-tS t v .i d i vqluueix LA GHA1IDE. UNION COUIITY. OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21 1010 nuixehii gt r EVE OF HIGH VATER HERE STOP TRAFFIC TO LET TAFT SLEEP CFFICIAL HAVE LITTLE FEAR FOR SLOW AND STEADY DISAFPAER AKC CF THE SNOW SEND MANY SHOYELERS TO CLEAR JOSEPH BRANCH LINE Suverlntendent Buckley leaves for points west after having given his personal attention to local troubles Elgin train leaTes here at one p. ' m. again Branch train arrives at 1:15 a. n. -' .... ;" Beat's Weather prediction Rain $nd continued wanner. ' SO BUSINESS IN WASHINGTON YARDS FOB AN HOUR. ,V Tardmaster wants President Taft to get his sleep eat Washington, Feb. 24- All traffic was tied up for an hour today at the Union Station because President Taft wanted to sleep. The train bearing the President arrived at 7:30 thi morning form Newark. The yard master gave orders that no whistles be blown, no bells rung, on couplings made until the President's sleep was out The orders were obeyed AS mint s H WISE 1W WEATHER ; day will not do serious damage to ' oru. tracks," said General Superin tendent M. J. Buckley today, before going West after having personally ' conducted the struggle with snow and l enowslideS In Eastern Oregon for aev : j ral days.. "A heavy . downpour" he '. continued, "will start a flood that i will, of course, do much damage and f retard traffic, but so far as we can ; see a slow thaw such as is Indicated , j today will not give us much trouble. . Soft tracks are considerations that ' i will come up later.";,, '.?"" The JoseDli train reached La Grande at 1:45 this morning, showing ) the extreme difficulty which Is en- j countered In going and entering Wal- Iowa county. The Bnowalldes are se ! vere, as they are soaked with water and heavy with moisture. ! The Joseph train was held untlll . noon again today,, the object being to ascertain If the tral nat Joseph. could successfuly come through.' If that train could not make the slides, then It would be useless to send the out going train. ;. Bala and Then Snew. ' A weather condition which will prevent sudden floods, if persistent, Is the fact that following several hours of rain at Kamela last night, came another heavy snowfall. Such atmospheric conditions would tend to retard .ne melting of the mountain snows, a condition much sought after by railroad officials . As many laborers as can be mus tered will be sent ont on the Joseph branch to 'clear the line of snow and unless unforseen difficulties oc- . . . . V .. w - . . ..... - . , - - - maintained again. ' The Elgin ; train left again at "1 o'clock and like yesterday, the in coming train can be expected when It gets here, for the canyon Is still well blockaded with snow. Co-Eds Want Tote STRIKERS ADMIT THAT CA OUT CF KlUl'IA AND CONSTAB ULARY HARD BLOW MOTS IN UNPROTECTED QUARTERS BEGIN AGAIN Possible that every Unloa maa and woman will be called out on a gen eral strike before night Crisis at hand and strike assumes serious as- pect to all concerned In It so far Constabulary feared by Union TEN FEET CF SNOW BLOCKADE MANY TRAINS IN MOUNTAINS ON GREAT NORTHERN LINE WARM WEATHER AND RAINS IS GENERAL RULE ALL OVER 5 Berkely, Calif.,-Feb.'. 24.-UVotes for women, the battlecry of the English suffragettes and their American sis ters, bids fair today to become the slogan of the, co-eds of the University of California. ; The fair; one demand at least two representatives on the executive committee of associated stu dents. They are threatening an ex tensive boycott of the men studentF unless their , demands are granted The demands of the women would necessitate a change In the constitu tion of the organization but the co eds Insist that the change be made Officials opposed the plan and a bltte fight is In prospect Ethel Barrymore III " Philadelphia. Feb. 24 Leaders Oj the'striking platform men of the Rap M Transit onmnanv nrfmtt tnriftV that the arrlvel of tour companies of tht state constabulary and a possible cal ling out of the state militia is a ee vere blow to the cause. Rumors are n circulation today that every Union Tian and woman in the city will be ordered to strike before night. Both ddes admit a grave crisis. Business is seriously affected and some of the schools are closed. The first disturbance today resulted in Injury to several rioters, who Btoned car In, West Philadelphia. Police no dispersing the mob. ;. More cars are running today than since the strike began. The cohstab ilary surrounds the car barns and the disturbed v Kensington district, where 'most of the trouble has oc curred. J'Groom's Blackhorse Cavalry" as the state constabulary is called, Is 'eared and hated by every Union man !n Pennsylvania, These men are ex ert horsemen and dead shots. Cars n sections they patrolled are run ning on schedule time. Walla Walla fears flood SUverthaw threatened at Hood River and The Dalles with no flood danger Eu- gene has rain and danger of flood Many passengers snowbound in the Cascades. Protland, Feb. 24. Reports today from Oregon and Washington Indicate an improvement: tn the weath m ilittons, although; floods are threaten ed in Bonie localities as a result of the warm winds that are melting the mORFORM PIGS AND STEAL THEM ILLINOIS PIG TRIETES RATE A ' CUTE PLAN Have no trouble la getting them with out noise that way. 1 Aurora, 111 , Feb. 24. The trouble about picking up a pig Is his squeal and we figured the best was to do It vas to chloroform him first, said TYank Raymond, who Is under arrest '.oday with Frank Baxter, charged vlth hog stealing. Three others were arrested on the same charge. It is Alleged that the men went about the 'arming country chloroforming hogs and 'threw the unconscious porkers into wagons and hauled them to the market REMONSTRANCE FILED Petitioners as that portion of Fourth Street not be Improved mim DEALS 10 1 PROBED 11 SHIFTER YALLEY AND CaGl LEER COANY WILL EE TAKEN TO TASX FQ ElALS ACQUISITION OF 100,000 ACRES IS TO BE INVESTIGATED Prlmlnent men of Eastern Oregon are behind the Snmptcr Valley road, and connected with Oregon Lnmber company Investigation by Federal Grand Jury on March 1st Sensa Hons promised. . !i. .- . r ,, New York, Feb 24. Ethel Barry more collapsed last night at the Em pire theatre where she Is appearing in "Mid Channel." Her husband Rub sell T. Colt, a millionaire, is now us ing every, effort to induce her to re tire from the stage. - - - SNOW RECORDS OF 23 - YEARS Die THIS MONTH Authentic figures for the loca wea ther bureau, maintained by Observer W. A. Worstell, disclose the fact that the total snowfall for the present year Is five feet 5 1-2 Inches. This total is greater than any since the record was started in 1886.. The 30 Inch snowfall for this month Is by tar greater than any before and from any standpoint the snow rec ords have been broken by wide mar gins. Weather Observer Worstell gives out the following table. . STATEMENT OF SNOW FALL As shown by records of the local weather bureau at La Grande, Oregon, From January 1st, 1901 to February 21st, 1910 (in Inches) Big Deal at Pendleton The council held a meeting last evening to hear complaints, if any, regarding the Improvement of Fourth heavy snows In the mountains! Street by macadamizing and paving Springlike weather Is reported from Walla Walla and the snow Is rapidly disappearing. The rivers are rising and floods are feared. Hood River and The Dalles report heavy rains last night and a silver thaw Is threat ened with no flood dangers. The riv er is expected to reac hthe flood stage in Eugene by morning Wahm winds lrvail there. " , - : Many Trains Snowbound Everett, Wash.,"" Feb. 24. Fifteen feet of snow on the tracks in the Depot Street. There was no protest to Depot, but a strong petition wsb tiled and presented to improving on Fourth Street from O St to C. The petition set forth the fact that this street was graveled at present and was in good condition. The council a 111 consider the remonstrance at the next' regular meeting. Myrtle Creek safe Bobbed Myrtle Creek, Ore., Feb. i4-tThe aaf e : 'fir the general stors of- 4" Ice Brothers hero was dynamited this Cascade mountains have completely morning and $100 in cash and $7000 blocked the Great Northern railroad L in notes taken. There is no clue to and six passenger trains with , be tween five and six hundred passen gers are stalled In the mountains. The Northern Pacific line was cleared at midnight. Today's trains are from five to 10 hours late. The Great Northern has returned all trains east of the moun tains not blockaded, to Spokane and! will route over the Northern PacltL to the coast The Milwaukee & Pugel Sound road Is completely blocked. .he yeggman. Mystery! Mystery 1 Magic! Mugle, Laurant's entertainment next Tues day evening at the Mormon Taber nacle Is one mammoth llluslonistlc banquet, Laurant ' has his own In dividuality' his own way of thinking and his own method of doing things, Portland. Feb 24. -United States' Dirtrlst Attorney McCourt today made a special application calling for for the Federal Grand Jury to in vestigate the acquisition of more than 100,000 acres of Baker county timber lands by the Oregon Lumber Compa ny and Sumpter Valley Railroad com pany. . Judge Bean has granted an order to call the grand Jury to report by March 1st -Xha.. In vesUjK&tlon promise ito rt-' val In Importance and sensational features the famous Oregon Land Fraud cases. More than a score of prominent men In Eabtern Orgeon will figure In the trial. - ment and to create much applause and laughter without coaxing a man1 or boy on the stage principally to make a fool of him. He presents a genial, gentlemanly dignity. All will One of the best things . Laurant does.be pleased to hear him. He comes to Is to present a pleasing entertain-please and he will. ' Year Jan. Feb. Mar. April Nov. Dec. Total 1901 ' 3.50 2.75 ' . 2.00 3.00 0.00 7.23 18.50 1902 8.00 2.00 3J25 0.00 ' 6.25 17.50 37.00 1903 4.50 0.73; .10.00 1.50 4.00 1.25 22.00 1904 17.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 4.50 36.50 1905 2'.00 10.00 6.50 . 0.00 7.00 15.00 40.50 1906 8.50 0.0O 4.00 Q.00 ' 10.00 9.50 27.00 1907 11.50 12.01 .7.0Q 0 00 0.00 ! 13.00 " 43.50 1908 ' 6.00 " ' 12.00 ' 4.00. 0.00 1 2.5t 8.50 "33.00- 1909 ' " 8.50 1.25 2.00 2.23 5.00 10.50 v 29.50 1910 20.00 30.00 ' 50.00 It will . be noted that the present fall of snow. is the heaviest of any month during the entire time, the only month appoaching it being Jan uary of the present year. The next was the month of December. 19)2 (17.5) and January " of 1904 (17) Previous to 1901 the recorda show a fall of 22 Inches In January, 1890, 28 Inches In February and 18.5 inches in December of 1891, 29.0 inches in January, 1904 and 35.25 inches in the month of January, 1898. The latter was the heaviest Bnowfall of , any month since the record was started in December, 1886. - The total Bnow fall for the winter of 1909-10 up' to the present time is 65.5 inches, or 5 feet, 5 1-2 Inches. Coming quickly upon the heeli ol the successful movement to aocure traction facilities for Pendletoa la the announcement of one of the biggest local realty deals consumated In sev eral years. ) Through a trade that has just been consumated, Frank Mart'n. the big Adams, farmer, has purchased control of the Pacific Realty Compa ny, the corporation owning tv.e La Dow block on East Court St, says the East Orgeonlan. Under the terms of the deal Mr. Maitln has purchased T. C. .Taylor's three- fifths Interest In the Realty Co. The purchase price has not been die closed, but It Is stated that Mr Martin traced to Mr Taylor some farming land which the former held in Con: da. Mr. Martin, the nekw owner of the business property, will move to the city to reside. . However, the man agement of the building will rest with E. L. Smith who is a tenant, in the block. Pr!or to the deal Just made tue La Dow Block was owned by Mjf.r.rs. Tt ylor, W. F. Matlock . and " JjseplI Vey, they being the stockholdiis in te Pacific Realty Co. The bu!din coverb the entire Court St. frontage of the block between Thorapsou rmrt Johnson streets. It contains eigh! store rooms, seven of these being oc cupied at this time. The tenants are the Knppers & McCook, 'implement dealers; E. L. Smith, who has two rooms, The Gordon Draper Compa ny, using two rooms;' the Lyman Meat Market and the Pendleton Cash Mar ket The armory of the Secret So ciety. Hall occupies much of the sec ond floor of the block while the re mainder is used for housekeeping pur poses. - , 1 "' ' NEW HOTEL IN HOOD RIVER C. A. Bell plans 3-story structure ad- Joining present hostelry Hood River; Ore., Feb. 23. Plana were approved today by C. A. Bell, proprietor of the Mount Hood Hotel, for a new hotel, entirely separate from his present establishment This will be built of brick and stone, 100 x 100 feet, three stories high, with modern Improvements. The structure will occupy a space on the southeast corner of the block which Mr. Bell owns adjoining the present hotel, and will be run sep arately. 1 Are not all of tu same character and have ditierent causes. No one remedy can therefor be bade that will be certain to cure every case. But ordinary cougLu due to an Ir ritated condition of the membranes u the air paasrges Induced by a re cent cold, are quite sure to be prom ptly and thoicinhly oared by Staying With Ship Cordava, Alaska, Feb. 24. With the wreck likely to break up at any moment and all of the ship except the forward house submerged, Capt, Por ter and six men of the ill-fated YU' catan are sticking to the vessel in an attempt to save it from the ice floe and bergs which are battering it daily. The life boat is kept in read- j iness to make their escape of the Yu catan sinks. Newlin's White Pine Exoectorant RESCUE SNOWBOUND MAN. Party from Pendleton able to bring succor Co snowbound man Advices from Kamela this after noon say that the man snowbound in a cabin on McKay creek, related in an article on another page of this is sue, was rescued by a party from Pendleton this afternoon. We know of jo belter remedy. It el harmless, pleasant and equally good for children or adults. The kind of a remedy to be depended up on as a general family cough cure. Trice 23 cents and 10 cents 80ID BT CS ONLY Afein Df ug Co. ( t V -Jy - 4 Tti. lXj;-g,5S:y.glt".'.1 llW"mHii.it!lii.n m-m. " i 1 y''s ..; 'V '? ' "1"'''"Prf-'V"''!''o1'''-''-'l"' '