1 ' T1 rIL M ?-R,r iJ Bled, 25c; lib., II. M. 13. , Her Majesty's Blend. $1.00; l4 lb". Tamous 5 o'clock Tea, 20c; 1-2 lb. Famous 5 o'clck Tea 04c .1 lb- ft amoos 5 o'clock Tea 7oc; 1-2 lb Capitao Household Tea, 25c ;1 lb. Capital Household Tea 50 cents,,; : ; o cick ea. uc. rHi iouiy Orf05.o(OCtK5 -i'fione 0acf 01 P 4St 1 i 1 L4 GRAHOi EVENING OBSERVFR Published Daily Exeept Sunday. , . , 01ft IL CUBBEIV, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR.; Catted rress Telegraph gervlee. s SUBSCRIPTION RATES; OaiU. single copy ' f ally, per month 65c aily, tlx months la advance ...$3.E0 felly, one year in advance .....$6.50 Weekly, tlx months In advance . . 75o Weekly, one year In advance ....$1.00 Entered at the postofQce at La Grande as second-class matter. This , paper win. not publish any article appearing over a nom de elume. Signed articles will; be s re fined subject to tU aMscretloa at tin editor. Pleas sign your articles and save disappointment ! . l?erwng Bates. 'Local reading 'notices lOeoerllne , trtt Insertion i '' ber line for each inbseauent tasertlbn. ' v X i aMmoiwiion ot; condolence, o " Vtwi The good roads ' m6vemt'Df rs rt In hntri hla '' iinhtr' thai .f V r . , to the remarks of Walter pioic v -w night that the' people ' should assist In holding up the hands Of the Coun ty Court in their campaign for beti ter permanent ' roads plainly desig nated the drift of public sentiment Borne conception of the lumber In dustry may be' gleaned from the ad dress made last evening at the ban-j (juet, wherein W. Y. Stoddard stated ( tnnt iooo men were employed the ear around, to whom were paid j$60, 000 per month and that the present jjiupply was Bufllcient to keep te 'v gomg for the : next thirty or Jorty jears. ; .V;, : i 1 f 4 t "Pendleton and Baker City schools each had appropriate . Lincoln Day exercises, it was Impossible for La Grande to . observe this great day because we have no assembly rcom in which general exercises could be .held. - ' ' - - V- . "What do you think of AJTllliam Mil ler's "$100,000 Fund?" That could to raised in this vicinity and If rata ed would attract more projects than the . most optomistlc would predict find out of the inany we would land some that would add to our payrolls This is the age of irrlgatkn.: Near ly every speaker last evening looked forward to the time when irrigation : ditches would be covering the Grnnde Roude raDpy and then we will see the large holdings fall into the band) "The Wilsons" Popular Entertaine :' ' ' g. . . ' ...''. ,ft .-J a " ": . . -u , . . .i, i,. . i : " ' I";! . !.). ' s . . Vi .....3 of the many. , All Union county clasped hauiu; arouna tne oanquet tables last even ing, which action speaks for a great er . Union county. In unity there Is strength. , . , ! 4 'I . ; We noticed several robins In our yard todajj and we wonder whether birds are not. like people and, get a jlttle off once in a while ' j ' SHINING PARLOR? For : Ladles and Gentlemen OTliT HELOR Df THE CITT COURTEOUS 7 TBEATKENT iiiMD FIEST CLASS SERVTrK li Ik TEJf CENTS Rer to the Light Office f hi'. Open Until 11 O l erchariisl Save t stow In 1907 the Merchants u Oreaon saved ove 510,000 'ty carrying a part ot weir insurance In their own company, the Oregon Merchants Mutual Fire As- f Dayton, Oregon. In 1908 . mev mu save 215.000, in Durina 1 the same oeriod f their neighbors were hand- $ m Ina over ' $1,500,000 in profits to outside companies In the Oregon Merchants I Mutual vnt' ni' INSURANCE AT COS! A LIMIT TO YOUR UABIL- I ITFC. - Ppniu'PTCFTTffllfFWT nc LOSSES v 4 " IV. OLIVER. Aaent rs at the Scenic Tlayhouse. STEWARD OPERA HOUSE H. .H. STEWARD, MANAGER. One tlight Only i Thursday, February . 0. Harper and Glenn Harper Present , t Jviseph Deirick In Washington Irvtng's Masterpiece - ; Rip fij' The Beautiful American Drama of the Catskilts, , Staged under the personal direction of Detrick PRICES: Orchestra 75c, Orchestra and Dress Circle 50c, Gallery 25c and S0c THE GEORpE PALMER RETAIL DEPARTMENT VVe Solicit Your Orders if or SHINGLES RUBBEROID ROOFING DEADENiNG FELT ' 3UILDING PAPER Wo ar troMM frmt. u ... Treasurer's Call for City Warraut j. Notice Is hereby given that there are now funds on hand to pay , all outstanding warrants issued on Gen eral Fund of La Grande City, np to and including. No. . 7470, endorsed April S, 1908.' .... , Interest on all warrants on Gene ral Fund from No. 7340 to No. 7470, Inclusive, ceases from this date. RAT W. LOGAN, Citr Treasurer. Picture ShdMf for Sale. A paying proposition. Only show in the city of Elgin. Good patron age and a good outfit. Address, Slough Investment Co., Elgin. 1-7-13. r BCS8rtS DACJC (ASM. j Bcm - t terries. Day n , Night. Hacks larnishea tor funerals and private parties. Baggage transferred Day and Stand at Paul's Cigar store. 'Phone Red 141. .. . Night Thone Malm 1 , v K. Li BTJ88ET. 0. R. A N. TIMETABLE West Beaid. No. f-kfaiL ar. 10:60 p. m. No. 8 Xc. its. ar 10:05 p m Ne, 7- CM. tpl ar. 9:25 a m ?, it Beani No. 10 Man. ar. 5:30 a. to. No. f, :-cU pa-, ar t:S5 a. m No. 8. ChL spL ar t:30 p. a. t ' H.T.M1T0TT. ; Mank Sidewalks Built and a Repaired. , Exca sting and V Filling. Phone Black 1563. e 3E Iff i ' t, : B3 aUrer aMaartel onsaBt, Hals . 4e J. A. OLITEB. Gasoline wood saw. Phone orders to Black 186L G $ Bargains In Bral Estate. NO. 1. 157 acres Sandrldge land, near Imbler; a good five room house, barna and other out build ings. 10 acres good orchard of which 8 is in good bearing; 30 acres in fall wheat, 10 acres in hay, balance all good grain or potato land, all under good fence, one mile from the. town of Imbler, 1-2 mile from school. About 11000.00 worth ,of nearly new household goods and farm implements goes with the place at the price af $16,956. Easy terns. No. 2. 80 acres, 7 mflea from La Grande, all under cultivation, good 6-room house, good barn and all kinds of outballdlngB. About two ' acres family orchard, 60 acres in alfalfa and timothy hay, good wa ter right R. F D. by the door. 1-2 of a mile from school. About $400 1 worth of personal - property goes with the place at the price of 16,400,00. ' No. 3. 20 acres adjoining the above tract ; splendid land weH adapted to fruit growing or anything else. A small . house and under fence. Price $1300.00. No. 4. 0 acres, ,7 miles from La Grande. Good new 5-room house, good bar and other eutbuildlngs. Two good living springs, and a stream of water for irrigation; all trader good cultivation. IL F. D. by the door. Telephone Use. Prico . $6,000.00. No. I. 152 1-2 acres near the Con rely ware houses, all la fall wheat anl alfalfa hay; good lxspreve ments. If sold at once can be pur chased for $14 JH N. A a III r l . , r Week Beginning .5,1 Uneq ual!edVaudeville--Al- vays THE BOIHQ TWINS Something Qirls with sflvery voices. MUSICAL WILSONS ''Ye. Colonial TW DolamUlv . Ill I ll'rafc Jf : - ...'....Wlljff D.,. .'.xf.r. ":-. !.- .. ' r uuks 9? times each IVeefr dit'JUmlssion 5c and 10c 8 Go to the Oregon Roeming land IBoarding House For Newly Furnished Rooms Dining Room in Conhedion Rates' Reasonable MRS.G.EqORE,Pnp 1 wswaatMMKaMMw.-. r sTl UCUKQEI PALMER. Pre.r. LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK OF LA GRANDE, OREGON ! United States Depository Capita! and Surplus $180,000 00 DIRECTORS ! George Palmer c C pAMMA F. J. Holmes q V e" "8on W. J. Church F M'k l?. F. X. Meyers W ' EfPW- W.M Pierce' L-BrCnh0,s ..'.' - . ' With our ample resources and facilities we canren der you effickat service and handle your business I your entire satisfaction no. .a moaern 6-room house and W CA190 In . j ww wvm., m m ftWM IWBUUJI Bull a eash terms for $2200.60. Na 7. Two lots on Fourth street, 4 room house, small bark, city water and good well. ' Can be sold en the installment plan for $700.00. No. For 1775.00. one of the "best houses in Old Town; 7-room house, stone foundation. Two lots, a snap If takes at oace. No, I. Three room house and one lot ea Jefferson at Hovse famished. tooi well; wood shed oa the alley, February 14 ;" . 'ii. w db all for the very low ... : . W P"Ce Of No. 10.-A five room hrtt uSu-I two lots, "4x124. small orchard, shade treea! ill fenced for . $2000.00.. I -la 11.A four room cottage on "O" tnd wood ahed.;.On easy terns at -Ifll;bepieasedtoihowoWIy of the above bargains at aiy time, whether jroa boy or aoi' . Toari respectfally. r 4 C J. BLACK, the Seal Estate If ai: 1 L. WW,-:'. . .v.' i i --It'"-'- "wuirianfrr'i 1 1 ,m . .1'