Ell EE ft AID I M i i ford a Fore; I" ' ' &-'ij t HIOM PBICIO aUALITY VVV $1,075.00 F. 0. B., La Grande iVilfi -Top, Cass - Front, Speedometer, Five tamp. Gas Generator, Horn - and Magneto ; , SPECIFICATIONS OF THE MODEL T, TOED Designed and built by the man who built the first4, gasoline automobile in America. " ; MOTOR 4 Cylinder cast en-bloc33-4 X 4, develop- mg l-a norse power. 1 , -TRANSMISSION Ford special design interlock-A rfhg spur gears and running in a bath of oil . . .. ;, ".CLUTCH Multiple disk, running in oil FINAL DRIVE Carden shaft inclosed in dust . tight casing patented in all countries v . , j?. , REAR, AXLE Ford special design steel forging, with Timkin .roller bearing throughout. ; :i- MAGNETO of special ueaigir and not only f urn- jshes enough electricity to run the.car but has sur- j ,plus enough to light the car with electricity. ... ; WHEEL BASE 10O inches WEIGHT 1200 pounds ' Many people ask what it cost to run an automo-; f bile. We reproduce herewith a letter from Mr. .W.' B. i Bach, which shows his total expense for a run of ; 8500, miles, Mr. Bach has kept an acurate account of j; every item of expense and the figures in his letter ' are all taken from his books. The item for which he ! mentions tires are for extra inner tubes, as the tires ' on Mr. Bach's machine, as well as, all tires on" all Fords sold during the season 1909, are the tires that ' 1 were on the car at the" time it left the factory: 1 , ' Imbler, Oregon, Jan. 1, 1910 j Mr. L. C. Smith, : La Grande, Oregon, I Dear Sir: . , s I purchased a Ford machine from you on June 12th, 1909, fully equipped at the cost of $1130. Since then have run 8500 miles' in all kinds' of weather and .over almost impassable roads at a total expense as given below: , r ' ! General repairs on engine or any part of , MAGHINE NONE Gas., .. .. .. .. ... ...... . . .$110.00 Lubricating oil . . .... . . . . . . .... . . . .. . 1"; 65.00 Extra tires, spark plugs etc.,. .............. .35.00 Tire repair . . . . . 20.00 Total .,; .$230.00 This an average of 2 7-10 cents per nnle My tires1 are still in good condition and should stand from 3000 to 5000 miles more usage. . Have never had occasion to'have any part of the machine apart and has always given the best of satisfaction under the most trying conditions. ' " Yours Very Truly, W. B. BACH. mith's Garag 1312-14 Jefferson Avenue La Grande, Cregon .. THAT IS WELL MAINTAINED OCR Ol'TICAL WORK IS A RATIO When you come to us to have your eyes fitted we ascertain the exact con dition of yeur eyes fitting yo care fully with the lens that relieve your eyes corapletely-i-not by making the eye accommodate Itself , to the lens, but by having the lens fit the eye perfectly.' " Our experience and genuine skill assure you of EXACT werk always sad without exorbitant charges. AT ALICEL 'I ' Alicel, Feb. IS (Special) The Li dies Aid Society, of Allcel, Oregon, will' give a dinner at the school house on Washington's birthday, Feb. 22. 1910. , The proceeds will be used to light the new church." Everyone Is cordially Invited to come and spend the day and have an old-fashioned visit with friends and neighbors. ' r f The school house Is nicely arrang ed for such an affair, and one room maj be used as a reception room, where committees will meet every one at the door and see that they are welcomed and made to feel ai home. The Conrad , girls with gui tar and '. mandolin and Jet Gasklll and Jim German with' violins, .will play our national airs and other old time favorites which nerer grow old during the day. Afternoon a liter ary and musical program will be ren dered, In which Aunt Susan Jones will tell what she thinks of the new church organ that the Ladles Aid has bought" agin ' her voice and vote, Also a debate by the high school pupils on the subject: "Re solved who did the' most for their country, Washington; 1 dr Lincoln" and a k program by .the primary tde partment, consisting tf songs, drills and recitations. '-'i. ' " i ne following will be served at dinner: , Cold boiled ham, roast chi cken and dressing, pickles and sal ads, mashed potatoes, Boston baked beans and brown bread. Peach and Strawberry Jello pudding with whipped cream, cake and coffee. , . Dinner will be served from 12 m, until 2 p. ' m. Price for adults 25c and for children under 12 years of age, 15c. r , MEETS WITH ACCIDENT .'1 ' Another serious fall dne to slippery walks, recorded Jasfr night i . . . v Another victim for the sllpptry sidewalks was added to the already large list of serious injuries from that source when late yesterday afr tenoon, District Superintendent J. D, Glllllan fell, striking on a sharp cor ner of the porch, breaking two ribs and injuring his shoulder more or less severely: He had called at the home of a neighbor and on leaving 'again, slipped pn the stoop with great force., His injuries were dres sed by Dr. Molitor who affirms that perhapB two weeks will be necessary to heal the hurt sufficiently to per mit the doctor to leave his home again. The shoulder was quite bad ly' wrenched by the fall.' What Was Found In a Ladies' Parse Two pickpockets steal a ladies pruse and after ' a very exciting chase In which the pickpockets are almost caught they get' away and go through their' steal which lloks like enough of the real goods to last them the rest of their days. What they find, however, Is quite another matter and will be sure "to cause a laugtj wherever shown. On the wrong scent ts another good comedy and the patrons of the Star will get tehlr fill of comedy in this program, and then there is one of those "BI ogtaphs" which everyone knows. The lovers of pictures 'are sure of a treat hi the program for Tuesdcy, Wednesday and Thursday. Rip nn Interesting Character A prominent authority on literary works said of Washington Irving: "He was a charming author, a mas ter of pure style, beautiful senti ment and pleasing humor. He was particularly happy In portraying the quaint character and customs of the old Dutch setters of our country. .Otoe of Irvlngs' best known and most dollghtful productions is "Rip Van Winkle" ' The easy going and inof fensive character of Rip Is delight fully pictured." J. O. and Glenn Harper present Joseph Detrlck and a strong cast in Rip Van Winkle at the Steward Feb. 17. Terfces Appraisal Chicago, Feb. 15. Robert S. lies, appariser of the estate of Charles T. Terkes, is expected to file his final report' today,' the date set by the court. A 1 continuance 1 waa granted last ' December to permit-attorneys for Mra'Terkei'to aumblt evidence ' Every thoughtful housewife realizes the im-.-; portance of getting started early on Spring cewihg; There must be the planning for vhsj r b needed, the selection of goods and patterns We have alreaby received several large ship ments of these goods arid are now fidly pre pared to fill your every want in that line. All thd hex things in sillcssuitingf vaistlng white goods, ginghjam; percales aiid prints ; ; T Y LES Old and Young' Bby to Grandma No magazine is nibre read than the Ladies Home Jour; rio other weilds more in the field of fashion. The Lad ies Home Journal pat terns set the pace V We Are IE; OPERA HOUSE BLOCK I 'style bitT, Mv v I Price 20 Cents Including' 1 5 -cent. Pattern Atxalutely Fees Exclusive Agents ES- STdDOSE' LA GRANDE, OREGON PEdDDDQi that the original report was correct. '.. According t to Mrs. Yerkes' attor neys, the pictures in the Fifth Ave nue house , are valued by the apprais er at $2,500,00 more than they are worth. The. report, prepared after three year's work shows , that under the inheritence tax , laws of Illinois $255,043 is due the state. It fixes the vaunation of the personal prop erty In the Fifth Avenue house, New York, at $4,095,268, which counsel for some of the benlflclarles assert is not correct The total value of the estate is placed at $11,467,370. Deductions allowed from the total valuation bring the clear market v$tl ue of the estate according to the appraiser to $6,893,945. 'I : vs. rr :' UKY t Bajrhg a Lawsuit Did you know that placing your re liance up a warranty deed Is simply bidding for a lawsuit! - ! In California this fact is so well understood that a warranty deed Is looked upon with suspicion. " 1 la lit. - iv jo iui luih reasuu; i If the title' is good it passes with the deed, and that It all there is' to It no need of a' warranty. If bad, the adding of a wanauiy does not make It good. A warranty is only a sort of bet a wager that you will have no trou ble; but if you do, and finally lose out, 111 pay your money back. A better plan Is to require an ab stract Consult ' J. It. OLIVER. L DRESS MAKING PARLOR 108 ELM STREET j"; Having opened Parlors at the above address I am prepared" to do nythlng In the dressmak ing line. rialn' Sewing also solicited. j ' Xext door to Ada Eonsh phot . ftgraphr Kliss Emilf Wilsbi CHMNWOOD I ani prepared to furnish Dry Chain Wood, al so partly seasoned. wood, to all comers. Kind ly phone your order to PHONE RED 37m HEW AMYTHEST COLLAR PIUS HATPINS AND SAVALIERS, E. M. BELLMAN & CO ADAMS AVENbc it, Alfalfa a Truck Land 10 Acre Tracts4W0. per Acre Transportation and Market Facilities Unexcelled. r . If you want it set to fruit we will do It for you and qive it the best of care at actual cost. Terms within the reach of all. Call and let us explain. Malhuer Red Apple Co. Office with LOGANiSHERWOODREALTY- ' a1 Grind d llatihriaWank Buildii tie Ho 'a- "VI mm t BSV 1 . I - ... . . : ; . .. ; ." . ; ;. : : " ;. , v inumil'imm" ' " . . - - - -