La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, February 15, 1910, Image 6

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    '-- V
DEEP Ml' .
We Carry a Full Line
Perfered Stock Tea
Shillings Best Tea
Uptons Celon r
White house coffee
Wadhams and Co.
Magnolia Blend
35c "
Give us a Trial Order
Royal Grocery
Rotary out again today to. keep the
tracks cleaned op.
Though' less difficult than' yeirter-cuj-,
trains are moving with consid
erable difficulty over the mountains
t-)1ay. The rotary, already lei and
enowclad from long and hari ser
vice In bucking snow, was sent west
again today. Ten inches of fresh
enow fell on Kamela hill last, night!
In five hours. There is some little
liouble Eastward too, causing sev
eral hours delay to No. seven.
Locally, the weather man has oeen
disagreeable, but nothing like re
ports coming from Montana and the
mlddlewest. 1 1
Minneapolis. Minn., -Feb. IS. A
furious blizzard Is sweeping the north
Mississippi valley and the mountain
states today. Wire communications
from Minnesota and Wisconsin are
crippled. " ( y
The cold throughout both states is
Intense. ' The Dakotas are being
swept by bitter winds. Western
Montana is covered by a heavy snow
falL . ,V ';
The Sum Total of Human
a a
Is attained by the man who selects a place which la approveo toy his
wife an adaptable foi his entire f amUy. to live amidst such condi
tions approximates Vut the keenest Joy Imaginable. "Where are
hcondltions to be found In the rapidly growing Nortbweatt 111
you. Go to C. J. BLACK. He has a Urge amount of property listed to
i mmmmm, araa ma. wm rmm, mmgmx mmmt rrava, vrrj
Propertty, Orala Farms, Hay Farms, Timber Lands Vita or With
out tmorovamamta, Meet fte&L Lst bm
Grossman resident scares land office
" force with big bill ,
One of the unusual forms of mon
ey seen in local money circles made
Its appearance today at the land of
fice when Martin Coll la of Grossman,
Wallowa county presented a $1000
gold certificate in payment of a $16
account. These bills are scarce as
hen's teeth and when the Register
could not make, change Collins pre
sented a $100 gold certificate. The
latter kind are not so rare, but It
is evident that Grossman Is a weal
thy spot on the universe. ,
Tne charm of these garments lie's not alone in their beauty of line and in their
originality of design, it ; lies, as well, in their exclusiveness and iri the quality of
material used in theirjmaking. The extra talue you get in Wooltex cost you no extra
money. If you wear Wooitex'you sure of having the best thatdress canidevise.
' $50,030.00 a year for Style
Wooltex Manufacturers spend annually thU amount simply for style. $50,000.00
to add grace and charm to the garments you wear. r
tt Early
We have just received and are showing a complete line of JNew - Spring Wool tex
suits The only way to get Wooltex is garments is to be prompt as Wo Hex dealers
are finding it almost impossible to supply the increasing demand for Wooltex
V Unexcelled in quality, style and tailoring Were showing several new. designs in
Taffeta silks, Pongee and linens, ;;;
We Want Your Wants
Our Want Ad Column
Youi want is placed before a thousand or moce want-waker
very day Can you afford to spend one cant per word of your
want au where results are the keynotes?
KR SALE. Five room house, lot.
74 x 110, on Cedar St between Main
and Washington. A bargain If taken
at once. R. W. Leighton. Phone Red
61. 1-28-24.
.FOR SALE 2 thoroughbred Short
horn bulls, iwo nd three years
old. G. G. Taal, La Grande, Ore.
FOR SALE Pedigreed female Pitf
bull terrier. A snap at $1.0. Apply i
Pacific Express Office.'
" j FOK&EKT.
OR RENT Five room house on
Adams( Avenue. Enquire of Harris
French,' Fair Store. . 2-10-17.
WANTED To buy 10,000,000 feet of
lumber. Will take mill cut deliver
ed at La Grande 'or other Eastern
Oregon points. W. R. Klvette. Box 20..
WANTED Girl to do general house
work. Good wages. Apply at 902
Penn., between 9 and 12 a. m.
WANTED Competent woman ii-
' sires position, nursing preferred
Call up Obresver for particulars.
WANTED Girl for general housa
work. Easy position. Phone Ind 313
Fon RENT Nicely furnished room WANTKDNurse glrl Apply ,gu
oa Fourth street, cIobs In.
at the Observer office.
Inquire Second street ,
Supreme Court holds that approprla
Uoa Is v.ncoD8tItullonal
;alem, Ore., Feb. 15. The supreme
court of tha state today uphUd the
Union Prayer Meeting
The Union Prayer Meeting tonight
Is at the Baptist church. Next Thurs
day night at the Presbyterian church.
The person getting the wrong ov
ercoat at the banquet last evening
will please return the same to this
office and receive his own coat.
Hill May Speak
. - v
Sioux Falls. S. D., Feb. 15. James
J. Hill the northwestern railway
magnate has been Invited and may
deliver an address during the three
day convention opened here today.
by the South Dakota Retail Hardware
Dealers' Association. Mr. . Hill has
been asked to speak In a prophetic
wajt on the country's prosperity.
Vote on Commission
Sioux City. Ia., Feb. 15. A special
election to decide whether Sioux City
shall have the commission form of
government was held today. Indl
cations are that the plan will carry
Advocates of the commission waged
an earnest campaign, with meetings
In many churches and noonday ga
therings as features.
The great naval war ovel pet
ty quarrel of an, Insignificant people
at a dance goes on, to the disgust of
the sensible' people of thet country.
decision of Judge Galloway of the
clrcuIL court of Marlon county by de
claring the legislative acts passed
at the laBt session ol the legislature
appropriating $100,000 for the con
struction of a road from the Pacific
Ocean to the boundary line of Idaho
was unconstitutional.
There are no b.tter drugs than ours
nor can more careful service or
more reasonable prices be had. New
Hn Drug Co
Women are now up in arms against
the high prices of hats and of hair,
if they could be reached with hat
pins , the truEts would suffer.
A Good Show
ihe Scenic certainly made good
last nignt with their new weekly
change. The Musical Wilson's are
certainly wonders and Manager Gar
dlnler Is not only pleased but also
was the large number present. The
Rom Ig Twins have greatly improved
since they were here last and the en
tire show is ahead of anything pre
sented for weeks. The closing num
ger o fthe Musical Wilson's musical
act Is the talk of the town.
More Petitions Started
Petitions are being circulated for
nominations for Chief of Police by
Chief Rayburn and Night Officer
vvaldon of the present force. The
law requires the signature of ten
voters from each of the four wards
before they can be accepted.
Marriage Licenses. ; '
County Clerk Ed Wright today is
sued the following marriage llcen-
i: Ira Hessel to Irene Preslelgh,
and A. B. Constock to Mamie Barker.
The last two named Individuals were
married by County Judge Henry this
afternoon. - " ' ' :
Says It's AU Right
Mr. J- E. Richardson of La Grande
4ya -Wellington Is all right,-, Soe
copy of his telegram in our display
ad. of today. , , , ;
Mrs. Tandecar
Can be found at the Sommer House
Room 4, with a stock' of nalr goods,
Make up combings and buy them.
Dress and dye hair. Will grow hair
on bald heads. Try one bottle of
the tonic. '2-14-20
intending passengers can be secured If man wishes to be treated with
from this, office upon application. courtesy he should show courtesy to
' ':, - J. H. KEENEY, Agent others. . . v
Our prescription : department has
the approval of your physician an J
should be patronized whenever you
have prescriptions or recipes to be
compounded. Newlin Drug Co.
Notice of Rates.
; The Southern Pacific Co. will sell
round trip excursion tickets" from
Portland. Oregon only, to Los Ange
les. and return as follows'. '
' Date of Sale, March 19th. L The go
ing limit will be six days with final
mum limit of 90 days from the date
of sale. StopoverB .will be. permitted
'on going trip within the going limit
u' the return trip, at any point en
!route within; the final 'limit There
are two kinds of tickets to be sold.
One ticket Is a straight fare ticket
the other is a ticket that include
transportation on the railroad. Pull
- Notice to Creditors
ceased. Notice is hereby given that
the undersigned has been appointed
by the County Court of Union county,
Oregon, sitting in probate, adminis
tratrix of the estate of Calvin R
Thornton, deceased; and all persons
Estate of Calvin : R. ..Thornton, De
having claims againBt the said estate
are hereby notified to present them,
duly certified, to the undersigned at
her residence in La Grande, Oregon,
or at the law office of Jno. S. Hod
gin, in Bald city, within six, months
from the date of the first publication
of, this notice? ; - .' j ' '
First Publication, January 25, 1910.
3 cups Granulated sugar
i cup water
1 cup of Corn Syrup J
Put in kettle and boil
School District Bond Election Notice
Notice is hereby Liven, that at a
meeting of School District No. 1, of
Union Co nty. Oregon; to be held at
the high school building in said dis
trict, On the, 26th. day of February,
A. D... 910,j,jthere will be submitted
to the legal voters of said district
the Question of contracting" a bonded
debt of Seventy-five Thousand Dol
lars for the purpose of building a
school building and for repair of
until it threads then pour
12 into whites of 2 eaas
that have been beaten stif.
Cook the other 1-2 untill
it hardens in water, Beat
school bulldlnes and for the nurshase
ma ssleeper, on going trip,- aeilY Inj of .land for school purposes, the vote
dining-car on the going trip. Hotel to be by ballot upon which shall be
acommodatlon, special j;idrlves, elec
tric car rides and other special fea
tures.'' . ' !'" v ' '
On the , straight fare ticket the
fare wlll .be $40.50. On vthe special
feature ticket the fare will be $80.40.
The tickets under the $40.60 rate
will have to be validated for .return
passage at. Los Angeles. The other
tickets do not require validation. '
Please understand that these tick
ets are sold from' Portland only, and
passengers desiring to take this trip
from this territory will be required
to furnish their tickets to Portland
and return.- ' ' V ' '
Any further Information desired by
the words 'Bonds-Yes' and the words
"Bonds-No'- '.
Polls to be open at 1 o'clock p. m.,
and remain open until 4 o'clock p.
m: - '.' "::;v::."'
By order of the .Board of Directors
of School District No. .1, of Union
County, OregonV -'"'. -
Dated this 6th day of Februar A.
D., 1910. . " " -;
Chairman of the School District
Board of . Schaal District No. L. of
Union County, State of Oregon: ';
art: a wtluams ;
Clerk of School District Na L of
Union County. Sta.te of Oregon.
together untm it begins to
set then add 1 cup chopped
walnuts and pour on but
tered platler until cool
enough to cur into blocks.
i .... : . ..::?;;.':.'
1 nt nt m
U'"-lulu ir.ii,.. i ,f;r.i0A