DIRECTORY OF THE FRATERNAL ORDERS LA GRANDE, ORE. H. W. A.. La Grande camp No. 7703 meeta fjery Monday each month at L 0 O. P. HalL All visiting neighbors are cordlally invited to attend.. FRED B. CURREY, C CAL J0RD0N, Clerk. '.- Foresters ef America. ; Court Maid Itarioa No. 22 mew each Wednesday night to K. of I halL Brother are invited to attend BKN HAISTEN, C . LEO HERRING, a & c ; I C 3. VANDESPOSL T f , ax. I. Hope Chapter No. 13, 0. S. &, hold stated comtnnnlcatlona the aec oad and fourth; Wednesdays of each month. - Visiting members cor dially Invited. Pauline .Lederlee, W. M. 'r Mary E. Warnlck, Secretary. L 0, 0. P. Encampment . . Star Encampment No. tit L 0. 0. F, meeta every aeoond and ' fourth Wednesday to the month in Odd Fel lows' halL Tialtlag patriarch alvaya welcome. . H. V. COOUDGB, a P. ' W. A. WORSTELL, Scrlh '.. La Grande Lodge Na 169. W. 6. W meeta every aeccnd and toarth Tuesday evening In E. of P. tall In the Corp building 1U visum ; sots walvosBa : - NZRl ACKLE3, OomuI Commander j. H. keenkx, wiera. ' L 0. 0. FBaeerAlaaU. ; T La Grande Lodge No. 1, meets t their hall every 8aturday nignt 711 ting brothere cordially invited to at tend. Cemetery plat nay he aeea at tr " restaurant - ; j GEORGE; JBROUT. N. G I. ft BNOOK, Rec Becy. W. A. WORSTKLL. Ft La Grand Lodge No. 41, A. ' ; A, holds regular meetings first an' third Saturdays at 7;20 p. m. . JNO. 8..H0DG1N, W. M ; a!ght of Pjttia. ' V Red Cross Lodge No. 17, meet ery Monday evening in Caatle na'w (old Elk hall). A Pythian welcoro to all vlBlting knights. . J.F. BAKER. CC, R, L. UNCOLN, K. of R. 8 R.P. O.K. J La Grande Lodge No. 4SS, meet, each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. U Rfllk'a club, corner I Depot btreet uu Washington avenue.' Visiting brothert are cordially Invited to attend. ., H. EL COOLlDGBt Exalted Ruler: : HUGH McCALL, Rec Bec. REBEKARS. . . Cryttal Lodge No. 10 meet every Tuesday evening in the I. O. O. F Hall. ' All visiting members ara to uted to attend. : Mrs. Cora Fltigerald, N. O. . Mies' 8usan McIHroy. 8ecrury A Grand Old Play. That grand old classic, Rip Van Winkle, a heart story of human in terest, a household word In every American home, beloved ' by young and old 'alike will be . prevented at the Steward, Feb. 17.. by' J.' G. and Glenn Harper, with Joseph Detrlck in the title role. The story of the play gives . a vivid portrayal . of a character true to life. Loyal, lov able and true, yet weak. Never has a play gripped the hearts of the play goer as has Rip Van Winkle. It has been before the public many years and has lost none of its entertain ing . qualities, humor, pathos, inter est, all are much, in evidence in its makeup. The story told is compar atively a simple one but the appeal to the heart s direct and true. The characters are distinct; from the Jol ly vagabond. Rip to the colleagues of the 'ficticious Hendrlck Hudson. Jos eph Detrlck who will play the part of Rip Is an actor of much prominence having made a specialty of this char acter and is said to have no superior- la? the role. Much attention has been paid to the costuming and reach character (ls dressed histori cally correct, while the scenic eq-i ulpment ' Is correct In every detail. The seats are now on sale. ; . ! Poultry Sumlies EGGS A-PLENTY If yon give your hens the right ort ol feed. . We have good wheats, oats, alfalfa meaL flax seed mea!, POULTRY TONIC, EGG PRODUCER, OYSTER SUELL,UAAtl.AlJSii nuna GRIT, ETC WatersStanchf ield Produce Co. FLOUR, FEED, WOOD i j 141 o Adams Ave. j PHONES: Black 121 ; , . Independent W Q. E. Tungsten Lamps Make Electric Light Much Cheaper - . They have two and a half time the efficiency of the or dlnary earten lamp hithei to in general nse. The ffla. , ment is made of a rare no tal called Tnngsten, which jtM an latent brHllaney at a low cost la hap and , slse the bulb Is Just like any oDer Incandescent lamp. , Why not fa a Tnngsten lamp for your self I Get one of the 40.watt Mi as It torn whet In your house In place el one of your carboa lamps. Then observe the great ilff- j ereaee. Koto the clear wait light exaetly twle a brfl- 1 llant and eosttnr J one tlKtl ,c" ,or cetrlclty. Gen , eral ledrle Tungsten lamps are destined to displace all then, for aoth store and house lighting; Eastern OregonLight And Power Company Mountain Story, With local Color I There are many incidents in "The Story -of the Backwoods" which one would' not have to go far from La ttrande tp see. tJUil, however, mere is a certain amount of pathos which one would hardly expect, In the 20th century, but can be. found in, almost every day' paper. ' This story, while dealing with, facts, can hardly be expected to fill the places of 'many backwoods ' stories .you ' read in 1 his tory, 'still the local color Is there, and there are many features to this film that will appeal i to one. Ah together this Is one of the many pro grams at the Star .which will please the many patrons of this place. ELLIOT LECTURE SOON Friday evening to hoar another num. 1 ber on lecture course- b- Edward Elliot with Btories - from the stage is the third number of the La Grande Lecture Course. This at traction will occur Friday evening, Feb. 18. The hour of the affair will be 9 p. m. In view of the fact that there will be evangelistic meetings from now until th6 first of April it is thought unwise to set th . hmir 'for the reBt of the attractions at this time. Mr. Elliott will present one of the following plays: "The Servant In the House," "The Man From Home", The Man of the Hour" or "The Lion and the Mouse" Those who hold season tickets are entitle dto a seat at the Mormon Tabernacle that evening. General admission Is 75 cents. ' 'HIS is tLc pi ace wtcre vou can tinA styles ttat are author itative patterns tliat are fSti novel, exclusive and ills- j m tinctive, tailoruijf of sur f assin excellence all from Ed. K Price ' Co. .aaCHAMt TAIIOII CBICAOO NowLere else in ike community -will you see tuch an cleiat assortment of fairies, or sucn complete value for tne money. Let us talce your measure on prove our claims. , Today. m ., Minn -in Hi 1 ZaeliMtv lod rcprwentetiv of Ed. V. Pric W Co. I TTjMButto Novelty Sick, in 1 1 a n a . J ; . tltnUni lower pocket r-, rrc-t pv- ThVmeWFrmiMamand f Truck io flc -:iv i- '; .-,,. .... ... .;:,;-r . '::':.;.. .: ".' Transportation and Market Facilities . Unexcelled. If you want it set to fruit we will do it for you '.!'( d iive it the best of care at actual cost. Terms r ) v -yV wjff Wn the reach of ill. Call 'and let- us explain. - LOGAN-SHERWOOD REALTY CO La Grande National Bank Building satisfied wrrn south Dr. Corpe writs from Santa Barbara ' that he likes It Doctor S. L. Corpe, formerly of Cove and various other places In Eastern Oregon where he enjoyed an excellent practice, writes from Santa Barbara that he Is enjoying the Southern climate and the balmy breezes.- . Dr. Corpe - moved South about three : months ago. ! Some people are making quite a fuss about high price but ' the trusts are still raising prices and are laughing at the silly people. vvvvvvvvv SI Til Pictures that please and dont hurt the eyes. - . Matinee every afternoon at 2:30. 4 Door ow T dock at tight Admission 10c to all PROGRAM TONIGHT, ; Tale of the Backwoods Drama ' -f V Line of White on a Sullen sea Drama A ladle purse Comedy On the Wrong Scent Com- Z, ' dy A Song In Suniiy Italy v , ' vvvOvvvvvO ( t..;" .. v . o o OWVHEE PROJECT NOW ASSURED LAST OBSTACI TO RECLAMA- ' TIOX OF 200,000 ACRES G0E DItcn Company's Rights Joined With Those of Districts, Insuring i Necessary Reservoirs. Ontario, Or., Feb. 13. (Special) With the agreement reached between the Owyhee Ditch Company and the proposed irrigation districts between the Malheur and Owyhee Rivers, an important irrigation project for Mel heur county is launched. The Trow brldge-NIver Company of Chicago. Je gathering workmen and teams to be gin construction as soon as weather will allow. . ; For the past several months the formation of Irrigation districts has been held back by negotiations pend ing with the Owyhee Ditch Compa ny, the oldest and strongest in this vicinity, The final turning over of all the rights and water system to become the property of the proposed districts has made way for success ful culmination of plans for irriga tion here. An agreement also has been reach ed with the Nevada Ditch Company, 'which haB a considerable acreage nnder the proposed new contract. The rights will be turned over to the districts, end Ithus practically every water-user in the vicinity be come a member of the district or ganizations. An Immense reservior will be built on, the Owyhee river 80 mile from It confluence with the Snake. It win hold the flood water of the river, and will be capable of stor ing enough water for 200,000 acres. The largest part of the land to be 'benefitted lies In Malheur county, between the Malheur and Owyhee rivers, but some of It lies In Idaho, and another unit which may be eluded later lies above river on what is known Ox flat , ". ;,. Another project for Malheur coun ty jjow taking definite form is pro posed for the Willow River district. The firm interested In the new plan Is composed of Salt Lake men, prom inent among whom are H. . H. Dor eey and A. J. Evans. They have bought the rights, ditches and reser vior sites from the old Malheur Ir rlgation Company, of Payette, includ ing the. old Stark ditch along the Malheur river and several reser vior sites on the Willow above Valei They are now negotiating with the present water users on the Willow for their right. . The first unit of their proposed project 'will take in 30,0000 along the Willow vicinity, but may later Include some territory above the Malheur.'. pursuance to a reeoultion adopted by Bald Common Council on the 2d day of February, ' 1910, whereby Bald Council determined' and declared its Intention, to Improve all that por tion of Depot Street. In said Improve ment district a hereinafter describ ed,, by laying thereon hard' surface pavement, the Council will, ten days after the service of this notice upon the owners of the property affected and benefited by such improvement, order that said above described im provement, be made; that the boun drles of said district to be so im proved afo a follow; All that par tion of Depot Street, from the east' curb line of Fourth stmt to tz$ east side of Jefferson avenue. No Hum la kanli fur thai- riven that ttlA Council will levy a special asses-v ment on all the property affected, and benefited by wich Improvement, 'or the purpose of paying for such, improvement That the estimated cost of such Improvement is the sum. of $16,724.E8., That the Council will, on the 23d flay o! Fehruar, 1910, meet at tb ComicO chamber at the m. to consider- the Malheur hour Of S o'clock j, W www as the Dead said estimated cost, at? tt lW said oasecoment, w a hearing ..... h. , uuluu VJ WUUJ IItIBUU lOVi- ing aggrieved by such assessment La Grande, Oregon, Feb. 1910. Bj order of the Common Council of the. City of La Grand. D. EL COX. S-11-2L Recorder. Buying a Lawsuit Did you know that placing your re liance up a warranty deed is simply bidding for a lawsuit? In California this fact is so well understood that a warranty deed is looked upon with suspicion. It Is for this reason: If the title is good It passes with the deed, and that it all there Is to It no need of a warranty. If bad, the adding of a warranty does not make It good. A warranty is only a sort of bet a wager that you will have no trou ble; but if you do, and finally lose out, IH pay your money back. ' A better plan Is to require an ab stract Consult , ..,:.. J. R. OLIVER. ITotlce of Street Improvement To whom It may concern: No tice is hereby given that in pursu ance of a resolution adopted by the Common Counci of the City of La Grande, Oregon, on the 5th day of August, 1909, creating Improvement District No. 6, and designating De pot Street, as such district, and in Candies of Quality Our reiru1nr 2-e per pouud lines our 411 h make, aosolold) jiuri-, we ku)w It and a vUtt t ear manufacturing department will OBvinco you. Ol'B TGfEIS are trea.ntr, the fUror ire, Slrawhsrry, ehoeolat . ami v. mt.r0:uy. . U-V;:-. Ta'fnv In lour flavors. m vTRITELE Try this ' E. D. Selder L. Gran de' Exclusive Can dy Manufacturer fcjft' jl -