La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, February 23, 1910, Image 5

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    . - ........ , ... - - . ..
Ml Doctors Prescrpfois and femfjf ?ecpes
Are Accurately and Carefully Compounded at the
! 4 400 ?
B. M. Sherwood la in the city today
from Hermlston.
Dan Hlnes left for points west of
here this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B ' Bock' of imbler
are visiting with relatives In the city
for a lew dayB. , - ,
Charles Gore, superintendent ol
the light company here. Is in North
Fowder today on business.
Gowin Wilson of Jamestown, North
Dakota, who has been visiting with
relatives in this city for several days,
returned home this morning.
Mrs. J, H. Dupes and little daugh
' ter Sara "Margaret, of Pleasant Val
ley, are visiting with relatives in La
Gruo fur a ww uays.
Rev. Dressier of Haines arrived in
the city this morning and Is the
guest of Rev. F. M. Canfleld ot the
M. E. 'Church South.
Mrs. C. V. Reed arrived In the city
on the late train last evening and
Is visiting with her sister Mrs. S. N.
Bolton of South La Grande.
Dr. C. T. Bacon is in Union today
place who Is suffering from pneumo
nia, ,
Mrs. II. E. Coolidge and son Jack
have returned from Enterprise where
they were visiting ,wlth Mrs. Cool
Idge's sister.
411 o livihuj luuigau una tiui jv v
her home in Kamela after visiting
wnth her sister Miss Gertrude Ble
ver for a few days.
MIbs Elsie Leadsworth of the West
f rn Union Telegraph Company of
Baker City, spent a few days the
first of the week with her parents In
this ctly.
E. E. Me'tzler, a prominent lumber
man of the Powder valley, came down
; from North Powder this morning and
will transact business In La Grande
for a few days:
The Misses Wilkinson of High Val
ley are 1n the city today visiting
their brother Jake Wilkinson, who Is
a patient at the Grande Ronde hos
Mr. and Mrs. J". C. Smith of Enter
, prise came over to attend the Elks
tall and are visiting at the home of
Mrs. Smith's mother. Mrs. M. A. Har
rls. J. T. Jones, J. C. PIxon and son,
Jfesephand Gearhardt Stackland of
$Pft$T9 La Grande visitors today.
They report everybody happy, plenty
, of snow for good sleighing and ex
pecting a big fruit crop next year.
R. A West, the well driller, went
to Athena this morning. He nas a
drill working there,' and he expects
to spend , about one week looking ov
er business matters at that place.
-Attorney J. D. Slater has been try
ing to get to Enterprise for several
days to attend to legal matters but
the poor train service has been hin
dering him. . This morning he plau-
ned to take the morning train and
make a strat at any rate.
Guy E. McCully who recently ao-
cepiea a posiuun witu a oanci w
lumbering company, and who has
been a witness In the government
f , .1. VKaJltH.iiitlAn Turn.
ber company, et. al., at the land of
flee here, left today for Baker City
to take up his work.
Grand Master H. E. Coolidge has re
turned from Wallowa county where
he has been visiting the I. 0. 0. F.
lodges and reports the order growing
and doing efficient work In our sis
ter county. Oddfellowship Is keeping
abreaBt with the general prosperity
In that section of the state.
fight to remain a member oi tue
NorthwesUra League. The league Is j Jjj
to be composed of . Spokane, Seattle, jfcl
Tacoma and Vanvouver
season. -
the coming
Mrs. Geo. L. Cleaver entertained the
Red. White and Blue divisions of the
T. 1 0. Club of the Methodist church
Ata Washington birthday party yes
terday afternoon. The spacious
rooms were .beautifully decorated in
the national colors. Luncheon was
served bearing out the general color
scheme and the amusements partook
of patriotic feature. Notwithstand
ing the inclemency of the weather 63
ladies were present
The W. H. M. S. of the M. E church
will give a ten cent tea Thursday af-
Klings Case Cp
Cincinnattl, Feb. 23 Chairman i
August Herman and other member ,
of the National Baseball Commission
are to begin hearings today into the
case of John Kllng, who . wants to
be reinstated. According to the basf
ball, iaw, Kling can be 'kept but o.'
organized baseball until 1913 If the.' i
unanimous consent of the commis
sion cannot be secured. Kllng's of
fense lies in the fact that he did not
play with the Chicago Cubs last
L. Cleaver, ; Everybody lnviud..
year, after signing a contract and!;
ternoon at; the home of Mrs. George tnen Pyed with an out-law semi- II
nrnroBBinnni , taktti it k - - .
be further barred and should care!
to get back to the civil courts, emi
nent attorneys, both here and In Chi
cago, say he could sue for damages
from the National Commission, and
that he could also bring charges ot
conspiracy. Kllng Is not a contract
Jumper in the opinion of his own
1 : ; "
. Last evening at the home of Roy
Currey the Blue liountaln boys were
entertained and - a most enjoyable
time resulted. -Lrrangeemnts were
made for a Joint literary program to
be given In the sear future with the
boys of the Lambda Phi Alpha Club
- -nr m .
Plans were discussed for the coming 1 employer, .nanes weaa Murpny,
besebUl season. The next meeting Neither is he charged with dishonest
methods. '
It is now said that Ban Johnson
will be held March 4th at the home j
of George Currey, Jr.
The Afternoon Kaffee Klatch will
be entertained Friday afternoon at
the home of Mrs, Jay Van Buren on
Main Ave. '
Mrs. W. R. Jones will entertain the
Ladies Bridge Club at her home on
Adams Ave., tomorrow afternoon.
The Ladles Missionary Coclety will
meet Friday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. H. R. Hanna. This Is the
last meeting for the year and it Is
earnestly hoped that all members will
be present. - ,
is willing to vote for Kling's return
but that the ' catcher must pay a
heavy fine. The penalty, according
to - reportB, will not be less than
1000. Kllng was asked recently . if
he would consent to pay a fine of
$1000. To this he replied that he
did not know what he would do but
he was anxious to play ball and he
would stand for "almost anything in
the wav of punishment provided he
could get back.
Dr. JTmhW.-1!- zz
T" : ' J'.'-..'- :
.t-lv wider field, clearer vlsUn,
greater comfort and Imnrercd
I apptArtirte
K " 1 - I
' DR. X. P. ME5DELS0E7I ?
..... .... .j :!'
Lens V
w Xi if r i
11 " 1 it
r U
Vithoiit lines
Will Build Pipe Line
There will be a regular meeting of
Hope Chapter No. 13 O. E. S., at the
Masonic hall this evening. There Is
to be work and a good attendance Is
Recovering Slowly
Rev. Dressier of Haines is a guest
with , District Superintendent J. D.
Glllilan while he is 1 nthe city to
day. Mr. Glllilan is not recovering
from his recent injuries as rapidly
as he likes, but the broken ribs are
knitting diligently, nevertheless.
Dogs Please Many
Crowded houses are seeing the per
forming dogs at the Scenic theatre
this week The act is a splendid one
and high class. The Christies, come
dians, are also popular attractions
and the crowds go away well pleased.
Aberdeen Loses Out
Seattle, Feb. 23 Judge Gilliam to
day decided against Aberdeen in its mlttee.
Baker City, Feb. 22. The propose!
cost of the new pipe line from Sal
mon Creek to the settling tank, with
the construction of a parallel line
and twin reservoir. Is estimated by
City Engineer Henig at $200,000. Of
this amount the replacing of the Au
born canal flume with a concrete pipe
will cost $109,000, the construction
of the twin line from the settling
tank to Baker City will cost $80,000
and the building of another reservoir
$12,000. ,. , , , ' .
Mr. Henig also read a report of
the measurements of the water own
ed by the city, Bhowlng that there
was a flow of 449,3 miners Inches In
August of 1909, and only 216,19 on
January 31, 1910.
The estimate of the cost of Install
ing a new distributing system In Ba
ker City was placed at $85,000. This
Is for a 16-lnch cast iron main from
the reservlor to Resort Btreet, and
then various other sizes . throughout
the business district. The proposi
tion was referred to the water com-
For Calif ornia where business calls me. If you
wish to have your eyes fitted properly call on
me during the next ten or twelve days - -
etum April h
From March 4 to April 10 my office will be
closed. I have no agents or representatives
Pendleton, Fed. 23. There 1b ex
citement at Echo today over the dig
ging np by a dog of a human foot
under the old "Bucket of Blood sa
loon. " Appearances of the foot In
dicate it has been buried but a few
months. Sheriff Taylor is making an
Investigation. The saloon has a sin
tter reputation a few months ago.
W. T. C ASKELL offers
George Middleton's Dramatization of Meredirh Nicholson's
As produced tor one year at
The audience at the Qarrlck liked the play, and many, many, audi
ences will go wild over it." Amy Lester In Chicago Daily Newi,
PRIECS Orchestra seats, 11X0) Orchestra Circle $1X0 1 Dress Cir
cle 75c Gallery 25 e and 60c
The entire problem lies in these three words:
"Rightly Fitted Lenses"
Your Case Will not Puzzle Doctor Mendelsohn
Permanently Located U05 Adams ave. Oppositelhe P. O.
OFFICE H0URS-9 to 12-1 to 5. By special appoi ntsments In the evenings;
Diamond to Cereals, Perfection of
Cleanliness in convenient Size Pkgs.
White Corn Meal
Coarse Hominy
20 cents
Fancy Heae Rice 35 cents
The Name Guarantees the Quality
Yellow Corn meal
15 cents
Pancake Flour
20 cents
"3 '