence, one mile from the town of Imbler, 1-2 mile from school. About $1000.00 worth lousehold goods and goes with the f $16,956, Easy Most Beautiful Woman on Vaudlvllle Stage at Scenic This weekt What an Abstract Contuins A complete abstract of title to a given tract of laud contains: A true plat of the land. A concise statement of the "trans' ferB" or changes in ownership of the tract, in logical order from the government down. ; Special Bhowlng as to mortgages, taxes, Hens, charges, or assessments of whatever kind that affect the title. A certificate as to the search. The certificate muBt mean some- LOSSES ,of nearly ne farm imt. place vi ' tarvt. No c VI OUVER. Aaent Treasurer! Call for City TYarv Notice is hereby given thai are now funds on band ' outstanding warranti is; x eral Fund ot U Gra nnd Including. No. 1 April i, 1101. Interest on all warrants oi mine ral Fund from No. T340 to No. 7470, Inclusive, ceases from thla date. EAT W. LOGAN, . . wv: City Treasurer. jllea c cultivat v good barn , " aildlngs. A t .. u'it orchard, 60 arreo -. tnd timothy hay, good wa ,Kht R. F. D. by the door of a mile from school. About .400 worth ot personal proporty goes with the place at the price ot 1 8.400.00. No. 3. 20 acres adjolniag the above tract: snlendld land wall adapted to fruit growing or anything else. a amall house and under fence. Prlrn 81300.00. Vo. 4. 60 acres, 7 miles from La Grande. Good new 5-room house, good barn and other outbuilding Two rood living springs, and a tream ot water for irrigation; all under rood cultivation. R. F. D. by tha door. Telephone line. Price ti.eoo.oi. No. I. 161 t-I acret near the Con- rely ware nonsea. all In fall wheat en! alfalfa hay; good tapme Tuenta. If old at oace cai be pur chased for lUH.M. flHORGE PALMER. Pres. W. L. ERTNHrj TS.A r.eh F.J. HOLMES. Vice-Fres. SHLR CCL.MLLIMS, ?td AfiUCeth F..L.;MEYERS,;C8shIer. LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK OF LA GRANDE, OREGON United States Depository Capital and Surplus $1SO,GCO.CO DIRECTORS George Palmer tJ. C. Penington i'. J. Halmec G. L. Cleaver W.J.Chur.h F.M.Byrhit i? . Meyers W . L. Brenholts W. M Pierce v With our ample resources and facilities we can ren- m mm mm mm - der you txuacni service ana nanaie your business U your entire satisfaction NoT 6.A modern 5-room house and lot 60x120, In a good location and on cash terms for $2200.00. No. 7. Two lota on Fourth street, 4- room house, amall barn, city water and good welt Can be told en the installment plan for $700.00. No. ForTTS-OO, on of the best houses In Old Town; 7-room house, stone foundation. Two lots, a snip if taken at the. No. I. Three room house and one lot oa Jet erson ft - HatM famished, goof well; wood shed on the alley, all for the very low prka af tuk Na 10. A Ave room brick modem house, barn, wood ahed. twn w. 124x124. small orchard, ahmi rOA a vvsvtj ill fenced for isaaaaa Jo. 11 A four room cottage on "O" si, ciose in, two lota, city water, and wood shed. On easy terns at , the remarkably low price of $1409. , I will be pleased to show yoi any : of the above bargains at amy time,' whether m buy or net, Tonrs respectfully. C J. BLACK, the Real Estate Hag.